Reawakening the Dragon

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Reawakening the Dragon Page 15

by Jessie Donovan

  Kai squeezed Jane tighter against his side. “Explain what you mean, Bram.”

  Laughter danced in his clan leader’s eyes. “Not right now. Evie can tell you.”

  “Hiding behind a pregnant female isn’t very leader-like,” Kai stated.

  Bram shrugged. “It’ll make her happy and I’ll do whatever it takes to make my mate happy.”

  Kai sensed what was left unsaid—Kai would understand that fact himself if he ever took a mate.

  Kai’s dragon growled. Hurry up. I want to spend time with Jane.

  What about the clan?

  We can do both as long as you learn to delegate.

  Ignoring his beast, Kai glanced at Jane. She was being unusually quiet. “I see you’re quiet for Bram.”

  Jane smiled up at him. “Oh, it’s not for Bram.”

  Kai looked from Jane to Bram and back again. “Can one of you just bloody tell me what’s going on already? I don’t like secrets.”

  Bram motioned with his head. “Step inside first.” Kai guided them in and Bram shut the door. His clan leader continued, “Jane is probably quiet because her brother was scheduled to arrive thirty minutes ago.” Bram glanced to Jane. “And he came.”

  Jane let out a breath at his side. “Good.”

  Kai jumped in. “Wait, what does Jane’s brother have to do with anything?”

  Bram answered, “He’s going to help us with the hunters.” Kai raised his brows and Bram added, “I’ll fill you in on the plan with Rafe in the room.”

  Jane spoke up. “So he passed your interview?”

  Bram nodded. “I have a few things to look into, but I’ve cleared him for now. It was hard to get any answers out of the bastard until I mentioned the hunters are a threat to his sister. Then he became a lot more serious and cooperative.”

  Evie’s voice drifted down the hall. “Bram.”

  They turned and Evie appeared, followed by Nikki and a tall male with dark hair and green eyes.

  Those green eyes darted to Kai’s grip, Kai’s dragon-shifter tattoo, and then looked to Jane. “What the hell is going on, Jane? Since when are you cozy with a bloody dragon-shifter?”

  Kai jumped in before Jane could. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

  Rafe met Kai’s eyes. They were neutral. Despite the human’s tone, his emotions hadn’t taken complete control of him. Rafe’s voice was steely as he answered, “Be careful, dragonman. Until I know more about you, I’m going to be watching your every move.”

  Rafe stared and Kai stared back. Jane sighed and poked him with a finger. “Stop it.” She looked to her brother. “And you, too. I’m standing right here. You could talk to me, you know, Rafe, instead of acting as protective as any dragon-shifter. Maybe even say hello to your favorite sibling.”

  “You’re my only sibling. Besides, you’re the one who asked for my help, little sister. How convenient of you to not mention you’re sleeping with a dragonman,” Rafe answered.

  “If I am, it’s none of your business. I don’t go around lecturing you about your numerous women. You’re a grown man and I trust you to know what you’re doing. Do the same with me.”

  Rafe glared at Kai. “This is different.”

  Kai growled and took a step toward Rafe, but Bram’s voice boomed out, full of dominance. “Enough. You two can circle each other later.” Bram looked to Rafe. “If you want me to honor our deal, then go back inside with Evie and wait for me.” Bram looked to Kai. “And you stay here. I want to talk with you.”

  “And me, too?” Jane asked.

  Bram shook his head. “Go in with your brother and have your row. I want everything to run smoothly once we start discussing plans and tactics.”

  Jane nodded and Kai squeezed her hip. “Jane stays with me.”

  Bram gave him a piercing stare. “You and I need to chat alone.”

  Jane touched his cheek. “It’ll be fine. Learn what you need to know from Bram and I’ll sort out my brother.”

  Rafe mumbled something in the corner, but Kai ignored him. “If you feel the need to punch him, then give him an extra one from me.”

  Bram growled. “Kai.”

  Jane bit her lip. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  With one last look, Jane left his side and joined Rafe and Evie. Evie threw a look at Bram before the trio disappeared.

