The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 17

by Wendie Nordgren

  We stayed inside behind the counter until Quaid’s team had secured their prisoners. Teams from Kane’s ship swarmed. A Militia transport backed up to the store’s entrance. Nico carried me into it and placed me on a medical bed. Yukihyo followed with Neema. I fell into an exhausted sleep. I woke up at the land port. Each ship there had gaping tears in their hulls even Tora. The Militia transport drove us into Kane’s docking bay. I was conveyed to the medical bay on the hover bed. Yukihyo carried Neema. Doctors began fussing over Neema and me. They decided to place me on every monitor they had. Then, they agreed that other than sleep deprivation, sore muscles, and the need of a few hearty meals, Niklos and I were fine. I began pulling crumbled nutrition bars out of my bra. Kaoti raised an eyebrow at me.

  “How is Phillip?”

  “He is expected to make a full recovery. He is still weak. He lost a lot of blood,” Yukihyo said.

  “What about Hiroshi and Simon?”

  “They will be here soon.”

  “Is everyone okay? You were poisoned.” My heart began to pound.

  “Princess, I do not wish to end this reunion, but if your agitation continues, I must,” a doctor said.

  I turned to him. “You won’t do any such thing. Back off. You try to send my family anywhere and you’ll need to doctor yourself.”

  “Princess!” The doctor had a thoroughly shocked expression.

  “I’m not playing with you. I’ve shot at least three men in the past couple of days.” I smiled at him.

  “Tiny cousin, please don’t shoot our physician. I’ll simply order him not to send your visitors away,” Kane said.

  “Yukihyo, answer my question.”

  “We are fine now. The effects of the poison were uncomfortable.” He wouldn’t explain any further.

  I heard frantic chittering from the floor that became louder the closer he got to me. Then, I saw spider claws, legs, and eyes as Thunderdrop crawled up the bed and over my blanket. He curled up under my chin. I stroked his back. “Oh, baby. I’m so glad to see you. I missed you so much. I was afraid I’d never see you again.”

  I saw Simon first and then Hiroshi. They looked terrible. I had never seen either of them with such exhaustion on their faces. They hugged me too.

  The now cranky doctor insisted I stay in the medical bay overnight for observation. Yukihyo and Nico said they were staying with me. “Yukihyo, you and Nico should take Neema to our quarters. I’ve been holding her for over a day. Let her crawl around. You can bring her to me when she’s hungry. I’m sure she would like a bath and to see Pierce and Lorca. I promise to be nice to the doctors.”

  They kissed me and took her to our apartments on Kane’s ship. Kaoti refused to leave. Kane, Hiroshi, and Simon hovered over me. I told them about the wall in Arlo Dano’s room, the hybrid mercenaries, and everything else I could remember. Then, the angry doctor vehemently insisted to Captain Valen that I rest. They left, but Kaoti stood at attention at the foot of my bed, and Thunderdrop draped himself over Niklos. I made Kaoti sit in a chair beside me. After a trip to the bathroom, a shower, and a clean gown. I convinced the doctor to bring me a couple of steaks and a banana milkshake. I shared bites of steak with Thunderdrop. Then, I went to sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  After a week in the Imperial quarters, three calls a day from Papa, and daily calls from the Valens, Alarics, Montgomerys, Abbie, and Mrs. Tereas, I started to feel like the walls were closing in on me. Our ships were still under repair. Arlo’s thermo-resonator missiles had done considerable damage. A warship from Ephors was bringing the materials Kane’s crew needed to mend the hull. We weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Captain Espanoza had found Arlo’s moon base. She had called me personally and told me that Arlo Dano had been found with his throat slit. I told her how he had slapped Knife before ordering him to steal my memories. We agreed that when Knife had regained consciousness, he must have lost his temper.

  Captain Espanoza had teams of investigators taking the base apart. They worked to decipher Arlo’s codes and discover from whom he had purchased the missiles. She told me she was certain Arlo had lied about how many hybrid mercenaries he had hired. Genetic evidence in their barracks put their number closer to seventeen. Three had died during Neema’s and my abduction. Two had died during my rescue. Three were in custody.

  Eric had confiscated the bracelet that Arlo had given me and the ship I had stolen. His investigators where tracing where the bracelet had been purchased for clues about the missile sales. The ship’s flight records were being scrutinized.

