The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 19

by Wendie Nordgren

  Chapter Eleven

  Neema and I had had Phillip with us for a few days before the Parvac warships from Ephors arrived on Leucon. Uncle Kagan had decided to send two ships to assist in repairs under the guidelines established under the mutual assistance agreement of the Peace Treaty. Twenty soldiers had been assigned to assist Captain Hiroshi Lee. With more than enough help and a surplus of materials, Hiroshi, Simon, and Yukihyo were able to get some rest. Phillip had become increasingly restless. His colleagues had tried to keep him occupied with research, but he had had enough.

  “Look. Let’s get out of here. We aren’t expected to spend the remainder of our lives in seclusion, are we?” he asked.

  Nico and Yukihyo exchanged glances.

  “Phillip is correct. Our cargo is undamaged. We came here intent on establishing trade. We each have growing families to support and hiding with our tails between our legs is cowardly. Furthermore, attempting to hide seems pointless under the circumstances,” Hiroshi said.

  “I agree.” They all whipped their heads in my direction. “I refuse to live in fear. I’ve been working really hard to take control of my life, and I’m not letting Knife, Puppy Petter, and the rest take that from me. Ethan gave me a job to do for our family, and I intend to do it. Also, I’m supposed to be representing the Parvac Empire for my father during this disastrous diplomatic tour. I have no intentions of allowing the former Arlo Dano and his hybrid mercenaries to make me look like frightened little mouse.” By the time my tirade ended, I had a furrowed brow, a scowl, and my arms crossed over Niklos. “Pierce, please dress Neema warmly and get her bag ready.”

  “Yes, Princess.”

  I went to my room, put on a dark green dress, the boots Yukihyo had made me, and pulled the matching coat from my closet. I returned to the living room. “Well, I’m going to the market where our most recent disaster occurred. I intend to walk around the entire market, have something to eat, and as soon as I’m sure that I’m not afraid to be there, I’ll be ready to leave. Does anyone want to go with me?”

  Hiroshi drove us back to the covered parking garage attached to the market. However, this time Kaoti had ordered his Laconian team to take up specific locations around me. They had gone invisible and wore helmets with communication devices and neuro-dampeners.

  When we entered the market, fabulous mouthwatering smells filled the air. My stomach growled. I went toward a vendor who sold skewers of meat. Nico bought each of us one. It was tender, hot, and juicy.

  “Yum. What’s this?”

  Yukihyo said, “It is a type of mountain goat.” My eyes began to swell. I thought about the jumping mountain goats Papa had pointed out to us as we had floated on the lake on my pleasure barge. I liked the goats. “Lady wife, these are fierce mean scary goats, not cute ones.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Quaid raised an eyebrow at Yukihyo who shrugged at him. Hiroshi bought us each a bowl of hot meat and potato soup. Simon bought us fig and cheese pastries. Nico bought me two more of those.

  Smiling as he kissed my forehead, Simon said, “I have things to ready for tomorrow. If you don’t mind, I’ll return to Tora.”

  “See you later,” I said.

  We had large cups of spiced hot chocolate. Then, we continued to look at all of the different foods after we were full. Yukihyo was complimented repeatedly on his beautiful daughter, as though I had nothing to do with it. He winked at me. I sighed with relief when the men started talking about business strategies. I let my eyes roam. Nico bought me a bowl of warm spiced pears. I managed a few bites.

  “Mommy,” Neema said in her sweet little voice. Yukihyo gave her to me, and I kissed her cute little nose.

  “Let’s return to Tora and get a good night’s sleep. I think it will do us even more good to be together,” Hiroshi said.

  I stood from my seat at our table with Neema in my arms and began the long walk back toward the entrance we had used.

  “Yukihyo Lee, I wondered when I would see you again.” A tall woman with long dove grey hair, white eyes, and a figure that would make Silvie jealous sauntered up to Yukihyo. I recognized her at once. Her head moved slightly as she roamed his body with her eyes. Her clothing was so tight as to leave nothing to the imagination. I liked her even less than when we had first met. She pursed her lips together in a seductive pout.

