The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 12

by Wendie Nordgren

  Quaid led us out the back door and into the next building. The shaded walkways that extended out from the roofs had allowed us to leave our protective eyewear in Neema’s bag. This house had the same layout. To Nico and Yukihyo, Quaid said, “Please use this house as your own. There are rooms for Hiroshi and Simon. If we need more space, Quincy had an empty house.”

  Each of the rooms was the size of my room at Simon’s house. “Thank you, Quaid. This is very nice,” I said.

  Quaid bent down near the back left corner of the sitting area. “I forgot to mention this to the others. Each house has an emergency exit ramp built underneath it.” He lifted the panel and showed us how to lower the ramp. It would be an easy jump down for anyone, but not for children or expectant mothers.

  “Mommy,” Neema said as she looked into my eyes. I kissed her all over her soft little face until she giggled.

  “Teagan, will you come with me?” Quaid asked as he held out his hand. I took it and went into the last house with him. The left side contained his bedroom and bathroom. The right side held a small living room and kitchen.

  “This is nice. You have all of this space to yourself? It must be relaxing.” He held his hands out for Neema.

  “It was. After I met you, it became lonely. Now, you are here where I have dreamed for you to be.”

  “Oh, Quaid.” I smiled at him. Neema sent me her desire to be fed. I sat in one of Quaid’s chairs and held my hands out for her. Yukihyo knocked on the open doorframe. I looked up at him from Neema’s tiny fingers as they opened and closed at my breast.

  “Please, come in. My home is your home, and my life is your life, brother.” They communicated silently.

  I returned my attention to my sweet baby girl. Jade disks gazed up at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Quaid and Yukihyo bow to each other. Then, Quaid showed Yukihyo around his house. I spotted a beverage dispenser on the counter. The kitchen curved around the back right corner and had a circular island with four tall round chairs in front of it. I began to wonder how a sleeping arrangement would work with three husbands. I couldn’t stop laughing when the image of Commander Bosh and General Cassian spooning popped into my head. I threw my head back and laughed so hard that I cried. Neema stopped nursing to laugh with me. I managed to stop and wiped at my eyes. Nico poked his head in the door.

  “Please, come in. You must have felt our wife’s amusement,” Quaid said.

  “Yes, I don’t remember her ever having laughed so hard.”

  I chuckled to myself some more. Maybe I should have a talk with Quintin, find out how he managed his wives, and get some advice. Quaid started shaking his head.

  “She was imagining our sleeping arrangements,” Quaid told them.

  “Why was that funny?” Nico asked.

  “She imagined us all sleeping together.”

  “What’s so funny about that?” Nico walked toward the bedroom door and looked inside. “There’s room,” he said as he sat on the couch.

  “Surely, you don’t suggest we sleep together.”

  “Spouses sleep together on Parvac. However, there are some women who marry, but refuse to see their husbands except on contracted visits. I am thankful to have a true marriage.”

  “Do your moms sleep with your dad?” I asked Quaid. “What do Quintin, Tilda, Margrete, and Edwina do? Your brother and I have something in common.”

  Quaid said, “My mothers have their own rooms in a house they share. Each of my brother’s wives have their own house to share with their children. My sisters share a house similar to my other houses.”

  I burped Neema. Yukihyo took her from me and placed her in the crib that was in Quaid’s bedroom. He had intended for us to stay with him. I knew Yukihyo and Nico weren’t letting me out of their sight since they had already let me spend an entire week with Quaid.

  “Teagan has been with the two of you on Tora for four days. You could be polite and let her stretch out with me for a night. Think of her back.”

  I laughed. Then, I wondered if he would rub my back the way he had rubbed my feet.

  “I’ll give you some privacy, but at night Teagan sleeps in my arms. It is where she feels safest. Her head goes here.” Yukihyo patted the left side of his chest.

  “He speaks the truth,” I said.

  “Don’t expect me to abandon my woman and children,” Nico said.

  Quaid began cursing in another language. Yukihyo grinned at him. Consul Bosh knocked on the doorframe. Phillip was with him.

  “Phillip and I are going to tour our nanite facility. Would anyone like to come along?” Consul Bosh said.

