Báthory, Elizabeth 87
Bayona, J. A. 158 Orphanage, The 158
Benedict XIV 38
Bennett, Tom 74
Berryman, Michael 144
Betelheim, Bruno 90
Bierce, Ambrose 160
Bigelow, Kathryn 152–3 Blue Steel 152
Detroit 152–3
Near Dark 152
Point Break 153
Black, Karen 144
Blackwood, Algernon 150, 158
Blair Witch Project, The 80, 145
Blake, William 84–6, 127–8
Blatty, William Peter 71 Exorcist, The 70–1
body horror 92–7
Bosse, Abraham 128
Bottin, Rob 94
Botting, Fred 8
Boucicault, Dion 41
Bradbury, Ray 48
Breaking Bad 160
Brooker, Charlie 56 Dead Set 56
Brooks, Max 56–7 World War Z 56
Zombie Survival Guide 56
Brown, Michael 153
Browning, Tod 45 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 159–60
Dracula 45
Bundy, Ted 113
Bunuel, Luis 13 Un Chien Andalou 13
Burke, Edmund 9–10, 130
Burton, Thomas 30 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 39
Calmet, Augustine 37
Cammell, Donald 134 Demon Seed 134
Campbell, John W. 149
Candyman 156
Cannibal Ferox 4
Cannibal Holocaust 1, 4, 6, 33, 100, 145
cannibalism 31–4
Carpenter, John 14–15, 94, 102, 118, 145 Fog, The 14
Halloween 14, 102, 118
Thing, The 14, 94, 149
Carrie (2013) 143
Carson, John 52
Carter, Angela 90–1
Casement, Roger 110
Chambers, Robert W. 160 King in Yellow, The 156, 160
Chaney, Lon 92
Chaney, Jr, Lon 92
Childers, Erskine 110
Children of the Stones 154
Christie, Julie 134
Clement of Alexandria 82
Clive, Colin 131
Clover, Carol J. 144
Cloverfield 141
Collins, Wilkie 103 Woman in White, The 103
Conrad, Joseph 33, 115 Heart of Darkness 33
Secret Agent, The 115
Coppola, Francis Ford 44
Corman, Roger 106
Cornelius Agrippa 126
Cox, Brian 106
Cranach, Lucas 84–6
Cranor, Jeffrey 161
Craven, Wes 33, 53 Hills Have Eyes, The 33
Nightmare on Elm Street, A 119
Serpent and the Rainbow, The 53
Creeping Flesh, The 104
Cronenberg, David 94–5 Consumed 94
Fly, The 94
Rabid 94
Scanners 94
Shivers 94
Videodrome 94
Crowe, Catherine 61 Night Side of Nature 61
Curse of the Werewolf, The 84
Curtis, Jamie Lee 152
Cushing, Peter 104
Dahl, Roald 116–17 Tales of the Unexpected 117
Dahmer, Jeffrey 113
Danielewski, Mark Z. 147 House of Leaves 147
Darwin, Charles 60, 86, 122, 133
Darwin, Erasmus 132
Davies, Owen 79
Davis, Wade 53
Day the Earth Stood Still, The 134
Dee, Frances 52
del Toro, Guillermo 158 Cronos 158
Devil’s Backbone, The 158
Mimic 158
Pan’s Labyrinth 158
Deodato, Ruggero 4
de Rais, Gilles 87
Devil, the 64–74
Dickens, Charles 61, 77, 80 Christmas Carol, A 77–9, 80
Diderot, Denis 38
Douglas, Mary 11–12
Down Below the Reservoir 161
Downey, Jr, Robert 138
Doyle, Arthur Conan 23–4, 59–61, 87, 110–11, 149 Hound of the Baskervilles, The 87
Doyle, Charles Altamont 110
Dracula (1957) 47
Drag Me to Hell 146
‘Dr Bataille’ 67
Dreamhouse 146
Dreamscape 119
Dreyer, Carl 45 Vampyr 45
Dr Strangelove 124
Eaten Alive 1
Edge of Darkness 24
Einstein, Albert 133
Eisenberg, Jesse 138
Eliot, T. S. 135
Ellis, Bret Easton 114 American Psycho 114
Ellis, Henry Havelock 108
