Vikings Unleashed: 9 modern Viking erotic romances

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Vikings Unleashed: 9 modern Viking erotic romances Page 93

by Kate Pearce

  Travis sighed. “There is nothing to fear here, Viking. No one wants to hurt a hair on your head. You are a scientific miracle. Trust me. They want to keep you alive.”

  Frey touched his sleeve. “He’s right, Einarr. No one will harm you.”

  “Then we will proceed.”

  He followed Travis down the narrow passageways, his feet sounding hollowly on the metal until he reached a square of light. Bracing himself, he took a step outside and immediately covered his eyes against the brightness beaming down on him. He stopped dead, and Travis paused beside him. A soft breeze blew up, stirring the purple dust that covered the floor. The air was hot and dry and it stuck in his throat.

  “Keep moving, Viking,” Travis murmured. “Nothing to worry about.”

  Despising himself for his moment of weakness, and even more that Travis had witnessed it, Einarr took a step forward. At the bottom of the ramp, a group of people awaited them. They were all staring at him, and some of them were whispering excitedly. Raising his chin, he strode toward them, his gaze fixing on the woman at the front of the group who appeared to be in command.

  She came toward him, her expression serene, and held up her hand.

  “Welcome, Einarr Bloodaxe, to Alpha Base Three. I’m Doctor Pel Aziz.”

  He took her measure, his hand hovering at his hip where his axe should be.

  “Is my brother here?”

  “Your brother?” Her eyebrows shot up. “The other warrior is related to you?”

  “Aye, we are twins. Is he here?”

  “His ship hasn’t arrived yet. We expect it within the next few hours.” She glanced over her shoulder at the huddle of curious faces. “We would like to examine you and make sure you haven’t suffered too many ill effects since…”

  “I came out of the ice,” Einarr finished the sentence for her. “I am willing to cooperate until my brother arrives. And then I need to see him.”

  “As you wish.” She hesitated. “We lost contact with his ship around the same time as we lost contact with yours and haven’t reestablished it yet. We were only aware of your presence because Captain Travis managed to get a message through to us just before landing. We have no idea if your brother, um, defrosted as well.”

  “I’m sure that will become clear when he arrives.” Einarr bowed, aware of the armed guards now moving in between him and Travis. “Where is Frey?”

  Travis touched his shoulder. “She is being debriefed by her employers. I’m sure she’ll join you later.”

  He shook off Travis’s restraining hand, aware that he could no longer sense Frey in his head. “That is unacceptable. I need to—” A cold stabbing pain in his neck silenced him and, even as he inwardly raged, he fell forward into the waiting arms of the soldiers who surrounded him.

  Frey sat down at the table again and rested her head on her folded arms. She’d been left to stew in the “interview” room for hours. When she’d tried the door, a uniformed guard had gotten in her face and told her to sit down and shut up or he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.

  She groaned into her hands. This was bad. She couldn’t even sense Einarr, and after seeing him keel over like a stunned ox as she was marched away, she wasn’t surprised. When he woke up and found her gone, would he care? Or would all his focus be on reclaiming his brother? She almost hoped it would. She didn’t want to drag him into her mess. There was nothing she could do to help him and nothing he could do to make the coming ordeal about her failure to obey orders any better.

  She’d never been in trouble in her life before. She’d obeyed every rule and done everything perfectly and she’d still ended up here… What did that say about her? Was she genetically engineered to break the rules? And Gods, her heart was breaking as she yearned to stay with her male and simply shut everything else out.

  The door finally opened and she sat up straight as a man and woman entered the room and took the two seats opposite her at the table. The male wore the standard blue uniform of a TSA operative. The female wore civilian clothing, most of which was tight and shiny.

  “Science Officer Frey. I’m Gron from the Trios Space Authority and this is my colleague, Director Mitzi Lahm from FREN.”

  Frey nodded at the pair and resumed her contemplation of her folded hands. She hadn’t quite expected Mitzi to look like that. FREN ops tended to be more uptight in their dress code.