  Kai focused all of his attention on Bram. “Tell me what the bloody hell is going on, Bram. And quickly.”

  His leader raised an eyebrow. “I should ask the same of you. You and the human smell of each other.”

  Kai wished he could shrug. “It wasn’t planned, but she’s mine. I would think you’d understand.”

  “While I’m glad you finally found a female you like, you have bloody awful timing.”

  “Some would say the same of when you mated Evie.”

  “Aye, well, as long as Jane is the one you want, I’ll allow it. If it becomes serious, then you’d better hope the DDA grants you a special license to mate her. Evie and I only negotiated that deal for Stonefire a few weeks ago.”

  “I’ll let you know.” Kai studied Bram a second and added, “Now, tell me why Rafe Hartley is here.”

  “He’s going to help us with tracking down the dragon hunters,” Bram stated.

  Kai frowned. “How is he going to do that? He’s still active with the army.”

  “That’s exactly why he’s useful.”

  Kai’s dragon spoke up. I don’t care if he’s useful. If he tries to take Jane away, I will claw my way out and take care of him.

  Let’s try to avoid mauling humans, if at all possible.

  His beast huffed and fell silent. Sometimes, Kai wondered how he’d been paired with such a pouty dragon.

  Kai focused back on Bram. “You’re holding back information, Bram, and I don’t like it. Just tell me what the bloody hell is going on.”

  Bram shook his head. “Rather than repeat myself, let’s discuss this all together. I just need to make sure you won’t kill the human male.”

  “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try. If he betrays our clan, then he’s fair game.”

  “Fair enough.” Bram motioned toward the door. “Then let’s join the others.”

  As they started toward the door, Bram lowered his voice and added, “I’m glad you’ve found someone, even if it’s only for a little while.”

  “Jane is mine and she’s staying.”

  Bram chuckled and Kai clenched the fingers of one hand.

  Before Kai could say anything else, Bram exited the room and Kai followed.

  As happy as he was that Bram approved of Jane, Kai still had to survive the meeting with Jane’s brother. Not killing the bastard was going to be difficult.

  His dragon spoke up. As much as I’d like to kick the human male off our land, if he helps us and succeeds, then the clan and Jane will be safer. Maybe we should hold off on killing him.

  Gee, thanks, dragon. I never would’ve thought of that.

  His beast huffed. Maybe I won’t try to help you, then. We’ll see how far you get without me.

  Kai mentally sighed. Everything is happening at once. I will need your help. Don’t go.

  Fine. But only to help Jane.

  Sensing dramatics, Kai remained silent. His dragon would only become moodier until he finally fucked Jane.

  Pushing aside all distractions, Kai schooled his face into a neutral expression. It was time to deal with Jane’s brother.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jane waited until Evie shut the door to Bram’s office before turning toward her brother. Maybe she should care that the clan leader’s mate was watching, but Jane had a feeling Evie understood being surrounded by alpha males, so Jane ignored her and pointed a finger at Rafe. “You need to calm the hell down, brother. I’m thirty-one years old. You need to trust that I know what I’m doing.”

  Rafe crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, really? I heard you were nearly shot and had to be rescued by a dragon. Let’s not even get into how
daft it is to go into a pub full of dragon hunters by yourself.”

  Fantastic. Bram had told her brother everything. “I took precautions.”

  “Not enough, apparently,” Rafe replied.

  “I would’ve been fine if it hadn’t been for your ‘recommendation’ turning me in to a bunch of Dragon Knights for a few quid.”

  Rafe narrowed his eyes. “I had no idea there was a bounty on your head. Five thousand pounds can change a person’s intentions. If I’d known, then I never would’ve recommended Jeff.”

  “Right, so you only would’ve recommended him if there wasn’t a bounty. I’m starting to question your judgment.”

  “Says the woman who volunteered to work with the dragon-shifters and have a crap ton of hate thrown your way. Did you ever think of Mum and Dad?”

  She took a step toward her brother. “I talked with Mum and she encouraged me to try working with Stonefire. Unlike you, she supports my choice of career.”

