The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3) Page 47

by Wendie Nordgren

  “It’s like Gram’s locket. Neat.”

  Eli showed me the small space inside along with the small chip hidden there. Then, he showed me how to place the chip into my vid-screen and how to open the files it contained. “The information is encrypted so as to only function when in direct proximity to your genetic code. I saw to it myself in the Ambassador’s presence, your highness.”

  “Does Nico know what is on here?”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “Does Kane?”

  “No, your highness.”

  “But it’s okay for me to know? Aren’t I a security risk because of the Ponidis and Commander Quaid Bosh?”

  “The Ponidis have sworn their oaths to both you and the Empire. They are now subject to our laws and are not foolish enough to risk treason. As for the Galaxic Government, it may prove in our best interests for this information to leak to your husband. Quaid’s superiors will be inclined to keep him close to you, and the Militia may begin preparations with greater urgency.” I sipped my coffee as Eli showed me the reports.

  “How far away are they from the Empire?” Looking at Parvac’s star charts gave me no clue of the distances.

  “They are many months away. At this time, they do not possess the ability to reach our system. The Parvac Empire stands between them and the Galaxic Expanse and Laconian Sector.”

  “They look like vicious predators. What do they eat?”

  “That is unknown at this time. Our long range sensors have determined their environmental needs to be similar to our own. Their planet contains a suitable atmosphere. However, whether they may become our allies or our enemies remains to be seen.”

  “Why haven’t we sent anyone in to investigate?”

  “While they are incapable of deep space exploration, they are able to travel through their own galaxy and have the means by which to discover incursions into their space. Parvac wishes to remain unknown at this time.”

  “Do we really need to worry about them if they aren’t even capable of reaching us?”

  “Yes. Parvac will be prepared for any eventuality and will crush her enemies.” Cold descended on my flesh. “If they threaten us, they will be subjugated,” Eli said as he helped me replace the chip inside of the ring and placed my vid-screen on the table.

  Then, he placed the breakfast tray over my legs so it didn’t touch my belly. Neema looked at my food in interest. I shoved bacon into my mouth and tore a piece of sausage into pieces and put them on a saucer for Thunderdrop. I placed the saucer on the bed near my left knee. Thunderdrop blinked at Neema before approaching. I distracted her with a bite of my scrambled eggs. Wide-eyed, she ate the scrambled eggs and scrawled onto me for more. I laughed.

  “Do you want to go with Mommy, Thunderdrop, and Uncle Sherman to see our spiders and our trees?”


  “You do? What are we going to wear?”

  “You plan to leave the estate?” Eli asked.

  “Yes, I’m going to see my land, and I’ll probably go shopping. Why shouldn’t I? Yukihyo, Nico, and Quaid obviously aren’t concerned, so it must be safe. Can I at least depend on you to protect us, Eli?”

  Eli bowed deeply. “With my life, your highness.”

  I began thinking of Kaoti. Staring into Eli’s eyes, I knew there was nothing I could say to dissuade him from risking himself for me. “Do you think it is okay for us to go out? If you think we should stay here, we will.”

  Eli gave me a genuine smile. “You will be safe wherever you wish to go, your highness.”

  I was relieved. “Do you mind waiting for us downstairs, Eli?” He bowed and left the room.

  I finished eating. Stewart returned for the tray. Picking Neema up, I scooted out of bed and went to the bathroom. Pierce had baby proofed the bathroom and bedroom, so I put Neema down and began filling the tub with just warm enough water. After using the waste unit, I turned off the water and stripped Neema and myself. Then, I sat with her in the tub. Neema slapped at the water, and we laughed at her splashes. Soon, I had both of us washed and dried.

  Pierce waited for us with the bed made and a diaper at the ready. I handed Neema to him and went to the closet. “We should wear pants,” I told him. “Hey!” A surprise awaited me in the closet. Happily, I dressed in a pair of soft black pants and a grey shirt identical to my favorite outfit that I had outgrown. Pierce dressed Neema in pink and green ruffled pants with a white long-sleeved shirt. “Well, don’t you look adorable?”

  Thunderdrop jumped to my shoulder and accompanied me into the restroom where I brushed my hair up into a ponytail. When I came out, I asked, “Pierce, are you armed?”

