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by Kevin J. Hayes

  15. T.J. to Maria Cosway, October 5, 1786, Papers, 10: 432.

  16. Ibid., 10: 431–432.

  17. Jeanne M. Malloy, American Secular Prose Dialogues before 1790 (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1991).

  18. Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, trans. Victor Watts, rev. ed. (New York: Penguin, 1999), 6.

  Chapter 24: An Inquisitive Journey through France and Italy

  1. T.J. to George Watterston, May 7, 1815, Jefferson Papers (DLC).

  2. “Hints to Americans Travelling in Europe,” Papers, 13: 268.

  3. “Notes on the Letter of Christoph Daniel Ebeling,” after October 15, 1795, Papers, 28: 506.

  4. “Hints,” Papers, 13: 268.

  5. Joseph Addison, Remarks on Several Parts of Italy (London: J. Tonson, 1705), 301–302.

  6. “Hints,” Papers, 13: 268.

  7. Ibid., 13: 269.

  8. T.J. to Chastellux, April 4, 1787, Papers, 11: 261–262.

  9. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, ed. Virginia Woolf (New York: Oxford University Press, 1948), 91.

  10. “Notes of a Tour into the Southern Parts of France, etc.,” Papers, 11: 415.

  11. John Finch, Travels in the United States of America and Canada (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Green, & Longman, 1833), 253.

  12. “Notes of a Tour,” Papers, 11: 417.

  13. Ibid., 11: 420.

  14. T.J. to William Short, March 15, 1787, Papers, 11: 214.

  15. Quoted in Papers, 10: 158.

  16. T.J. to Madame de Tessé, March 20, 1787, Papers, 11: 226.

  17. Ibid., 11: 226–227.

  18. Ibid., 11: 227.

  19. T.J. to Madame de Tott, April 5, 1787, Papers, 11: 271–272.

  20. T.J. to William Short, March 27, 1787, Papers, 11: 247–248.

  21. T.J. to William Short, March 29, 1787, Papers, 11: 254.

  22. Ezra Pound, The Spirit of Romance (New York: New Directions, 1952), 39.

  23. T.J. to Lafayette, April 11, 1787, Papers, 11: 283.

  24. Ibid., 11: 285.

  25. “Notes of a Tour,” Papers, 11: 432; T.J. to Maria Cosway, July 1, 1787, Papers, 11: 519.

  26. T.J. to George Wythe, September 16, 1787, Papers, 12: 127.

  27. T.J. to William Drayton, July 30, 1787, Papers, 11: 648.

  28. Jefferson at Monticello, 5.

  29. Papers, 11: 464.

  30. “Hints,” Papers, 13: 270.

  31. “Notes of a Tour,” Papers, 11: 441.

  32. Ibid., 11: 441–442.

  33. “Hints,” Papers, 13: 271.

  34. T.J. to Martha Jefferson, March 28, 1787, Papers, 11: 251.

  35. Abigail Adams to T.J., July 10, 1787, Papers, 11: 573; The History of Fanny Meadows, 2 vols. (London: for T. Becket, 1775), 1: 179; Disinterested Love: or, The History of Sir Charles Royston, and Emily Lessley, 2 vols. (London: for John Wilkie, 1776), 1: 217.

  36. Abigail Adams to T.J., July 10, 1787, Papers, 11: 573.

  37. T.J. to Martha Jefferson, May 21, 1787, Papers, 11: 369–370.

  Chapter 25: A Tour through Holland and the Rhine Valley

  1. T.J. to John Adams, May 25, 1785, Papers, 8: 164.

  2. T.J. to Abigail Adams, June 21, 1785, Papers, 8: 239.

  3. T.J. to Abigail Adams, September 25, 1785, Papers, 8: 549.

  4. T.J. to Abigail Adams, August 9, 1786, Papers, 10: 202–203.

  5. T.J. to Abigail Adams, July 1, 1787, Papers, 11: 515.

  6. T.J. to Abigail Adams, February 2, 1788, Papers, 12: 553.

  7. Howard C. Rice, Jr., Thomas Jefferson’s Paris (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976), 105–107.

  8. T.J. to John Adams, March 2, 1788, Papers, 12: 637.

  9. T.J. to William Short, March 10, 1788, Papers, 12: 659.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 127.

  12. “Hints to Americans Travelling in Europe,” Papers, 13: 264; Memorandum Books, 1: 698.