  “We’ve been asked to investigate your conduct aboard TSA Ship QZ41.”

  “I did what I was ordered to do,” Frey said. “I kept the Viking alive.”

  “That is correct, but you were also instrumental in setting him free in the first place,” Mitzi snapped. “You went directly against FREN procedure when you failed to ensure the ice remained in a sterile environment.”

  “I followed the orders I was given by FREN and input only the codes that were sent to me.”

  “Codes you conveniently say you were told to erase.”

  “I was ordered to erase them. I’m fairly certain you’ll find the information if you check the full security logs.”

  “You touched the ice with your bare hands.”

  It didn’t appear as if Mitzi was listening or had any intention of replying directly to Frey’s answers.

  Frey shrugged. “Only once, and that was during an emergency. When the planets aligned, the—”

  “I’m not interested in excuses, Science Officer.” Mitzi made a slashing gesture with her hand. “You didn’t follow protocol.”

  “I was more concerned about keeping your specimen alive. As soon as the eclipse sent all my equipment into a spin, I checked the Viking. I didn’t have time to worry about gloves when the whole ship’s power might have been failing.” Frey took a quick breath and kept talking. “And if anything was to blame for the defrosting, I think you should look at the effect of the new codes you sent me and at the eclipse. When was the last time these planets, including ones called after the Viking gods, aligned? I bet that has more to do with it than me sticking one naked finger on the surface of the ice.”

  “Those particular circumstances are being fully investigated, Science Officer Frey. We are more concerned with your decision-making process throughout the entire voyage,” Gron said. “You took it upon yourself to keep the Viking with you at all times.”

  “The Viking suggested it. He threatened to destroy the ship if I didn’t comply.”

  “So Captain Travis said.” Gron sat back. “But even if that is correct, I’m sure no one suggested you have sexual relations with this man.”

  Frey felt her cheeks heat up. “Captain Travis did not ask me to do that. It just…happened.”

  Mitzi slammed her hand down on the table. “And it is completely unacceptable! How could you be so unprofessional? You have no idea how his body has withstood being trapped in ice for centuries. You have no idea what diseases he carries, or what you might have given him.”

  Frey bit down on her lip and stared at the table. She wasn’t going to bring out the mating excuse. There was no way she and Einarr could ever be together now. Suggesting that she was his mate would open up a whole new can of worms that Einarr didn’t need and her interrogators wouldn’t understand.

  “Well?” Mitzi demanded.

  Frey shrugged. “I wanted to keep him safe.”

  “By letting him have unprotected sexual intercourse with you?” Mitzi shook her head. “You might just have killed him before he even had a chance to live again. How selfish and thoroughly unprofessional of you.”

  Well, she had been selfish. Frey knew that, but she didn’t regret experiencing sex with a telepathic mate. It was extraordinary. But had she damaged him? She hadn’t sensed anything wrong with him, and mates were attuned to physical changes in their lovers’ bodies. In fact, they were more likely to heal each other than to cause harm.

  Oh Gods, was she such a screw-up that one moment of spontaneity and selfishness in her entire life might have killed her mate?

  “I did what I thought best to keep hi
m alive and safe.” She repeated the words, gaining some comfort from them. “If that means I should resign my commission and return to Pavlovan, then I’ll do so right now.”

  Mitzi sat back. “Don’t think you’ll get off that easily, Science Officer. Have you any idea how much money FREN invested in this project?”

  Frey looked Mitzi right in the eye. “Sure I do, but maybe you should be thanking me. You’ll save a fortune because he’s already defrosted. Although I didn’t cause that, I did follow orders and keep him alive.”

  Gron nodded. “You did. Captain Travis agrees with that at least.”

  “I appreciate Captain Travis’s support,” Frey said tightly.

  After a quick glance at each other, Mitzi and Gron rose to their feet.

  “We will continue this conversation after the Viking has cleared his initial health assessments. If he doesn’t clear them, we will require your presence in the medical lab.”

