The Billionaire's Object (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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The Billionaire's Object (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 5

by Rachel Masters

  “We’ll take my private jet Tabby. That should be stylish enough for you.” He grins, taking out his phone again to check the time. “Don’t make me kidnap you.”

  “Okay, I’ll come with you,” I say. Seeing Devon light up erases my fleeting concern about what to tell my boss when I call out for work.

  “Another good choice Ms. Stallings. Now you’re getting the hang of things,” he says as he lifts me up and starts to bite at my lip.

  I still can’t get over how good it feels whenever I’m in his arms. And I still don’t have a clue why he’s into me, or how long this will last. But we definitely have a chemistry that goes beyond our worlds on paper. And how can I pass up a trip to Venice with Devon Marcus?

  Gran would be so disappointed if I did.


  Book 3: The CEO’s Toy

  By Rachel Masters

  2015 Rachel Masters. All rights reserved.

  The Office Buzz

  My life doesn’t exactly stand out very much these days, and my less-than-stellar job as an office manager is by no means an exception. Most of my days at work all blend into one big pile of mush. But today is different- the CEO for my company, 78-year-old Harry Roberts, announced that he would be stepping down. And so the chatter has started…

  My closest colleague, Jessy Donahue, also happens to be the biggest rumor perpetrator in the entire office. “Hey Bethy- I heard the new CEO is going to be a real ball buster.”

  I refuse to take part of her private office drama. “You know I love you like a sister, but don’t start with this stuff,” I say knowing that the chances she is listening while checking her phone for the billionth time are slim to none.

  My suspicions are right as she peers up from her phone. “Oh my god. I can’t believe that Bryan is cancelling our date tonight. What an asshole.”

  Oh I can believe it.

  She somehow remembers why she’s talking to me. “I also heard that he’s super hot! Even his name is hot- Nolan Reid.”

  I almost spit out my mocha latte as I go into immediate shock. Did she say ‘Nolan Reid?’

  She couldn’t stop herself. “Oh and I found out that he treats women like they’re his toys.”

  I have to get rid of her so I can get to the bottom of this. Just as she’s about to utter some other piece of breaking news, I make my move. “Crap- I’m supposed to be meeting with our tech guy to go over the office software changes.”

  I quickly lock myself in the bathroom and start to Google our new CEO.

  Holy shit –it’s him! I can’t believe this!

  As I return to my own desk and sit in seclusion, the news begins to really hit me.

  My ex high school boyfriend is my new CEO.

  My high school sex life had been defined by Nolan Reid. He wasn’t my first time or anything, but he took me to sexual places that I never imagined, especially back then. I wonder how Jessy is already clued into the possibility of our new CEO being a sexual domineer.

  How much did he remember about me? It’s been 12 years, but for some reason high school memories always seem to stick more than others.

  As for my recollection, I remember him like it was last week. He was gorgeous! At the time, he was the most sought after boy that walked the halls of my high school. And for some reason he was into me. I wasn’t especially popular. I guess I was relatively pretty, but not in that sexy way that drove most of the boys mad. I was the type of pretty that people look back on and realize years later when they look at a picture in the high school yearbook. I guess we just had something special… something indescribable.

  What I do know is that many years have passed. I haven’t thought about Nolan in eons. And I’m more than sure he hasn’t thought about me. And now he’s my CEO.

  My mind is doing circles. What does he look like? What kind of man has he become? What will he think of me? Could he still send chills down my spine with a simple glare from his dark blue eyes?

  Put aside the questions for now. I’m sure it will be fine, I try to persuade myself.

  The Reunion

  Monday morning, 9:45. Mr. Reid, our new CEO, is going to spend the day meeting with all of the key management figures. I can’t help but obsess about how things will go when it’s my turn.

  “Beth, Mr. Reid’s ready to meet with you.” Our receptionist, Janet, cues me that it’s my time.