  13. T.J. to William Short, March 29, 1788, Papers, 12: 697.

  14. T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 103.

  15. T.J. to William Short, April 9, 1788, Papers, 13: 48–49.

  16. T.J. to John Trumbull, March 27, 1788, Papers, 12: 694.

  17. John Trumbull, The Autobiography of Colonel John Trumbull Patriot-Artist, 1756–1843, ed. Theodore Sizer (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1953); John Owen, Travels into Different Parts of Europe, in the Years 1791 and 1792 (London: for T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, 1796), 142; “Notes of a Tour through Holland and the Rhine Valley,” Papers, 13: 12.

  18. T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 103.

  19. Owen, Travels, 143.

  20. T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 104.

  21. Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (New York: Oxford University Press, 1928), 162; T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 104.

  22. T.J. to William Wirt, November 12, 1816, Jefferson Papers (DLC).

  23. T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 103; Owen, Travels, 143–144; Trumbull, Autobiography, 137.

  24. T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 103.

  25. Charles McCorquodale, “Dolci, Carlo,” Dictionary of Art, ed. Jane Turner, 34 vols. (New York: Grove, 1996), 9: 76–79.

  26. “Notes of a Tour,” Papers, 13: 14.

  27. Adam Walker, Ideas, Suggested on the Spot in a Late Excursion through Flanders, Germany, France, and Italy (London: for J. Robson, 1790), 66.

  28. “Notes of a Tour,” Papers, 13: 19–20; T.J. to Geismar, July 13, 1788, Papers, 13: 357.

  29. T.J. to Maria Cosway, April 24, 1788, Papers, 13: 104.

  30. Maria Cosway to T.J., April 29, 1788, Papers, 13: 115.

  31. William Howard Adams, The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1997), 235–237.

  32. T.J. to Angelica Schuyler Church, August 17, 1788, Papers, 13: 521.

  33. Sterne, Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, 66–67.

  34. T.J. to John Trumbull, March 27, 1788, Papers, 12: 694; “Hints,” Papers, 13: 267.

  35. T.J. to Thomas Payne, October 2, 1788, Papers, 13: 650.

  36. “Hints,” Papers, 13: 267.

  Chapter 26: Last Days in Paris

  1. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 132; T.J. to Madame de Bréhan, March 14, 1789, Papers, 14: 656.

  2. T.J. to John Trumbull, February 15, 1788, Papers, 14: 561.

  3. Gilbert Chinard, “Introduction,” A Huguenot Exile in Virginia: Or, Voyages of a Frenchman Exiled for His Religion with a Description of Virginia and Maryland, trans. Gilbert Chinard (New York: Press of the Pioneers, 1934), 10.

  4. T.J. to John Adams, June 11, 1812, AJL, 306.

  5. T.J. to Joseph Willard, March 24, 1789, Papers, 14: 697–698.

  6. T.J. to Joseph Willard, March 24, 1789, Papers, 14: 699.

  7. Archer Taylor, Book Catalogues: Their Varieties and Uses, revised by William P. Barlow, 2d ed. (London: St. Paul’s Biographies, 1986), 97–98.

  8. Bibliotheca Pinelliana: A Catalogue of the Magnificent and Celebrated Library of Maffei Pinelli (London: Robson & Clarke, 1789), 189.

  9. Lucy Ludwell Paradise to T.J., May 26, 1789, Papers, 15: 151; T.J. to Lucy Ludwell Paradise, June 1, 1789, Papers, 15: 162–163.