Emmerich, Roland 149 Day After Tomorrow, The 149–50
Engels, Friedrich 130
Epic of Gilgamesh, The 75
Erice, Victor 158 Spirit of the Beehive, The 158
Euripides 1–2 Bacchae, The 1–2, 6
Medea 3
Evil Dead, The 142
Ex Machina 138
Exorcism, The 154
Faulkner, William 25
Faust legend 124–5
Fawcett, John 91
Felix-Mentor, Felicia 51
Fessenden, Larry 150 Last Winter, The 150
Fifty Shades of Grey 36
Final Destination 27
Fincher, David 109 Fight Club 109
Se7en 114
Fisher, Mark 19–20
Fly, The (1958) 132
Foree, Ken 144
Fortitude 150
Foucault, Michel 102
Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell 104
Frazer, J. G. 62, 153
Freud, Sigmund 17, 31, 42, 89, 107, 109, 137–8
Friday the Thirteenth 16, 118
Friedkin, William 71 Exorcist, The 72–3, 147
Fukasaku, Kinji 157 Battle Royale 157–8
Gabriadze, Levan 26 Unfriended 26–7, 138
Gacy, John Wayne 113
Game of Thrones 57, 151, 160
Gardner, Elliott 155 Borderlands, The 155
Garner, Alan 154 Elidor 154
Moon of Gomrath, The 154
Owl Service, The 154
Weirdstone of Brisingamen, The 154
Garner, Eric 153
Geertz, Clifford 2
Geeson, Judy 144
Gellar, Sarah Michelle 159
Geyser, Morgan 163
ghosts 74–80
Gibson, Mel 98 Passion of the Christ, The 98
Gilling, John 52
Ginger Snaps 91–2
Girl With All the Gifts, The 57
Godzilla 141
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 39, 125
Gore, Al 150
Gorky, Maxim 44
Gothic 7–9
Graham, Billy 71
Graves, Robert 127
Grau, Albin 45–6
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm 90
Groom, Nick 8
Haig, Sid 144
Hall, Stuart 21
Halperin, Victor 52 White Zombie 52
Hammer Studios 47, 52
Hannibal (TV series) 120, 160
Haneke, Michael 97 Funny Games 97
Happy Birthday to Me 118
Harris, Thomas 33, 113, 119 Hannibal 119
Hannibal Rising 33
Silence of the Lambs, The 114
Hedison, Al 132
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer 114
Hepburn, Katharine 151
Herodotus 83, 88
Hesiod 127
Higson, Charlie 142
Hills Have Eyes, The (2006) 143
Hobbes, Thomas 129–30
Hoffmann, E. T. A. 138
Hogg, James 109 Confessions of a Justified Sinner 107, 109
Homer 76 Odyssey 76
Hooper, Tobe 33, 142 Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The 33, 35, 114, 139
Hopkins, Anthony 106
Hunger Games, The 157
Hurley, Andrew Michael 155 The Loney 155
Hurston, Zora Neale 51
Huxley, T. H. 122–3
I Know What You Did Last Summer 1
I Spit on Your Grave (1978) 1, 100, 144
I Spit on Your Grave (2010) 143
Incredible Shrinking Man, The 134
Insidious 80
Isaac, Oscar 138
Isabelle, Kathryn 91
Island of Lost Souls 131
It 145
Jackson, Shirley 48, 147
Jacobs, Joseph 61
James, Henry 18, 63 Turn of the Screw, The 18, 63
James, M. R. 1, 61, 63–4, 77–8, 80, 140, 154–5
Jane Eyre 52
Johnson, Lyndon B. 153
Jones, Darby 52
Jordan, Neil 36 Byzantium 36
Joyce, James 1 Finnegans Wake 6
Jurassic Park 124
Kaluuya, Daniel 152
Karloff, Boris 53, 131
Keaton, Camille 144
Keener, Catherine 152
Kermode, Mark 145
Kilmer, Val 150
King Kong 35, 141
King, Stephen 10–11, 15, 25, 29, 47, 64–5, 70, 147, 152 Carrie 152