  Consul Cleto Dano had thought his brother to be rather peculiar but hadn’t realized how troubled he had been. Consul Bosh ordered the Dano family physician to share Arlo’s medical records. I was not informed of the contents.

  Reluctantly, Yukihyo and Nico allowed me to visit Phillip on the Hadrian. During the short ride there, I noticed scorch marks on the ground. The starships were a mess. Yukihyo carried Neema. Pierce had dressed her in a frilly pink dress and placed a soft headband with a pink bow in her hair. She had a brand new sparkly rattle and gleefully hit her daddy with it. I wore soft stretchy pants, a top to match, had put on exercise shoes, and a long sweater. Lorca had curled my hair. I carried a bag of goodies for Phillip that Gary had helped me buy.

  When we entered the medical bay, I noticed Phillip in the enclosed room where Gary had recovered after the incident on Amphictyon. As I got closer, I could clearly see the pissed-off look on Phillip’s face. I had never seen him that mad. He was arguing with someone in the room. That made me furious. I stormed into his room.

  “What is going on in here? How dare you come in here and upset Phillip after what he has been through. Get out now!”

  A man with white hair and a flustered expression looked at me with his mouth open. He looked vaguely familiar. I stepped in between him and Phillip, scowled up at him, and pointed at the door where Yukihyo shook his head at me.

  “Cupcake, relax. I’m fine. I promise.”

  “I remember you. You were on Arachne. Dr. Victor, right? You were very nice to me. Why are you upsetting Phillip?” I continued to scowl at him.

  Dr. Victor sighed and sat in a chair in the corner.

  “Cupcake, meet Dr. Victor Svenson, my father. We always argue.”

  I felt all of the blood drain from my face. My eyes grew large. Then, I felt my cheeks turning red. Scrunching up my forehead, I said, “I’m terribly sorry. Excuse me, please. Phillip looked so angry. I’ve never seen him really mad before except when I went to the bakery too many times. He never told me you were his father. Had I known, I probably wouldn’t have fussed at you.”

  “It’s alright. I’m glad to know he has someone willing to stand up for him. My son is so stubborn that he refuses to see reason, and then we argue,” Dr. Victor said.

  “About what is he refusing to see reason?”

  “I think he should enter into private practice, find a nice woman to marry, and settle down. He’s making his mother a nervous wreck.”

  “I thought Phillip had just entered into private practice. Papa hired Phillip to be my family physician. Phillip has his own infirmary on Ephors and is involved in medical research in coordination with the Hadrian’s Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Fotri of the Parvac Empire.”

  Phillip started laughing.

  “Perhaps you and Mrs. Svenson might pay us a visit on Ephors. It’s a lovely planet.”

  Phillip stopped laughing.

  “Thank you. That is a wonderful idea. Phillip’s mother will be thrilled.” I smiled sweetly at him. Dr. Victor checked Phillip’s leg and monitors and winked at me before he left.

  “Oh, Cupcake. Why’d you go and do that?”

  “Oh, Phillip. Why didn’t you tell me Dr. Victor is your dad? How are you feeling?” I looked under his chin at his throat. Thunderdrop hopped onto his chest and nuzzled his chin. His throat looked fine. I couldn’t see where the knife had been. I lifted his blanket. His leg had a bandage on it.

, now, Cupcake. Give a man some privacy.”

  “Really, Phillip? I can’t look at your leg? After what we went through with Neema, I don’t see how that’s fair.”

  “Yukihyo, help.”

  “My wife has already shot three men in the past few weeks. I do not wish to be the next man to anger her.”

  “I shot the hybrid mercenary who hurt you twice. I’m not sure what Yukihyo did to him.”

  “Thanks, Cupcake. That sure was thoughtful of you.”

  I kissed Phillip on the forehead. “I love you. I’m sorry I yelled at your dad. Gary and I got you some presents so you won’t be bored.” I gave him the vid-screen I had in the bag. Phillip looked at his vid-screen on his side table. “Gary loaded every dirty movie he could find on this one.”

  “Then, why didn’t he give it to me?”

  “Because I loaded special get well greetings onto it from Silvie, Annette, Kahra, and Flora. I was told they were private.” I gave Phillip my sweet smile.

