Adult Video News
6700 Valjean Ave.
Phone: +(1) 800-521-2474
The magazine of the adult video industry. AVN reviews the latest adult films, DVDs, novelties, and websites; announces forthcoming releases; and provides legal news about the industry. Monthly. $5.95 per issue.
625 SW 10th Ave, #233B
Portland OR 97205 UNITED STATES
Phone: +(1) 503-234-9615
Email: [email protected]
A bimonthly by and for exotic dancers.
Distributed primarily in Portland dressing rooms. “All industry workers are invited to play with us.”
P.O. Box 1984
Berkeley CA 94701 UNITED STATES
Phone: +(1) 800-624-8433
Email: [email protected]
News, reviews, commentary, entertainment and advertising on sexual issues and activities, ads, the spectator features articles on the sex industry, particularly covering national and internation news on sex censorship and political action links. Bay area based 6 Months (26 issues) $24.00.
Street Wise
2269 Chestnut Street, #452
San Francisco CA 94123 UNITED STATES
Phone: +(1) 415-292-2450
Contact: Margo St. James
Street Wise is a COYOTE volunteer produced talk show. Guests have included San Francisco Homicide Detective Vince Ripetto, on the topic of serial killers of prostitutes, domestic violence and San Francisco’s controversial School for Johns. COYOTE members founded Street Wise and serve as crew for the show. Guest hosts of Street Wise are sex educator and writer Carol Queen, union organizer and activist Maria Abadesco, and founder of COYOTE, Margo St. James.
Web Sites
Lifeline Sex Work Survey
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Steph Wilcock
This page introduces the Lifeline Sex Worker Survey, intended to produce “good quality practical information” of use to street sex workers, sauna and massage workers, rent boys, escorts, strippers, lap dancers, porn actors, contact advertisers, commercial BDSM specialists and to those working with sex workers.
World Sex Guide
Archives many articles originally posted to the usenet newsgroup Features links to “every prostitution related resource on the internet.”
Whore Activist Network
Forum on sexism and racism, problems of immigration, and trick talk (“where johns get to speak up”). Features reviews of literature and conferences, a bulletin board, and links to home pages of activists and prostitutes’ rights organizations.
Search Engines
Yahoo COYOTE Search Engine
Yahoo Sex Work Search Engine
Usenet is an unmoderated newsgroup devoted to discussions about all aspects of prostitution, including the legal status of prostitution in different countries, prices, reviews of brothels, bars, clubs, massage parlors, escort services, call girls, street prostitutes, and requests for information. “One aim of the group is to create market transparency for sex related services. To achieve this, people post reports about their experiences with certain service providers, and others ask for more information. Hookers and their customers hang out here.”
A de Graaf Foundation, 298
A de Graaf Stichting, 219
A Vindication of the Rights of Whores, 17
Able-Peterson, Trudee, 117
ACLU, 294
Africa, 188, 218
AIDS, 13,14-15,16, 23,158,185,194, 211-212, 215-220, 277-278, 282, 290, 299-300, 302
alcohol, 23-24,108-109, 213
Alegría, M. M., 212n
Alexander, Priscilla, 12,13, 61, 219