Danse Macabre 11
On Writing 15
‘Salem’s Lot 29, 47–8, 64–5
Kink, Joseph 161
Kipling, Rudyard 23
Kirby, Jack 136–7
Kneale, Nigel 80 Stone Tape, The 80
Kong: Skull Island 141
Kramer, Stanley 151 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 151–2
Kubrick, Stanley 134 2001: A Space Odyssey 134
Kunis, Mila 109
Kuzui, Fran Rubel 159
LaHaye, Tim and Jerry B. Jenkins 73 Left Behind 73
Laing, R. D. 102, 106
Lang, Andrew 61, 79
Last House on the Left, The (2009) 143
Laughton, Charles 131
LaValle, Victor 151 Ballad of Black Tom, The 151
League of Gentlemen, The 155
Lee, Christopher 47
Lee, Stan 136–7
LeFanu, Joseph Sheridan 41, 48, 61 ‘Carmilla’ 41–2, 45, 61
Leigh, Mike 154
Lenzi, Umberto 4
Lévi, Éliphas 62
Levin, Ira 72 Rosemary’s Baby 72, 152
Stepford Wives, The 152
Levinson, Barry 148 Bay, The 148
Lewis, Matthew 67 Monk, The 67
Lewton, Val 52, 145
Lloyd, Edward 40
Lovecraft, H. P. 19–20, 22, 140, 147, 149, 151
Lucas, Henry Lee 113
Lugosi, Béla 35, 45–7, 131
Lumière Brothers 44
Luther, Martin 125
Lyell, Charles 133
Lynch, David 120
McCarthy, Cormac 26 The Road 26
Macfarlane, Robert 154
Macleod, Fiona 61
Machen, Arthur 158 Great God Pan, The 61, 158
Maggie 57
Manhunter 106
Mansfield, Richard 92
March, Fredric 112–13
Marlowe, Christopher 125
Marsh, Richard 24 Beetle, The 24
Martin, Antonio 153
Martin, Trayvon 153
Marx, Karl 39–40, 130
Matheson, Richard 48 I Am Legend 48
Mathewes, Charles T. 66
Matrix, The 135
Maxwell, James Clarke 133
Melanchthon, Philip 125
Melville, Herman 33 Moby-Dick 33
Meyer, Stephenie 13, 35–6 Twilight 13, 35–6, 141–2
Miike, Takashi 157 Audition 157
Milton, John 65, 127
‘Monkey’s Paw, The’ 156
Montaigne, Michel de 32
Most Dangerous Game, The 157
mother! 146
Munger, Robert 73
Murnau, F. W. 45 Nosferatu 45
My Bloody Valentine 118
Näcke, Paul 108
Nakata, Hideo 79, 156–7 Dark Water 157
Ring, The 156
Naughton, David 94
Ness, Patrick 142
Nichols, Jeff 148 Take Shelter 148
Nilsen, Dennis 113, 117
Nixon, Richard 48
Nodier, Charles 40
Oldman, Gary 44
Omen, The 73–4
Oppenheimer, Robert 135–6
Ovid 82, 84, 92, 127 Metamorphoses 82, 84, 92, 127
Pacific Rim 141
Palahniuk, Chuck 109
Paole, Arnold 37, 38
Paracelsus 126
Paranormal Activity 145–7
Partridge, Christopher 61
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 3 Medea 3–4
Pattinson, Robert 35
Paver, Michelle 150, 155 Dark Matter 150, 155
Peck, Gregory 73
Peele, Jordan 151 Get Out 151–2
Peli, Oran 145
Penda’s Fen 154
Perrault, Charles 90
Peters, Evan 104
Phantasm 119
Pierce, Jack 92
Pitt, Brad 109
Plague of the Zombies, The 52–3
Planché, James Robinson 41
Plaza, Paco 159
Pleasence, Donald 102
Pliny the Elder 30, 83, 88–9
Poe, Edgar Allan 1, 33, 104–7, 115–16, 149 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket 33
Poitier, Sidney 151
Polanski, Roman 72 Rosemary’s Baby 72–3, 135
Polidori, John 38–9
Portman, Natalie 109
Powell, Michael 116 Peeping Tom 116
Praz, Mario 38
Price, Harry 155
Price, Vincent 106
Prometheus myth 127–8
Prom Night 118
