White Lies and Other Half Truths

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White Lies and Other Half Truths Page 21

by Barbara Tiller Cole

  “It is not proper, Lizzy,” William answered and pulled her back against his chest, breathing deeply.

  “But William, did you not tell me that propriety would have no place in our bedchamber? You did say that, did you not? Is it done? Can it be done? Would you like it?” Elizabeth innocently asked him.

  “Oh, Good God, Lizzy. You are exquisite. My adventurous, curious cat,” but he did not answer her.

  Elizabeth pulled up to look at him and moved to kiss his chest and nipped at his nipples. She began to kiss down his chest, as she got closer and closer to his manhood. Darcy exalted in his fortune to have married such a passionate wife. He would never tire of her. He would always delight in her luscious flesh.

  Elizabeth continued to make her way down his body. Taking her time to suckle on parts of his flesh as she made her way to his Zenith. When she reached his now hardened length, she peered up at him, questioning with her look. “It can be done, but you need not…” he said. But she was too quick for him, her tongue reached out to circle his tip. Round and round her tongue lapped at him, tasting a little fluid that had escaped from its center.

  She moved to the base and began her own slow *glissando, up and down his length, circling the tip with her tongue each time she reached the top, and then licked down his length again. Darcy had lost conscious thought. His hips undulated and he was moaning as if in pain, but he had never imagined such pleasure.

  Elizabeth tentatively put her mouth completely around the tip, and lowered her mouth as far as she could and began to suckle his hard, firm length. She began to move her mouth up and down, suckling as she moved, and with a sudden inspiration, moved her hand below her mouth so his entire length was covered. She tried to pace her movements in a similar tempo to those they had employed as they mated earlier. Darcy’s pace was increasing as he rhythmically mated with her mouth. Faster and faster were his movements, and Lizzy did her best to keep with his timing. She began licking his length, as she suckled until he exploded in to her mouth.

  Elizabeth was a little startled, but she was exhilarated that she had conquered him—that he had surrendered entirely to her ministrations. That she was the victor of the conquest! She moved up to lay back upon his chest, content that she had seen to his pleasure.


  Charles Bingley had been quite busy over the last two days. He had set in motion a plan for his sister’s wedding. She had compromised herself, and there was nothing to do but to insist on the marriage. She had been angry about the financial aspects of the match. But other than that, he had been quite surprised when she said that she would ’delight in the pleasurable ministrations of her soon to be husband.’ He shuddered when he remembered seeing them in each other’s arms. He wanted to gag when she started to talk about her celebration of Mr. Elton’s flesh. Oh, Well, thought Charles, at least she will not be completely unhappy with Mr. Elton.

  Then there was the wedding of his best friend, Darcy. Bingley was quite happy for Darcy. He had found a woman that could intellectually stimulate him as well as compliment his romantic sensibilities. Charles knew he could never be happy with the second Bennet sister, as she was too smart for him. But of his lovely Jane, he longed for the day they would marry as well.

  Despite his anxious wishes, he knew it was in his better judgment that he and Jane have a longer period of engagement. It would be best for both families. Elizabeth and Darcy’s wedding had been a hurried affair, and now Caroline and Mr. Elton’s would be even faster. In order to maintain propriety, and in order for his family to maintain its position amongst the ton, they had tentatively decided on a March wedding, granted that Mr. Bennet gave his consent. Bingley thought back on his latest walk to Oakham Mount with his beloved Jane.


  Charles and Jane walked in companionable silence. As soon as they were out of site of Longbourn, Jane moved her hand from around his arm, down to hold his hand. Charles blushed as she intertwined her fingers with his. He found he could not look at her.

  “Charles, do you not wish for me to hold your hand? We are engaged, sir. Do you think your future bride improper for wanting to feel the touch of your hand?”

  They continued to walk, slowing their pace. Charles continued to look at the ground.

  Jane stopped and dropped his hand. Crossing her arms in front of her, she glared at him as she said, “You do think I am being improper do you not? I cannot understand it, Charles! You are almost stogy in your rigid control of propriety. I find that I have had quite enough of it.” Jane’s face showed her frustration.

  Bingley glanced up at her. “Jane, I, ah… are you disappointed in me? I am just trying to do what is just and honorable by you, particularly until your father grants us his consent.”

  Jane reached up to touch his cheek, and smiled into his eyes, “Well, Charles I find that unless I can convince you to drop the pretense of this controlled propriety, I may withdraw my consent to marry you. What say you to that?”

  As she moved closer to him, Charles blanched as he looked at her, “Jane, dearest Jane, what is it you want from me? I do not understand!”

  “Sir, it is quite obvious that you do not understand. Though, I cannot believe you are so ignorant-- perhaps you are,” she said as such moved even closer to him, placing her hands on his shoulders and looking up toward his mouth.

  In almost a whisper, Charles asked, “What is it you want from me, my Jane?”

  “I want you to shut up and kiss me, you fool!”

  Kiss her he did, long and deep. And with that, lessons on making Jane happy officially began.