Allison, Dorothy, 11
Almodovar, Norma Jean, 17
Amsterdam, 16, 172, 219, 292, 297-298, 303
Anchorage, 169
anti-pom movement, 282
anti-Semitism, 13, 232-235
Aphrodite, 11
Aristophanes, 11, 12
arrest, 39-40, 96-97, 167, 172
Asia, 188, 201, 205
ASP, 291
Athena, 249
Atlanta, 292
Auletrides, 249
Auschwitz, 260
Australia, 14, 15, 192, 217, 219
Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations, 15, 219
Australian Liquor, Hospitality, and Miscellaneous Workers Union, 224
B&D, 50-52
Bangkok, 217
bar raids, 257-258
Barbary Coast, 255, 258
Barney, Natalie, 254
Barnhardt, Jacqueline Baker, 187n, 189n, 221n
Barrows, Sydney, 196n
Barry, Kathleen, 184, 224-225
bars, 194
battered women, 223, 269
battery, 267
Beats, 135
Bedford Hills Reformatory, 257
Berkeley, 39, 117, 143, 158, 284
Berlin, 15
Bernstein, Laurie, 17, 187n, 201n
Berube, Allan, 255n
bisexuals, 24, 134
Bishop, Ryan, 188n
Black Coalition Fighting Black Serial Murders, 284-287
Black Women and the Peace Movement, 278
Bochum, 15
body image, 23, 25
Bogart, Humphrey, 52
Bohemian Club, 85-87
Bohemian Grove, 85-87, 88, 89
Bologna, 147
Bolshevik Revolution, 201, 203
Bond, Katherine C., 188n
Bonnet, Jeanne, 255
Bornstein, Kate, 12
Boston, 21, 282
Brandt, Allan M., 211n
Brazil, 14, 192, 194
Bright, Susie, 12, 187n
Brooklyn Hospital for Infectious Disease, 258
brothels, 194, 195, 201-202, 221, 255
Brown, Dee, 189n, Brown, Wilmette, 276, 278
Brussels, 17, 198, 292, 302-303
Buffalo, 222
Bullough, Vern, 188n
Buneau, Blanche, 255
burlesque, 177
butch/femme, 25, 256
Butler, Josephine, 202
CAL-PEP, 14-15, 220
Calcutta, 16, 198, 220
Califia, Pat, 12, 17n, 187n
California State University/Northridge, 17, 199
California, 40, 58, 117, 196, 209, 222
call girls, 196, 271
Campaign Against Kerb Crawling Legislation, 274
Canada, 15, 192, 199-200, 210, 217, 220, 274, 292
Canadian Sex Workers Alliances, 220
Canadians Organized for the Rights of Prostitutes, 15, 292
Caprio, Frank, 247n, 255-256, 259n
Cassandra, 219
Castres, 251
CAT, 291
Catholicism, 120
Cats and Candlelight Womenpower Commune, 60
Caught Looking: Feminism, Pornography and Censorship, 12
celibacy, 26
Center for Sex Research, 17
Centers for Disease Control, 216n, 217n
Chancer, Lynn Sharon, 17n
Chanel No. 5, 113
Chapkis, Wendy, 12, 17n, 187n
p; Chicago, 222, 292
child sexual abuse, 99, 186, 190-191, 237-240, 266-267, 268
Children of the Evening, 117
Children of the Night, 222, 291
China, 189, 221
City University of New York, 280
classism, 13, 24, 53, 99, 204, 217, 232, 235-236, 261
Cleis Press, 99
Clements, Tracy, 17n
Clemetson, David, 216n
Clinton, Bill, 219
Clumeck, N., 218n
Coalition Against Police Abuse, 285, 287
cocaine, 193
Cockerline, Danny, 15
Cohen, Bernard, 207n, 261n
colonialism, 189, 202
Colter, E.G., 17n
Combat Zone, 21-28
Comstock Lode, 221
condoms, 44, 52, 158, 211
Conrad, Gary, 211n
Contagious Diseases Act, 202
COYOTE, 13, 14, 15, 60, 104-105, 193, 198, 199, 206, 214, 220, 280-281, 290-296, 298
criminal justice system, 39-40, 97, 109, 292-293
criminalization, 191, 194-195, 199, 200-205, 210, 221, 269, 274
Cuba, 189
Czechoslovakia, 15
Darrow, William W., 211n, 217n
Day, Sophie, 217n
de la Cruz, Iris, 280
De Rode Draad, 16, 219
De Waal, Frans, 192n
decrirninalization, 201-203, 210-211, 223-227
