Gettin' Hooked

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Gettin' Hooked Page 12

by Nyomi Scott

  And I’d grin back at him, gigglingly point to the road, so that his dimples would get all deep before he pulled his gaze from me to be checkin’ on drivin’ again.

  There was somethin’ straight intimate about being alone on the road with him, on our own, like a team; Maurice and me against the world. Or at least the crazos of the Internet.

  We’d only stopped once, to fill his tight ride with gas and to find some food. We found a small rest stop, complete with a few gas stations and our choice of a run for the border or Denny’s. We opted for burritos and ate them in the car, talkin’ and laughin’ before we hit the road again.

  When we crossed out of Cali, I couldn’t help the hella nervous coil of fear that wound all crazy tight in my gut. The tension caused my hands to tremor, but Maurice tightened his fingers around me and offered up reassurance. “We’re gonna find her,” he said, and if he hadn’t been behind the wheel, I’d have kissed him for sayin’ so.

  After heading south on 17 for a few hours, I could feel the tension start to build for a second time. Now the ride was drawing to an end as the hella empty sand and dirt turned green as we neared towns and populated areas.

  When we passed Cave Creek Recreation Area, we decided it was time to find a place to pull off the highway and try to figure out where we were goin’ next. When we stepped from the car the air was hella warmer than The Bay, and dry, too.

  I stretched my legs for a sec, then reached into the backseat and found my pack. Searchin’ inside, I swooped the info I’d printed off about James and dialed his number on my cell.

  With Akon in the background as his ring tone, James told me to leave a message. At least he sounded young, and not forty-somethin’, I thought as I smashed my thumb to disconnect the call. Then redialed, just hexa hoping the fella would pick up.

  And he did. “Wassup?”


  “Yeah, who wants to know?”

  My heart was hella thump-a-thumpin’, my hand shakin’ as I held the phone. For a right quick sec, my eyes blurred over in relief, and through the fuzz of liquid, I saw Maurice step in my direction with his hand outstretched, like he was tryin’ to help me.

  I cleared my throat. “Um…this is Imani. I’m Kayla’s cousin. You know Kayla?”

  He didn’t say a thang, but I could hear him shuffle around on the other end of the line, could hear muffled voices murmurin’ somethin’.

  “Yeah, I know Kayla. Why do you want to know?”

  My knees were shakin’ now, and I slid back into the Altima onto the plush seat inside. Maurice squatted before me, his hand settled on my hip, his look questioning.

  “Can I talk to her for a sec?” My voice cracked, and I wondered why I was hella stupid enough to have been trippin’ so bad that I hadn’t tried to dial them both over and over again since we’d left home.

  “Not right now.”

  “Why!” I knew I yelled, but I hexa couldn’t help it. I was freakin’. I wanted to act like I was two again, and have a full-out temper tantrum with foot stompin’ and screamin’. I wanted to know why they hadn’t bothered respondin’ to any of my desperate messages.

  He laughed. “She’s in the bathroom.” He cleared his throat, then added, “Shower.”


  “Whatcha think, I killed her or something?”

  Or raped her. Or had her tied up. Or somethin’ else nasty and awful. Fo’ sho’, that’s what I thought—the guy hadn’t done a thang to make me think otherwise.

  Now that I knew she was safe—mostly—anyway, the fear was hella getting swapped with being pissed. Hella frickin’ PO’d.

  My cheeks flamed, with anger and maybe just a tad with being caught up in all the drama hype the media creates when teens get lured away by the ’net. Hell, I was in ’Zona because of my Web site.

  “Yup, I guess.”

  “Nah, she’s fine. Want me to have her ring ya?”

  “Hey, James?”


  “Um, actually…I’m in Arizona. Near Phoenix. Can you tell me where y’all are at and we’ll come there?”

  “We’ll? Ya didn’t bring her folks did ya?”

  “No, I’m with—” I broke off and glanced at Maurice, my boyfriend nearly drippin’ like rain from my tongue. But I wasn’t his girl, and despite him bein’ here, and all the rubbin’ up we’d done in the room, he hadn’t said shit about us bein’ a couple. I cleared my throat. “My friend drove me.”

  “Aiight. You got something to write with?”