  10. Myles Davies, Athenae Britannicae: or, The Critical News, and Parallels of Miscelanies, vol. 4 (London: Myles Davies, 1715); Isaac Disraeli, Curiosities of Literature: Consisting of Anecdotes, Characters, Sketches, and Observations, Literary Critical, and Historical (London: for J. Murray, 1791), 19; Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, Letters … to His Son, ed. Eugenia Stanhope (London: J. Dodsley, 1774), 567; Abel Boyer, Boyer’s Royal Dictionary Abridged, ed. J. C. Prieur, 14th ed. (London, 1777).

  11. For a good survey of the situation, see Memorandum Books, 1: 730 n47.

  12. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 127–128.

  13. Ibid., 1: 135.
br />   14. “A Fourth of July Tribute to Jefferson,” July 4, 1789, Papers, 15: 239–240.

  15. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 144.

  16. Ibid., 1: 154.

  17. Abigail Adams to T.J., June 6, 1785, Papers, 6: 178.

  18. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 157.

  Chapter 27: The Young Idea

  1. “Extract from the Diary of Nathaniel Cutting at Le Havre and Cowes,” Papers, 15: 490–492.

  2. Quoted in Memorandum Books, 1: 745; T.J. to William Short, October 7, 1789, Papers, 15: 509.

  3. T.J. to William Short, October 7, 1789, Papers, 15: 509.

  4. “Revisal of the Laws,” Papers, 2: 325, 496; Howard I. Kuchner, American Suicide: A Psychocultural Exploration (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1991), 30.

  5. Quoted in Memorandum Books, 1: 745; Jefferson at Monticello, 21.

  6. “Extract from the Diary of Nathaniel Cutting,” Papers, 15: 496.

  7. George A. Leavitt, Catalogue of a Private Library Comprising a Rich Assortment of Rare and Standard Works … Also, the Remaining Portion of the Library of the Late Thomas Jefferson, Comprising many Classical Works and Several Autograph Letters, Offered by his Grandson, Francis Eppes, of Poplar Forest, Va. (New York: George A. Leavitt & Co., 1873), lot 639, lists a copy of La Fontaine inscribed with the autograph of Mary Jefferson.

  8. “Extract from the Diary of Nathaniel Cutting,” Papers, 15: 497.

  9. Ibid., 15: 498.

  10. T.J. to Madame de Corny, April 2, 1790, Papers 16: 289.

  11. “Reminiscences of Th.J. by MR,” Papers, 15: 560.

  12. Ibid., 15: 560–561.

  13. T.J. to Madame de Corny, April 2, 1790, Papers, 16: 289.

  14. Quoted in Papers, 16: 167–168.

  15. Jack McLaughlin, Jefferson and Monticello: The Biography of a Builder (New York: Henry Holt, 1988), 240.

  16. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 159; T.J. to Madame de Corny, April 2, 1790, Papers, 16: 290.

  17. T.J. to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., July 6, 1787, Papers, 11: 558; T.J. to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., March 8, 1790, Papers, 16: 214.

  18. T.J. to William Short, December 14, 1789, Papers, 16: 26.

  19. T.J. to William Fitzhugh, March 11, 1790, Papers, 16: 223; T.J. to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., March 28, 1790, Papers, 16: 278.

  20. Kevin J. Hayes, “Introduction,” Edwin Wolf II and Kevin J. Hayes, The Library of Benjamin Franklin (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society and the Library Company of Philadelphia, 2006), 19.

  21. Autobiography, Ford, 1: 159–160; T.J. to Samuel Smith, August 22, 1798, Papers, 30: 484; T.J. to Jonathan Williams, July 3, 1796, Papers, 29: 140.

  22. T.J. to Madame d’Enville, April 2, 1790, Papers, 16: 291.

  23. T.J. to Lafayette, April 2, 1790, Papers, 16: 293.

  24. “Explanations of the 3. Volumes Bound in Marbled Paper,” Jefferson Papers (DLC).