  “No, Princess.”

  I opened a few drawers and found a blaster in a locked box. “I’m not sure if this is one of Yukihyo’s or Nico’s. Do you mind keeping it on you just in case? Sherman will have a blaster rifle. I’m sure….” Pierce took the holster and blaster from my hands as he handed Neema to me. “Thanks, Pierce.”

  Thunderdrop clawed his way up to the top of my head and to safety from the little hands that reached for him. Once Pierce was properly armed, I began walking to the lift. My thoughts were spinning with unknown sentient life-forms, Ambassador Jiri, Dr. Crispus, Parvac’s relationship with the Laconian Sector, and my husbands. Neema yanked my ponytail and laughed.

  “Chitter chitter chitter,” Thunderdrop said in agitation as his position on top of my head was jostled.

  Stewart waited with Eli in the foyer. I looked off in both directions. “Stewart, where is Simon?”

  With his hands clasped behind his back, Stewart answered, “Lord Simon has gone to oversee silk production, Lady Isidora still sleeps, and Lord Montgomery is pulling to a stop before the entrance.”

  Mischievously, I said, “Stewart, if you ever get tired of Simon, you can come live with me.”

  Stewart winked at me and held the door open. Sherman was getting out of the transport. Carts loaded with crates were attached to the backs of two covered rollers. “Hiroshi helped load whatever new things you got for your spiders,” Sherman said.

  “Great! Thunderdrop, will you help me teach our spiders how to play with their new toys?”


  Sherman took Neema and fastened her into her transport seat in the long roller. Eli helped me take my seat. Then, he and Pierce took seats behind us. “Are you ready to visit your land, girl?” Sherman asked.

  “Yes, sir. I want to roll around in the leaves, stare up at the trees, and breath the air. I’ve missed it so much.”

  Sherman sent the transport forward. I wondered how Neema would react to the forest. I hoped she would gaze upon it with the same awe and joy as she had expressed while looking at the snowflakes in Yukihyo’s arms on Naxa. Soon, Sherman pulled to a stop. I stared out of the window at the bench Ethan had placed for me under my trees. Freeing myself from the transport, I closed the door and took Neema from Pierce. I carried her over to the bench and sat.

  “Pierce, will you take a picture of us, please?”

  “Yes, Princess.”

  Thunderdrop posed with us for a few moments before scampering off into the trees. “This is our home, Neema. Daddy’s home is of ice and snow, but Mommy’s home is of forest floor and a ceiling of leaves. Do you want to see our spiders? I have one friend in particular who I want you to meet.” I held Neema’s hand and kissed her tiny fingers as I watched Sherman and Eli back the rollers and carts off of the transport’s bed.

  Sherman motioned us over once they were ready. Pierce secured Neema’s seat into the roller Sherman and I were sharing. “In you go!” I said as I fastened Neema inside.

  The driver’s seat made a soft puff of sound when Sherman sat. I smiled up at his pale blue eyes. He gave me a wink. Sherman’s happiness sifted into me, and as he drove us farther into the trees, I began to leave behind the worries of alien races, diabolical experimental doctors, and husbands. Breathing in the Arachnean air soothed away the tense knots that had begun to form in
my shoulders soon after waking.

  “Oh, Sherman. How different would things have been for us had I refused to meet Admiral Valen that day?”

  “Teagan, more than likely, we would be at war with Parvac. Do you think your father would have tolerated being kept from knowing you? He had already lost his wife. It would kill me to lose Gina.” I saw pity for my Papa in his eyes and felt his commiserate pain.

  “I suppose you’re right. I wouldn’t have wanted to never know my own father anyway.”

  Sherman slowed the roller. “When I first met you, you were shrouded in pain and despair. You were terrified to love or trust anyone other than Yukihyo, Hiroshi, or Phillip. Teagan, you were afraid of Gram. Don’t waste your time thinking of what might have been. Even though life is no longer simple for you, and troubles weigh on your mind, you’re turning into the woman you were meant to be, and I’m proud of you.”

  My eyes spilled over as Sherman parked. I glanced around in confusion. Some trees had been cleared, but it wasn’t familiar. “Aren’t we going to the clearing?”