  I stand up from my chair and quickly assemble myself. A lightning-fast hair check; a quick straightening of my go-to business skirt; and a deep breath for added composure. I make my way into Nolan’s office and find that he isn’t in it- he must have stepped out for a minute.

  I quickly survey his office with my eyes looking for clues about the man that he has become. His office has taken on an entirely new look over the weekend, a look that shows both the youth and vitality that had been lost in our former CEO’s presence. His furniture is fashionable, 5th Avenue caliber. There’s a beautiful oak desk that’s fit for the Oval Office. He’s obviously still a sports freak- his walls are covered with team pictures and autographed jerseys. He has plush, new carpeting. He even has a Keurig, a juicer, and a wine fridge- I guess depending on his mood.

  “Beth Fisher… long time no see”. I’m startled as I hear a crazily familiar voice from behind.

  I’m actually caught off guard by his strapping looks. He’s… a man. A very attractive man. I guess I was still picturing the boy that I once knew.

  As he approaches me, I wonder- should I hug him, or do I just shake his hand? I go for the less-risky handshake option. His shake is firm, perhaps a bit more formal than I had expected.

  I’m glad I didn’t go for the hug.

  “Nolan… Uh, Mr. Reid.”

  He pulls his hand away quickly and gets right down to business.

  “Please Beth, there’s really no need to be nervous. Have a seat.” He orders me towards the guest chair.

  I’m quick to oblige.

  “How are you Beth? This is some coincidence.” His voice is disappointingly cold as he scans my body.

  I desperately try to lighten the mood. “I’m good. Not as good as you though. I can’t believe how successful you’ve become!”

  Nolan ushers a faint smile but appears disinterested in my attempt to break the ice with him.

  Things quickly get worse. “Beth, I want to make it clear that I’m not the Nolan Reid that you once knew.”

  I’m starting to see that. But I also can’t seem to get over how attractive he’s become.

  “As a CEO, I can be extremely demanding. And I intend to do whatever I have to in order to run this company the way it needs to be run. I can be relentless at times Beth.”

  His tone is now even more serious than before. I become more disappointed by the second and am beginning to wonder what the point of him calling me in here was in the first place.

  “Yes, of course Mr. Reid. Um… Nolan. I understand.” My words are polite but detached as I struggle to address him. I wonder if he can sense my disappointment.

  “Don’t worry about my name Beth. Call me whatever you want for now. I called you in here, Beth, to warn you.”

  Warn me? Definitely not the way I wanted our first meeting to go.

  “I want you to know ahead of time that I can be very intense to work with. I didn’t get this far by being a team player. Team players are great. But not for becoming rich and powerful CEO’s.”

  “Okay?” I’m practically speechless.

  “I need to know that you’re willing and able to serve me in whatever ways I feel necessary, and that our past together won’t interfere with your ability to follow through with my demands.”

  ‘Serve me?’ Has he gone completely nuts?

  He carries on further. “And my needs can get… a bit extraordinary. Capish?”

  I sit frozen for a few moments, stunned I guess… then I muster up a response.

  “What is it you expect me to do in my role as an
office manager?” I no longer feel intimidated for some reason. If anything, I’m beginning to feel insulted by his oversized ego. But I can’t help myself from listening further.

  “Beth, I’m going to rely heavily on you for whatever it is I may need at any given time. Are you ready for that challenge?”

  “Mr. Reid, I’m ready to try my best to meet that challenge.”

  Truthfully I have no idea what he’s talking about, but this is the most intense conversation I’ve had with anybody in ages and a sick part of me is kind of getting off on it.

  Nolan Reid stands speechless himself. He appears to be processing my response. His eyes glance down at my toes and work their way back up to meet my eyes, scanning my entire body in the process.

  I take the opportunity to grab a closer look myself. Even with a suit on, I can tell he has ripped abs and a hard, muscular chest. His hair is gorgeous, and his eyes are beautiful and intense at the same time. Clearly Nolan has not recovered from his past, perhaps the driving force behind his success. But behind his sexy, ultra-serious CEO persona, I know there is something else brewing deep inside of him.

