White Lies and Other Half Truths

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White Lies and Other Half Truths Page 17

by Barbara Tiller Cole

  Darcy hands closed around Richard’s throat as he pressed him against the tree. “Richard, if you were not my cousin, I would call you out.”

  Richard whispered through his cousin’s painful grasp, “Point taken, Darcy, I am sorry. Let us rejoin the ladies, shall we?”


  “Elizabeth, did you have many proposals before my brother?” Georgiana asked tentatively.

  “No, only one other than Mr. Collins and your brother. It was when I was but sixteen, an older gentleman that had danced with me at an Assembly asked me if I would marry him. I had always determined I would marry only for love. I did not love him. I also knew I was too young.”

  “I was too young as well,” Georgiana said quietly.


  “I was too young as well. I had a marriage proposal as well. I am quite grateful events transpired as they did. I would not like to be married now,” Georgiana whispered.

  Elizabeth knew of what she was referring, but chose not to press her. She was only beginning to know Georgiana, and she wanted her new sister to trust her. She knew if she was to remain open and honest, she might convince the young girl it was safe to trust her. With time, she hoped Georgiana would feel comfortable enough to tell her of her experience with Mr. Wickham.

  For the remainder of the walk, the ladies talked pleasantly, with Darcy occasionally joining in. Richard was silent as he had lost his voice.


  Bingley summoned Caroline to his study. When she arrived, he closed the door behind her, escorting her to a chair.

  “Caroline, whatever possessed you to behave in such a manner in company last evening? You have offended every member of the Fitzwilliam family, as well as the Darcys. I will not have it! If you are unable to maintain proper behaviour, then you will leave my home,” Bingley said firmly.

  “Charles, certainly you do not mean that. I was every bit the accomplished hostess last evening. Providing my guests with superior desserts, accompanied by the appropriate number of servants to serve them in a proper manner. I do not understand what you could mean.”

  “Caroline, you cannot possibly be ignorant of the rudeness you exhibited before our guests last evening. Your offer to Lord and Lady Matlock of providing aid to prevent Darcy’s marriage was heard by every person in the room! I assure you, you could not have offended Darcy more if you said it directly to him! You will be very lucky if he ever speaks to you again, much less if he is willing to ever have you in his home,” Charles spoke angrily.

  Caroline paled a bit and said, “Of course, my Darcy… oh, I mean Mr. Darcy must have misunderstood my meaning. I was simply suggesting to Lord and Lady Matlock that I might aid with the plans for Mr. Darcy’s wedding. It would not do for anything to be less than proper and appropriate as possible. We would not want their family to find anything wanting in the preparations.”

  Bingley’s voice rose, “Caroline, do not take me for a fool! You are lying. I heard everything you said! Colonel Fitzwilliam heard your entire conversation with his parents, I dare say. He indicated as much to me just a little while ago. You are treading on quite thin ice, Caroline! You may or may not heed this warning, but I assure you I am quite sincere in it.”

  “I have already asked Louisa to act as hostess for dinner this evening. You may remain and attend the event only if you answer with simple yes and no answers. I will not tolerate any snide remarks to anyone in attendance. If I hear you have said anything disparaging about any member of the Bennet family, you will find yourself on the road in my carriage tonight. If you are unable to temper your behaviour, then I will give you the bulk of your remaining inheritance now, subtracting all the overages you have had on your monthly allowance each month since father died. Oh yes, I have kept track of such, and believe me you are well into the bulk of your 20,000 pounds. I believe you only have around 14,000 left. That is all you will see if you do not heed my warning. Do we understand each other? I dislike being this firm with you, Caroline, but have left me with little choice,” Bingley finished with calmness.

  Caroline nodded to Bingley in acknowledgement of his words. But defiantly, she did not believe him, nor was she ready to give up her last chance to claim Mr. Darcy for her own.

  Caroline returned to her room. Oh, how I hate Eliza Bennet. She is the cause of all of my difficulties. I simply must think of something, something to prevent this wedding. Otherwise, Eliza will be the death of me, and all of my dreams.


  Mary Bennet had brought a small note pad with her that evening to the engagement dinner at Netherfield. She had it tucked into the middle of her copy of Fordyce’s Sermons. She was determined to observe conversations for material she needed in regards to an upcoming scene in her book.

  Her sister, Elizabeth, simply glowed. Mary had never known of a time when she had seen Lizzy so happy. She was particularly radiant whenever she was in the presence of her fiancée. Mary had watched them carefully. She was unsure if she had ever seen true, pure love until she had observed her sister and Mr. Darcy. The looks that radiated from their eyes! Their bright and pleasant smiles they shared only with each other! The little excuses they came up with to touch one another in some small way! How their heads inclined just a little closer to the other when they spoke. She wrote down these observances then moved closer to hear their conversation, close enough to be able to take a few notes.

  “William, have I told you lately that I love you? You know, when I think of it, it was just one of those chance encounters that we ever found each other. But I am quite grateful, beloved that we met for now I only dream of you,” Elizabeth said.