  Bingley arrived at Longbourn, and Hill knocked on Mr. Bennet’s library door to announce him.

  “Ah, Mr. Bingley, I wondered how long it would be until you came to ask for my eldest’s hand, do come in.” They discussed the arrangements for Charles and Jane’s wedding for some time.

  The interview had gone better than Bingley had thought it would. He was amazed at the dowry Jane had! Why her dowry was larger than Caroline’s! He was quite glad he had ignored his sister’s insistence that he could not marry a woman of no connections and no money. As she was now sister to Darcy. and had quite a fortune, neither was a problem.


  Later that night, Mrs. Bennet was in her chambers thinking of the good fortune of her two elder daughters. To have Elizabeth already married to one of the most well-known and wealthiest personages in the country. And now to have dear Jane set to marry Mr. Bingley, Fanny began to feel some freedom for the first time in a very long time. Finances would no longer require her to move in with her sister or brother should her husband pass before her. She need not worry any more, for her oldest daughters’ marriages would throw the younger girls into the paths of fine, and perhaps other wealthy men.

  What Fanny Bennet did wonder was how she had managed to marry a man who did not love her. Oh, he had desired her when they had first married. In fact they had anticipated their vows. Thankfully it was just two weeks before her wedding, as Jane had been born two weeks early, or at least that is what they had told their family. But she did not believe he had ever loved her. Tom had never looked at her the way Mr. Darcy looked at Elizabeth. He had never fawned over her as Mr. Bingley did Jane. He had provided for her. He had protected her and provided her with children to love. But, no, he had never loved her as she loved him.

  *Musical term definitions

  • largo- slow and dignified; stately

  • adagio- slow; in an easy graceful manner

  • andante- moderately slow, but flowing

  • allegro- brisk; quick lively

  • vivace- brisk; spirited

  • presto- quick

  • prestissimo- at a very rapid pace

  • glissando- a rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scale; rapid sliding up or down the musical scale

  • Rubato- extending a note or phrase, compensated by shortening another one nearby

sp; • Con amore- with love

  • Con fuoco- with fiery manner

  • Con Spirito- with spirit

  • Con moto- with movement

  • Dolce- sweet

  • Fortissimo- very strong and loud

  • Sforzando- strained and sharply accented

  • Crescendo- musical notation indicating that the composition is to become louder

  Chapter 21

  13 December 1811

  All too soon, the Darcys’ brief honeymoon came to an end, and the couple prepared to depart for Pemberley. They had a little over a week to travel to Derbyshire, settle into their new life together, and prepare for the Christmas holiday. Their families were to arrive by the twenty-second of December.

  Darcy had sent several expresses to Pemberley regarding preparation of the Mistress’ chambers, and readying the house for the arrival of his new wife. He sent an express from Stoke informing his staff of the guests that would be arriving shortly for the holiday, and asked that they drape the house in greenery to decorate for the holiday events.

  The Darcys left Stoke on the morning of their third day as man and wife. Their intimacy and their comfort with each other had changed them both in a very short time, as there were few instances where one of them was not seeking a touch from the other. They knew their actual honeymoon phase would last for a long while. Elizabeth, who had doubted a woman could find any pleasure in the act of joining with her husband, had experienced the heights of ecstasy. And Darcy, who had thought that he had some sense of what this time would be like with his new bride, had found that even the farthest reaches of his imagination had been completely exceeded.

  All the way to Derbyshire, Darcy’s thoughts drifted toward the fantasy of Lizzy in his bed at Pemberley at long last. Good God, I have wanted her there for what seems like forever. Just the thought of sealing our marriage vows… with her at Pemberley… experiencing that long desired intimate experience between us is almost more than I can bear to anticipate. They would talk of other things, but his thoughts constantly returned to that ultimate fantasy. His ardour seldom cooled completely, as his eagerness never abated.

  They spent two nights on the road, and on the third day, Darcy and Elizabeth chatted eagerly in anticipation of arriving at Pemberley.

  “William, I am so excited about seeing my new home. But I must confess I feel a little intimated about being Mistress of such a grand place.”

  Darcy reached over and took her hand, kissing the palm, before entwining his fingers with hers. “Lizzy, I thought you told me that your courage rises with every attempt to intimate you,” he said as he lightly laughed.

  “It is not fair that you throw my words back at me at such times, William,” Lizzy said with a grin.

  “My love, you need not have any concerns. Your intelligence and wit, as well as your kindness are all you need to learn the responsibilities of being Mistress of Pemberley. It took me quite some time to learn all I needed to be Master; and there are still aspects that I leave to my steward, stable manager or other senior member of the household. That is why we have such a competent staff.”

  Darcy pulled her toward him until her back was resting against his chest, “Mrs. Reynolds has been managing the household for some time. Georgiana has attempted to serve in the capacity of Mistress, but has had no real desire to do so. You need not take over any responsibility earlier than you desire. We have a wonderful staff that are very good at their jobs.”