Psycho 103, 114
Pullman, Philip 150 Northern Lights 150
Purge, The 146
Radcliffe, Ann 10, 16
Rank, Otto 107, 109
Ratner, Brett 160 Red Dragon 160
Raven, The 131
[REC] 158–9
Remick, Lee 73
Rennie, Michael 134
Rhys, Jean 52 Wide Sargasso Sea 52
Rice, Anne 36, 48–9 Interview with the Vampire 48
Rice, Tamir 153
Rickman, Phil 155 Candlenight 155
Robin Redbreast 154
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The 17, 108
Romero, George A. 53–6, 57 Dawn of the Dead 55–6, 57
Day of the Dead 55
Diary of the Dead 55
Land of the Dead 55
Night of the Living Dead 53–5
Survival of the Dead 55
Roth, Eli 100 Hostel 100
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 38
Russell, Jeffrey Burton 72
Ryle, Gilbert 76
Rymer, James Malcolm 40 Varney the Vampire 40
Sagan, Carl 121–4, 132
Said, Edward 31
Sandbrook, Dominic 21
Satanic Rites of Dracula, The 47
Savini, Tom 55–6, 94
Saw series 16, 100
Scarry, Elaine 99
Scavolini, Romano 101–2 Nightmares in a Damaged Brain 101
Schwarzenegger, Arnold 57, 135
Scream series 17, 159
Scruton, David L. 21
Shakespeare, William 1, 4 Hamlet 78–9
King Lear 13
Macbeth 4, 79
Tempest, The 32
Titus Andronicus 4–5, 6
Shan, Darren 142
Shannon, Michael 148
Shatner, William 118
Shelley, Mary 39, 108, 125–31 Frankenstein 39, 57, 107, 108, 125–31, 149
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 128
Shimuzu, Takashi 157 Ju-on: The Grudge 157
Shipman, Harold 113
Shyamalan, M. Night 148 The Happening 148
Silence of the Lambs, The 106
Silent Night, Deadly Night 118
Sir Lancelot (calypso singer) 52
Six, Tom 97 Human Centipede, The 97
Slender Man, The 161–3
Snow, C. P. 133–4
Social Network, The
Something Awful 161
Sopranos, The 160
Southern Vampire Mysteries, The 36
Spacey, Kevin 114
Spies, Johann 125
Spooner, Catherine 142
Spring, Neil 155 Ghost Hunters, The 155
Stanford, Peter 65
Stevenson, Robert Louis 109–13 Jekyll and Hyde 57, 86, 92, 107, 110–13
Sting 77
Stoker, Bram 24, 39, 43, 48, 87, 103 Dracula 24, 39, 42–4, 57, 61, 87–8, 89, 103
Storey, John 21
Surge, Victor 161
Sutcliffe, Peter 113
Sutherland, Kiefer 99
Suzuki, Koji 157
24 99
28 Days Later 26
Tale of Two Sisters, A 157
Tall Man, The 146
Teller, Edward 24, 122
Terminator series 24, 135
terror 10–11
Texas Chain Saw Massacre (2003) 143
Thaw, The 150
Them! 134
Thesiger, Ernest 131
Thirty Days of Night 150
Thoreau, Henry David 149 Walden 149
Thorndike, Lynn 62
Threads 24, 25
‘torture porn’ 97–100
Tourneur, Jacques 52, 145 Cat People 145
I Walked With a Zombie 52
Night of the Demon 156
Tracy, Spencer 151
Tremblay, Paul 146 Head Full of Ghosts, A 147–8
Troughton, Patrick 74
True Blood 36
True Detective 160
Trump, Donald 148, 153
Tugwell, Graham 161
Tyndall, John 122–3
uncanny, the 17–19
Uninvited, The 157
Vampire Diaries, The 36
vampires 27, 35–49
VanderMeer, Jeff 148 Annihilation 148
van Luijk, Ruben 66
Van Sloan, Edward 131
Video Recordings Act 1984 1, 4, 6, 101
Vikander, Alicia 138
Voltaire 38
Sleeping with the Lights On Page 15