  “I want to show you something here first,” Sherman said as he climbed down from the roller.

  I unfastened Neema from her seat and was prepared to get out when Sherman opened our door. Neema looked up and moved her head all around while clinging to my grey shirt with both of her hands.

  “Oh, Mommy. Oh.”

  I giggled at her and kissed her forehead. “Trees,” I said.

  “Come this way real quick,” Sherman said with delighted mischief in his pale blue eyes. I followed behind him and heard the soft rustle of leaves from Pierce as he followed behind me. From Eli, I heard no sound and turned my head to assure myself of his presence. “Let me hold Neema,” he said as he turned his large chest toward me.

  Neema readily went into his arms. She gave him her coy baby smile knowing that here was another big person who would do whatever she wanted. Sherman stepped to my right allowing me to see what his body had hidden. A dark grey flat area spread out before me along the forest’s floor. Stepping closer, I kneeled down and touched it. “This is cement.”

  It spread out in different directions. A few trees had been cleared, and I noticed a neat stack of trunks off to the right in the distance. Several trees continued to tower above us all around. I looked up at Sherman, and realization struck me as I looked down again. My tears splattered against the foundation of my future home. Slowly, I rose and stepped up onto the surface. Several moments had passed before my exploration was complete. I held my hands to my mouth in an attempt to compose myself. I heard Neema cooing and turned to find that she and Sherman had snuck up on me. Sherman gave me a pleased with himself smile that I had often seen on Simon’s face. It must have been a genetic thing.

  “I can’t wait to see your reaction when it’s finished.”

  “You did all of this for me?”

  “It has been a joint effort. The planning began when you were carrying this little spiderling,” Sherman said as he kissed the top of Neema’s head. She laughed and screeched at him. “Now, off we go. Let’s go see your mommy’s spiders.”

  I wiped at my eyes with my hand as I followed Sherman and Neema across the extensive slab. Eli held his hand out to me and helped me down to the forest’s floor. “We’ll get to stay in my own home next time, Eli. I’ll be able to wake up and walk all through my own forest with my morning coffee. I’m going to need a two seater stroller with large wheels and a cup holder,” I said to him in all seriousness.

  Eli gave me one of his rare smiles. “As you wish, Princess Probus.”

  “Eli, are you ever going to call me by my name? It’s just us. Papa isn’t here.” Eli bowed over my hand, kissed my fingers, and helped me into my seat.

  “There you go,” Sherman said to Neema as he helped her into her seat. He took a silk square from his pocket and wiped away the drool on her chin.

  “Another tooth is coming in,” I proudly told him.

  Moments later, Sherman parked our roller at my favorite clearing. Having followed our progress through the forest, the spiders had gathered to watch us as we approached. Thunderdrop leapt from a trunk and to the top of my head as soon as I was out of the roller. I took Neema from Sherman, carried her to my favorite spot, and sat with her while the men began unloading toys. I spread out my legs and sat Neema on the ground between them. The baby spiders had grown and were the first to approach. I held my hands out to them.

  “Thunderdrop, will you caution them that my baby doesn’t understand her own strength, and like all humanoid babies puts everything in her mouth?”

  “Chirp!” Thunderdrop made a series of clicks, chirps, and chitters that were repeated by other spiders until the news had spread through the forest’s canopy.

  The color shapes were still a big draw to the spiders, but not a single ball was in sight. I imagined them all over the forest and laughed. I heard Sherman approach. He had a harp in one hand and a xylophone in the other. Sherman bent to place them within access of the spiders. Thunderdrop moved first to the harp touching the strings to elicit sounds. Thousands of black glittering eyes watched each movement of his claws. Thunderdrop lifted his two front legs up high and backed away from the harp and over to the xylophone which he tapped creating a cheery clatter. I laughed at his antics.

  Sherman directed Eli and Pierce in the placement of the other toys. Sherman chuckled at the nervous glances that the other men gave to the spiders clinging to the trees, hanging from lines of silk, or peeking out from under bushes.

  As I was preventing Neema from placing a leaf in her mouth, I heard a sharp intake of breath. Suddenly, Eli with his back to me crouched in a fighting pose with a deadly sharp knife in each hand.