  “To do what?” Frey looked up when Mitzi finished speaking.

  “To be tested yourself. Until then you’ll be held in custody by security.”

  “This is ridiculous.” Frey scowled at the female. “The Viking is here, and he’s in one piece, largely due to me. I understand that you have to follow protocol and that you need someone to blame for his defrosting. Just let me resign from my post and go home.”

  “You will not be allowed to leave Alpha Three until we have completed our inquiries.” Mitzi turned and banged on the door. “If you are deemed to have breached your contract with FREN or TSA, you will be prosecuted.”

  “Great,” Frey muttered as her two inquisitors went out to be replaced by four huge guards. “Not even one com call home? Or the Pavlovan ambassador to talk to? At least a word with someone who might understand and protect me?”

  “Come with us, Science Officer Frey.”

  She checked out the guards and realized she had no choice but to do as she’d been told. All she could hope was that Einarr was safe and that he wasn’t worrying about her at all. That would be for the best. Her chest tightened as if her heart was being squeezed tight. She refused to give in to the desire to cry. She had a sense that she would need all her strength to stand up to whatever was going to happen next.

  Eventually, after walking through what felt like miles of corridors, she was gently maneuvered past a thick metal door into a small, windowless cell. The door was locked before she even had time to turn around. With a sigh, she sank down onto the side of the small bed and shoved her fingers into her hair, loosening the braid.

  She searched for Einarr in her mind but there was nothing, only a cold, empty space where his thoughts should have been filling her. He wasn’t dead. She would have known if he was, but he definitely wasn’t conscious. Tentatively, she reached out to the only other Pavlovan she knew.


  “Tecky, are you okay? The whole crew has been detained at the base, and is being interviewed one by one. We have no idea what’s going on.”

  “I’m sorry about that, but I’m not surprised. They are probably looking for evidence to use against me. I also doubt FREN wants a bunch of you wandering around the galaxy telling stories about a defrosted Viking right now.”

  “I had the same thought. I wonder if they’ll force a memory erasure for the whole crew?”

  Frey shuddered. For a Pavlovan, the TSA’s casual attitude to wiping sensitive data from their population’s minds was considered barbaric. It was also hugely damaging to telepaths. Everyone knew that the TSA tended to do a mind sweep first and deal with the inevitable claims from outraged citizens afterward. If said citizen hadn’t gone crazy…

  “Have you seen Einarr?” Frey couldn’t help but ask.

  “No.” Slavin hesitated. “They knocked him out and took him to the medical wing. I don’t think they will let me see him.”

  “I’m certain they won’t let me see him. I’ve been locked up in the high security wing.”

  “Have you told them that you are mated to the Viking?”

  “I didn’t see the point. It’s not as if they are going to let me stay with him or anything.” Tears pricked behind Frey’s eyelids and she resolutely swallowed them down. “It’s better for him if he doesn’t have to deal with me while he is rehabilitated.”

  “I don’t think he’d agree with you.”

  “He doesn’t have much choice. Neither of us does.”

  “Still… If I do see Einarr, I’ll tell him that you’ve been detained.”

  “Don’t. I don’t want him to think he has to rescue me or anything.” Frey took a steadying breath. “There is something you can do for me, though.”

  “What is it?”

  “Find out if there is a government representative from Pavlovan on this base and tell them about me. Tell them everything.”

  “Done. Anything else?”

  “Check and see when the last time these planets aligned? I bet it was around four thousand Earth years ago when Einarr and his brother were first trapped in the ice.”

  ”I’ll do my best.” Slavin paused. “I have to go now. It’s my turn to be interviewed. Wish me luck.”


  Einarr opened his eyes and stared up at yet another white ceiling. He was bound to the bed and he couldn’t move anything but his fingers and toes.

  “Oh good, you are awake.”