  Appearing satisfied with my response, he concludes. “Great, Ms. Fisher. I look forward to developing our working relationship.”

  I exit my new CEO’s office with a flurry of thoughts swirling around in my head. Just how much at his command will I need to be? What if I’m really not up for the challenge? I consider myself to be a relatively hard-working office manager, but if this guy is expecting me to double my output, I might be in for some trouble.

  The Agreement

  The first couple of weeks went surprisingly well with our new CEO. The staff all seem to respect Nolan. He has a knack for winning over a variety of personality types despite him saying that he isn’t a ‘team player’. And he’s definitely a fan favorite among the women in our company.

  Our receptionist, Janet, wakes me from a typical late-afternoon daydream. “Beth, Mr. Reid would like to see you immediately.“

  This will be our second formal meeting. I’m determined to be a bit more confident this time around, despite him being the hottest guy on the planet and having enough money to buy New York City. But I know the real Nolan that lays hidden beneath the surface.

  I walk into Nolan’s office to find him putting golf balls on his artificial putting green. He has that typical CEO aura- the type that attempts to mask 18-hour work days with a casual lifestyle façade.

  He has something else as well as I can’t help checking out his backside as he bends over unknowingly. He looks delicious.

  “What do you do for fun these days Ms. Fisher?” He speaks with a suspicious tone. This is not the tone I had been met with the other day. He appears lighter, happier maybe.

  “Please, call me Beth.” My first try at making him laugh.

  “How about I call you whatever I want to call you, Ms. Reid?”

  I search for a hint of a grin on his face, nothing. Ouch! His moods shift like the weather.

  “I’ve been watching how you manage your staff and I’ve noticed excellent performance on your behalf. You’re top notch as an office manager from what I’ve seen thus far.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Reid.” I’m not sure where he’s going with this, but I can tell our discussion is about to change directions.

  “Ms. Fisher, can you keep a secret?”

  My nerves start to go haywire.

  “Yes, Mr. Reid, I believe I am quite good at keeping secrets. For example, nobody in this office knows about our past together.”

  Mr. Reid’s eyes focus sharply on my face as he searches for clues of insincerity.

  “Great, because I need to know that I can trust you if we are to take things a notch further.”

  A notch further?

  “Ms. Fisher, as I said to you in our first meeting, I can be very demanding. Do you remember me warning you about this?”

  “I remember it well. To be honest Nolan it kind of freaked me out. I guess I just never imagined being warned by my CEO.”

  “Ms. Fisher, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me. But I need to know if I can move forward or not. Just say the word and I won’t utter another word about secrets between us or taking things a notch further.”

  I feel torn inside. On one hand, I’m becoming extremely uneasy with this game that he’s playing with me. On the other hand, I’m so intrigued with this game and wonder where he’s going with it.

  “What is it I can help you with Mr. Reid?” I utter with the utmost professionalism.

  “Not until I have your word, Ms. Fisher. I need to know that I can trust you fully, whatever path I may choose to take you down. If my trust is breeched, things could get ugly for you in your line of work.” His facial expression is completely emotionless.

  I ignore my boss’s threat and take the oath.

  “You have my word, Mr. Reid.”

  “That’s good news Ms. Fisher. Good news for both of us,“ he says with a suspicious grin.

  Nolan unbuttons the top button on his collared shirt. Perhaps he’s a bit uncomfortable in his shirt, or maybe this gesture is symbolic of something more.

  As if she had just been cued, the receptionist’s voice comes over the CEO’s office intercom system: “Mr. Reid, all employees are gone for the day. I will lock up behind me.”

  “Thank you Ms. O’Connor. Have a nice evening.”

  Suddenly, the mere fact that the two of us are now alone brings a rush of heat to my entire body.

  The CEO walks over to me and looks my entire body up and down. He’s not shy when it comes to doing this.