  I dug into my pack and got prepped for him to lay down the info we needed to find my girl and make sure she was safe.

  After he gave us directions to the campus of Arizona State that he went to and lived on, I said, “Later.” Then clicked my phone shut, feelin’ this weird release.

  “What up?” Maurice asked, still crouched in the gap of the open car door in the V of my legs in front of me. “He’s a peanut?”

  “He sounds cool, actually.” I realized maybe I was wrong to have freaked the way I had over him, but still in my heart I knew I was right about needin’ to shut down As off the chain as the idea had been, without some sorta security system, the entire concept was way outta pockets now. And dangerous.

  “But he wouldn’t let you talk to Kayla?”

  I shook my head. “She’s in the shower.”

  He grinned, then lifted a brow. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what they’d been doing—or at least I had a pretty good idea. And Maurice knew, too, I could tell by the way he peeped me out, with his eyes all glossy and a soft curve to his full, yummy lips.

  I knew he was thinking ’bout our close encounter the night before.

  “Um, I think we’re still a bit away. His school is in Tempe.” I waved the paper I’d scribbled on. “He gave directions. Let’s bounce.”

  Maurice nodded but didn’t move right away. He kept lookin’ at me, like there was somethang else he wanted to say. I touched his face, my touch light at first, then I traced his lips with my fingertips and wondered what it was that was thick on his brain.

  Then some tension eased from his body and his breath released warm across my skin. He rose, leaned forward and kissed me full on the lips, just with the slightest hint of tongue sliding all sexi-like across me.

  “You did good, shortie,” he said, with a devilish wink. Another quick peck to my mouth and he backed away and rounded the car, sliding behind the wheel.

  There was nothin’ I could say, ’cause I wasn’t really sure what I’d done good at. Instead I felt like I hella lost it. I was in ’Zona for spring break, chasing after Kayla, who’d lost her head and chased after some boy.

  Maurice took the directions I’d jotted down and peeped them over right quick, before putting his car into gear and getting back on the road.

  As we eased closer into Phoenix, the neighborhoods started lookin’ familiar, almost, like suburbs that could be dropped into any place in the States with very little differences. The houses looked to be ’bout the same age as mine, ’bout the same size and style, too, as the one that littered all the places popppin’ up around The Bay.

  There were differences, too, and surprises. The air was much stiller here, and lacked the damp scent of salt and sea life that sprayed up from the Pacific. Livin’ near the ocean fo’ sho’ gave off its own scent. Nothin’ like the dry smell of the middle of the desert.

  But there were a hella lot of palm trees and that threw me. I didn’t expect them out here, but rather in L.A. or a tropical isle.

  I think it was the palm trees that struck me most as we neared the Tempe campus of Arizona State, following the directions James had given.

  Just as he’d done for much of the ride, Maurice’s warm fingers were wrapped around mine, and he gave me a little squeeze, then stroked his thumb across my palm. “We’re here.”

  “I’m scared.” It’s not what I meant to say, but it came out anyhow.

  “We found her, Imani. You said James didn’t sound bad

  “I know.” And I did, but still I couldn’t shake the tingle of apprehension tap-dancing down my spine. “But what if she doesn’t wanna come back with us? What if she’s so wound up that…that…”

  “Hey, nah, baby-girl.” He winked and a dimple appeared in his cheek. “She’ll know it’s time to go.”

  I tried to force a smile, but it was faulty. “I’m still scared.”

  He brought our joined hands to his mouth, his gaze driftin’ from drivin’ to my eyes all tender as he kissed my fingers right quick. “Don’t be. I’m here, Imani. I got your back, you feelin’ me, right?”

  “Yup.” And I guess I did, too. He hadn’t said shit about it before, but then he was here. He was here for me when so few had ever been. And just havin’ him here did help lighten up the fear that squeezed hexa tight around my lungs, makin’ it hard to breathe.

  My eyes teared. I think a few escapee droplets of salty liquid may have escaped my lower lashes, but I turned away from Maurice, slid the window down and let the air rush into the car, across my face, drying up the trails before a thang could be made ’bout ’em.

