Forced to Cooperate

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Forced to Cooperate Page 7

by Piper Stone

  I struggled with him momentarily until I noticed the various men with AK-47s following our every move. When he stopped at a single container, I took several deep breaths.

  Aleksei snapped on the flashlight, highlighting a portion of the container. I could clearly see documentation marked Church Exports. This was one of my brother’s containers.

  “Hold this,” he instructed, eyeing me closely before handing over the flashlight.

  I nodded, my hand shaking as I took the light from him. When he pulled out a set of keys, fiddling with the multiple locks, I had a sense of being watched and glanced over my shoulder. We were surrounded.

  The creaking and clanging sounds as the door was pulled open was eerie, creating butterflies in my stomach. Whatever I was about to see, I knew would possibly change the course of my life.

  Yanking the flashlight from my hand, he walked inside, twisting the light back and forth. I could see various wooden containers, all marked fragile. He selected one at random, literally pulling the wooden lid off with his massive hand.

  I peered over his shoulder, uncertain of what to expect.

  “This is an arrival, received only hours ago, the possession signed by your brother,” he hissed.

  “Art. Like I told you.” The statue was Indian in design, ornate in detail. I’d seen several pieces like it before.

  Grumbling, he lifted the oblong piece into his hand and with one snap of his wrist, he smashed it into dozens of pieces falling to the steel floor.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Crouching down, he sorted through the smashed pottery, finally holding up a slender bag. “Heroin, so pure that one dose is a potential killer. It must be cut expertly or many people will die. This is what your brother is bringing into our country.”

  “This is crazy. You did this! These crates would have been inspected by the port authority.”

  He gave me an incredulous look. “You and I know what money and power can do, Willow. Do not be naïve here. Your brother paid to keep his shipments anonymous. They will disappear within hours, never to be recorded on the dockets.”

  How could he know all of this unless that’s exactly how he handled his business? “Why are you lying to me? Why? Do you want to destroy my brother and everything he’s worked for that badly? Is your entire world only about money, just another money-grubbing monster hell bent on destroying everyone’s happiness? I have no doubt your family provides drugs. What the hell is the difference?”

  Growling, he rose to his full height, standing only inches away, the flashlight abandoned on the floor. He shoved the bag closer to my face, his anger evident by the bulging veins in his neck. “Do you understand that there are boys and girls, little more than children getting hooked on this shit? They are dying. You are right, the Petrov organization does maintain a hold on certain items coming in and out of the Eastern seaboard, but I assure you that we are careful in who we provide party favors to. That does not and will never include children.”

  I glared at the bag, blinking several times until the understanding settled in. All the years of believing in my brother and I’d been lied to. Stumbling backward, I could no longer breathe, my heart racing. As I turned to flee, he reached out, snagging me against his chest. “Let me go. Just fucking let me go!” I pushed hard, slapping at his face and chest, doing everything I could to get away.

  I expected his admonishment, his usual egotistical bullshit, but instead he cupped my face, forcing me to look into his eyes.

  “You have no idea how much danger you are in.”

  “And why would I be in danger? Have you told everyone who and what I am?” My demand was met by another sneer.

  He lowered his head until I could feel his hot breath cascading across my skin. Instantly, my nipples hardened, pussy juice leaking into my jeans. Was the thrill of danger a power aphrodisiac? I was beginning to wonder.

  “Because I may control the Bratva, but I certainly can’t leverage the men loyal to your brother. News of your discovery will shadow you and he will have no choice but to take. You. Out.”

  His statement stung, hitting me hard. “So, you’re going to become my keeper.”

  “I’m the only one who can and will save your life,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  “In exchange for my cooperation, the utter betrayal of my family.”

  Aleksei nodded, his fingers caressing my skin. He did so in a manner indicating ownership.


  “I will protect you with my life if necessary, as long as you obey me.” His words somehow echoed in the dense space.


  There were no choices, no options. I’d been thrown into the fire pit of hell.

  The touch of the man should disgust me, but I was drawn to him once again, my body electrified. While my instinct told me he wasn’t lying, there was still a question in my mind.

  Would I ever be able to trust him?

  Then again, could I ever learn to trust myself?

  * * *

  “You are to stay in this room until I come for you. I will have one of my soldiers retrieve your things at your apartment. In the meantime, get some sleep.”

  His directions were clear, not to be defied.

  Go ahead, buddy, and find where I live.

  At least I knew I’d covered my tracks, living a normal life as an entirely different person. Anonymity was vital in order for me to perform my work. Today, the entire concept was disgusting.

  He stood in the doorway, his arms folded, appearing more like a Greek god than a Bratva leader. He’d removed his jacket and tie, rolling up his sleeves, his features hardened from the events of the night.

  “I’m your prisoner,” I responded, scanning the room. I wasn’t certain what I’d expected, but his house was almost cozy in appearance. The bedroom was oversized, posh with what I would call a woman’s touch. There were bottles of water placed on the dresser, a bucket of ice and a single glass. I noticed fresh towels positioned on a stool, an extra blanket on the foot of the bed.