  There was a whirring sound, and his pallet suddenly rose at an angle until he was almost vertical but still strapped to the bed. The healer, Aziz, who had welcomed him to the base, stood beside him, her bright blue uniform now covered with a white coat.

  He fixed her with his most intimidating glare. “I am getting tired of being knocked out, tied up and treated like an animal of low worth.”

  She had the grace to look ashamed. “I am sorry about that. We wanted to get as many of the medical unpleasantries accomplished as possible while you were unconscious.”

  He became aware of a myriad of small irritations on his skin, as if he’d been eaten alive by a swarm of biting insects. His head felt as if he’d received another blow from an axe.

  “Where is my brother?”

  “His ship hasn’t landed yet. It is expected within the hour.”

  “Then I wish to be free to greet him.”

  She sighed. “We’ll do our best. We’re still waiting on test results.”

  “I do not care what you are waiting for. I want to see my brother.”

  “If he’s survived as well as you have, you’ll be seeing plenty of him. The pair of you will need to enter a program of extensive rehabilitation.”

  Einarr ignored that. “Where is Frey?”

  “Science Officer Frey?” Aziz’s expression sharpened. “Why do you want to know?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Because she is of my blood.”

  “I’m not sure I get your meaning.”

  “Frey belongs with me. Where is she?”

  “I believe she’s still here on the base.”

  “I know that,” Einarr said impatiently. “She needs to be here with me.”


  “She is my female. Her blood called me to her through the centuries.”

  Aziz cocked her head to one side. “Do you really believe that?”

  “How could I not?”

  She wrote something down on her white slate. “How do you know Science Officer Frey is still on the base? Do you smell her blood or something?”

  He remembered too late Frey’s warning to him about not sharing knowledge of his powers. “You talk to me as if I am a beast hunting his prey. Let me free. I will find Frey and my brother.”

  “I can’t let you go until I’ve been given the okay by FREN and the TSA.” She patted his arm. “Let me go and check on those test results. I’ll be right back.”

  She showed him how to lower and raise his bed and some other things and then went out with a cheery wave. Einarr felt an unaccustomed slow rage build within him like a fire licking at a thatched roof. Someone had removed all
his clothing and his arm rings, leaving him in a thin blue shroud-like garment that barely reached his knees. He took a moment to observe the nature of the webbing binding him to the bed and then concentrated his magic. There was a horrible burning smell, but his bonds refused to break.

  Nonplussed, he tried again, but he was still trapped. Reining in his anger, he took a deep breath and focused on Frey. Her shields were up, guarding her thoughts, but they were no match for him.


  “Einarr, oh thank Gods, are you okay? Have they hurt you?”

  He wanted to smile at the raw emotion in her voice. “I am well. I will come to you soon.”


  “You…don’t have to do that. I’m fine. You focus on helping your brother. He’s going to need you.”

  Einarr frowned. “I will of course help Aki, but I will also find you.”

  “There’s no need.”

  He felt as if someone had punched him hard in the guts. “Frey, I…”

  He jumped as the glass light over his door flashed red and started wailing like a thousand howling wolves. He couldn’t even cover his ears. A voice bellowed, “All security teams to the docking bay. All security teams to the docking bay.”

  The dock must be where ships landed and where Aki was expected. Einarr glanced at the door and then pushed the button Aziz had shown him how to use if he wanted help. No one came. After another few seconds, he forced another pulse of magic through his bound wrists, causing more of the foul smell and a slight softening of the rope-like substance. With an almighty roar, he wrenched his arms free, ripping through the restraints, and set to work on his ankles.

  Wedging the chair against the door, he searched the room and found his belongings stacked neatly on a shelf in the cupboard. There was still no sign of his weapons. Dressing quickly, he moved the chair back against the wall and peered out of the door. The hall was deserted, as if the screech of the alarm had driven everyone away.

  Frey jumped up as the security alarms started blaring. She sensed the guards outside her door moving away. Sticking her fingers in her ears, she walked over to the door, reached above it and managed to shut the alarm up.


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