The Case of the Secret Love (A Justice and Miss Quinn Mystery Book 3)

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The Case of the Secret Love (A Justice and Miss Quinn Mystery Book 3) Page 1

by Felicia Rogers

  The Case of the Secret Love

  A “Justice” and Miss Quinn Mystery

  Book Three


  Felicia Rogers

  The Case of the Secret Love

  A “Justice” and Miss Quinn Mystery, Book Three

  Copyright ©2016 by Felicia Rogers

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Contact Information:


  Email: [email protected]

  Published by:

  Felicia Rogers

  Cover Design by For the Muse Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Rumors and Reputation

  Chapter Two: Revelation

  Chapter Three: Strings of Discord

  Chapter Four: Earl of Warwick

  Chapter Five: The Plant

  Chapter Six: Dread

  Chapter Seven: Help is on the Way

  Chapter Eight: No Charges

  Chapter Nine: Surprise

  Chapter Ten: A Story

  Author’s Note

  Chapter One: Rumors and Reputation

  May 1815


  “Justin, do stop staring—you’re concerning Magnolia.”

  He couldn’t breathe. She was using his given name in front of Magnolia as if they shared a familiarity!

  She grabbed his arm and laid her head against his chest. He almost bit his tongue in two. Glancing toward Magnolia didn’t make his fury dissipate.

  “I know that we only just arrived home.” She paused. “Well you’re almost home, but I must request you speak with Father posthaste.”

  So Hesper planned to continue their bargain that he’d made under duress. No doubt Sir Kenelm Kennaway played a part in Hesper’s belief that she could do so. He thought he’d made it clear that the ruse was no longer necessary and he wouldn’t be participating. Obviously she knew how to get him—in front of Magnolia.

  He grabbed her upper arms gently and set her back a step. Her dark chocolate eyes glistened with barely restrained tears. Indeed she knew how to affect his heart. But he could not give in. Magnolia looked on with her perfect brow arched and her hands fisted at her sides. She wasn’t happy, nor was he.

  “Hesper, Miss Rotherham, perhaps we should pick up this discussion after I’ve had time to settle.”

  Magnolia had cringed at his usage of Hesper’s given name. He must remember Magnolia’s dislike for Miss Rotherham. One day he’d ask why the disdain, but today his focus was to convince Hesper to leave before more damage was done.

  “But Father heard things about the festivities at Odell and he has questions.”

  She winked on the word things. Had she told Mr. Rotherham about his visit to her room? Surely not! If her goal was to use him and shove him aside when another gained interest, then such a revelation would not only be love suicide, but might cause a scandal from whence she might never recover.

  Magnolia stepped forward. “What things?”

  Hesper rounded, a frown dominating her normally beautiful face. “I don’t see this as any of your concern.”

  Magnolia crossed her arms over her chest. “Interesting you feel that way since you barged into my home to have the conversation.”

  Hesper pursed her thick, red-painted lips. How did she get them that color?

  “If you didn’t act as if Justin was your personal slave, then I wouldn’t need to come here.”

  Slave? Had he heard correctly? Surely not.

  Magnolia trembled. “How dare you!”

  “I dare because it is true and everyone knows it.”

  He should interrupt, but shock held his tongue. He had heard correctly.

  “Mr. Blakemoor and I have known each other since we were children!”

  “So you’re related?” Hesper crossed her arms and leaned backward.

  “Of course not. We’re friends.”

  Magnolia trembled. That wasn’t a good sign. Soon her patience would wear off and Hesper could be in physical danger.

  “Friends, huh? He comes every time you stub your toe! I have no friends who would do that for me.”

  Magnolia tossed her hair back. “But you have slaves who come to your aid?”

  Hesper gasped and looked at him. If she was seeking assistance she would need to look elsewhere. The exchange between the two women had thrown him.

  “How dare you!” Hesper’s nostrils flared. It wasn’t the most attractive pose.

  “I dare because it is true and everyone knows it.”

  Magnolia’s smirk seemed to be Hesper’s undoing. She stomped her foot and slapped his chest with the back of her hand. He stroked the stinging spot. Physical violence to his person would not be tolerated.

  “I’ll meet you later.”

  He opened his mouth to protest but he was too late. In a swirl of skirts, she was gone.

  Magnolia collapsed onto the longue and threw her arm over her eyes. He took a step toward her and then stopped. Had Magnolia acted jealous? He’d always known she didn’t care for the young Rotherham but he’d presumed it was a female issue. When more than one woman gathered there was bound to be tension, but could it be something more?

  “Justin, you should probably head home. Your father will wonder how you fared.”

  No words on what had transpired, she was just sending him off? Maybe she wasn’t jealous after all.

  “If that is what you wish.”

  She uncovered her eyes. “Since I never get as I wish, I would say that is not the issue.”


  “Justin, please just go.”

  His heart was heavy as he shrugged into his coat and exited the front door. Hesper might have just ruined his chances with Magnolia forever. It was a dark day indeed.