  “I was always determined to marry only for the deepest love, and if it were not for your love and acceptance, I might have been alone all the days of my life. I am serious, in only one night things have changed to bring about my heart’s desire. I thought I would be single until the end of time until I chose you to be the companion of my future life. You make me want to be a better man,” Darcy said, looking into her deep emerald eyes with such sincere love.

  “I long to be by your side always. But, I am sure that the obligations of love and duty will, from time to time, cause me to have to travel away from you. It is my hope that when I am gone there will be no more tears from you while I am away. But I will always be loving you from afar, and hopefully God’s grace will lead me home to you,” Darcy continued.

  “Well, my love, I know I will find this is a marriage worth the earning for God has given me the role of a lifetime in making me your wife. I hope that come what may, I will have the determination to accept such wonderful sources of happiness as have been given to me by loving you,” Elizabeth said with a look of heart-felt joy on her face.

  Mary thought this to be an odd conversation. She was not quite sure why. To hear them whispering sweet nothings to each other was quite entertaining. However, she decided to move to another seat to hear others speak.

  Mary moved over to where Colonel Fitzwilliam and Miss Darcy were speaking with Jane and Mr. Bingley.

  “Miss Bennet, you must be so happy for your sister. I know I have never seen my brother happier. I think they are perfect for each other,” Georgiana said to Jane.

  “I do not ever remember my sister being happier. I know she is grateful she is to have you as a sister,” Jane said.

  “I have always wanted a sister. And to think, now I will have five!” Georgiana exclaimed.

  “Miss Mary, how are you this evening? Are you excited about the upcoming wedding?” Colonel Fitzwilliam asked.

  “Oh, Colonel, I am quite excited for my sister, indeed. I am grateful I am to have such a handsome brother, oh, and new cousins as well,” she smiled at him and cocked her head with a raised brow, in an attempt to imitate Elizabeth’s most alluring look.

  The Colonel laughed, “Well, it appears I am to have many new cousins. What are you writing, if I may be so bold to ask?”

  Mary was not sure exactly how to answer him, but it
was obvious he had noticed her writing so she said, “I have recently been working on writing a story, and I find I quite enjoy observing the art of conversation. Each individual in this room has a different manner of speaking, and different manners of facial expressions. I find it quite an educational experience.”

  “The study of human character can be quite a challenge. Why, as a younger son and a military man, I have long learned to take advantage of understanding what someone is saying with their facial and body language, sometimes even before they open their mouths. For instance, look over to where Miss Bingley is sitting,” he slightly motioned in her direction. “It is obvious by the set of her chin, by her narrowed eyes, even by the stiffness in which she sits so upright and rigid that she is unhappy. She does not wish to be here this evening. Can you see that?”

  “Why yes, Colonel! I can see that! But I dare say that is how Miss Bingley usually behaves amongst our company. I believe she feels my family is quite beneath her. I do not understand that, however, as her father was in trade. My father is a gentleman, so in reality she is beneath us in rank. Do you think she believes others can not see the disdain she carries on her person?” Mary responded.

  “Quite astute, Miss Mary. Quite astute. Now, what see you as you observe my parents speaking with yours?” Richard asked.

  “Your father and my father seem quite diverted. Their eyes are crinkling at bit at the corners, and their expressions are open and engaging. They both appear to be attempting not to laugh, actually. There is just enough tension in their faces, even though they are both slightly smiling and their eyes are moving about to observe the room. Yes, I believe that they have found some joke amongst us, and are attempting to make sport of it without bringing it to anyone’s attention,” stated Mary. “What about our mothers’ sir? What do you see in them?”

  “I can tell my mother is feeling quite mischievous. I have seen that look on her face when she is contemplating how to deal with some type of spectacle, or when attempting not to laugh. Your mother looks a little nervous, but also in awe. Her eyes are wide open, and she is very attentive to the conversation. But knowing mother, she is not planning her mischief with your mother, but rather with someone else in the room,” the colonel said.

  Dinner was announced. And a very fine and expertly planned dinner was served. Conversation was light, and as the last course was cleared, Lord Matlock stood and raised his glass, encouraging all to join him. “I would like to take this opportunity to make a toast on behalf of my favourite nephew and godson, Fitzwilliam Darcy. Fitzwilliam, on behalf of all three of your godparents--Lady Matlock, Mr. Bennet, as well as myself--we would like to tell you how proud of you we are. You have grown to be a well-respected and honoured member of the community. Your management of Pemberley and your guardianship of Georgiana is an inspiration to many. Your family members love you. You are respected by the ton, and you have made an exceptional match with your Miss Bennet. Miss Bennet, on behalf of myself and my family, we are honoured to welcome you into ours. Your wit and wisdom, your intelligence and liveliness, and your care and kindness are exemplary. We could not be more pleased to call you niece. So, to Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth, may your marriage be blessed with happiness!”

  “To Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth!”