  Yukihyo grinned at Quaid, kissed me, and said, “I’ll go along.”

  Nico said, “Thank you, Consul Bosh, but I prefer to stay.”

  Consul Bosh looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Neema just went down for her nap, and I plan to join her.”

  Phillip rubbed his hands together in excitement. They left. I went to Quaid’s room, slipped off my shoes, placed my necklace on a table, and crawled between the sheets. Quaid followed, and I heard Nico leave.

  “How did you manage to get me alone?” I asked surprised Nico had gone.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  I felt Quaid’s strong hands move up my legs as he removed my dress. He joined me under the cool sheets. His hand moved up my side to cup my breast. He touched with his tongue where his hand had been sending shivers of pleasure through me. Spreading my legs apart, I wrapped them around his hips, but he resisted. Instead, he kissed my neck and pulled pleasure through me with each gentle touch of his lips. I was afraid to send pleasure through him in return because I didn’t want it to end. I felt him as he slowly entered me. Not only did he send waves of pleasure through me with each thrust, but also through each place where his body came into contact with mine. Quaid had been holding back during our time together on the Hadrian. Clearly, I had much to learn. I was out of my mind writhing in ecstasy. Quaid whispered softly to me in his native language and held my hands above my head. His movements increased until he shuddered. He held me against his side. Pleasure continued to roll through me. Softly, Quaid began to sing to me. I didn’t understand a word of it, but his tenderness made me cry. He sang to me as he kissed my tears away.

  When I awoke, Quaid smiled down at me. I lifted my hand and rested my palm against the side of his face. His eyes showed white once again. “I have longed to watch you wake here in my bed at home.”

  Quaid made love to me again until I was completely senseless and boneless. I gathered up my passion and desire and rolled it through him. Then, I gathered the love his tenderness had created in my heart and spiraled it into him. While he tried to get his breathing under control, I curled against his side and pressed my face against his neck. I spread my fingers out and moved them through his chest hair. “We should shower.”

  Sitting up, I noticed the same giddy expression on his face that he had worn after our first union. I kissed his bottom lip and went to his use bathroom. After I had washed my hair, he joined me. “You seem different.”

  “Here at home, I don’t have to attempt to control my thoughts and feelings when I am with you as I do on the Hadrian.”

  Neema woke as I dressed. I wore one of the cool sundresses that I had purchased for myself on Thalassa. After I had changed and fed her, I brushed and braided my damp hair. As the day had gone on, Epopeus had grown warmer. Even so, I carried Neema into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I had taken a few sips when I discovered the spy. I placed my cup on the table in front of the couch and carefully sat with Neema on the floor. I pulled a blanket from a chair and spread it out with one hand before putting her down. Neema giggled, played with her feet, and rolled over. I clapped.

  “Good girl!” I saw black eyes and blonde hair peeking out at us that quickly disappeared. “Hello? Is someone there?” Eri came into view. “Hello, Eri. Would you like to sit with Neema and me?”

  She walked in, sat on the blanket, and began making cu
te little faces at Neema. In return, Neema cooed and laughed at her.

  “Your baby is pretty. Some babies look weird. I like her eyes.”

  “Thank you. I think she is pretty, too. She looks like Yukihyo.”

  Eri said, “He’s your first husband. Daddy says Quaid is eaten up with jealousy over you. Daddy laughs because they thought he was going to be married to the Militia. He fell in love with a real princess, though. Can I be a princess, too?”

  “Well, I think you would be an excellent princess. We can call my Papa and ask.”

  Eri’s eyes grew wide and black. “Oh, please! Can we?”

  I found my vid-screen and called Papa. I laughed when he answered. “There are my darling girls. What’s this? Have you made a new friend?”

  “Yes, Papa. This is my new sister, Eri Bosh.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Eri.”

  “Hello. Are you a king? Are you King Parvac?” I held my lips between my teeth. Papa kept a straight face even though he could see me trying not to laugh.

  “I am greater than a mere king. I am Emperor Tavere Probus ruler of the Parvac Empire.”

  Eri’s eyes grew even bigger. “Ooh!”

  “Papa, can you make Eri a princess like Neema and me?”