  Tears came slowly but increased as the tempo of horse hooves clopped past the front window.

  Justin had allowed Hesper to accuse her of treating him like a slave. She’d never even requested his presence. In recent months he’d been doing all the requesting yet London nobility threw it off on her!

  Magnolia slapped the cushions and rose. The staff would be in the kitchens. She could go there for company, but with her red, streaked face she would only draw the attention she wished to avoid.

  The mantel was cool against her fevered brow. Streaks of light wafted through the parted drapes highlighting dust particles. They pooled on the low table beside the longue. Had anyone been in the room since her departure? If so, they’d done a shoddy job of cleaning.

  Magnolia opened a cabinet and grabbed a cloth. She would speak to Father. The room was her sanctuary and meeting room, and she preferred it dust-free.

  She hummed as she swiped at the wooden top. A fresh beam of light struck the surface. She stopped. A symbol had been swirled through the dust. It looked like an eight cast onto its side. She drew her brows together. The mark was similar to that of Kenelm’s family symbol.

  Had Kenelm drawn it when he’d visited? Surely not. The idea that the cleaning staff hadn’t performed their duties since then was preposterous.

  She clenched her skirts and hurried to her desk to pen a note. The ink dried, and she folded it and pressed her seal into the hot
wax. A messenger boy could be summoned by simply stepping on the street. She made it to the parlor door before she stopped.

  Justin was no longer someone she could rely on. The public saw her as his taskmaster which would abhor Father. Besides, Justin belonged to Hesper now. They’d made arrangements at Odell.

  She collapsed into a chair in the foyer and palmed her chin. Rose blooms tickled her nose. A sigh parted her lips. Her secret feelings for Justin must be over – dashed. She would live a spinster’s life. Father wouldn’t approve. No doubt he would bring others such as Sir Kenelm Kennaway to try to court her. She would just have to persuade any potential suitor that leaving was in their best interest. She could do it.


  Father. She planted a smile on her face and turned in the chair.

  He lifted her to her feet and swallowed her in a hug. “When did you arrive home?”

  “Only moments ago.” She leaned back from the embrace.

  He entered the parlor and moved to the side table and poured a drink. She followed, waiting for him to comment on the cleanliness or any other topic.

  “How was your trip?”

  So he changed the subject. She would play along. “Odell was beautiful.”

  He swallowed the drink in one gulp and twirled the empty glass in his hand. “I’ve heard rumors.”

  “Rumors?” Her heart hammered in her chest.

  “Yes, rumors. Rumors that Basil Thornton was arrested for being the man behind Tyrrel and that you acted inappropriately.”

  So he just threw that out at the end. Inappropriate behavior. Was he meaning the fire? Oh, she hoped not. Her throat constricted.

  “I contacted Sir Kennaway, but so far he has not returned my inquiry.”


  “I knew when I sent you to Odell that it was a fantasy. You fall in love with a knight and live happily ever after in a castle—what was I thinking.” He shook his head. “No, you are destined to follow Justin around and do whatever it is that you two do. Don’t you know that he is enamored with Hesper Rotherham? There can be nothing between you two.”


  He faced her. His expression was one of anger and sorrow. “I’ve tried since the rumors started to salvage our reputation, but it is hopeless.”

  The glass connected forcefully with the sideboard and sent a shiver through her body.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have staff to interview.”

  Why would he need to interview staff? Had they gone? It didn’t make any sense.

  The slam of the door vibrated the house. She collapsed to the floor. She’d never felt so alone.


  “You what?” Justin’s heart thumped madly between his ears. Could this day get any worse?

  Hesper sat ramrod straight on the sofa. “I merely told my love that Miss Quinn’s status needed to diminish so society would understand your swift change in affections.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. So he’d been labeled a money-grubber and Magnolia’s reputation ruined, for the love of Liam. He was going to be ill.

  “I knew you would disapprove but I had no choice.”

  He loosened his grip on the sideboard and glared at Hesper. He couldn’t wait to hear her next excuse.

  “I sense your skepticism, but you must realize that the populace believes you and Magnolia are betrothed.”

  “What?” The words rocked him to his core. Others believed it yet Magnolia had never expressed interest beyond friendship—and now she never would.

  She shrugged. She’d changed his entire life and it meant nothing but a shrug to her?

  “You are together constantly. Everyone detests your whispering.”

  More likely she detested being left out of the loop. She was the queen of gossip.

  She sighed and fell back against the cushions. “So now you see, none would believe you just grew tired of Magnolia Quinn, and I couldn’t exactly smite her personal reputation. She doesn’t have one blemish upon her record. Information about the events at Odell was all I had.”

  Poor Magnolia.

  “But you can fix it.”

  He didn’t care what he had to do, he would help Magnolia. “How?”

  “Pretend to love me and then I’ll restore her honor. I’ll say it was all a big misunderstanding, that the events at Odell were embellished, exaggerated, that nothing outlandish or discriminatory occurred that involved the good Magnolia Quinn.”