  “Well, that’s mighty thoughtful of you, Cupcake.” Phillip gave me a genuine smile. I sat in the chair Dr. Victor had vacated. Phillip smiled at me and looked at the vid-screen. I could tell he wanted to turn it on. Yukihyo walked into the room. Neema held her arms out to Phillip. “My goodness! Look at you. You sure did get all prettied up today.” She smiled and shook her rattle. I got up and went to the nurse. I returned with a cup of water and a straw. I put it to Phillip’s lips. He drank, but stared at me. Once he finished, I took it back to the nurse.

  “How much longer do you have to stay here? Can’t I take care of you on Kane’s ship? Let me see under the bandage.” I lifted the blanket.

  “Victor insists I stay here until tomorrow. Then, I will let you take care of me, if you will allow Yukihyo to assist Hiroshi.”

  “Sure. Call me when you’re ready for us to come and get you. We miss you terribly.”

  “Teagan, do you mind if I speak privately with Philip?” Yukihyo asked.

  “No.” I held my hands out for Neema. “We will go check in with Quaid on the command deck.”

  He had just returned after following an investigative lead. Quaid and I hadn’t spent five minutes alone together since the abduction. Eric was on the bridge. He gave me a hug and kissed Neema’s forehead. I went to the officers’ quarters and signaled my desire for admittance into Quaid’s quarters. When he answered the door, I almost didn’t recognize him. His eyes were solid black, dark circles were under his eyes, and he was in need of a shave. Neema smiled and held her hands out to Quaid. He took her and closed his eyes once she was in his arms. I walked inside and finished unpacking for Quaid. He put Neema in her bed. Thunderdrop jumped down to play with his toys. I hugged Quaid for several moments. Quaid had gone up on Tora with Hiroshi during the attack. Quaid had fired on and destroyed a missile that would have destroyed Tora. Hiroshi, Simon, Thunderdrop, and Cass had been on board with him. He banished my thoughts before I could cry. Quaid kissed me until my chin felt scraped from his whiskers.

  “When I thought I would never see you again, I realized on Epopeus you told me you loved me, and I didn’t say it back. I was afraid that would be the last conversation you would remember having with me. I’ve regretted that bitterly. I do love you, Quaid.” He stopped my next words with another kiss. Then, he picked me up and carried me over to his bed without my shoes or pants.

  After I had myself back in order, I sent Quaid to shower and shave. I straightened his bed and insisted he get some sleep. Kaoti stood at attention outside. As Neema and I approached the bridge, I heard Yukihyo and Eric talking. They stopped when they sensed me. It was obvious they were having a disagreement. I looked from my husband to my cousin.


  “It is nothing, lady wife.”

  Eric’s eyes flashed with anger. I decided to trust Yukihyo and not push them to find out. If Yukihyo didn’t think I could handle it, I probably couldn’t. Unfortunately, I knew I wouldn’t stop worrying about whatever it was until I knew. Yukihyo held his hands out for Neema. I followed him into the lift. Thunderdrop chirped at Kaoti. Kaoti ignored him and got a chitter instead.

  “Thunderdrop, remember? Kaoti explained to us that when we are off the ship, he is on duty and won’t be concentrating on anything other than security.”

  “Chitter chirp chitter.”

  “Yes, we are on a ship. I think he meant off whichever ship on which we are residing at the time.”

  “Chitter chirp.”

  Thunderdrop sent me an image of being able to make a web and watch over me at the same time. I held my lips between my teeth. Thunderdrop thought Kaoti was being stupid.

  Yukihyo didn’t chuckle. Thunderdrop blinked at him from his perch on top of Niklos. When we exited the lift, I noticed we were being followed by six of Eric’s Laconian crewmen.

  “Yukihyo, what’s going on?”

  “Quaid wants you to have additional security. We have all agreed it is a good idea.”

  I thought about what Captain Espanoza had told me. “Arlo is dead. Why would the hybrids still be after me? Revenge? Credits?”

  Yukihyo didn’t answer. Instead, everything seemed to come to a complete stop. The next thing I knew, I was seated at a small round café table a few feet away from a coffee vendor in a large market building. It was crowded. People talked and walked from one shop or food seller to the next. I felt Thunderdrop’s claws as he held onto the back of my neck from underneath my hair. A cappuccino was on the table in front of me. Knife sat across from me.

