All By Herself

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All By Herself Page 2

by Tasha Blue

  “Oh, you fuck me so good,” she moaned. “Give me more, give me more!”

  Michael groaned as he felt her cunt gripping his cock as she came. He could feel her pussy juice dripping onto his balls. Turned on, he fucked her as hard as he could. He could tell that Zoe liked it. He loved the look on her beautiful face as she came, her eyes rolling back, her lip curling upward.

  But Zoe wanted to ride this huge shaft as well. Rolling him to the side, she climbed on top of him. “My turn,” she said, squatting over him and sliding down, letting the turgid organ impale her. She leaned back for a moment, relishing the feel of the hard meat inside of her, the bulbous head rubbing against her g spot. Slowly, she began to ride him.

  She felt another orgasm building up inside her. She moved her hips in a semi-circular motion, letting his dick rub up against the sensitive spot in her vagina. Michael could feel her pussy clenching powerfully on his shaft. He grabbed her breasts and felt her nipples.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck me hard,” he whispered.

  As her pleasure reached a crescendo, Zoe moved faster on his dick. An orgasm greater in intensity that all the others caused her body to shake in ecstasy. She thrust her pelvis down on him with frenzied ferocity.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she cried.

  The feel of her pulsating pussy finally caused Michael to lose control. He climaxed too, shooting copious amounts of his seed into her drenched love hole. Zoe continued to grind on him, receiving every drop of his semen as he ejaculated. Finally, they both collapsed on the bed, drained by their passionate lovemaking.

  “Wow, that was amazing,” gasped Michael.

  Zoe laughed. “Bet you wished you had tried to get it with more black girls, right?”

  He smiled. “I certainly appear to have been missing a lot. Although, in my defense, I have dated black girls before.”

  “Is that right?” teased Zoe. “Is there any group of girls you haven’t dated?”

  He thought about it. “Mongolians,” he said finally. “I haven’t dated any Mongolians.”

  “Well, you should go there at once and erase that from your spotless record.”

  “No,” said Michael, shaking his head. “Better leave some mystery about that place.”

  “Shouldn’t we return to the party?” Zoe pointed out.

  He glanced at her. “The way we are, I don’t think that’s an option.”

  She laughed. “I guess you’re right.” They went and showered and lay back in bed. Michael got two glasses and a bottle of champagne from a small fridge and poured them both a drink.

  “To love,” he said. “And romance.”

  “To love.” Inside her head, the hard-bitten realistic side of head was telling her that this was just a one-night stand, but Zoe couldn’t help hoping that she would see him again. She could see why he was such a playboy. Most women would find him irresistible. She had little doubt that he enjoyed flitting from woman to woman. All the same, looking into his intense blue eyes, she found it easy to believe that they was something more going on.

  They cuddled and soon drifted to sleep. Zoe could hear the music pumping in the living room, but it didn’t disturb her slumber. The sex had exhausted her and she slept soundly.

  She woke abruptly to find a Mexican woman looking down at her. She looked around, bewildered and realized she was alone in the bed. She also realized that she was naked and only partially covered by the sheet. She hastily clutched the sheet to her and looked around, still wondering what was happening. By the bedside table, she saw a note. She took it and read it.

  “Sorry, you were sound asleep and I didn’t want to disturb you. I had a great time. Call you soon.”

  Zoe couldn’t help feeling a little deflated as she read the note. Michael could have at least hung around in the morning to maybe fix her breakfast. On the other hand, he was a businessman in charge of a major conglomerate. He could have pressing matters that he needed to attend to. She couldn’t believe that he would forget her just like that after the night they shared.

  But how would he contact her when he didn’t have her number? Zoe looked around, then turned to the maid.

  “Do you have a pen?”

  The woman raised an eyebrow. “Pardon?”

  “A pen?” Zoe made a motion with her hand. “To write.”

