Protecting Her: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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Protecting Her: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 22

by Kira Blakely

  “Your place looks fancy,” I said, turning to look at him. Nash was standing behind his sturdy desk, with his palms on the top, leaning in like he was on a mission. I tried to not look at his face too much. We were alone and quite close to each other. I didn’t want him to know just how much I wanted him.

  “You look fancy,” he said, and his gaze dropped from my face to my breasts to my belly and then to my legs. I knew what he was referring to. He had never seen me in a dress like this before, but I wasn’t going to acknowledge it. What did he know about me? He hadn’t seen me in five years. Things changed. I could have changed.

  “You must be very pleased with yourself,” I replied instead.

  Nash breathed in heavily, before walking around his desk toward me.

  I held my ground, unwilling to let him see the effect he was having on me. Every step he took toward me made me quiver in my shoes. I admit I had fantasized about him even after college. I was jealous of all those women he slept with. I hated him because I wanted him. I admitted all that. I just didn’t want him anywhere close to me. I was so afraid of what I might end up doing.

  “It pains me to have to do this, Bonnie. You have to see that,” he said. Before I could move away, he had placed his large hands on my shoulders. He squeezed me gently, almost affectionately, while still holding my gaze. My breath had stopped in my throat. I felt like I was about to explode. What was he trying to do?

  “But maybe we can find a way to soften the blow?” he asked and my eyes grew wide. I didn’t want my brain going there. What was he trying to imply? How did he plan on softening this blow? Did he mean he wanted to sleep with me? Did he think he could fix all this with his cock?

  I tried to step away from him, but he kept his hands tightly gripped on my shoulders.

  “Just hear me out,” he said, holding me back. My heart was thumping wildly against my chest. He smelled of pine, a masculine musky scent that I couldn’t quite place. Was it his aftershave? His clothes? His cologne? Or did Nash Preston just always smell this divine?

  “I don’t know what else you could possibly say to me to make this better,” I said, the resolve in my voice weakening. He was holding me; our bodies were just inches apart. I wasn’t going to be able to control myself for very long. It was all going to come crashing down around me.

  Nash was smiling. Almost like he felt sorry for me. Like I was some kind of an injured puppy and he was going to be my superhero master. A rush of anxiety mixed with rage took over my limbs and I felt them stiffen under his grip. But he wasn’t about to let me go.

  “I want you to come and work for me,” he said, leaning in closer. My breath was jagged; I knew he could tell what I was feeling now. He was doing it on purpose. His lips lightly grazed the side of my cheek. His words weren’t making sense to me. On any other day, in any other place, if he wasn’t touching me; I would have revolted against this suggestion. But not today. I couldn’t find the physical strength to actually push him away, or react to what he had just said.

  “What kind of work?” I asked, almost shy now. My skin was hot under his touch, I could feel the wetness between my legs growing. He was so close. I had never been this close to him before. This was like a fantasy come true. I could almost picture those chiseled abs, the narrow naked waist under the clothes he was wearing.

  When I looked back up at his face, his gray eyes were trained on my lips. He was pleased with my reaction; a soft smile was lingering on his face.

  “We can discuss that later, can’t we?” he said in a whisper again, and this time he purposely drew his lips closer to my cheek. I felt his hot breath on my skin, on my eyelashes. My own breathing was rigid and strong, almost like I was panting. His hands began to slide down from my shoulders, tracing the length of my arms. When he reached my wrists, he held on to them tightly.

  My feet were like jelly. I still couldn’t move. I should have stepped away then, saved myself. But I couldn’t.

  “I could sure use you,” he said, smiling at me. His eyelids had grown heavy, while his grip on my wrists strengthened. He was pulling me closer to him now, even closer. I felt his hard chest against my breasts as he brought me to him. I gasped, and then tried to suffocate the sound, but he had heard me. The smile on Nash’s face widened.