  “Of course, I can. I can do anything. However, there are rules,” Papa said gravely.

  “I can follow rules,” Eri assured him.

  Papa nodded and had a stern expression. “First, you must wear diamonds and princess white to formal events.” Eri held up her bracelet. “Second, you must always do as your father tells you.” Eri nodded. “Third, you must always do what you believe is fair and just.”

  “I can do those things. I promise.”

  Papa said, “Well then, I shall speak to Consul Bosh and ask his permission to make you a princess, because we always ask father before making any decisions. Okay?” Eri gave him an exuberant nod. “Are you being well-treated, my darling?”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  “Very well. I shall speak to you tomorrow.”

  Eri clapped her hands together. “Your daddy is nice.”

  “Thank you. Yours is too.” We heard footsteps.

  “There you are. I have been looking for you,” Elspeth said.

  “Mommy! Teagan’s daddy is going to ask Daddy if I can be a real princess! The rules aren’t even hard. Princesses have to be fair and do what’s right, mind their daddy, and wear diamonds and white to parties.”

  I smiled up at Elspeth. “Sometimes minding your daddy is hard,” I warned.

  “When?” Eri asked.

  I frowned. “My cousin gave me a fighter ship, but Papa says it’s too dangerous. Quaid said he would let me fly her after the baby is born.”

  “You can fly?”

  “Yes, I’ve only gotten to fly once though.” Nico and Quaid joined us.

  “Will you let me fly when Teagan gets to?”

  Quaid exchanged a look with Nico. Nico had the look he got on his face when he had outmaneuvered someone. Quaid said, “That’s a long time off.”

  I narrowed my eyes at his evasion. Nico seemed smug. I sipped my coffee. “Mrs. Bosh, thank you for the beautiful coat. Your embroidery is amazing.”

  “You are very welcome. Please, call me Elspeth. You are family now. Eri, come get cleaned up for dinner.”

  Eri made a sad face. “Do I have to? I want to stay with Teagan and Neema.”

  I blushed with happiness. “We will have lots of time together while I am here. Promise,” I said. Eri took Elspeth’s hand and followed her out.

  “She has taken to you. She usually hides from new people. She is so shy that she seldom speaks,” Quaid said.

  “Really? She even talked to Papa.”

  “Eri spoke to Emperor Probus?”

  “Yes, we had to call him, so he can make her a princess just like us.”

  Yukihyo and Phillip returned in excellent moods. Phillip scanned me. “Doing good, Cupcake. I’ll check on you tomorrow. I’ve got ladies to see.” He winked at me and left.

  During dinner, Quaid received several smirks from Quintin. Consul Bosh and Elspeth seemed amused by his eyes. Quaid ignored them and kept filling my plate. “I can’t eat another bite.” He grinned at me.

  “May I interest you in a walk along the beach?” he asked me, Yukihyo, and Nico.

  “Can I come, too?” Eri asked.

  “I’ll go if Eri can go,” I said.

  Eri looked at Consul Bosh. “Daddy, may I please go with them?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “You may.” She smiled and jumped up.

  Quaid helped me to my feet. Eri went to Yukihyo and Nico, took their hands, and said, “I’ll show you the path, so you don’t get lost.” They grinned at her.

  “You know what will happen when this baby sees water. Maybe we should change.”

  Eri said, “Don’t leave without me! I’ll meet you at Quaid’s house.” She ran off.

  “Eri has never taken to anyone before,” Consul Bosh said.

  “Papa may call you,” I said with a wink.

  “Thank you for dinner. It was excellent,” Nico said with a bow to Elspeth and Julia.

  Kaoti trailed us. I changed into shorts and a shirt, dressed Neema in a swimsuit, and grabbed two towels. Everyone was ready when I went into the living room. I was relieved to find Kaoti and Nico wearing swim shorts. Epopeus had turned her face from her suns while leaving us enough light to see, so we left our protective glasses behind. Eri led us out of the back of Quaid’s main room, down steps off of the veranda, and along a path leading through the jungle. After almost half a mile, the jungle opened up to a pristine private beach and vast ocean. Neema screeched and bounced in my arms.