  The maid rolled her eyes, but looked around till she spotted a pen on a nearby table and handed it to Zoe. She quickly scribbled her number on the note, asking him to call her, and left it by the side table.

  Wrapping her towel around her, she collected her clothes and went to the bathroom. When she emerged fully clothed, the maid was waiting with the door open.

  “This way,” she said brusquely.

  Zoe got the distinct feeling she had done many times before. She headed to the living room. There were quite a few people cleaning up the massive mess in there. It didn’t look as if Michael’s absence had stopped the people from having a good time. She could see one woman with gloves picking up a used condom from the floor. No one took any notice of her.

  She headed for the front door which was quickly closed as soon as she stepped out. Zoe realized that she would have to do the walk of shame to the main lobby and get a cab. She sighed. The morning after was turning out to be a major letdown. The doorman took her appearance in his stride, letting her out without a perceptible change in expression. She quickly hailed a cab, got in and headed home.

  After showering and fixing herself some breakfast, she called Amber. “Where on earth were you?” she asked.

  “Oh, I met this great guy and we had a wonderful time,” gushed Amber.

  “I’m sure you did,” said Zoe drily. “Did you go back to his place?”

  “Not really,” she admitted. “We just went for a drive in his car and then he dropped me off.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Well, at least I managed to do it in the back seat of a Bentley,” said Amber defensively. “What about you, did you have fun with Michael?”

  Zoe reluctantly told her of her night with him.”

  “Oh-em-gee,” squealed Amber. “What was he like in bed?”

  “Amazing,” admitted Zoe.

  “I knew it! Is it true that he has a great cock?”

  “It’s definitely the biggest I have ever seen,” said Zoe.

  “Oh, I’m so envious of you right now,” said Amber. “My guy had a micro penis, I barely came.”

  Zoe giggled. “Come on, it can’t have been that bad.”

  “Believe me, girl, it was,” insisted Amber. “But is sounds like you had a great night.”

  “Yeah, but the morning not so much.” Zoe told her what had happened in the morning.

  Amber was silent for a moment, then said, “Well, that’s kind of his thing, isn’t it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s only a one-night stand, right? Everyone knows Michael de Winter’s like that. If you’re expecting to hear from him again, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

  Zoe listened to what she said with a sinking heart. She had a sneaking suspicion she was right. Aloud, she said lightly, “You’re right. It was just a night of fun and we’ll probably never meet again.”

  But she spent over a week waiting for Michael’s call. When it never came, the realization finally set in like a heavy stone. He had moved on—she had been a one night stand, nothing more, and he didn’t want anything more to do with her.


  “I’m going to set you up on a date.” Amber gazed at her with bright, optimistic eyes.

  Zoe rolled hers. “That’s just what I need: another guy to fuck me and forget it.”

  “Look, not every man is like Michael de Winter.”

  That was true—no man had come close to his looks, charm, or skill in bed.

  “Some guys are good for sex and some are long-term material,” continued Amber. “Let me set you up with this nice college professor I know.”

  Zoe thought about
it. She certainly didn’t feel like dating. She had slept with Michael for a bit of fun, but after the passion and chemistry they shared, she had started to believe that it was something more. It turned out she was just fooling herself. She felt foolish and disappointed. On the other hand, she couldn’t mope around forever. A college professor would be a nice change from a billionaire playboy.

  “So who is this guy?” she asked carefully.

  “Oh, you’ll love him,” said Amber enthusiastically. “Harvard educated, he teaches philosophy and he’s cute!”

  “Hmm,” said Zoe. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt for me to go out with him.”

  “Yes!” said Amber. “I’ll set it up for you.”

  Which was how Zoe found herself nervously entering an Italian restaurant on Saturday night, wondering what she had got herself into this time. She reminded herself that her last romantic debacle had been thanks to Amber’s hare-brained schemes. This was probably another one. And then she saw the guy and changed her mind. He was seriously cute in an understated, intellectual kind of way. His pictures didn’t do him justice.