  “Bloody hell, Jane, I support you. It’s only your recklessness I have a problem with.”

  Jane pointed a finger at Rafe. “Your criticizing me isn’t going to change what happened. Let’s focus on the future.”

  “Right, the future. From what I’ve heard, you might not have one if I don’t help.”

  “I’m sure we could manage without you. I’m quite resourceful, if you remember.”

  “Maybe,” Rafe answered. “But my skills would speed up the process of finding and capturing the dragon hunters.”

  “We could find someone else,” Jane spit out.

  “Ah, but would they be as skilled or trustworthy as me? You know I won’t fuck you over.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  Rafe shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter to me if I stay or go. I don’t have time to argue it out with you. If you want my help, then stay away from the dragonman.”

  Jane raised her chin. “Don’t be daft. As if I would bow down to your ultimatum. If you don’t want to help, then leave. I’m not about to beg, Rafe Daniel Hartley. The door is over there. Use it if you wish.”

  The silence ticked by for a few seconds before Rafe smiled. “I see that age has only made you stubborner. You’re not going to change your mind, are you?”

  She answered dryly, “Right, I’m going to acquiesce to everything you say if you just scold me a bit more.”

  Rafe walked up to her and lightly punched her in the arm. “I’m never going to stop trying.” His face turned serious. “One day your luck will run out and your recklessness will get you killed, Jane. If nothing else, think of Mum and Dad.”

  “Really? You’re going to use our parents to make me feel guilty, again?” Rafe nodded and Jane sighed. “I forgot how irritating you are.”

  The corner of her brother’s mouth ticked up. “But you know you love me anyway.”

  “If you loved me, then you’d trust me to make my own decisions without barking orders.”

  “As much as I’ve come to rely on a few dragon-shifters during certain operations, they’re different, Jane. The public targets them, and by extension you. I know they’ve been threatening you ever since you did the first interviews here. If you stay here for an extended period, word will get out and you’ll become a full-blown target,” Rafe replied.

  Evie cleared her throat from her position in a chair at the side of the room. “I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. If I’m not mistaken, Jane called when the threats became reality and she needed your help, Rafe Hartley. If a bossy, overprotective brother is all she gets when she calls, then I wouldn’t expect her to call you again. If you’re so concerned, then help her. She clearly isn’t going to change her mind about staying just because you told her to.”

  Rafe studied Evie a second and then answered, “I don’t know much about you and I’m not about to threaten a pregnant lady, but this is none of your business, miss.”

  Evie raised her eyebrows. “Isn’t it?” Evie looked to Jane. “If something were to happen to Jane, then one of our clan members might become unstable. I say that bloody well is my business.”

  Jane moved between Evie and Rafe. “Rafe, you’ve worked with dragon-shifters firsthand. Give Stonefire a chance before you judge them. That’s all they ask.”

  Rafe met Jane’s eye. “I’m not judging them harshly, Jane. You’ve seen the attacks by both the Dragon Knights and the dragon hunters. Watching you report on them was bad enough, but to live with a clan of dragon-shifters is downright dangerous.”

  Kai’s voice drifted into the room. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

  Jane hadn’t heard the door open, but Kai entered, with Bram right behind him.

  Once Kai reached her side, he placed a gentle hand on her back and looked to Rafe. “I’m Kai Sutherland and I’m Stonefire’s head Protector. If you’re ready to make plans and strategize, then you’re welcome to stay. But if you’re only here to scold your sister, then you can leave. What will it be, Hartley?”

  Jane held her breath as Kai and Rafe stared at one another. No doubt, they were sizing each other up. The question was whether Rafe could put aside his role as her big brother to help the dragon-shifters or not.

  She waited and hoped her brother didn’t do anything foolish.


  Kai had to give the human male credit. He didn’t so much as flinch, let alone look away from Kai’s gaze.

  Still, as Kai rubbed circles on Jane’s lower back, he wouldn’t hesitate to banish the human if Rafe tried to take Jane away from him.

  Rafe finally answered, “If staying here and helping you lot is what Jane wants, then I’ll help, provided it doesn’t do anything that might get me tossed out of the army.”

