The Heart of Fire

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The Heart of Fire Page 11

by Michael J. Ward

Six stone angels flank the double doors that lead into the church. As you pass through, into a wide circular nave, you find your footsteps faltering as you gaze in wonderment at the breath-taking vista before you.

  Light falls in bright shafts from the crystals set into the ceiling, converging on a large fountain that sits at the centre of the nave. From its angelic statue, water tumbles out into channels, forming a series of interlinked waterways. Small bridges span the water, their intricate lattice work gleaming with a pale radiance.

  Heading around the nave you see white-robed priests and acolytes in adjoining chambers, poring over scrolls or kneeling in prayer. A woven tapestry hangs across one wall, where a number of travellers are stood scrutinising the embroidered scenes. Nearby a man sits alone on a bench, his head held in his hands.

  Will you:

  Inspect the tapestry? — 181

  Talk to the man? — 152

  Leave the church? — 77


  With your obstacle removed, you are finally able to reach the gemstones. As you brush the dust from their jagged faces, you see that they are actually razor-sharp diamonds. (If you wish to take the diamonds simply make a note of them on your hero sheet, they do not take up backpack space.) With little else of interest in this chamber, you decide to leave.

  Will you:

  Leave via the stairs? — 46

  Return to the passage and try the wooden door? — 4


  You wonder if something interesting might be hidden inside one of these dark cavities. There are a number of holes to choose from. Roll a die. If the result is or turn to 1, or turn to 145, or turn to 233.


  You add the ingredient to the liquid. However, it only takes a few minutes of stirring for you to realise that you have made a mistake. The liquid is now giving off a bitter smell, having turned lumpy and sour. You will need to start again.

  If you wish to try and create another potion then turn to 361. Otherwise, you can leave the laboratory and visit the reverend’s house (turn to 210) or the herbalist’s cottage (turn to 224).


  ‘He is known in these parts as Jolando: an assassin, a sword for hire.’ Anna takes an oil lamp from the table and holds it closer to the man’s face. You notice white scars cutting vivid lines across his cheeks and chin. ‘This man is a thief . . . and a murderer.’

  You step away, momentarily startled. ‘This is an assassin and you would have me help him? Why?’

  Anna places the lamp by the bedside. ‘He was doing a job for the Wiccans. I made the contact myself.’ She glances at you, nervously gauging your reaction. ‘I happen to believe in their cause, as do many others in Carvel.’

  You shrug your shoulders. ‘You helped me; that is all that matters.’

  Anna nods. ‘That is good. I am putting a lot of trust in you.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the strange object on the table? — 92

  Ask about the crates in the other room? — 35

  Ask what you need to do? — 130


  Many of the male warriors are stripped to the waist, their muscled bodies displaying a dazzling array of painted patterns. A female notices you and strides over. Her lithe body is wrapped in thin bands of black cloth, leaving little to the imagination. Like the men, her pale skin is daubed with intricate designs.

  ‘The runes make us strong,’ she says, pointing to one of the women who is crushing berries and powder into a bowl. ‘If you fight with us, Sanchen, then you become real Wiccan.’

  Will you:

  Learn the brigand career (requirement: warrior)? — 446

  Decline and explore the rest of the cave? — 485


  ‘Hopefully, about to fill my stomach with rabbit stew,’ the old man replies. You flinch as he leans closer to his pack, his hand passing over the jewelled sword. But he doesn’t take it. Instead, he simply lifts a pouch from a side pocket. ‘Salt,’ he grins, bouncing it in his hand.

  Suddenly, you hear a bellowing roar coming from somewhere deep inside the rock. It is followed by a cry and a loud ground-trembling boom. The man hesitates for a second, glancing up at the rock behind him. Then he sets about adding salt to the stew as if nothing untoward has happened.

  ‘What was that?’ you ask worriedly.

  ‘What was what?’ asks the gentleman, stirring the stew. ‘Would you like some tea? I brewed some earlier. Silver Grey, the finest.’

  There is another monstrous roar, dislodging stone and dust from the rock walls. The man moves around the fire and settles down on a blanket. ‘You can join me if you like,’ he says, raising a cup of steaming tea to his lips. ‘I plan on being here for a while.’

  Will you:

  Join him by the fire? — 187

  Ask about the disturbance? — 156


  ‘Stop gawping and get searching this ship,’ barks the captain, glaring at the remnants of his rag-tag band. ‘I want some answers to this sorry mess!’ He stabs a finger in the direction of the poop deck. ‘What yer waiting for, a cannonball up yer rear? Move it!’

  You must now decide which search party you will join.

  Will you:

  Search the captain’s cabin? — 264

  Investigate the crew’s quarters? — 79

  Explore the cargo hold? — 189


  ‘My name is Polk,’ says the bearded warrior, glancing back over his shoulder. ‘And I’m the chatty one, trust me.’ He stops next to the curtained alcove, gesturing to his full mugs. ‘Any chance you could do the honours?’ he asks. ‘I think I spilled enough beer in this place already.’