  “Thank you, dearest, that does help to know that you will have patience with me learning my new role.”

  “Oh, Lizzy, if you choose never to take on the responsibilities for overseeing the household it would truly matter not to me. I much prefer you to spend the majority of your time attending to your duty as my wife. In fact your duty as my wife, in my bed at Pemberley, is almost all I can think of at the present.” He said this as he turned her toward him to kiss her deeply, whispering something very suggestive into her ear about his intentions for her as soon as they arrived home.

  Lizzy giggled and looked up at him, “Are we close to Pemberley, William?”

  “You, my love, are trying to change the subject; but we are, in fact, quite close. I believe we are on the outskirts of Lambton. Is that not where your Aunt Gardiner grew up? I enjoyed talking with her about her memories of the town. She had memories of my parents as she had met them. She also used to come to the Harvest Festival that my parents gave each year for the neighbourhood. I like your aunt and uncle quite well. I am glad they are coming along with your family for Christmas.”

  “Well, I like your aunt and uncle as well, William. Aunt Amelia was so kind to me. My mother had a veil made to go with my dress. But your, I mean our aunt explained about the ‘Fitzwilliam lace’ and all the Fitzwilliam brides’ heads it has adorned. I was so honoured that she insisted I wear it. I know I am a Darcy now, but she insisted I was a Fitzwilliam as well. I like her and Uncle Edward a great deal. Uncle and Father are so close. It is all too hard to believe at times, is it not, that our families have been connected all these years and we were unwitting of it?”

  “I am quite glad I was your father’s godson. As much as I like him, it would be quite unfortunate if I had been his son,” he said as he kissed her neck, his ardour increasing as they were now so close to Pemberley.

  Elizabeth laughed and said as she nibbled on his earlobe, “I am quite glad as well.”

  They pulled apart a little, and looked at each other and laughed. Darcy noticed where they were, and informed Elizabeth they were approaching the boundaries of Pemberley.

  Elizabeth found she had a little flutter of nerves in her stomach, but she was also quite excited. Darcy said, “I will have the driver stop when the house first comes into view, love. I want you to see my favourite prospect.”

  A few minutes later, Darcy tapped on the roof of the carriage and the driver came to a stop as Pemberley House came into view. “Well Lizzy, what do you think of your new home?” Darcy asked as they looked out the window toward the house.

  “Oh William, I do not think I have ever seen a place that fits so beautifully into the landscape! It is a thing of beauty,” and she turned to look at him. “I cannot believe I am to live in such a place. I find I am still quite in awe; it will take a little time to become accustomed with my new station in life.”

  Darcy pulled her to him and kissed her long and deep. Pulling back, he looked longingly into her eyes. “You will have a lifetime, my love, if you desire it. I fear that if we continue our delay, my desires will get away from me even before we arrive. As it is, I need to calm myself before we face the staff. But we will not tarry! I am ready to have you in my chambers now,” and with that he tapped on the roof and the carriage again began to move.

  As they approached the front door, it appeared all those they employed had come outside to greet the newlyweds. Try as he might, Darcy had never determined how they always seemed to know when he was approaching. He disembarked from the carriage, turned to lift her down, and approached them. “Mrs. Darcy, this is Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. Reynolds has been the head housekeeper at Pemberley since I was four years old. Mr. Reynolds is the head butler here. They are like family to me, and will help you in any way you might have need.” Curtsies and bows were made as appropriate.

  Then Darcy greeted the entire assemblage, “I want to thank all of you for your warm welcome to my new bride, and myself. As Mrs. Darcy is now Mistress of Pemberley she should be afforded all the respect you have for me. I know you will all do your best to welcome her with open arms,” he turned to Elizabeth and nodded.

  Elizabeth curtsied and said, “I look forward to getting to know you as I serve as your Mistress,” she stopped and gave them all a warm smile. They all applauded.

  Darcy then said, “Well, I believe that Mrs. Darcy and I are quite tired from our trip. If you will all excuse us,” he said as he turned to Mrs. Reynolds. “Mrs. Reynolds, will you see that someone brings hot water to our chambers at around s
ix o’clock. We will come down to dinner at seven,” and with that he picked up his new bride in his arms, and carried her into the house, grinning as he did so.

  The work force of Pemberley, in unison, dropped their jaws in shock. Not only had they very rarely seen him smile, they would never have imagined their very sombre Master to act in such a frivolous manner. Yes, Mrs. Darcy was going to bring Pemberley back to life. Yes, indeed! They all thought!

  Mrs. Reynolds looked to her husband and said, “Well, I believe we may see children within these halls before too long!” They both laughed.

  Elizabeth protested, slightly, as William was carrying her through the entryway. “William, what will they think of me to be carried off in such a manner?” but she giggled a little as she said it.

  Darcy began to climb the stairs with her in his arms. “They will think that the Master is besotted with his new bride.”

  “William, do you not want to give me a tour of my new home?” Elizabeth asked as he finished climbing the stairs.


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