  25. Ibid.

  26. Ibid.

  27. Ibid.

  28. T.J. to David Rittenhouse, June 20, 1790, Papers 16: 543.

  29. Ezra Stiles to T.J., August 27, 1790, Papers, 17: 442–444.

  30. T.J. to Mercy Warren, November 25, 1790, Papers, 18: 78.

  31. Edward Dumbauld, Thomas Jefferson, American Tourist: Being an Account of His Journeys in the United States of America, England, France, Italy, the Low Countries, and Germany (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1946), 156–158; Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Library of Rhode-Island College (Providence, R.I.: J. Carter, 1793).

  32. Memorandum Books, 1: 764–765.

  33. Thomas Lee Shippen to William Shippen, September 15, 1790, Papers, 17: 464.

  34. Memorandum Books, 1: 770.

  35. T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, December 23, 1790, Papers, 18: 350.

  36. Mary Jefferson to T.J., January 22, 1791, Papers, 18: 594.

  37. George Chapman, A Treatise on Education, 4th ed. (London: for the author, 1790), 85; Mary Jefferson to T.J., January 22, 1791, Papers, 18: 594.

  38. Martha Jefferson Randolph to T.J., January 16, 1791, Papers, 18: 500.

  39. T.J. to Mary Jefferson, February 16, 1791, Papers, 19: 282.

  40. T.J. to Joseph Willard, March 24, 1789, Papers, 14: 697.

  41. T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, May 31, 1791, Papers, 20: 463.

  42. T.J. to Mary Jefferson, May 30, 1791, Papers, 20: 462–463.

  43. Mary Jefferson to T.J., July 16, 1791, Papers, 20: 633.

  44. T.J. to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., June 5, 1791, Papers, 20: 464–465.

  Chapter 28: The Anas

  1. Robert Southey, The Doctor, &c., ed. John Wood Warter (London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1848), 623.

  2. “Explanations of the 3. Volumes Bound in Marbled Paper,” Jefferson Papers (DLC).

  3. “The ‘Anas’: Editorial Note,” Papers, 22: 33–38.

  4. James Boswell, “The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides,” in Samuel Johnson and James Boswell, A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, ed. Peter Levi (New York: Penguin, 1984), 350.

  5. “Notes of a Conversation with Alexander Hamilton,” Papers, 22: 38.

  6. Ibid., 22: 38–39.

  7. Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, ed. Virginia Woolf (New York: Oxford University Press, 1948), 50; Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (New York: Oxford University Press, 1928), 507.

  8. “Notes on Conversation on Rufus King,” Papers, 22: 445.

  9. Sergei M. Eisenstein, The Film Sense, trans. Jay Leyda (San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1947), 4.

  10. “Memoranda of Conversations with the President,” Papers, 23: 187.

  11. “Memorandum on References by Congress to Heads of Departments,” Papers, 23: 246–247.

  12. “Memorandum of Conference with the President on Treaty with Algiers,” Papers, 23: 256–257.

  13. Ibid., 23: 257.

  14. T.J. to Thomas Paine, July 11, 1789, Papers, 15: 269; T.J. to Monsieur A. Coray, October 31, 1823, L&B, 15: 489.

  15. T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, July 7, 1793, Papers, 26: 445–446.

  16. T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, May 26, 1793, Papers, 26: 122.

  17. T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, May 12, 1793, Papers, 26: 18.

  18. Kevin J. Hayes, “Freneau, Philip,” ODNB, 20: 976–977.

  19. “Notes of a Conversation with George Washington,” Papers, 26: 102.

  20. “American Philosophical Society’s Instructions to André Michaux,” ca. April 30, 1793, Papers, 25: 625.

  21. “American Philosophical Society’s Instructions to André Michaux,” ca. April 30, 1793, Papers, 25: 625–626.