  His staff thought of everything a girl might need during incarceration. I winced seeing the first rays of morning light coming in through the window. I was exhausted yet jittery. Even my hands were clammy.

  “You know the terms of the deal. You do not under any circumstances leave this room. If you do, there will be consequences and trust me, Willow, they will be harsh. If you as much as think about escaping, the soldiers assigned to watching the house will shoot to kill.”

  I faced him, allowing my eyes to gaze up and down the length of him. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was concerned about the find in the containers. “I need proof regarding what you are telling me.”

  Aleksei smiled wryly and leaned against the doorjamb. “The cases of heroin weren’t enough for you?”

  “I’m no fool, Aleksei. A single pouch could have been easily planted, the call you received long before our arrival and all in Russian merely additional instructions. If what I know about you is true, you are thorough. In other words, you have other detailed information regarding my brother and his so-called illegal activity. I need to see it before I’m convinced.”

  “You have no room to negotiate. None. You attempted to kill me in my own office. By all rights, you should be floating in the Atlantic.”

  “If you’re trying to scare me, you haven’t. I don’t terrify easily.” The truth was I was riddled with fear, the kind that kept a constant ache deep within my body.

  He seemed to study me, as if weighing his options. “Very well. I will allow you to see what I have, but later. Now, I have work to do. I suggest you get some sleep. You’re going to need it.”

  There was no additional hesitation before he closed the door and I could hear the lock being engaged. I stood in the same place for a full five minutes, trying to process what had occurred over the last several hours. Then I eased onto the edge of the bed, dropping my head into my hands.

  Perhaps I wanted tears to form, my hea
rt to ache, but I remained numb, guilt consuming me. Sadly, I wasn’t close to Peter, not in the sense of how a family member should feel. Even with all the money thrown at my education, lavish gifts sent via messenger, we’d never had a personal relationship. He was as cold as Aleksei, but I didn’t believe him to be totally heartless.

  Until now.

  I allowed gravity to take me all the way down, the comfort of the soft pillow far too inviting. I needed sleep to clear my head.

  Or maybe my conscience.

  I had other reasons for being lured into the life of an assassin, one that only Peter knew about.

  And had used.

  Another vile man.

  Another secret.


  “You will pay for your sins.”

  The brawny man turned, taking another swig of whatever drink he was having then tossing the glass on top of the bar. He leered at me as he swaggered in my direction. And he was laughing.

  “Come here, sweetheart. Then we can really talk about sins. Sins of the flesh. You know all about that, don’t you? You certainly didn’t seem to mind when you were writhing under me.”

  As he lumbered even closer, I knew I had to make a decision. Every part of me was shaking, my mind reeling from the horrors I’d witnessed, the blood that would forever stain my skin.

  And I reacted.

  “Ah!” Jerking up, I took several deep breaths, my heart racing. The terror was paralyzing. Warm light flushed the entire area, making it difficult to focus. I slapped my hand over my heart, doing everything I could to control my breathing. The nightmare seemed so real, the images still swishing back and forth in my mind. I stared down at my hands, finally rubbing them against my jeans hard enough they ached.

  Swearing they were stained with blood.

  There was no clock in the room and I never wore a watch, but given the light level, it had to be the middle of the afternoon. My legs were shaky as I attempted to stand, managing to make it to the dresser. As I peered into the mirror, I noticed that two suitcases were positioned in the corner of the room. My suitcases.

  I was shaking as I realized that Aleksei had actually sent someone to my apartment, a location that I kept secret, even listed in another name. All the rent was paid via a fake account, the lease signed in an alternative name. How in the hell did this man have that kind of power?

  I dragged the cases to the bed, dumping out the contents. The asshole had gone through my lingerie drawer, my cosmetics. He, she, or it had brought various colors of panties and bras. Horrified, I backed away, still trying to comprehend the authority and influence that Aleksei must possess.

  There had to be a viable solution to get out of this mess. I just had to figure it out. Would my own brother actually attempt to have me executed just because of what I’d learned? Given I honestly didn’t know my brother very well, there was no way to qualify my answer.

  There really was only a single choice in getting to the absolute truth.

  Play along.

  I’d initiate a meeting with Peter, pretending that I knew nothing. I was very observant, a required quality in my line of work. I’d know if the man was lying.

  As far as Aleksei?

  I could be a good little actress there as well.

  First things first. Seeing how much I could find out about my surroundings. I moved toward the door, trying the handle. Locked. However, from what I could tell, the lock was nothing special, a simple add-on purchased from a local hardware store, altered just enough to leave a single plate with two screws on the inside. Hmmm...

  The nail file kept in the cosmetic bag the soldier had also picked up might do the trick.

  After listening for any sounds that I might be able to hear, I went to work, able to remove the plate easily. The locking device was a bit tricky, but I’d picked my way through enough locks in my life that within thirty seconds, I heard the click.

  I carefully opened the door, once again listening for any type of noise. The entire upper floor was eerily quiet, every door closed. Easing into the hallway, I took a deep breath before taking cautious steps on the wooden floor. The first room was nothing special, merely what appeared to be a guest room of sorts. The second was intended as a master bedroom, but there were no hanging clothes, no toiletries in the oversized bathroom.