  You reach forward and pull back the curtain. Turn to 135.


  (If you have the word hallowed written on your hero sheet, turn to 161.)

  A bell rings as the door is opened, revealing a small room littered with crates and sacks. Squeezed in amongst the clutter rests a narrow table, covered in various pastes, liquids and powders.

  An elderly woman appears from a side room, wiping her hands with a cloth. She is short and stocky, with long grey hair twisted into dreadlocks. ‘I’m very busy,’ she adds curtly, peering at you over her spectacles. ‘Everything’s labelled, so no need for dawdling.’

  The following are available for 10 gold crowns each:

  Pot of healing (1 use)

  Pot of brawn (1 use)

  Pot of magic (1 use)




  Use any time

  Use any time

  Use any time

  in combat to restore 4 health

  in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round

  in combat to raise your magic by 2 for one combat round

  If you have the household spirit, then you can hand this over. Turn to 88. Otherwise, you may now leave the shop and head to upper town (turn to 77) or to lower town (turn to 36).


  You add the ingredient to the liquid. However, it only takes a few minutes of stirring for you to realise that you have made a mistake. The liquid is now giving off a bitter smell, having turned lumpy and sour. You will need to start again.

  If you wish to try and create another potion then turn to 361. Otherwise, you can leave the laboratory and visit the reverend’s house (turn to 210) or the herbalist’s cottage (turn to 224).


  The tunnel eventually becomes a ledge, overlooking a vast subterranean lagoon. Its banks are littered with the bodies of dead ant-men – most of them little more than charred husks. From across the waters you see torches flickering on the deck of a pirate galleon, its black masts rippling in the chill wind.

  ‘Well, would you look at that,’ grins the captain, scratching his stubbly chin. ‘How’d that end up here? Must have drifted in from the sea.’

  ‘At least they look like they’re on our side,’ says Surl, skidding down the slope to investigate. ‘Woah, this
is a lot of bugs!’

  Suddenly there is a flash of light from the ship, accompanied by a loud bang. Something is hurtling towards you, whistling through the air.

  ‘Cover!’ shouts the captain, dropping to the ground. Everyone scatters as an iron cannonball slams down onto the muddy bank, throwing up a thick plume of dirt and sand.

  ‘They fired at us!’ shouts Surl, staggering back to his feet. ‘Why’d they do—’

  ‘Goblins,’ growls the captain angrily. ‘Can’t you smell ’em?’

  ‘But the waters,’ pleads one of the party, a young warrior who looks dwarfed in his ill-fitting heavy armour. ‘I can’t swim. I’ll sink like a stone.’

  ‘We don’t need to! Follow me!’ To everyone’s surprise the captain starts running, following the ledge around the far side of the cavern. You scan ahead, to see that the ledge ends in a jumble of rocks that jut out into the dark waters. It is there that the pirate ship has run aground, its stern raised up on the rocks.

  Another cannonball hums through the air, landing in the water with a thunderous splash. Its aim may have been off but it provides all the incentive you need to throw yourself into a sprint, following the captain. The others take your lead, hurrying towards the outcropping.

  At last, after scrambling over the sharp rocks, you see the deck of the ship only metres ahead of you. The captain was right; it is crawling with goblins. One of their number, wearing a pirate’s tricorn hat, is trying to issue orders to the chaotic rabble. Archers are scrabbling up the rigging, whilst another group are struggling to turn a cannon, to aim it towards the rocks.

  The captain doesn’t slow, flinging himself through the air to land on the deck. He then quickly sets to work with his axe, battering away the defenders. You hastily consider your options.

  Will you:

  Use your magic to blast away at the archers? — 103

  Jump onto the deck and fight the cannon team? — 71


  You push open the door, your breath escaping in a surprised gasp as you look upon your new surroundings. The room, if room you could call it, is domed and circular – and carved entirely from wood. Its single, curving wall depicts an intricate, almost lifelike scene, showing a cart laden with toys travelling through rolling hills. A line of children run after it, giggling and laughing. The painstaking sculpture continues across the floor, where leaves and grasses have been carved out of the wood – and there, seemingly growing from its centre, is a column of oak, sculpted to look like a tree. Branches spread out towards the lofty ceiling, where you see a children’s tree house perched on its highest limbs.

  Moving closer to the tree you notice holes cut into its side, forming gnarled nooks and crannies. They are large enough to put your hand inside. Across the other side of the room, a white portal shimmers against the carved backdrop, inviting you to continue your journey.

  Will you:

  Climb up to the tree house? — 96

  Put your hand in one of the holes? — 113

  Leave via the portal? — 46


  As the knight topples to his knees a column of sunlight breaks through the fog, streaming over his glistening armour. A voice whispers in your ear – I am delivered. May the maker forgive me.

  The knight’s armour falls to pieces, rattling across the hard black rock. Of his body there is no trace, save for a faint blue shadow, which rises like smoke into the sparkling light.

