Forced to Cooperate

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Forced to Cooperate Page 16

by Piper Stone

  “Such as? You had a visitor at the house. I heard a different voice. Who was that?”

  Snarling, his eyes opened wide. “You were eavesdropping.”

  “Whatever the terms of the deal you forced me into, you mentioned that you prefer the truth. Then learn to provide it. You also talked about trust. There is no way I can trust you when you refuse to tell me exactly what’s going on.” I walked closer, refusing to give an inch. “What disturbed you so badly that you shut me out completely?”

  “As we’ve discussed, we aren’t friends.”

  “But we are business partners. I agreed to help you and in truth, I think it’s the right thing to do.”

  Aleksei narrowed his eyes and shifted back in my direction until he was towering over me once again. “Lies.”


  He exhaled, allowing the hot breath to slide across my face. I refused to back down. “Very well. My father came to give me a warning.”

  “Your father,” I repeated. “Whatever he said upset you terribly.”

  “If you know of the Russian mafia in any regard, you realize there are factions in the old country who are far more barbaric that even my father can be.”

  I’d read enough over the years, so many of the Russian mafia little more than gangs arising out of violent and abhorrent prisons. “Yes. What does that have to do with you or with Peter?”

  There was a flash in his eyes, a moment where I knew he’d never be able to tell me the entire truth.

  “There are people living in the United States who are very loyal to certain Bratvas from the mother country,” he said in an almost defeated manner.

  “You’re afraid they’re going to take over your kingdom.”

  He nodded. “They have the power and the means to do so. It is my responsibility to make certain that doesn’t happen.”

  “Because Peter is threatening your business, but there’s more. Isn’t there?”

  “There are several concerns. Now, it’s time for you to rest.”

  Damn it. I felt like I’d been dismissed, as if by telling me his feelings he’d broken his own code of honor. Then this. This... bullshit. Tears sprang to my eyes, a burning sensation rocketing through me. I’d been used.


  I was forced to accept that. Aleksei was a damn good actor. Then why did my heart ache so badly? Why did I still believe everything he’d said, the admission of his feelings? Jesus. I had to be the dumbest girl on the planet. Everything was completely out of sorts, including my growing feelings for a man that I had no business caring about.

  But the truth had been revealed.

  And I adored him.

  More than I dared to whisper but I did.

  “I love you.”

  * * *

  “Amazing,” I whispered, sliding my hand against my neck.

  How could I describe the most incredible dress I’d ever seen, let alone worn? There were no words plausible. As I stood in front of the mirror, studying my reflection, I felt more like a princess than anything else that came to mind.

  Except for the concept of a movie—Pretty Woman.

  The red velvet full-length piece accentuated every curve, hugging in such a casual manner that there was no doubt the dress had been made for me alone. Cinched at the waist and cascading over my hips, the long slit in the front allowed for a full viewing of one leg and the stilettos that Aleksei had chosen in accompaniment. To say I was dazzled was an understatement.

  I’d swept my hair into a bun, allowing a few strands to dangle along my cheeks and for some reason, I felt like a fraud. I was no princess. There was no knight in shining armor. I was simply a girl who’d lost her way, trusting all the wrong people.

  I’d spoken little to Aleksei after our discussion, retreating to the bedroom suite after only an hour. Here I was, more nervous than I could ever imagine, uncertain of why Aleksei would risk so much in an effort to poke the bear, as the expression went.

  I knew he had reasons other than what he was telling me, hidden secrets that he’d refused to reveal. As if that was anything new.

  I shifted right and left, admiring every attention to detail then made a series of faces at the girl staring back at me in the mirror.

  I checked the clock by the bed, eyeing the huge red digital numbers. I had five minutes before we were supposed to leave. I fingered the both corners of my lips, making certain the matching crimson lipstick was still intact before shoving the tube into the small clutch. Then I walked to the window, admiring the now clear skies, the beautiful coloration as fuchsia and violet clouds overtook the dark and ominous sky.

  Maybe this was a good omen.

  Then again, maybe this was a premonition of the future.

  I wasn’t a believer in fairy tales. They never came true. There was no chance my knight, if you could call Aleksei that in any manner, would be able to stave off the uncertainty or the danger. Yet he’d taken on his oath as my protector.

  Every mafia family had some level of concern about a takeover attempt at some point. That was well known but coming in from another country seemed to have a more ominous meaning. However, given Peter’s dive into illegal drugs, ones coming from Russia, that meant... Aleksei must be convinced that Peter was working directly with the Bratva, not only making connections but his own deal. That would account for Peter’s hatred of the Petrov family and his immediate need to have Aleksei assassinated.

  The other pieces of the puzzle were still far too fuzzy to make sense of.

  The minutes ticked by, matching the ragged beating of my heart. I finally noticed there was one minute left before our scheduled departure. I took a deep breath, sliding my hand down the front of my dress. The gorgeous sulking Russian had thought of everything.

  I could only wonder what the rest of the night would bring.