Democratic Convention, 60, 157, 280, 283, 292
Denmark, 205
Department for Women’s Emancipation Affairs, 298
Derelicts, 85
Detroit, 291
Deutsch, Helen, 259
dicteria, 249
dominant, 50-52
Dominican Republic, 220
drug smuggling, 267
drug use, 14, 24, 38, 67, 108-112, 134, 135, 193, 212-213, 217, 218, 269
Druid, 85
Dull Care, 86
Dworkin, Andrea, 184
East Village, 113
economics, 190, 192
Eindhoven, 303
El-Bassel, N.R.F., 212n
England, 202
English Collective of Prostitutes, 271, 280, 285, 288
entrapment, 203, 209, 284
Equal Rights Amendment, 269
Eros Centers, 279
erotic dancers, 13, 21-28, 37-38, 99-103, 131, 175-180, 196-197
escort services, 13, 196, 203, 209, 276
Europe, 15, 192, 193, 198, 201, 202, 203, 210, 217, 220
European Parliament, 275
Everett, WA, 20
Fairmont Hotel, 85
Falk, Candace, 254n
fat oppression, 99
Fatale Video, 178
Fatale, Fanny, 178
FBI, 286
Female Homosexuality: A Psychodynamic Study of Lesbianism, 247
femininsm, 11, 13, 17, 25-27, 99-103, 117, 142-144, 175-176, 184, 187, 197, 248, 256, 259-260, 267, 274, 282, 299, 307
Feminist Alliance for Prostitutes’ Rights, 292
Feminist Anti-Censorship Task Force, 12
First Amendment, 143
Five Points, 258
Flegel, Emma, 254
Flexner, Abraham, 202n
Florida, 291
Forty-Second Street, 248
France, 12-13, 188, 195, 202, 203, 233, 252
Frankfurt, 15
Free Speech Movement, 102
Freedman, Estelle, 257
Fresno, 145, 186, 287
Friends and Lovers of Prostitutes, 157
Friese, K, 216n
FROST’D, 194, 207, 210, 220
gay rights movement, 261
Gay/Lesbian Almanac: A New Documentary, 255
Genesis House, 222, 292
Geneva, 189, 220
Germany, 15, 17, 203, 205, 216, 219, 233, 260, 279
Gilbson, Mary, 203n
Gilfoyle,Timothy J., 194n
Giuliani, Rudolph, 208
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, 199
Global Programme on AIDS, 16
Goldman, Emma, 254
Goldman, Marion, 187n, 221n
Grand Horizontal: The Erotic Memoirs of a Passionate Lady, 252
Grasse, 260
Greece, 249-250
Green River murders, 169, 213, 274, 287, 288
Greenham Common Women’s Peace
Camp, 277
Groen, Martine, 301
Guerneville, 85
Guide to the Rules of the Game—A-Z for Working Girls, 276
“Gunsmoke,” 194
Haight-Ashbury, 136
Hampton, Mabel, 256-257
Hannover, 15
Happy Hooker, The, 143
Harlem, 256
Harsin, Jill, 187n, 202n, 203n
Hawaii, 291
Hayes, Curtis, 216n
Hexagon House, 86, 88
Hill, Marilyn Wood, 187n
Hillsborough, 85
Hillside Strangler, 213, 285-286
Hilton Hotel, 204
Hirschfield, Magnus, 260
History of Prostitution, 249
HIV, 14, 195, 211
Hobson, Barbara, 187n
Holland, 190, 234, 241, 297-300, 301
Hollywood, 39-40
homelessness, 194
homophobia, 23, 99, 104, 233, 242-243
Hong Kong, 43
Hookers in the House of the Lord, 277
Hookers’ Convention, 60, 157
Hospitality House, 222
Hotel Dixie, 248
Hotel Statler, 204
hotels, 203-204
Hustler, 11
HWG, 15, 219
Hyam, Ronald, 202n
Hydra, 15, 219
I. Magnin, 85
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 288
immigration, 198-199, 280, 288
“Implementing Nairobi: Counting All Women’s Work in the GNP,” 288
India, 14, 189, 198, 220
Industrial Revolution, 188
Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, 176
International Abolitionist Federation, 224
International Black Women for Wages for Housework, 276, 285, 288
International Committee for Prostitutes’ Rights, 275, 292, 305-321