  “My name isn’t Knife. It is Jazon. Your daughter is with your mate. We did not harm any of your loved ones. As a show of good faith, we have allowed your bonded companion to remain with you. We just want to talk.”

  “Have you heard of vid-screens, asshole?”

  Pitch black eyes stared across the table into mine. I remembered the wicked knife he had held to Phillip’s throat, the bloody mess he had made of Phillip’s leg, and the unconscious forms of Yukihyo, Nico, and Kaoti as Knife had forced my compliance the last time we had been in a market together. I seethed with rage. I remembered that I had almost become Arlo’s living doll. I wasn’t a freaking doll. I was the Parvac Princess, and Eric had confiscated the blaster I had taken from Knife. Damn it.

  “We want to make a deal. You are a merchant, are you not?”

  “Sort of. Are you interested in a pretty silk dress? You might not be as ugly in light blue.” I smiled at Knife and took a sip of coffee. I thought it might be fun to hurl the cup at his nose. “How are those wounds doing from where I shot you with your own blaster?”

  “They are still healing.”

  “I’m sorry.” I gave him a sad pout. “I put your blaster on the highest possible setting. I didn’t mean for you to wake up in any pain.” My rage intensified. Knife had tried to take my memories of my real Papa. Instead, I had given the asshole memories of my imposter father. “Are you enjoying my nightmares? Do you wake up screaming?”

  “We have had added the terrified memories of a helpless little girl to our own.”


  “My brothers and I share bonds similar to those you share with Yukihyo and Quaid. What one of us experiences, we all experience.”

  Great, every one of the assholes knew about my past. “I thought you and a few of your friends had been placed under arrest by the good guys. The last I saw of you, after I shot you a third time with your own blaster, Yukihyo was kicking your sorry ass. None of you stand a chance against Yukihyo, Nico, and Kaoti in a fair fight.”

  “We don’t fight fair. No confinement facility can hold us.”

  I took another sip of my beverage. “So, what do you want? Do you want to give me a list of where the thermo-resonator missiles were purchased, so the Galaxic Militia will back off?”

  Knife slid a vid-screen across the table to me. “We have purchased every missile available, disabled them, and stockpiled them at a distant location. Everything the Militia needs to know is here.”

Fine. I’ll give it to Captain Alaric. However, I don’t speak for him.” With my left hand, I pulled to me across the table’s surface the small vid-screen. I noticed my wrist devoid of the bracelet Phillip had given me. I felt my nose tingle, and my eyes warming. I forced it away. I refused to cry in front of Knife. I didn’t want him to know how deeply that had hurt me. I felt Thunderdrop’s claws moving in my hair. I was surprised he was being so still and quiet and wasn’t already wrapping Knife in silk.

  “I am keeping him calm. I don’t want to be forced to do anything that might hurt him or cause you further pain. We don’t want or need anything from Captain Alaric or the Galaxic Militia.”

  “Get out of my mind, Knife.”

  “We can’t.”

  “Sure, you can. You just got out of a maximum security Galaxic Militia confinement facility. You can get out of anything! Yes, you can! Be a good boy.” I smirked at him.

  “When we kidnapped you, there were those of us who needed to calm your fears and sooth your thoughts. On the ship your grief and terror almost destroyed your mind. We took over. You had stopped eating. You carry a child.”

  “I vaguely recall that, but I don’t need you anymore. I’m back with Yukihyo, Nico, Quaid, and Phillip where I belong. You can leave me alone.”

  “No, we can’t. Arlo Dano died because he would have remained a threat to you as long as he lived. It had nothing to do with his treatment of me. We are aware that you do not need us. We need you.”

  With my sweetest smile on my face, I said, “Why the hell is that, Knife?” I noticed that I was wearing a hooded cloak in a deep brown shade similar to poop. I took a deep disappointed breath and looked up at Knife’s solid black eyes.

  Knife’s brow furrowed. “Your mate suffered without bonds. His female family members were taken from him. We saw this in your mind. He learned to manage, to survive. We have bonded together. We are brothers, but we had never experienced the true cohesion and stability a mother, sister, or mate could provide, until you.”


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