  “Hi, I’m Zoe,” she said, walking up to him and shaking his hand. She hoped her hand wasn’t too clammy from her nervousness.

  “Nice to meet you, Zoe,” said her date. “I’m Andrew.”

  He pulled a chair out for her and settled her in before taking a seat himself. “Amber’s told me a lot about you,” he said.

  Zoe wondered what Amber could have mentioned. “Not anything bad, I hope,” she said, only half-jokingly.

  Andrew smiled. “On the contrary, she was extremely complimentary. You’re one of the rising stars of the firm, according to her.”

  “Amber’s exaggerating,” said Zoe.

  “I don’t think so,” he said. “Amber’s hard to impress.”

  “And what about you? What do you think?” She smiled.

  “It’s too early to say,” said Andrew. “But I can tell that she was right on one score—you are extremely beautiful.”

  Zoe hadn’t been feeling particularly attractive. It felt good to hear that. “Thank you,” she said. “I did-” She stopped. Something was wrong. She felt distinctly queasy in her stomach. A powerful spasm rose through her throat. She clasped her chair as Andrew gave her a quizzical look.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She was about to answer when she vomited. She puked all over the table, her dress, and the floor. Later she remembered that a bit splattered on Andrew as well. Words couldn’t describe the embarrassment that she felt. She tried desperately to keep it down, but that just increased the force at which the vomit projected out.

  When it was finally over, she lay back and hoped that the ground would swallow her up. Unfortunately, it didn’t. She had to bear the mortifying spectacle of waiters rushing to clear up the mess. Andrew had risen to his feet and was trying to clean the mess on his shirt.

  “I’m sorry, I need to go,” she said, desperate to get out of there. She grabbed her bag and fell out of the door. Hailing a nearby taxi, she got to her apartment as soon as she could. After splashing some water on her face and trying to calm down, she called Amber and told her what had happened.

  “Oh my God,” said Amber.

  “I know,” whimpered Zoe.

  “Okay, it was probably just nerves,” Amber said, trying to calm her down. “I’ll talk to Andrew and sort things out. Do you want me to come over and take you to the hospital?”

  “No, I’m fine,” she insisted.

  “Okay, but make sure you see a doctor tomorrow.”

  Zoe agreed and hung up. She buried her face in her hands. She couldn’t believe how badly the date had turned out. Since meeting Michael, her romantic life had taken a distinct turn for the worse. She had a restless night with recurring dreams of spending the rest of her life alone.


  The next day, she went to see her family physician. He got her to do a series of tests and asked him back into his office when the results came in.

  “You’re pregnant,” he told her matter-of-factly.

  Zoe had barely sat down and almost fell off the chair. “What?” she gasped.

  “You’re having a baby,” he said patiently.

  “But—how is that possible?” she cried.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know how that’s possible?”

  Zoe sighed. “Obviously I do. But how …?”

  “Well, no birth control method is fool proof,” said the doctor. He looked at the closely. “You haven’t had unprotected sex, have you?”

  She closed her eyes. How could this be happening? “Once,” she admitted. “But I never imagined…”

  He wrote another note and gave it to her.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “Some more tests to make sure you don’t have any STDs.”

  Great, thought Zoe. Her day kept getting better and better. She left the doctor’s office feeling numb. She couldn’t imagine becoming a mother. Michael had to be the father. She cringed at what she had done. She was supposed to be a lawyer—a smart, educated woman. She couldn’t believe that she done something as stupid as having unprotected sex with an infamous playboy.

  Apart from the risk of getting a serious disease, she was heading toward becoming a single mother. She had been caught up in the moment. But wasn’t that the excuse given by millions of other women who found themselves in this situation? She had been extremely stupid and there were no excuses for what she had done.

  “What?” cried Amber when she told her. “I can’t believe it!”

  “Neither can I,” said Zoe.

  “I mean… what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know,” sighed Zoe.

  “Are you going to keep the baby?” It was a blunt question and one that needed answering.