  Congratulations, you have defeated the ghostly knight. Searching the remnants of his armour, you find 50 gold crowns and one of the following special rewards:

  Frostreaver’s tongue

  Phantom gauntlets

  Graven chill

  (main hand: sword)



  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +1 speed +1 armour

  +1 brawn +1 magic

  Ability: silver frost

  Ability: curse

  Ability: frostbite

  If you have the words fallen knight on your hero sheet, turn to 276. Otherwise, with your opponent defeated, you decide to leave this bleak region. Return to the quest map.


  ‘The prince is back in town for the All Saint’s celebrations. Word is he’s digging into his own coffers for this year’s festivities – they’re going to be the best ever. Street entertainers, fireworks . . . it’s what the people need to take their mind off the troubles.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the prince? — 101

  Ask about the ‘troubles’? — 68

  Ask for more news? — 137


  You ascend the stairs to the rocky ledge. Golden sunlight floods the walls and ceiling, pouring in from an opening to the east. As you approach, you see that the ledge juts out from the side of the dark mountain, affording you a breath-taking view of the moorlands below.

  Damaris stands alone at the edge, the wind whipping through her long grey hair and ruffling the black crow feathers sown into her braids. ‘I’m glad to see your strength has returned,’ she says, her eyes remaining fixed on the view. ‘Tell me, Sanchen. What do you see?’

  You move to her side, scanning the verdant wilderness, which glitters with rivers and lakes. ‘I see a beautiful land,’ you reply truthfully. ‘But a little cold for my tastes.’ You shiver, pulling your cloak tighter around your shoulders.

  The woman glances sideways at you. ‘What you see is Gilglaiden. The land that was ours – the land that belongs to the Wiccans.’ Damaris places a hand on your arm, her bright eyes sparkling in the fading light. ‘You come to us at the time of the crossing, when the fate of our people will be decided.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the old magic? — 28

  Ask why they can’t settle elsewhere? — 212

  Ask why the church is to blame? — 426

  Ask how you can help? — 357


  ‘You want to know how someone like me can end up here?’ The man draws his sword. You gasp as the white-steel bursts into light, its inscribed runes glimmering in complex and dizzying patterns.

  ‘You’re an inquisitor?’ you ask, both surprised and wary.

  The man nods, resting the blade across his knees. ‘This is a named blade. The inscriber who gave his life to imbue it called it “Faith”. It was an honour for me to receive it – to wield it in battle.’

  ‘It is indeed a fine sword,’ you add encouragingly.

  The blade’s pale light catches the stranger’s face. It is young and handsome – not the grizzled veteran that you had been expecting. ‘I have failed the One God,’ he sighs, bowing his head. ‘I lost my brother . . . not of kin, but of battle. We had fought many times together, took our vows together, helped each other through the testing.’ His fingers trace the edge of the glowing blade. ‘But nothing prepared me . . . us . . . for the Wiccans, what they can do. They have a dark power. Twisted. It is a mockery of everything that we believe in.’

  You shift uneasily, waiting for him to continue.

  ‘Myself and Gairn took justice into our own hands – tried to find their encampment so we could end this, make the roads safe again for the pilgrims. But they found us . . .’ He flinches, removing his hand from his blade. You notice a line of blood trickling from one of his fingers. ‘They had magics that I had not seen before. Elemental and powerful . . .’ He takes a ragged, shaking breath. ‘I fled like a coward. I knew we had no chance. I lost my . . . faith. And Gairn. He wanders that place still, a restless spirit. Abandoned.’ The warrior slides the blade back into its scabbard, extinguishing the light and returning the alleyway to its former gloom. ‘He cannot move on . . . neither of us can.’ He blows out a sigh, tilting his head back to offer you a thin smile. ‘And for that, I think I deserve another drink.’

  (Record the words fallen knight on your hero sheet.) You sense there is little you can do for this disheartened warrior. Taking your pack, you wish him well, before heading back into town. Turn to 199.


  Your choice was a bad one. The paper monster cannot be harmed by your soldier, for the thin body simply folds or crumples around the attacks, taking no damage. (Remove your soldier from your hero sheet. Then return to 444 to fight this monster yourself.)


  Murlic glances towards the fire, where you see the hulking silhouette of Conall, the giant warrior, staring into the flames. ‘Our last Sanchen said he would be king one day. Conall already bring clans together – Hannen, Blackmoor, Crow. We free him from Durnhollow after Church take him as prisoner. They think they defeat us by removing leader but we paid them back. Now Conall leads again.’ Murlic spits into the dust with a sour expression.

  ‘I sense you are not at ease with this?’ you ask, watching closely for his reaction.

  The Wiccan rogue sneers. ‘He is lapdog to Damaris. That witch uses demon magic with no care. Conall too. Bad things . . .’ He visibly shivers, running a hand through his grease-spiked hair. ‘We have no choice but to follow. We have nothing left now – so we must fight.’

  Will you:

  Ask about the Sanchen? — 72

  Learn the pariah career (requirement: rogue)? — 302

  Explore the rest of the cave? — 485


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