  It wasn’t long before the Sun Devil signs were poppin’ up all around us and Phoenix gave way to the college campus. We skirted the campus, followin’ the directions James had given to find the dorms.

  We pulled into a parkin’ lot that was more empty than full, spots sprinkled everywhere, I guess since it was spring break and hella folks probably went home or on vacation during the recess from classes.

  Maurice finally pulled in between an empty set of white lines, then put his tight ride into park, turnin’ off the ignition.

  I reluctantly released Maurice’s hand, his touch offerin’ up so much reassurance, then opened the door and stepped from the car. My gaze drifted across the ’scape around me, taking in the lines of palms, the buildings that reminded me of old Spanish movies, sets created as backdrops for adventures, and the more modern cement walks that led away from the lot, wondering which direction to find James’s dorm.

  Takin’ a deep breath of warm, dry air, I closed the door and moved away from the car, turnin’ toward Maurice. That’s when I saw her. It was the long blond hair that gave her away. The golden strands danced on the breeze behind her as she ran my direction.



  I couldn’t quit huggin’ her. And doin’ this crazy-ass mix of laughin’ and cryin’. Kayla was doing it, too, I could hear her mumbled sobs swirled up in her giggles. I could feel it in the way her body trembled and in the way her thin arms wound about my back and hung on.

  After a drug-out minute, we released, steppin’ back a bit, but still linking our arms.

  “I can’t believe you came all this way,” she said, shifting her blue-eyed gaze from my face over to Maurice. I saw the sparkle in their sky-colored depths and as she swiped a few fresh tears from her cheek, I also saw the knowing smile.

  “I had to come after ya.”

  She lowered her voice. “With Maurice?”

  My cheeks hella heated, and I knew my eyes were givin’ everything away. She could read me like a book, and I knew right then she’d know how strong I felt about the boy.

  Her brows rose, her grin widening. She whispered in my ear, but even the whisper was loud enough for Maurice to hear. “With Maurice,” she repeated.

  “He offered to drive me.” I couldn’t look at him right then, because my face felt like it was on fire. Shrugging, I tried to make it seem casual, though the secret was straight-up outed already. I had to hella fight the need to glance behind me to catch the look on his face.

  “You came all this way?”

  “Uh, yeah, girl, and so did you.” I backed away a bit, relief at seeing her safe giving way to how pissed I was that she’d taken off and I’d had to fly after her.

  “You didn’t have to come.”

  “Yeah, I did.” I lowered my voice, tryin’ hard to keep my cool. “How’d you get here, anyway?”

  “A bus.”

  “You took a bus? All this way?”

  She laughed lightly. “Yeah, and it took a hella long time, too. At least you had Maurice to drive you.”

  “You took a bus to a boy who coulda been a killer or rapist.”

  She pushed back a few long strands from her face, a few remained locked on her eyelashes. “James is cool.”

  “But K, you couldn’t have been so sure.” I did look at Maurice now, hoping to get him to affirm what I was sayin’. He nodded, and I fought the need to smile. “He coulda been anybody, any sort of nasty old man who couldn’t wait to get you away from home.”

  “But he’s not.”

  “But he coulda been.”

  “But he’s not.”

  I grabbed her upper arms in both hands and gave her a little shake. I couldn’t help it. All this winding, building emotion of the last few days, of first arguing with her, then finding her skippin’ joint, then being on the road with the fella that made my heart race and skin burn, all the way to being here in the parking lot of ASU and findin’ her safe. It was too much, and my body was startin’ to trip.

  Tremblin’, I shook her again. “Don’tcha get it, K? He coulda killed ya. Don’tcha see how bad this coulda gone down?”


  “No! I was scared ta death. You shouldn’t have done this. And it’s my fault, too, just because I wanted Maurice.”

  Kayla’s eyes went all big, then shimmered with amusement as she glanced from my face to the guy standin’ beside me. Maurice.

  Snap. Lawdy, had I just really said that aloud? Had I just really confessed what the entire Gettin’ Hooked Web site was all about? Until now, not even Kayla had known about my motives.

  Squeezing my lids closed, I fought the flames lickin’ mischief across my cheeks and dancing down my spine. My hands loosened their grip from her arms and slid slowly to my sides.