  “For the benefit of my company, of course,” he continued, in that calming deep voice of his. It was like a hypnotizing chant, his voice. I could feel my own eyelids flickering, beginning to droop. I was only seconds away from giving in to him. I could barely even remember where I was. Pressed against Nash Preston, my emotions were chaotic.

  Then he let go of one of my wrists, and placed that hand on the small of my back. Pressing me even closer to him, if that was possible. I felt like my lungs would explode; I could hardly breathe anymore. I tried to tell myself that this was some kind of game he was playing, but it was too late now.

  I was under his spell.

  Our eyes locked. I could see what he was thinking. He wanted me naked. He wanted to taste me. And I wanted to taste him. I wanted to scream and confess how much I had always wanted him. There was no use denying it anymore.

  “Your talents shouldn’t be wasted somewhere else. At some other dead-end job,” Nash continued. But I wasn’t really paying attention anymore. None of the things he was saying mattered. I was living my college fantasies of being in Nash Preston’s arms. The next stage of the fantasy involved him ripping my clothes off, pushing me to the floor and fucking me hard. Making me come over and over again, forcing me until I was out of breath and passed out.

  What I wasn’t expecting, was for him to kiss me.

  He pushed his hand forcibly on the small of my back so that my lips met his with a smack. And then he was kissing me, slowly. Nothing about Nash Preston had ever made me think that he was a slow kisser. But here he was, his lips gently exploring mine, his tongue not yet making a move to find a way into my mouth. I was melting in his arms. This was too good to be true. I had forgotten why I was here, what time it was, I was busy living my fantasy.

  His mouth tasted of strong peppermint, and his lips were full and gentle. His hand remained on the small of my waist, and the other one was slowly trailing up my torso. When his fingertips closed on my breast, I gasped again, against his mouth. I wanted him to squeeze it, pinch my nipples, tear off my dress. I was so hot for him. I had waited so long for him. But Nash was taking his time.

  His hand only lingered for a few moments on my breast, before it moved up my neck until he was cupping my chin. He was sucking on my lips delicately now, and I felt dizzy. I didn’t think I could breathe anymore. I pressed myself closer to him. I could feel his growing cock under his pants. Right against my thigh. It was right there, so close. I could peel down his pants in seconds.

  Nash pulled away from me suddenly, leaving me gasping for air.

  “It’s nice to see you again after so many years, Bonnie,” he said, turning from me and walking back to his desk.

  What the actual fuck! My mouth was hanging open; I could feel a dull throb on my lips where he had been kissing me for so long. Nice to see me after so many years? Was this some kind of Nash Preston version of greeting all his old college pals? Was this what he intended to do with Nell, too, if he saw her now?

  He had returned to his desk and was looming over it, seemingly arranging a pen stand casually.

  “Umm… what?” I had finally found my voice, and he looked up at me. His gray eyes were clear, not foggy like my own dazed ones. He had a casual demeanor, as though nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t just kissed me. Like he hadn’t just felt my breast.

  “I said, it’s nice to see you. I’ve thought about you in the past years, wondering what you were up to,” he added, his face breaking into a friendly smile.

  This guy was beyond me. I couldn’t wrap my brains around what was happening. I knew there were goose bumps on my arms, and I tried to hide them by crossing them over my breasts. His gaze dropped for a moment to my cleavage and then he lo
oked up at me again. So, he wasn’t fully made of steel, then.

  “I’m glad to hear I crossed your mind, but what just—” I was saying, but he interrupted me.

  “I just offered you a job, and maybe you should think about it. Head of the programing team here. Freedom. Money,” he continued, fixing a steady calm gaze on me. I was starting to think I had imagined it all, like none of the kissing or touching had even happened.

  “Are you serious?” I asked, narrowing my eyes on him.

  “Of course, just sleep on it, will you? You have nothing to lose,” he said, meeting my gaze with nonchalance. Did he think he had won for some reason? Trumped me? As my harsh breathing subsided, I tried to figure out what the hell had just happened.

  Chapter 7


  There was a knock on the door just as I opened my mouth to say something.