  “Eli, no! She’s a friend!”

  “Now, now, Mr. Beck. Not one of the Silk spiders on our lands poses a threat to Teagan. On the other hand, you should move behind me slowly and put the weapons away,” Sherman said in a calm steady voice.

  Eli chose to follow Sherman’s recommendations. Pierce had inched closer and crouched near my feet.

  “Chitter chitter chirp chitter,” Thunderdrop admonished Eli before returning to his lively xylophone playing.


  Pierce jumped as the shrouded rat hit the ground to the right of my knee. I scooted over groaning slightly as I pulled the still warm bundle to myself. I shifted my weight back to my rear as I picked it up. “Thank you,” I said to the spider who blinked slowly at me.

  Eli moved to crouch behind me at Sherman’s prompting. Then, Sherman sat down to my left. The spider silk wrapped bundle drew Izaac and the others into my thoughts. At least Sherman, Eli, and Pierce hadn’t abandoned me in the middle of a crisis.

  “What’s troubling you?” Sherman asked as I held my hand out at an angle over my left knee.

  Pierce hovered protectively over Neema. The large black and bluish grey spider moved gracefully closer to rub her feelers over my hand. Her shining black eyes were mesmerizing.

  “I’m surprised by the lack of guards both Parvac and Militia, the absence of not just one but all three of my husbands, and even Phillip and the hybrids.”

  Sherman stroked the massive spider’s leg as she ran her feelers over Neema’s hair before backing away. Neema shrieked happily and crawled toward her. I laughed at Pierce’s horrified expression. Thunderdrop turned the xylophone over to a group of curious arachnids and herded Neema back to me by teasing her placing himself almost within her reach.

  “Mommy’s got you now!” I picked her up and kissed her. Pierce didn’t jump when three more bundles were dropped down to me. Instead, he handed each one to me. “Well, I’d love to spend more time with you, but my bladder insists I’ve stayed long enough, and it appears my camp has been stored away.”

  “I packed it up when we were ready to clear the area and pour your slab,” Sherman said.

  “Pierce, will you get Neema?”

  “Gladly, your highness.”

  Sherman practically picked
me up carefully placing me on my feet. Then, he and Eli helped me carry my rats to the cart on the back of Sherman’s roller.

  “Bye, spiders. Be good. I’ll miss you.”

  Soon, Sherman had us back to Simon and Isidora’s house. I rushed inside to take care of a pressing matter. Washing my hands twice because of the rats, I looked at the ring from Ambassador Jiri and hoped the hidden compartment was waterproof.

  “Mary will never believe any of this,” I mumbled to myself. Pierce had taken Neema up to change her. Stewart met me in the foyer with a glass of fizzy water. “Thank you.”

  “Teagan, is that you?”


  Isidora approached from the living room. Eli bowed to her. Seeing Sherman, Isidora gave him a deep curtsey. Laughing, Sherman strode to Isidora, picked her up, twirled her around, and kissed her forehead.

  “Daughter, I will accept hugs or kisses, but no curtsies from you. Understood?”

  Blushing through a smile, Isidora said, “Yes, Sherman.”

  “Well, alright then. Ladies, I bid you good day.” With a wink to each of us, Sherman was gone. Isidora looked like she didn’t know what to do with herself.

  “Do you want to go shopping?”

  Isidora looked at me in surprise. “Sure.”

  “Eli, will you ask Pierce to load Neema’s stroller into my transport, please?”

  “Allow me, my lady,” Stewart offered.

  “I’ll go freshen up a bit,” I said to Isidora. She came up with me. I changed into a dark purple dress and a pair of sandals. Shopping with dirt and leaves on my pants would never do. Pierce had washed Neema’s hands and face and changed her into a pink dress. Pierce began to unfasten the holster. “Wait. Do you mind keeping it on?”

  His motions ceased. I shrugged.

  “I’m as shocked at their behavior as you are. Even Simon has gone to check his warehouses. I asked him if it could wait. He said Yukihyo was taking silk to Parvac.” Her white eyes were tinted with angry hints of orange and grey.

  “So, it’s not just me?” Isidora shook her head from side to side in annoyance. “Thank you. I think they are being jerks.”


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