  Bram’s voice filled the room. “Between Kai’s, Nikki’s, and your experience, Rafe, I’m sure we can make sure your career is safe.”

  Rafe nodded. “Right, then let’s get down to business. I only have so much leave and I’d like to get this assignment done and spend some of it on a beach with a pint in my hand.”

  Bram stood at Evie’s side and massaged her shoulder. “As much as I admire your ambition, this isn’t something that can be done in a matter of days.”

  Jane interjected, “But if we don’t act, the former Carlisle-based dragon hunters will move again. It could take months to find them.”

  Bram answered, “Aye, it could if we let them escape and had to start from scratch. But thanks to Rafe, we can monitor their activity from afar and bide our time for an attack.”

  Kai frowned. “You want to let them move locations on purpose?”

  Bram nodded. “Right now, between two of their members missing and Nikki’s shifting into a dragon, I bet they’re on high-alert. If they move, all whilst thinking they’re safe, they will let their guard down.”

  Kai grunted. “That’s risky, Bram.”

  Rafe chimed in. “Maybe, but it could result in a bloody big payoff.”

  Kai looked to Rafe. “Say you tap your friends in the military and intelligence. Can we trust you to help when the time comes?”

  “I always finish a job I start. Ask Jane.”

  Jane murmured, “It’s true.” She patted Kai’s side and he looked down at her. Jane continued, “Waiting would work best for you, too. Not only because you’ll be healed, but you can hand-pick a team made up of both humans and dragon-shifters to plan the attack. Lochguard might even help, if Arabella asks Finn.”

  Bram added dryly, “Or if I ask him.”

  Kai grunted. “The longer we wait, the higher the risk the hunters or the Dragon Knights could come after you.”

  Jane tilted her head. “I may not be much help with the hunters, but I have an idea about how to handle the remaining knights. Well, at least those in the UK.”

  Bram spoke up. “This is the first I’ve heard of it, lass. What’s this plan of yours?”

  Kai added, “I haven’t heard it either. Tell us.”

  From the corner of his eye, Kai saw Rafe smile. He hated t
hat the bloody human knew more about Jane than Kai. Had she told Rafe about her plans?

  His dragon growled. One day soon we will know more than the brother. Just make sure not to scare her away.

  Not willing to dignify his beast’s words with a response, Kai squeezed Jane’s hip. “Tell us, Janey.”

  Jane tilted her head. “Well, I wasn’t going to say anything just yet, but now that it’s come up, I’ll mention it.” Jane looked to each person in turn as she continued, “Staying here means I will have to hand in my notice to the BBC.” Kai tried to protest, but Jane beat him to it. “No, it’s true. Interviewing members of Stonefire is one thing, but living with them is quite another.”

  Kai interjected, “But what about your dreams of becoming an investigative reporter?”

  Jane smiled up at him. “Oh, I’m not giving up on that. I’m just going to accomplish it on my own terms.”

  Bram’s voice filled the room. “Then tell us your plan, lass, and quickly.”

  Jane nodded. “Right, then. The knights like to post things on popular and obscure online hangouts. Sometimes with videos, sometimes with message boards. They always ask for information and tips about the dragon-shifters. If we have someone give them specific information, the knights would come to us.” She looked to Kai. “I’m sure you can think of ways to handle them from there.”

  “The knights are clever with technology. They won’t take information from just anyone,” Kai stated.

  “Of course not. But you forget, I’ve been working on stories about both the hunters and the knights for months now. I have someone monitoring and interacting with the online places of the Dragon Knights. Discreetly, of course.”

  Evie jumped in. “That’s brilliant, Jane. Will that person be willing to help you, even if you’re no longer with the BBC?”

  Jane bobbed her head. “They should.” She looked up at Kai and raised an eyebrow. “It means we’ll have to work together again. Are you going to keep your word and treat me as an equal?”

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. A week ago, he would’ve been mortified to have a female call him out in front of Bram and a near-stranger. In the present, he couldn’t care less. “I might be able to swing it, provided you don’t go off and do something daft by yourself.”


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