  “Come in,” Nash said in a commanding voice, and I turned to look.

  A woman walked in, her high stilettos clicking the marble floor as she moved in our direction.

  “Mr. Montgomery asked to send these files over to you, sir,” she said confidently. I noticed immediately the way her hips swayed in her tight pencil skirt. She had a thin blue silk blouse tucked into the skirt and her waist might as well have been non-existent. She looked too good to belong in a workplace.

  “Ah, thank you. Bonnie, this is my secretary Sera,” Nash interrupted my thoughts, but I continued to follow this woman’s walk as she passed me and walked straight up to Nash. She stopped very close to him, with her back turned to me, as though she was trying to ignore my presence in the room.

  “Hi,” I said, forcing a big smile on my face.

  Sera turned her head over her shoulder, just an inch, to give me one quick glance. “Nice to meet you, Bonnie,” she said and then turned back around to Nash. She had thick chocolate-brown hair that she had tied in a messily loose chignon to one side of her head. A carefully constructed delicate look. And what was her problem with me anyway?

  “Thanks, Sera. And please feel free to patch Bonnie through to me whenever she calls,” Nash said, and then looked at me with that same knowing smile on his face. He was still on the same subject. He wanted me to sleep on his job offer. Was he actually being serious about this whole thing?

  “Of course.” Sera gave me another dismissive glance before looking back at Nash with her large innocent dark eyes.

  Nash smiled at her and then looked at me again. “In fact, Bonnie, are you available to accompany me to a charity event tomorrow evening?” he asked, surprising me even further.

  “I thought I was going to that,” Sera was quick to say, even before I had a chance to process that information. My eyebrows arched up. I was detecting some serious hostility from this woman, who was still standing facing Nash, with her back turned to me. Wasn’t she just his secretary?

  “Yes, you were, but now you’re relieved of your duties, Sera, if Bonnie agrees to come with me.” Nash smiled at her and then at me. Was he unaware of the way Sera was staring at me? At the obvious fact that she wanted to go to this event. That she wanted him to take her and not me.

  “Yeah, sure, I’ll go,” I said without thinking, mostly because I wanted to see the look on her face when I said that. Sure enough, the daggers had come out. She turned to me fully now. Her bright red lips were stretched to a thin line, which otherwise were plump and luscious. But she was too mad at what was happening to remember to look beautiful.

  “Great, I can visit my folks then,” she said, and I detected a hint of sarcasm. Something told me that visiting her parents was the least of perfect Sera’s concerns. Nash Preston was more on her radar than her family. But she had composed herself. I was the only one to be privy to her agonizingly angry looks. She turned back to Nash, and I saw the wide toothy smile she flashed at him. God! Even her teeth were perfect. A few loose strands of dark hair fell messily over her face as she leaned across him, reaching for a stack of papers on the far side of his desk.

  I raised an eyebrow as I watched her. She could very easily have walked around him. But she chose to stretch her body across the desk, sticking her big round butt up in the air, for full display.

  Nash didn’t seem to notice, or at least he pretended to not notice.

  “That’ll give us a chance to discuss the position. And you’ll get to meet some of my employees who could become your colleagues very soon,” Nash continued casually, as though there wasn’t a sexy woman leaning right in front of him, with her ass directly in his face. I still had my eyebrows arched. Either he was used to this, or he just didn’t care. He had probably banged her anyway. She wasn’t anything new to him. Typical Nash Preston.

  I couldn’t control the jealousy coursing through my veins. Perhaps more so now because he had just kissed me. I wasn’t crazy, right? You don’t just touch someone’s breast because they’re an old friend and you’re glad to see them!

  I cleared my throat and nodded. “Of course, yeah, sure thing.” I was fumbling with my words, because it had just struck me. I had agreed to see him again, when I should be staying as far away from him as possible. Working for his company? That was out of the question. I didn’t need to sleep on it to know that it wasn’t happening.

  But the look on Sera’s face, when Nash asked me out and I agreed, was priceless. I would have done it all over again, just for that.