  “I haven’t decided,” admitted Zoe. “I had no idea this would happen.”

  “I know,” said Amber. “I’m still in a state of shock. Call me if you need anything, okay?”

  “Sure,” said Zoe. She stared into the room. She had been brought up by a single mother and knew the challenges that she would face. Her mom had drilled it into her that she should never find herself in this situation. And after safeguarding herself through high school and college, the one time she thought she could get away with it, she had been busted.

  Reluctantly, she dialed another number. There was someone she needed to speak to.

  “Mom, it’s Zoe.”

  “Well, it’s nice of you to remember your old mother,” said Carla Williams. “Why are you calling all of a sudden? Don’t tell me you need more money.”

  In a shaking voice, Zoe told her what had happened.

  Carla was silent for a moment, then she said, “I’m coming to see you.”

  Zoe’s heart sank further. The last thing she wanted was to have to face her mother. Carla was small but had a formidable personality. An hour later, the doorbell range and Zoe let her mother in.

  She looked at her sternly. “Zoe Williams. After all I have told you, look at what you’ve gone and done.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be perfect for you, Mom,” snapped Zoe. The last thing she need in this trying time was her mother’s judgmental attitude.

  Carla shook her head. “Not for me. For yourself.” She sat down on the sofa. “Who is the father?”

  Zoe told her. “So you managed to get pregnant with some rich, white playboy’s son,” said Carla grimly.

  “What does his color have to do with anything?”

  “Don’t get all politically correct with me, young lady. You think a white man is going to help you bring up that child?”

  Zoe looked down.

  “You’ll have to have an abortion, of course,” said Carla.

  Zoe stared at her. “That’s not your decision to make, Mom.”

  Carla threw her hands up. “Don’t be silly, Zoe. You know the trouble I had to raise you. And now you’re about to become a big-shot lawyer. This playboy i
s not going to help you. He probably has lawyers to make sure you don’t even get child support. What kind of life will you have? What kind of life will the child have?”

  “I don’t know,” said Zoe, standing up. “But whatever decision I make will be my own.”

  “If you want to ruin your life, I suppose that is your decision,” said Carla, disgruntled. “Now sit here while I fix you some lunch.”

  “It’s really not necessary,” said Zoe.

  “Hush!” said Carla sternly. “Do as you’re told and wait here.”

  Deflated, Zoe sat down while Carla made herself busy in the kitchen. However overbearing Carla could be, it was nice to be able to tuck into her delicious food. Zoe ate voraciously, with an appetite she didn’t know she had.

  “Are you going to contact this Michael fellow?” asked Carla eventually.

  “I guess I should,” replied Zoe.

  “Well, you’d better call him soon.” Carla saw her daughter’s expression and said, “Oh Zoe, you don’t even have a phone number?”

  Zoe shook her head morosely.

  “Well, good luck trying to contact him,” said Carla. “You’ll realize I was right when you speak to him.”

  Zoe didn’t say anything, but feared that she was right. That evening Amber dropped by.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, giving her a hug.

  Zoe nodded.

  “Don’t worry,” said Amber. “We’ll work on this together.”

  Zoe told her of her conversation with Carla. “Yeah, I expected her to fly off the handle,” said Amber sympathetically. “Take your time and decide what’s best for you. Have you contacted Michael?”

  “No. I don’t even have his number,” admitted Zoe.

  Amber rolled her eyes. “The nerve of that guy! I’m going to find his contact info. A guy like that probably has more than a few girls chasing him down for child support.” She saw the expression on Zoe’s face and stopped. “Sorry, that was tactless. Still, I’m betting this wasn’t his first rodeo.”

  Zoe took a deep breath. “You think Mom’s right? I shouldn’t have this baby?”

  Amber sat by her. “Like I said, only you can make that decision. But you also need to think of your career. There is no way you’ll be able to keep your job if you have this baby. And I seriously doubt a guy like Michael would think of getting involved.”


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