  The thump-a-thump of my heartbeat was ringin’ loud in my ears.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, girlie?” I felt Kayla tuck some of my wild curls behind my ear, but I could hear the laughter in her voice even when her touch was lovin’.

  Then a stronger hand replaced hers and I was turned into the wall of a larger body. Maurice’s. His arms came around me, tuckin’ me close into his embrace.

  “All this was for me?” he whispered softly to my ear, his warm breath seepin’ into my soul.

  I nodded, but hadn’t found the will to open my eyes yet. The secret was out, no denyin’ it now, I guess. It’d have been hexa faulty to come up with a lame-ass excuse.

  He made this sexy-as-hell noise in his chest, then kissed the sensitive skin along my neck. I was shakin’ again, my whole body tremblin’.

  “Is she cryin’?” Kayla stroked affectionately down my back. “Imani, I’m okay. James is a good guy.”

  I nodded again, tryin’ to overcome the feelin’ of Maurice’s touch and concentrate on what Kayla was saying. My fists tightened into the T-shirt Maurice was wearing and I could feel the firmness of his muscular back beneath.

  Touchin’ him like this made it hard to think about being in ’Zona. Hard to think about the chase after Kayla. Hard to think at all.

  “Don’t be mad, girl. I shoulda told you my plan.” Kayla was still rubbing my shoulders and I knew she thought all the quiverin’ I was doing was ’bout her.

  As hard as it was, I released Maurice and stepped away a bit, keepin’ my gaze from strayin’ to his. Despite the way he held me, kissed me, touched me, stroked me, he still didn’t say fo’ sho’ if he wanted to claim me.

  “Do you see now, K? Do you see how dangerous is?”

  She shrugged, but didn’t seem to take it to heart. Instead, she glanced over her shoulder, and for the first time I noticed there was a dude standing a few yards off, kinda lingerin’ back a bit, lettin’ our scene play out.

  “James isn’t dangerous, Imani.” She ushered him over with a few waves of her hand. “Meet him and you�
��ll see.”

  Okay, true, maybe James wasn’t dangerous, but she didn’t know that when she skipped out on me.

  As I turned to face the fella who’d lured my cousin from home, I felt solid, warm fingers twine with mine, in a slightly possessive way. He kinda stepped forward, too, so he was slightly in front of me.

  James was as cute in person as he had been in the crapload of pics Kayla had printed off his profile. A light-skinned brothah with hazel eyes and an athletic body. He seemed shy, or quiet. Or maybe he knew I was pissed and wasn’t quite ready to deal with this hot-off chick yet.

  He lifted his chin, his gaze glossin’ over each of us. “What up?”

  “Whatitdo,” replied Maurice, playin’ bodyguard as he kept me tucked behind him.

  I could feel Kayla’s eyes burnin’ my back, and knew she was peepin’ what was goin’ down with Maurice and me.

  She cleared her throat. “James, my cousin, Imani. Imani, this is James. And my friend, Maurice. Maurice, James.”

  The two guys gave each other a manly hand pound, Maurice makin’ a gruff sound as he added, “Hey.”

  I could tell Kayla was nervous ’bout this confrontation, but so long as James was cool, she didn’t need to be. “I’m starved, Kayla. Can we find someplace to eat?”

  Maurice laughed. “We ate burritos hella long ago. I could use some food, too.”

  Kayla stepped toward James and grasped his hand the same way Maurice had mine. “Can you show us around campus, then find us a place to grub?”

  “Walkin’ would be good. We’ve been sittin’ in my ride for hours.” Maurice rolled his shoulders. “I need’a move around some.”

  “I’m feelin’ ya.” He angled his head and moved off in that direction. “Sure thang.”

  After a right quick sec, we all fell into place and followed, slowly making our way across campus. When we first started steppin’, James told us about Irish Hall, the two-story gray building that housed his dorm. How the community bathrooms worked, and about the computer lab he’d used to find

  I couldn’t help flashing my gaze at Kayla as she walked hand-in-hand with James. If he’d found our site here, no tellin’ how many other beezies and skeezies had found it, too. Lawdy, our numbers were growin’ like mad, and it was crazy clear that it wasn’t all high schoolers, and no doubt, not just a local thang no more.


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