  “Ms. Fisher, I think things are going to work out quite well between us.” He smiles, and for the first time I entertain the thought that I might possibly enjoy being fucked by this very familiar man. But am I really ready for all that this might entail? Our past? My job? My dignity?

  I’m not so sure if this is a good idea. I value my job, a lot, considering the economy and the mortgage I have to cover on my condo. But I have my pride too. I don’t consider myself the type of girl that can play the role of the boss’s toy. Or can I?

  “I think we’ve covered enough for today. I’ll be expecting a lot out of you over the next couple of weeks. I’ll be testing you, Ms. Fisher. And I’d like to remind you that at any point just say the word and I’ll cease any and all demands that you are unwilling or unable to fulfill. Capish?”

  “Capish.” I’m totally paralyzed. Terrified. And strangely, quite disappointed that things didn’t go any further between us.

  “Thank you Ms. Fisher. That’ll be all for today.”

  First Assignment

  After a short, thought-induced weekend spent going over and over in my mind the last conversation I had with Nolan Reid, CEO, I return on Monday not knowing what to expect. I feel both highly anxious and incredibly excited. Is he really going to simply treat me like his sex toy? Why do I seem to feel okay with that?

  I want to keep my job, but I can’t believe that I’m even considering being my boss’s sexual servant. I can’t help myself- there’s just something about Nolan that drives me wild inside.

  The day continues to unfold without any extraordinary requests on behalf of my CEO. At one point mid-afternoon, I even crossed paths with him in the hallway. The exchange was simple, even boring.

  “Ms. Fisher- how are things today?” No emotion aside from a slight smirk on his face. As I got a closer look at his plush lips, I began to imagine his mouth on my own. Or perhaps his mouth on something else of mine, something down below.

  “I’m doing well, Mr. Reid. And you?” I stared at his eyes like a desperate puppy dog, confused and yearning to be trained.

  But aside from that mundane encounter- the day rolled on as most days do. My co-workers have all packed up for the day, aside from me and Mr. Reid. I begin to wonder if he’s realized that we are the only two here again.

  My phone extension rings. I look
at the inter-office caller ID and see that it’s Nolan. Shit- he always seems to know when we’re alone! What’s he up to? My heart races and my temperature soars as I pick up the phone and unintentionally clench my thighs to bring feeling to my crotch.

  “Nolan?” It’s obvious that I’m nervous.

  “Ms. Fisher. I take it that everyone has packed up for the day?” His voice is sensual and alluring.

  “Yes, Mr. Reid.” Inexplicably I am becoming turned on by the mere sound of his sex-induced vocal chords. It’s been way too long since I’ve been with another man.

  “Great. Ms. Fisher, please take a moment to look under your desk. You’ll see that I’ve attached a small camera. The camera is pointing directly between your legs. Do you see it?”

  I quickly check and there it is, a small Sony camera attached to the undercarriage of my desk. It’s pointing just as the CEO said, right at my most private space. Oh. My. God.

  “Mr. Reid, I see the camera.”

  “Good. Now, I need you to turn the camera on. When you do, I will have full visible access between your legs. Can you turn the camera on now Ms. Fisher?” His voice is laden with sex. There isn’t a hint of humor coming through the receiving end of my phone. He’s all business.

  I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my mind because I immediately turn the camera’s switch to “On.” A red light appears indicating that the power is engaged. Holy fuck!

  “I must say Ms. Fisher, I am enjoying this view quite a bit. Are you okay with me looking at your white lace panties right now?”

  Gulp. “Yes sir, I’m okay with it.”

  “Excellent. You’ve done well meeting my first demand. Now… I need you to come into my office immediately Ms. Fisher.”

  I get up from my desk, straighten my skirt, and head immediately into the CEO’s office. I’m becoming wetter with each step I take.

  I walk through his office door. Sitting in his executive swivel chair, his eyes burn their blueness through my wanting soul. He looks hungry. What is he going to do to me? Am I really okay with all of this?


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