  “Isidora, what has it been two years or so?” Yukihyo asked.

  “Unlike you, I haven’t been keeping track. Have you traveled all this way to beg me to marry you again?”

  My dislike of her went up to searing rage. Isidora looked at me up and down and smirked. Where was my blaster when I needed it?

  “Forgive me. I do not remember begging you for anything or that you had much interest in speaking to me.”

  Isidora gave Yukihyo a seductive grin. “Are you going to introduce me to your little friend?” Isidora asked in reference to me.

  “No, your behavior has not improved since last we met.”

  Kaoti moved in front of Neema and me. Quaid and Nico were to either side of me. Isidora winked at Yukihyo. Licked her lips, and swung her hips as she walked away. I couldn’t see a line for her undies under her tight pants. She must be bad not to wear any. Hiroshi walked quickly to the transport.

  Once we were safely inside, Yukihyo rushed to say, “Lady wife, I beg your forgiveness.”

  “Wait,” I interrupted. “Soon after we met, you told me there had only been one other woman with whom you could form a bond. Was that her?” Yukihyo’s eyes were a mess of upset colors.


  “Yes,” he answered.

  “I’m glad for you that you found me. I might cause you all kinds of problems, but she was awful. No wonder you preferred to suffer alone. I met her at the other market where Knife took me for our little meeting. Isidora and I had words.”

  “You are not angry with me.” I couldn’t tell if he asked a question or made a statement.

  “No, husband. I would only beg you that if you ever decide to marry a second wife that it wouldn’t be her. You argued on the behalves of both Nico and Quaid. I should get a say if you decide to go the Bosh way of three wives and twenty houses.”

  Yukihyo let out an explosive breath of air. “I want no one but you for all of my life. You know that. I would rather be alone than with that woman. She’s worse after you get to know her.”

  Quaid was laughing softly.

  “Daddy mommy gapa!”

  “Good girl! You are so smart!”

  “Thank you for being so understanding. I felt your rage and feared it was directed at me.”

  “No! Never! I’ll admit. I’d have shot her if I’d had my blaster. How much do you think the fine would be?”

  Quaid laughed until he realized that I was serious. “It would not be a good influence on my sisters if you were to stun a sexual rival with your blaster.”


  “A princess must be fair and just.”

  “You’re right. I should send her a gift and make friends. Do we have underwear and clothes that would actually fit the slut in our cargo bay?” I smiled sweetly at Quaid. “Better?” I asked. I looked at Nico and Kaoti. They were both furious. “What? It was just one bad word. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have given her the power over me to inspire any feelings.”

  Nico’s jaw clenched. His dark brown eyes met mine. “I’m not angry with you, darling. I can find no fault with your behavior. However, if Isidora were a man, I would have killed her where she stood for her disrespect.”

  “Now, Nico. There’s no reason to make a mess. She’s just jealous. I’m surrounded by gorgeous, strong, intelligent men and have a beautiful daughter. She has to flaunt her body to make up for her personality. I couldn’t imagine it when you told me, but she’s one of those bossy promiscuous ones, right?”

  Nico’s jaw relaxed, and his eyes softened. “Yes.”

  “She is paying attention to Yukihyo now because he has money and connections,” Quaid said.
  “Like those women on Epopeus?” I asked.

  “And Arachne,” Quaid said.

  “Shame on them. They should get their own jobs and make their own money like I did.” Yukihyo grinned at me. The transport began to fill with an unpleasant odor, and Neema’s face held a look of concentration. “Pierce is on Kane’s ship, right?”

  “Correct,” Kaoti answered.

  Once we were at home on Tora, I put my beautiful coat away before bracing myself to change Neema. After I had tackled it, I gave her a bath in her tiny tub for good measure. When she was clean, dry, in a new diaper, and a soft gown, everyone wanted her. I let them play with her while I emptied her tub and tidied up. I decided on a shower, too. Yukihyo joined me. He scrubbed my back for me.

  “You have made me want to marry you a second time. I love you and our child with every piece of my soul.”