  Sera had straightened and was lingering beside Nash, seemingly shuffling through the pages in her hand. Nash had stuck his hands deep into the pockets of his pants and was looking at me like he had nothing more to say. He was still smiling though. Nash Preston was always on point.

  “All right then, I’ll see you later,” I said, taking in a deep breath.

  “See you tomorrow. I’ll pick you up,” Nash pulled out the chair behind his desk. Sera was still lingering beside him, like she wanted me to leave so that she could spend some time alone with Nash. I nearly giggled from watching her make such a fool of herself. Hadn’t she figured it out by now? Nash Preston wasn’t that kind of guy.

  “In fact, would you mind leaving your phone number with Sera, so that I can call you if there is a change of plans?” he asked, settling into his chair. He said it off handedly, like it was just a business transaction.

  “Sure thing,” I said and smiled at Sera, who looked visibly upset. This would mean that she would have to see me out, and she might not get the alone time with Nash that she was hoping for.

  I felt slightly victorious as Sera walked past me, leading me out of Nash’s office. I followed her with a glow on my face. My body was still reeling from the kiss and having Nash’s lips on me, but I was also having some fun with Sera’s anxiousness.

  “Bonnie, good seeing you,” Nash said again, just as I was at the door. I turned and found him sitting behind his desk, watching me walk out.

  “See you tomorrow,” I said, recovering my voice finally, and then I was alone with Sera in the hallway.

  “Write it down on a piece of paper and I’ll hand it to Mr. Preston’s chauffeur,” Sera said immediately, walking ahead of me and not bothering to turn as she spoke. I was following her; my gaze instinctively dragged to that big swaying butt. She had the most perfect hour-glass figure and she walked like she was a ballerina, with a ramrod straight back, her head held delicately on her shoulders like it was a prized possession. She had to be terrible in bed.

  “Where can I find this piece of paper?” I asked as we came to a stop at a desk several feet away from Nash’s office. It had her name on a metal plaque. Seraphine James. Even her name was fuckable, I thought, and rolled my eyes.

  “Here,” she said, handing a small sticky note to me and a pen. I smiled at her, winningly, and then scribbled, wondering how much money I could bet Nell that Sera would pretend to have lost my information.

  “All done, have a good day, Sera,” I said and walked off before she had a chance to say anything else. Even without looking, I could sense the intensity with which she was glaring at the
back of my head. But as I walked away from her and toward the elevator doors, I was realizing more and more that I needed to think long and hard over the events of this absurd day.

  Chapter 8


  I couldn’t concentrate on the file that Montgomery had sent me. It had only been a couple of minutes since Bonnie had left my office, and I could still taste her lips on mine. I felt feverish from excitement. She was so small and luscious in my arms. Her breast had felt as juicy and delicious as I had imagined. But I’d had to hold back. I had to give her time. These things couldn’t be rushed, and especially not now during such a delicate time.

  I smiled when I remembered how flustered she was, how her cheeks were flushed and how her eyes looked heavy and dazed. I knew it. I always knew it! Bonnie Calhoun had only pretended to hate me. Deep inside, she wished I would fuck her hard. And who was I to deny her something she wanted? Wasn’t that what I was good at? Fucking women. Making them scream.

  I heard a knock on my door, and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. I’d grown hard just thinking about her, about the kiss…

  Sera walked in, again. “Sorry I couldn’t get rid of her sooner. I had to think of a quick excuse to come in,” she said with a smile on her face. That same naughty smile that told me she had something devious planned. My brows furrowed. I didn’t know what she was talking about.

  “Earlier,” she stopped in her tracks and pointed one delicate finger back to the door, “with that Bonnie woman.”

  Realization dawned on me, and I smiled and shook my head. “Oh, right. No, that wasn’t necessary. I invited her to the office, I wanted to speak with her. She’s an old friend,” I said, flipping through the pages of Montgomery’s file.

  “So, you actually meant it when you said that I should patch her through to you when she calls?” she asked, looking confused.


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