  22. T.J. to Isaac Shelby, June 28, 1793, Papers, 26: 393.

  23. “Notes of Cabinet Meeting and Conversations with Edmond Charles Genet,” Papers, 26: 438.

  24. Dumas Malone, Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty (Boston: Little, Brown, 1962), 126, 128.

  25. “Notes of Cabinet Meeting on Edmond Charles Genet,” Papers, 26: 730.

  26. Ibid.

  27. Ibid.

  28. Ibid., 26: 731.

  29. Ibid., 26: 731–732.

  30. “Notes of a Conversation with John Beckley,” Papers, 27: 467.

  Chapter 29: Letters from a Virginia Farmer

  1. T.J. to Mann Page, August 30, 1795, Papers, 28: 440.

  2. T.J. to Horatio Gates, February 3, 1794, Papers, 28: 14; T.J. to Edward Rutledge, November 30, 1795, Papers, 28: 541.

  3. T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, January 22, 1795, Papers, 28: 249; T.J. to Martha Jefferson Randolph, March 6, 1796, Papers, 29: 11.

  4. T.J. to Pierre Auguste Adet, October 14, 1795, Papers, 28: 503–504.

  5. John Spurrier, The Practical Farmer: Being a New and Compendious System of Husbandry, Adapted to the Different Soils and Climates of America (Wilmington, Del.: Bryneberg & Andrews, 1798), iii.

  6. François-Alexandre-Fréderic La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Travels through the
United States of North America, trans. Henry Neuman, 2d ed., 4 vols. (London: for R. Phillips, 1800), 3: 141.

  7. T.J. to William Branch Giles, April 27, 1795, Papers, 28: 337.

  8. T.J. to James Madison, April 3, 1794, Papers 28: 50.

  9. T.J. to John Adams, April 25, 1794, Papers, 28: 57.

  10. T.J. to Froullé, May 26, 1795, Papers, 28: 357.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Benjamin Rush, “Excerpts from the Papers of Dr. Benjamin Rush,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 29 (1905): 26.

  13. T.J. to Joseph Milligan, March 28, 1815, Jefferson Papers (DLC).

  14. T.J. to Archibald Stuart, May 23, 1795, Papers, 28: 350–352; Report of the Curator to the Board of Trustees of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation for the Year 1974 (Monticello: The Foundation, 1974).

  15. T.J. to Wilson Cary Nicholas, December 16, 1809, Jefferson Papers (DLC).

  16. The copy at the University of Virginia, which contains T.J.’s characteristic marks of identification, is also inscribed with the autograph of Cornelia Randolph.

  17. T.J. to James Monroe, May 26, 1795, Papers, 28: 362.

  18. Z. A. Pelczynski, “Hegel as a Political Writer,” Hegel’s Political Writings, trans. T. M. Knox (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964), 10.

  19. T.J. to John Adams, April 25, 1794, Papers, 28: 57.

  20. T.J. to George Wythe, April 18, 1795, Papers, 28: 332.

  21. T.J. to George Wythe, October 23, 1794, Papers, 28: 181.

  22. George Wythe to T.J., November 1, 1794, Papers, 28: 185.

  23. T.J. to George Wythe, April 18, 1795, Papers, 28: 332.

  24. T.J. to James Madison, April 3, 1794, Papers, 28: 50.

  25. T.J. to George Washington, May 14, 1794, Papers, 28: 75; T.J. to Edmund Randolph, February 3, 1794, Papers, 28: 15.

  26. T.J. to the Rev. Isaac Story, December 5, 1801, EG, 325.

  27. T.J. to Edward Rutledge, November 30, 1795, Papers, 28: 541.

  28. T.J. to Edmund Randolph, February 3, 1794, Papers, 28: 15–16.

  29. T.J. to Pierre Auguste Adet, October 14, 1795, Papers, 28: 503–504.

  30. T.J. to Philip Mazzei, April 24, 1796, Papers, 29: 82.


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