  “We feel the same about you, and you should know it. However, you do tend to get confused by my feelings. At first, you didn’t understand my desire. Now, you mistake my jealous rage at another woman for anger at you.”

  “I hope there is never another occasion where I will learn to distinguish your feelings of jealousy.”

  “Oh, there will be. Have you looked in the mirror? You are a beautiful man. Then, there are all of these muscles.” I felt the strong muscles of his arms and trailed kisses from his lips down to another muscle eager to demonstrate its strength. I sent pleasure through him with each pull of my mouth until he yelled his release. With his hands braced against the shower wall, he struggled to control his breathing. Water dripped into both of our faces. Yukihyo helped me back up to my feet.

  “Let me give you the pleasure you have given me.” I sighed. “What is it, lady wife?” Smirking at me, he said, “You would rather have a back rub. Wouldn’t you?”

  I nodded. We dried off.

  The next morning, Yukihyo, Hiroshi, and Phillip left before breakfast. Nico stretched out beside me. He pulled my gown from me and caressed my stomach. He placed delicate kisses all over my rounded abdomen. Nico made love to me slowly.

  I dressed in soft pants and a shirt. I wore the boots Yukihyo had made me and the coat to match. I had dressed Neema in snuggly warm clothes. “Do you want Lorca and Pierce to come over and keep you both company while we are gone?”

  “Chirp chitter.”

  “You’re good either way?” Nico decided to call them, and Simon met the men in the transport bay and showed them to my quarters. “Thank you for coming over to watch Thunderdrop and Cass. I’m not sure how long we will be gone.”

  “We are at your service, Princess,” Lorca said.

  “There’s plenty of food in the kitchen if you get hungry,” I said.

  Sherman had made hunting apparel out of the protective silk. Simon had clothing and samples of our fabric ready in my transport. Simon helped me put Neema’s bag in the back.

  “Are you driving?” Simon asked.

  “No, it’s snowing. I’d rather not.”

  Since Nico had a great deal of experience driving in snow, we elected him as our driver. He parked inside of the covered garage attached to the building that sold textiles and clothing. Nico and Kaoti followed us into the first store. I twisted the large onyx bracelet around my wrist. The men in my life had suggested that I keep it even though it contained an advanced tracking device. I had no idea what they had planned. I did know that the new guards were in place. The store sold men and women’s clothing.

  As soon as Simon spoke the words “Arachnean silk,” the white-eyed store owner shook his head and said, “not interested.” Simon got the same reaction in the next two stores we entered. He said, “Perhaps you should try in the next store.”

  I gave it my best attempt. “Look lady, we can’t use that fabric here. It’s perfect for warm planets like Epopeus, but not here.” He wouldn’t listen to anything else that I had to say.

  “Simon, can you give me a sample piece?” I was very annoyed. They wouldn’t even let me talk. I handed Neema to Nico. Simon gave me a couple of yards of test fabric. Word of our purpose had spread. The men who were at the counter of the hunting store I entered dismissed me on sight. “I’d like to buy the biggest sharpest knife in your store, please.”

  The men seemed surprised. Their white eyes showed sparks of orange concern. “Would you like for me to wrap it up for you?”

  “No, sir.”

  The Laconian shopkeeper showed me a wicked knife that came with a long belt sheath. “This one is two thousand credits, my lady.”

  “For a knife?” I scowled at him and held out my new onyx bracelet so he could scan my chip. He began to box the knife. “No, not yet.” I turned around and looked at the customers in the store. “Can any of you gentlemen please help me?”

  A man said, “What do you need?”

  “I need two really strong men to hold this out for me,” I said indicating the fabric.

  “Why?” He and another man laughed.

  “It’s a contest. Whoever can tear this fabric in half wins the knife I just bought.” The customers in the store perked up.

  “I’m winning that knife,” a teenager said.

  “No, I am,” said a burly Laconian.

  The two shopkeepers held the fabric securely between them. The men took turns trying to rip it and failed. “Can you use blasters inside?” I asked. They shook their heads. “Alright. Try to cut it with your pocket knives.”

  They grinned thinking the sharpest knife would win. They tried sawing at it and decided it would take too long. Then, the burly man stabbed it in the middle and made a small tear.