  “Daddy!” Laughing, Yukihyo took her. I stepped carefully across the hot sand and felt relief when the warm water lapped over my feet, and the wet sand soothed my soles.

  “Nice, Quaid. Your home is more like a vacation spot,” I said.

  “I’m glad you like it. My home is your home whenever and for however long you want it.”

  Kaoti stood in the water with Yukihyo, Neema, and Eri. Nico said, “Come, wife. We know how the water relieves your back.”

  Eri was attempting to teach Neema how to make big splashes. I paid close attention. Eri splashed Quaid. “Quintin says you’re love drunk. Is that true? He says you’ll have to guard Teagan so no one steals her. Daddy says you have displayed a refined taste in your selection of a wife, and she was worth all of the aggravation and negotiating it took to get her for you.”

  Yukihyo laughed. Quaid picked Eri up and tossed her. I walked out waist deep to float.

  That night I put Neema down to sleep and got under the covers of Quaid’s bed. I was too tired to listen to their continued argument about our sleeping arrangements. When my bladder woke me up in the middle of the night, I was on Yukihyo’s chest with Quaid at my back. Nico softly snored on the other side of Yukihyo. I crawled off the bottom of the bed and snuck into the bathroom. Yukihyo watched me as I got back into bed. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.

  I woke early. I wiped at my mouth and Yukihyo’s chest. The suns of Epopeus had not yet risen. I thought of the first eighteen years of my life and even the year on my own in Union Port City. I had woken up afraid every day. I never knew what would anger Nathan Green only that it would happen without warning. Then, when I was on my own, I was always afraid he would find me. Yukihyo slept. I could feel his solid warmth and strength under my cheek. He was strong and always protected me. We would remain together all of our lives. I knew it. Nico slept at the edge. He and Yukihyo were evenly matched in a fight. Nico’s strength paired with his mind made him formidable. Papa had called him a military genius. Quaid would continue to rise through the ranks of the Galaxic Militia. He was intelligent, brave, and loyal. He could dispel my fears with a thought. He would protect me with the same determination as Yukihyo and Nico. The days of constant fear and pain had truly ended. I never had to be afraid to sleep again. Two
fierce Laconians and a Parvac general watched over me.

  “What’s wrong?” Nico sat up and wiped at a tear with his thumb. His question woke Yukihyo and Quaid. I wiped my eyes on Yukihyo’s shirt.

  “Nothing, I just woke up and realized how safe I am. With the three of you, I don’t have to be afraid.” Yukihyo kissed my hair.

  “Chirp chitter.”

  “Clack chirp.”

  “Yes, the five of you.”

  Quaid groaned. “See, I told you,” Yukihyo said to him.

  “What?” I asked.

  “That a platonic sleeping arrangement would be beneficial to you emotionally.” Yukihyo shifted me over to Quaid and scooted off the end of the bed. He checked on Neema and then went to his room to shower.

  “He doesn’t cuddle you in the mornings?” Quaid asked.

  “Not when I drool on him.”


  Nico’s hands went to my stomach. “How is my son this morning?”

  “Niklos is very content.”

  “Would you enjoy visiting a museum and the Ocean View Tunnel today?” Quaid asked.

  “The Ocean View Tunnel! I want to go! Can I please?” Eri asked through the window behind the bed from her hiding spot on the veranda.

  “You’ll have to ask Dad.” We heard her footsteps running away.

  Nico got up, went to the kitchen, and returned with a cup of coffee. He waited for me to sit up before handing it to me. “Thank you.”

  Running footsteps returned. Through the window, we heard, “Daddy said I can go.”

  “Good. We will meet you for breakfast after we are dressed,” Quaid responded. Eri ran off.

  I wore a light blue silk dress with spaghetti straps, sandals, and my pink and blue diamond necklace that Yukihyo had given me when he discovered I carried Neema. Lorca put my hair up in a bun for me after shaking his head at my own failed attempts. Pierce had dressed Neema in a pink baby doll top and matching bloomers. He had our protective eyewear ready. Lorca was staying with Thunderdrop and Cass who were enjoying the surrounding jungle and the cool places under the Bosh houses.

  “You look beautiful today, Teagan,” Julia said as she kissed each of my cheeks.


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