  Justin faced the window. What was he going to do now?

  Chapter Two: Revelation

  The door slammed, rattling the window panes. Magnolia jumped to her feet and clasped her trembling hands. Her skirt fabric was cool and she shivered.

  “I cannot believe it! I’ve spoken to everyone, I’ve interviewed those seeking positions and no one will work for us! The blasted rumor that you caused harm at Odell has morphed into a falsehood that we’ve gone bankrupt and can’t afford to pay our workers!”

  Father’s hat landed next to the whiskey decanter. Glass clanged against glass as he poured a drink and swallowed it in one gulp. Did he even know that she was in the room? That she hadn’t moved since his departure?

  He swallowed another drink then fell into a chair. His socks drooped, his coat lay open, his hair was uncombed. She’d never seen him so unkempt. The situation was direr than she thought.

  “Magnolia, I don’t know what really happened while you were at Odell, but Sir Kennaway is going to ruin us.”

  Kenelm? This couldn’t be his doing. They’d left on amicable terms. However, she had accused him of being a thief. Maybe that had been her undoing. And burning a portion of the castle, that might have found some disfavor.

  The glass struck the table—hard. She hid her flinch. Father had never been a violent man but his household had never been threatened.

  He cradled his head in his hands and rubbed his aged face. Sorrowful eyes stared at her.

  “I’ve always done my best for you, haven’t I?”

  She nodded, because there was nothing she could say.

  “I tried to find you a suitable match. One that would be good to you. Now that I’m ruined I fear you may never marry well. And I promised your mother I’d see you happy.”

  His shoulders shook with a fervent of tears. She couldn’t move. She should go to him, offer comfort, something—but her feet were rooted to the floor.

  The knock startled them both. Lenoir scurried to the door. Even the butler had absconded. Lenoir was their only faithful servant.

  “Hello, sir.”

  Lenoir’s voice trembled. Who could be at the door? Perhaps it was—

  “I must speak with Magnolia, I mean Miss Quinn.”

  Father’s eyes darkened. He rose so fast from the chair that it flipped backward. She thought to chastise him, but changed her mind. It didn’t seem like the appropriate time.

  He stalked out of the room. She righted the chair and raced after him.

  “How dare you come here! I know you had something to do with this!”

  Justin stood in the foyer with hat in hand and stared at the grand staircase before him. If he was looking for her to float down and save him, he’d be disappointed.

  “Mr. Quinn if I could only have a moment with Magnolia.”

  Magnolia clasped Father’s forearm. He jerked his arm away and threw his hands in the air. “Here is another reason that no one will marry you. Who wants a wife gallivanting around with another man?” He stalked upstairs before either of them could reply.

  Magnolia clutched her skirts with trembling fingers and led Justin into the parlor. Dark clouds had drifted across the sky and the light within had dimmed. Shakily she attempted to light a candle, but Justin grabbed her hand.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She took her hand back and held it fisted to her side. She didn’t want him to see her weakness. “Whatever for?” For Hesper? For Justice and Miss Quinn? For not letting Father enact the punishment he wished? She could say much, bu
t she wouldn’t.

  He ran his hand through his thick blond hair. “For everything. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this mess.”

  She lifted her chin. “I fail to see how this is your doing. Kennaway told of my mishaps and I can hardly blame him.”

  He bit his lip. Was he hiding something?

  His flesh was cool as he grabbed her hand again.

  “I fear Kennaway may not be entirely to blame.”

  “Then who?” This had not been the homecoming she’d expected.

  He stalled and looked around as if a rabbit caught in a trap.

  There was only one person that she could think of. “Hesper.”

  He dropped her hand and sighed. “I shouldn’t have come.”

  Was he admitting she was correct? “Perhaps not. So why are you here?”

  Her heart sounded loudly between her ears. Was he there to declare his love for Miss Rotherham? Could she take that today of all days?


  Hesper insisted they announce their courtship posthaste. Her father had arranged a dinner for the occasion. Everyone of London import had been invited, including Jules Quinn and his daughter. Hesper had wanted Magnolia left with little doubt that he belonged to another. While Hesper had requested he not inform Magnolia until the dinner, he found he couldn’t surprise her thusly. She deserved better.

  But now she stared at him like a deer caught during a hunt. Was he going to hurt her again? He could tell her the truth of how Hesper was using him to make her own love jealous, but Magnolia wouldn’t want him to help in such a manner. Best to lie. He could make her see reason of his decision later—he hoped.

  “Of course not. Miss Rotherham wouldn’t do such a detestable thing even if she knew how.” The lie tasted bitter.

  Magnolia cocked her brow—apparently he wasn’t that convincing. Best to give her a reason for his visit. He ran his hands through his hair, leaving his fingertips tingling. Did he do that when he was lying? He’d preformed the action multiple times so far. Would she catch on? Now his throat felt tight. Maybe he should wait for her to find out at the dinner after all. She couldn’t skin him alive in public.


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