  “Do you think an ice bear could rip it?” I asked.

  “Maybe not, but they go after a person’s skull so fast, it wouldn’t matter. What is this stuff?”

  “This is a fabric I helped to create. My family has a contract for it with the Galaxic Militia. Do you see that man standing right outside? He wore a shirt of this fabric and survived a shot from a blaster cannon while protecting me and my unborn daughter. That little girl right there.” I motioned for Nico to bring her to me.


  “Yes, baby.” She clutched my hair in her fist and yanked it. “Our fabric is made from tightly woven Arachnean silk. It has saved lives. It is soft, lightweight, and cool, and meant to be worn against the skin. It can replace body armor. You would be safer out hunting wearing it. I insist my family wear it. Sir, since you were able to make a hole in my fabric, please accept this scary knife with my thanks.” I curtsied to the big man.

  “Thank you!” He grinned as he took it from the shopkeeper. “I’d like one of those shirts, if you have one in a large enough size. It’s hard to find clothes big enough.” The man was the size of an ice bear.

  “Sir, I would be happy to make you anything you would like. I can have an entire wardrobe ready for you by this time tomorrow,” Simon said. He had brought machines with him on Tora from his warehouse on Arachne.

  The man took the boxed, and bagged knife and sheath and told Simon what he wanted. Simon typed it all into his vid-screen and scanned the man for his measurements.

  “Mommy!” Neema angrily kicked her feet.

  “I’m sorry. Is there someplace where I can sit with her?”

  One of the shopkeepers showed me to a chair near the dressing room. Nico followed and stood guard over us.

  “You can do wonders when you are annoyed. The shopkeepers are sending two customers out to shoot the fabric and video it for them. Take your time.”

  Outside, the fabric shooting had gained attention. A man who had his hunting blaster rifle in his transport made a small hole in the fabric. The rifle was powerful enough to take down an ice bear. Once the men shared their observations with the shopkeepers, they became eager to see what Simon had brought. As soon as Simon had completed the deal for the hunting clothes he had brought, the shopkeepers sold out of them. They placed another order. By that time, I had long since finished with Neema and had changed her diaper. />
  “Excuse me, sir. Where is your waste unit?” I held Neema on my hip and her soiled diaper in my other hand. He grinned and took it from me. “Nico and Kaoti, would either of you like for me to buy you any of the sharp objects sold here as a gift?” Kaoti grinned and went right for a large thick bladed knife like the one he had used on Scar. I bought it for him.

  The teenager asked Kaoti if he could see the damage caused by the blaster cannon. Kaoti showed him what remained of it and explained to the boy that nanites continued to heal the damage nine months later. When we left, Simon gave me a big kiss on the forehead.

  “I am so proud of you! That was genius!” Simon said.

  I blushed and smiled. The shopkeepers who had shunned us tried to get our attention. We pretended not to see and selected a store where the shopkeeper spoke to a couple of men just outside its entrance. The man extended his hand to Simon as we approached. I smiled. I was no longer needed.

  “Would you like to look around?” Nico asked.

  I nodded. In one store, I bought each of us warm fur lined leather gloves and additional pairs as gifts for Papa, Orson, and Dr. Fotri. I purchased several pairs of slippers of similar construction. When we were leaving the store, Isidora walked up. She looked at Neema’s eyes and my stomach. Her eyes grew sad and then angry.

  “Well, look at you. You must be Yukihyo’s woman.”

  “I am. You must be the woman who let him get away.”

  “She is also my woman,” Nico said with a lethal glare.

  Isidora gave Nico the same seductive perusal she had given Yukihyo. “What could such a strong handsome man like you see in this short little round thing?”

  Nico was coldly furious. “You dare insult my wife?”

  Isidora smiled, lifted one of her grey eyebrows above a solid white eye, and said, “I think you could do better.”

  “Nico, let’s just go.”

  Isidora turned her attention to me. “Yes, run away. You’re so pampered and spoiled that you can’t even speak for yourself. You get a man who is too good for you to do it for you.” She smirked at me.


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