International Conference on AIDS, 16, 220
International Conference on Prostitution, 17, 199
International Herald Tribune, 189
International Labour Organization, 272
International Prostitutes Collective, 274-275, 279, 281
International Sex Workers Foundation for Arts, Culture and
Education, 17
International Wages for Housework Campaign, 271, 279, 281, 288
Internet, 13, 16
Italy, 195, 203, 216
Jack the Ripper, 242
Jaget, Claude, 187n, 190n, 191n
James, Jennifer, 190n
James, Selma, 271, 277
Japan, 17, 199, 218, 221
Jeffrey, Julie Roy, 189n,
Jenness, Valerie, 17n
Jews, 260
Joffe, Helene, 217n
johns, 200-201, 205-206
Judah, 249
Kansas City, 291
Katz, Jonathan, 255n
Kenya, 14, 195, 199, 218, 247
Kimball, Nell, 254
KITTY, 291
Koch, Ed, 280
Kreiss, J.K., 218n
La Cage aux Folles, 28
labor organizing, 89
Ladies of Llanglollen, 254
Laga, Marie, 218n
Las Vegas, 39, 207
Lasker, Vera, 260
latex, 211
Latin America, 188
Leeds Ripper, 213, 242
Legal Action for Women, 276, 284
legalization, 223-227
Leidholdt, Dorchen, 225
Leigh, Carole, 17, 190n
Lerner, Gerda, 188n
lesbian battery, 99
Lesbian Herstory Archives, 254-255, 261
Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence, 260
lesbian rights, 60, 261
lesbians, 23-28, 54, 104-105, 139, 175, 177-178, 187, 247-262
Levine, Phillippa, 189n, 202n
Lewin, Tamar, 186n
Livingston, Dr. Virginia, 258
Lockett, Gloria, 15
London, 220, 288
Longstreet, Stephen, 188n, 221n
Los Angeles Police Department, 285-286
Los Angeles, 86, 175, 199, 213-214, 242, 282, 284-285, 287, 288, 291
Lost Sisterhood, The, 257
Love, Anarchy and Emma Goldman, 254
Lower East Side Needle Exchange, 220
Lucius, 249
Lusty Lady Theater, 176, 197
Maccowan, Lyndall, 191n
Mackinnon, Catharine, 184
madams, 195, 276
Madeleine: An Autobiography, 188n, 221n
Madonna, 15, 219
Maggie’s, 15
male sex workers, 205-206
Mamie Papers, 59
Mandalay, 85
Manhattan South Public Moral Division, 247
Marcos, Ferdinand, 198
Marxism, 175
Mary Magdalene Project, 222, 292
Massachusetts, 291
massage parlors, 13, 43-49, 62-69, 109-112, 114, 195-196, 203, 276
McClintock, Anne, 187n
McElroy, Wendy, 17n, 187n
McMurtrie, Dr. Douglas C., 255
media stereotypes, 187, 271-272, 282
Mexico City, 216
Mexico, 86
Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, 250
military bases, 198
Millet, Kate, 187n,, 191n, 259
Minneapolis, 175
Mitchell Brothers’ O’Farrell Street Theater, 177
Mombasa, 195
Money for Prostitutes Is Money for Black Women, 276
Monte Rio, 85, 86
Montreal, 220
Moral Majority, 181
murders of prostitutes, 117, 169, 213-214, 241-242, 284-289
Murphy, Emmett, 188n
Myanmar, 218
NAACP, 285
Nagle, Jill, 17, 187n
Nahmias, Steven, 216n
Nairobi, 189, 216, 217, 287
National Organization for Women, 204
National Task Force on Prostitution, 290-296
Nazis, 234
Ndinya-Achola, Jackouiah O., 216n
needle exchange, 16, 219, 220
Nestle, Joan, 11-12
Netherlands, 15-16, 199, 205, 219, 233, 292
Network of Sex Work Projects, 16, 220
Nevada, 195, 196, 202, 207, 217, 224, 279
New Haven, 282
New Jersey, 216, 217
New Mexico, 115
New Orleans, 258, 291
New South Wales, 15
New York Harm Reduction Educators, 220
New York, 86, 113, 115, 117, 125-130, 186, 194, 202, 204, 207, 208, 209, 210, 214, 222, 247, 256, 258, 291, 292
Sex Work Page 41