  As I walked out into the living room, searching for him, I held my breath. He appeared as if out of nowhere, standing in the shadows, only taking a few steps into the limited light. When his face lit up, if only for a few seconds, I was elated, butterflies rolling in my tummy.

  Aleksei took two more strides closer, shaking his head. He looked incredible in his tuxedo, even more so than the night I’d seen him at the celebration for the mayor. He was the kind of man who could wear any clothing, stunning in every manner. There was no attire that could hide his rugged features or the way he handled himself.

  In full control.

  I was drawn to him as before, able to gather a scent of his musky cologne feet away. I was reduced to the first time we’d shared a kiss, the moment permanently ingrained in my mind. He was simply delicious.

  “You look incredible,” he half whispered, the sultry strains filtering all around me, pulling me into the thick, soft velvet of his tone.

  “You have magnificent tastes.” I surprised myself by twirling around, giggling for a few seconds like some stupid girl. Again, this wasn’t a date. Not really.

  This was business.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He came closer, his gaze sweeping over me several times. “I will be honored to have you on my arm.”

  “For show. I get it, Aleksei. I’m nothing more than very expensive eye candy. I will do my part.” I would be an incredible actress, allowing every photo opportunity.

  He inhaled before holding out his arm. “You are much more than eye candy.”

  I bit back a bitter laugh. That was true, but perhaps he had no idea how creative I could be. There was time to plan for the meeting with Peter.

  The very one where I’d finally get all the answers.

  From both men.

  Chapter Eleven


  I was a bastard.

  There was no other word to call me. I was required by a certain code of oath to keep my business practices confidential. Even Maksim didn’t know various aspects regarding the family organization. What I’d already told Willow would be deemed irresponsible, yet she deserved to know the absolu
te truth. A man of honor. I’d been spouting that off as if the attribute was true.

  Maybe the only person I was fooling was myself.

  I’d asked Maksim to check into every aspect of the Church family, including how their parents had been killed. I wanted to know exactly what I was heading into prior to the meeting. Peter was a cunning man and if he’d used his sister in such an egregious manner, he had no loyalty to anyone. So far, what he’d found had been disconcerting in every way, but not conclusive.

  Still, I had the distinct feeling that there was much more going on within the Church organization that either my father or I had any inkling of. There was definitely a ticking time bomb going on.

  I studied Willow as she moved to the edge of her seat, the dim lighting in the theater still allowing me to admire her stunning features. Her skin shimmered, her lovely mouth ‘oohing and aahing’ to the various string instruments, obviously her favorite. I’d seen so many emotions during the performance, her face lighting up at various intervals. While all through dinner she’d been tense, the concert experience had allowed her a quiet time to simply enjoy a night out.

  I’d been right about the photographers, a few members of the press corps undoubtedly knowing my identity. They were hoping to catch a glimpse of the various celebrities in attendance. Instead, they’d photographed the picture of a monster.

  Her face would be splashed all over various media sites, the risk I’d allowed weighing heavily on my mind. I suddenly wanted to keep her locked away, not only for her protection but because she belonged to me. The thought was riveting.

  I sat back in my seat, scanning the periphery of our balcony view. I’d made certain we were seated alone, paying a heavy price for the remaining tickets, but it was necessary and not entirely because of security.

  I wanted Willow to enjoy herself, to bask in the glory of incredible music on a perfect night. Maybe I craved nothing more than to have her on my arm, to be seen with such a gorgeous woman. That was the honest truth. Whether or not Peter Church actually did give a damn about his sister, over which I had my doubts, my desire had been to push away real life in exchange for a fantasy.

  Only real life would soon bite me in the ass.

  As the drums rumbled, creating an ominous sound, the pianist taking center stage, Willow’s eyes opened wide. There was so much emotion in them, tears brimming her long eyelashes. When she reached over, her fingers delicately stroking my arm, a shot of raw protectiveness jetted through me.

  Just as the song ended, the crowd erupting into raucous applause, she seemed embarrassed by her actions, slowly removing her hand. Her expression was intense, an outpouring of joy, although haunted by the dark strains from the music and a stark reminder of the very reason I adored her.

  I leaned over, dragging my knuckles across her cheek. Every second we shared seemed precious. A mere blip in time. The getaway from reality. The way her eyelids fluttered, her mouth having formed a perfect ‘O.’ My cock twitched, the hunger unabashed and I had difficulty breathing from the building desire.

  She gave me a slight smile before jumping to her feet, breaking the moment. She moved to the edge of the balcony, joining the other revelers, but I could see the single tear trickling down her cheek.

  Yeah, I was more than just a bastard. I cringed, my self-worth called into question.


  I’d spent my entire time on this earth learning about, dealing with, and factoring into my world the understanding and usage of lies. My father had taught me well, his often vicious and unrelenting training difficult to stomach, but vital in an effort to stay alive. I was the master of keeping a straight face, a man who didn’t mind stretching his principles in order to achieve a goal.

  But I’d never lied to my family.

  Today I’d told the truth to someone outside of the sanctioned group, at least to what degree I felt able. Only those truths had been about emotions, feelings I’d long since pushed aside in favor of never having to experience pain again. After doing so, I’d felt the need to shut down, just like I’d done for the majority of my life.