  All joined with the exception of Miss Bingley, who was still trying to understand what she heard…godfather… Mr. Bennet… it could not be…

  The gentlemen did not separate from the ladies that evening. They were all enjoying being in company with each other. The evening progressed amicably. There was a little music as Caroline, Louisa, Mary and Elizabeth took turns at the pianoforte; with Elizabeth eventually convincing Georgiana to join her in a duet. As the evening was about to come to a close, the party was interrupted by a knock at the door and an unusual little man entered the parlour door unannounced.

  “Greetings all. I understood from a recent express there is a dearth of clerics in the area. Particularly, with the demise of Mr. Collins in such a horrific way, there have been many who have wished to avoid this part of the country. As some feel that something in the Meryton area must have affected him to cause him to act in such an unscrupulous way. To die at the hands of former prostitutes no less! I know you will be most heartily glad that I have arrived to perform the necessary role of parson for the upcoming wedding ceremonies. All I ask is a place to stay until after the wedding. I am monstrously glad to be able to assist you in this matter. Show me to my room, good man,” the gentleman said to the footman as he left the room, assuming they would allow him to stay for the night.

  If jaws dropping had a sound, there would have been a massive chorus sounding at the moment. “Who, or rather what in the world was that?” Richard questioned, giving voice to what they all were wondering.

  Chapter 17

  10 December 1811

  Darcy and Elizabeth had agreed, rather reluctantly, that they would not see each other again until they met at the church. There were many last minute details that needed to be taken into consideration before the wedding.

  Elizabeth had, however, decided to sleep in a bit later than normal on this last full day of her life as a single woman. But thoughts of her husband were her first waking thoughts as they were foremost on her mind. I never thought that I would discover a love like I have for William! Her thoughts were full of nothing but her husband to be.

  Oh, I can think of nothing but William’s touch. There is so much more I wish to learn. I wonder if it is done… if it is something he would like… for me to taste him.

  Elizabeth found that her hands just had to move. She was imagining Darcy’s hands touching her. She could not help but tease her nipples, squeezing them, until they were hard buds. She could remember Darcy doing the same. And then licking and nibbling them…


  As Darcy first awoke, his first thoughts were of Lizzy, and how happy he was they were to be married the next day! Just think in but two days I will awake with Lizzy in my arms! At least that was what he desired, and he believed she did as well.

  Darcy regretted his agreement not to see Elizabeth on this day. All he could think of were her eyes, her scent, her taste, and her breasts... He could not stop from stroking himself, imagining her beneath him.

  Ah, so beautiful, so exquisite. So, so wet, and all for me… so adventurous, and the taste of her, like rare nectar. I wonder if she will be willing to taste me… to feel those luscious ruby lips surrounding my manhood. Oh, and to have her in my arms again… to plunge myself into her depths again and again. To make her mine every day anew. . .


  Elizabeth had moved her hand down to touch herself. Oh, to feel him inside of me… deep inside of me… hard, firm and hot… to feel his kiss, deep and wet… his tongue rhythmically plunging into my mouth, matching time with his member...


  Even though neither knew it, they came to their pleasure at the same moment, as three miles separated them. Rising and climbing to higher and higher planes. Both tipped over the horizon at the same time. Both called the other’s name.

  “My William!!”

  “My Luscious Lizzy!!”

  Both were thinking of how they would be waking in each other’s arms in two days time!!


  Elizabeth finished her breakfast and sat in the front parlour to do a bit of mending, thinking over all she needed to do during the day. She had already packed her trunks. They were new trunks her fiancé had sent her, as he had ordered them while in London. She had planned enough clothing for her honeymoon, though Darcy refused to tell her where they were going. All he had said was they would not be gone very long as they were expecting family for Christmas. The bulk of her things would be sent to Pemberley. Darcy had arranged for someone to pick up that trunk later in the day.

  Her wedding gown had arrived. It had already been fitted, as well as the few things she would take with her on her honeymoon. Her aunt Gardiner and her new aunt-to-be had
both, separately, given her some lovely silk gowns and lingerie. Elizabeth blushed as she thought of Darcy’s seeing them on her.

  She had agreed to spend some time with Jane a little later in the day, and her mother had asked to speak with her this morning. Elizabeth knew she would not get away without this ‘talk’ with her mother. Her mother must feel it was her responsibility to tell her of her duties. But Elizabeth no longer needed her guidance, and could only guess that her advice would be unhelpful.

  She giggled when she remembered Darcy pretending to be her mother, telling her what he suspected her mother would want to say. Elizabeth had been trying to think of a way to avoid the interview all together. I wonder if there will be a time I can think of being with William in an intimate manner and not blush.

  With that thought, her mother came into the room.

  “Elizabeth, I would like to speak with you now.”

  “Yes, Mama, I will be there shortly.”

  A couple minutes later, Elizabeth knocked and entered her mother’s room. Her mother asked her to sit.

  “Elizabeth, you might have guessed why I have asked you to my chambers. I need to speak with you of your duties. Your duties as a wife to Mr. Darcy,” Mrs. Bennet said.

  “Mama, you need not…” Elizabeth started.

  Mrs. Bennet interrupted her, “No, Lizzy I must tell you these things. It is my duty as your mother. Now, I know you must have questions about what will happen tomorrow evening.”


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