  Did Aleksei actually live in this house? I noticed the lock on the third door, another one to keep a prisoner inside. The mystery surrounding Aleksei and his actions was increasing, feeding into my need to find out every detail about the man as possible. I glanced over my shoulder before yanking out the file. This round was easy, the click occurring in less than fifteen seconds.

  I twisted the knob, my curiosity piqued.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Aleksei’s booming voice rocketed through the upstairs, the anger vibrant and intense.

  I remained still, ready to push open the door. The kind of fury exploding from his mouth only partially due to my refusal to follow his command.

  But I didn’t have the chance.

  I was dragged backward several feet, his hand wrapped around my neck as he shoved me against the wall, lifting me several inches off the floor. In his eyes I saw two emotions. Rage and...


  Whatever he was hiding behind the locked door he definitely didn’t want anyone to find out about.

  His fingers dug into my neck as he towered over me, his chest heaving and his chiseled face twisting in anger. “You will talk to me. Who are you? What do you want with me?”

  Shocked, my breath cut off, I did the only thing I could do. I covered his hand with mine, wrapping my fingers around his, using my other to knead his chest. I didn’t want to die here.

  Roaring, he dropped me, releasing his hold, his breathing remaining ragged. His eyes still blazed of hatred, livid in a manner that left them black as coal.

  “You disobeyed me,” he said in a much softer tone than I would have expected.

  “I did what... was... necessary.” Coughing, I doubled over as I tried to catch my breath before glaring at him. “I always find out about my surroundings. You kept me locked in the room for hours.” I’d noticed the gun slipped in the back of his jeans. If I could get to it, knocking him out in the process, I might have a chance. One. Single. Chance.

  “And I checked on you!”

  I rubbed my throat, darting another look at the cracked open door. He immediately stormed toward it, slamming and locking it.

  “What horrible secrets do you have, Aleksei? Who are you keeping locked inside that room?”

  “You have no right to ask me anything. None. I will not tolerate your insolence.” He paced the floor, raking his fingers through his hair.

  “Fine. Then show me this evidence you have.”

  I could tell he’d regained his control as he walked closer, backing me against the wall and planting his hands on either side of me. I gathered a scent of him, intoxicating in all manners, woodsy and exotic. He’d taken a shower, his clothing more like the rugged man I knew him to be. As he loomed over me, his lips dangerously close to mine, I heard the sound of my heart thumping into my ears, creating a wave of goosebumps sliding up and down my arms.

  And warmth between my legs.

  He tilted his head, inching even closer then brushing his lips back and forth across mine. “You belong to me, little one. Never forget that. I am your master and lord. What I will do to you will make you scream in pleasure or in pain. That is entirely your choice.”

  I slid my hands up his chest, moving them around his neck and rising on my tiptoes, forcing the kiss. Every part of me was on fire as he parted my mouth with his, slipping his tongue inside. For a dangerous and evil asshole, his kisses were seductive in every manner, dragging me into deep and dark cravings.

  I could taste scotch mingled with a hint of cinnamon, arousing me even more. My nipples ached, so hard as they scraped against my bra. The hint of discomfort was far too pleasurable. The kiss became a roar of passion, much l
ike the one at the hotel. I intertwined my fingers in his long and still damp strands, tugging lightly as he dominated my tongue.

  I heard his deep growls, the sound so damn provocative. This was all about his full control.

  His needs.

  His desires.

  He would do anything to have me willingly, but that was never going to happen.

  I wiggled against him, undulating my hips. The feel of his throbbing cock was incredible, allowing wicked girl fantasies to arise. I could easily fall for a man like him, at least in body.

  But not in soul.

  I slid my hand down his back, rubbing up and down.

  He seemed to sense my ruse, pulling back sharply and shaking his head. “Very nice try, but don’t flatter yourself. Even if you’d been successful, what you would have encountered would certainly not be pleasant by any means. I’ll say this one last time. You belong to me. You made a deal. There will be no more pleasure until you cooperate and that will require punishment.”

  I laughed, the sound floating past my lips involuntarily.

  Defying him again.

  “I can see you don’t understand your circumstances.” Very slowly he pulled out his gun. While he wrapped his hand around the barrel, releasing the safety, he lowered his arm, placing his other hand on his wrist. “Come with me.”

  I gave him a smug look, refusing to allow him to see any fear. He was not going to win this. He trailed behind me as we walked down the stairs, planting me in the middle of the foyer.

  Aleksei smiled, the same alluring one I’d seen at the hotel, before giving me a stern look. He walked to the front door, pressing several buttons on the security pad before opening it. Even from where I was standing, I could see one man on the front porch, another walking by the front of the house.

  “Maksim, would you come inside for just a moment?”

  “Of course, boss.”

  The man walking inside was almost as tall as Aleksei, his craggy skin scarred in several locations, his nose obviously broken on more than one occasion. He stood with the same type of gun in his hand, darting only a single glance in my location.


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