  We’d sat through dinner barely making small talk, her inability to even lock eyes with mine more than once a telling statement.

  My gamble and subsequent retraction, falling into the same pattern of pretending not to give a damn had driven another wedge between us. There was a part of me that likely instigated the shift for solid reasons. We weren’t lovers. We were merely business professionals, perhaps now both longing to achieve the same goal.

  Sadly, I still had additional cards in my hands, ones that could reveal the lies in her former life and destroy any remaining ties she had to it. I’d never given a shit before, at least not about anyone I’d originally considered an enemy. In just a few short days, the woman with the sharp tongue and vivacious personality had slithered into what few crevices I hadn’t cut off from the world.

  Maybe I wanted to push her away, even hurt her because of her uncanny ability to break through my defenses.

  “That was beautiful.”

  Her words broke my concentration, her lilting tone floating above the continued applause. “I thought you’d enjoy.”

  She eased back, still standing over me. “You enjoy music.”

  “Of all kinds. Very much so.”

  “You are enigmatic, Aleksei, more so than you like anyone to see.”

  I took her hand, pulling her into the seat as the lights began to lift in the theater. “We all have different sides and sometimes we prefer to hide a few of them from those who might challenge them. I prefer to keep various aspects of my life very private.”

  “To protect yourself.” She studied the way I was fingering her hand, even tilting her head as I rubbed each finger individually. “Often letting go, sharing a portion that you feel most vulnerable about is about trust. Respect. I think you’re a man who understands that clearly. You want people to trust you, but you can’t let go of the fear, concern, and anger that seems to consume you.” She lifted her head, enabling her to look directly into my eyes. “I don’t believe it has anything to do with your dangerous position or the fact you have to portray a certain persona. Whatever deep-seated aspects of your life caused you so much pain, you can’t break free of the noose around your neck.”

  Her words were truly profound, another tearing away of my armor. “Again, I have my reasons.”

  “That you won’t tell me because you don’t trust me.”

  “Oddly enough, I do trust you more than perhaps I should. What demons lie beneath the surface have been with me for years. Protection is vital for so many reasons. If I were to let my guard down for even a few minutes, there are people who could destroy all I’ve worked so hard to achieve.”

  “But you allowed your guard to fall with me, if only for a few seconds,” she said, giving me her signature whimsical smile. She crowded my space, daring me to challenge her portrayal of me. I couldn’t. “Does that mean I’m worth the risk?”

  I found myself holding back, knowing that if I allowed that very guard she mentioned to fall one additional time, there would be no way of picking up the pieces. She was very much worth the risk, but only for my life. Not for those I loved. And still, I found my attraction far too disruptive, the need I’d had for her before heightened. I leaned forward, easing my hand around her neck, the hold gentler than the others had been. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t.”

  The words were so simple for her to say. She slid her hand around my neck, pulling me closer. Everything about her was intoxicating, stimulating in ways that were difficult to push aside. Every cell was on fire, my mind reeling with wants and needs, fears and concerns. I’d played a dangerous game and I refused to allow her to be a victim because of anyone’s greed. Whatever her brother had done to convince her to become an assassin had affected her tremendously. She’d lived not only a dangerous life, but one that was equally as lonely as mine.

  Could I trust her enough with what
I considered to be my greatest secret, my ultimate weakness? The answer was yes, but this was about others who would take the opportunity to take away all I cared about.

  Including her.

  The woman I loved, enough so my heart ached.

  As she pressed her lips against mine, I allowed her the freedom of control, delicately exploring my mouth.

  Willow cupped my face with her other hand, quivering as she darted her tongue just inside. My hunger was just as savage, just as daunting as it had been before, only this time, I didn’t want to lose her.

  I crushed her against me, enjoying the sweet taste and the closeness, our kiss as two lovers would do. I felt her hand pushing against my chest, breaking the connection but she didn’t jerk away from me, her desire to remain close chilling.

  I fingered the single strand of curled hair against her cheek, enjoying the silky feel. I wasn’t romantic, or at least I hadn’t been in years, but she brought out everything that had been decent and loving. “We should go.”

  “I know.” As she leaned back, she took another look at the stage. “This has been a magical night. While I understand this was about business, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute, brooding Russian and all.”

  I was surprised at her easy laughter, as if all was forgiven. Somehow, I knew better.

  I also knew that the devil was lurking, the past ready to consume any possibility of the future.

  For only the second time in my life, true fear swept through my system.

  * * *

  She stood out on the balcony on a cloudless night, staring up at the stars, a glass of wine in her hand. I remained inside, my heart racing from seeing the continued happiness on her face. I realized sequestering her couldn’t last forever, but at least tonight we were both freed from the chains.

  For now.

  I held the glass of scotch in my hand, loathing the fact I couldn’t come down off the edge. There were questions that needed answers, information that must be shared. And I hated the concept. I walked out onto the balcony, keeping my distance, much like the night at the hotel. I could tell she’d registered my presence, her body tensing if only for a few seconds.


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