Black Kat

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Black Kat Page 6

by H. N. Sieverding

  “He loves to tease you. You can see the excitement in his eyes when you get pissed. So, stand up to him. Beat him until he admits he likes you.”

  “I doubt that will work.” Gwen made a sour face, her gaze following a few fans that were getting autographs from the team. “And what if he doesn’t like me like that?”

  “He likes you.” Hailey opened the back door, letting Gwen go through first. “Trust me on this.”

  “So, say I get him to admit it. Then what?” Gwen shrugged, her long ponytail falling over her shoulder.

  “Kiss him, silly.” Hailey laughed as she playfully slapped Gwen’s shoulder.

  Gwen hunched her shoulders inward as she walked back into the rink. They went back to the snack bar and closed up. Shutting off the lights, they went out to the lobby. “Look at that.” Hailey wrapped her arm around Gwen’s shoulder and pointed to a young brunette flirting with Morgan. “You need to break that up. She’s gonna hook him if you don’t act right now.”

  Hailey watched the interaction closely. His hand rested on her cheek, a naughty grin painting his lips. He glanced at Gwen, a darkness in his eyes showed his excitement at making her jealous. “He’s pouncing on that.”

  “Then let him pounce. Boys are such horndogs.” Gwen pouted as she readjusted her bag on her shoulder. “She’s such a—”

  “Go.” Hailey shoved her forward a step, but Gwen walked the rest of the way herself.

  Briskly striding over to him, Gwen shouted, “Morgan!” Her voice quickly got his attention, and he turned to her. She exchanged a glare with the young woman before facing Morgan again. Her eyes were full of hurt. “I’m gonna…” She motioned backward. “Get a ride with Hailey tonight. Looks like you two are going to do some overtime in the truck anyway.”

  Morgan was about to say something, but Gwen quickly spun and jogged away. The sting of tears burned her eyes.

  “Gwen!” Morgan followed her through the almost empty lobby. Not wanting to talk to him, she backtracked to the stands and rounded the south side. When she couldn’t go any farther, she turned around, and he caught up.

  He held her shoulders, his stick clasped in one hand. “What’s wrong with you?” He spoke in an angry tone, his eyes accusing.

  Instead of backing down, Gwen ripped the hockey stick from his grasp. Holding it defensively, she spoke through gritted teeth. “You!” Her cheeks were streaked with tears as she backed him up against the bleachers. He fell on his butt, Gwen shoving the stick under his chin and pinning him.

  “What the fuck, Gwen?” Morgan went for it, but she shoved harder, jabbing him painfully in the throat. Morgan let out a squeal and fell backward into the foot space.

  Standing over him, Gwen had him pinned. Her tone was venomous, her knuckles white as they gripped the wooden instrument. “Are you in love with me or what? ’Cause I’m tired of playing with you.”

  Making a disgusted face, Morgan snarled. “I’m not in love with you.”

  “Then why do you ruin every date I have? Why do you tease me all the time? I’m so tired of it, I could scream.” She held up the stick, ready to strike him with it. “Admit it, or I’ll hit you so hard, you won’t play until next season.”

  “No.” Flinching when she made a quick move, he held out his hand defensively. “I don’t like you. You’re a fucking brat. Now put down my fucking stick!”

  She whacked him with it instead. Morgan groaned and held his arm. “I hate you, Morgan Tanner! I don’t know why I’m in love with you. You’re just a big jerk!”

  Wincing, he shielded his face with his hands, a scared tone in his voice, “You love me?” Letting out an annoyed huff, Gwen whacked his shoulder again. “Ouch! Fuck, Gwen. Stop.”

  “Are you gonna sleep with that girl?” She held up the stick, preparing to hit him again.

  “No, I’m not,” he spoke quickly. “I was trying to make you jealous.”

  “Why?” Gwen prompted sternly.

  “Because…” Morgan groaned, his next words leaving his lips reluctantly, “I love you.”

  Gwen’s voice was wet, “You do?”

  “Now, stop hitting me with that fucking thing.” As if extremely angry at his admission, he ripped the stick from her hand and stood.

  “That’s all you’re gonna say?” She watched him stand and storm toward the exit.

  “What the fuck else am I supposed to say?”

  “I don’t know.” Gwen was confused. “Something…else.” She struggled to keep up with his fast pace. Morgan glared at the ground and didn’t turn to her. “Like, what do we do now?”

  “Nothing.” He scowled at her as he shoved open the glass doors. “I’m taking you home.”

  “So, that’s it?” Now, she was angry. “We both admit that we’re in love, and you don’t want to do anything? Why?”

  “What the fuck are we supposed to do?” He unlocked his car, and they got in. Angrily, he shoved the key into the ignition. “We’re not compatible. I don’t even know why I like you.”

  “I don’t know why I like you, either.” She gave him a firm shove, igniting a mini fight. “Why can’t you just kiss me or something?”

  “I don’t want to kiss you,” he snapped.

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  His ire broke slightly, and he chuckled. “Well, I’m not kissing you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not.”



  “Because why?”

  “Knock it off.” Morgan started shoving her as he waited to pull out onto the street.

  Gwen was giggling uncontrollably as she sat up straight again. When they subsided a little, she spoke, “Now you know how I feel when you tease me all the time.” She watched him for a few seconds. “Everyone’s at Sam’s game in Charleston, so I have no curfew tonight. You wanna hang out for a while?”

  “And do what?”

  “Play games? You got that awesome television, you know.”


  The rest of the drive was quiet, as was the walk into Morgan’s house. His dad was working, so Morgan was alone. The atmosphere was full of awkward silence, most of it his doing.

  Gwen sat in the living room while Morgan dumped off his gear. Her hands lay on her knees, a very nervous expression on her face. Coming back, Morgan carried two bottles of water. He slammed them onto the coffee table then grabbed the remote.

  “Okay.” Gwen released a deep breath and turned to him. “This is really weird.”

  “I know.” He sent her a sideways smile, a slight fear in his hard expression.

  “Then, let’s un-weird it.”

  “I doubt that’s possible.”


  “Because we’re not supposed to be in love.” Morgan tossed the remote, the device skidding across the surface of the table and falling to the floor. “Once we do this, we can’t go back. It’s gonna be awkward between us now.”

  “And it wasn’t before?” Gwen laughed as she playfully shoved him.

  “Not like it is now.”

  “Then, just kiss me.” Giggling, she bit her lip in anticipation.

  “No.” Morgan cringed and turned away.

  “Then, let me kiss you.” Gwen grabbed his hands and held them in hers.

  When he looked at her, she lost her courage to spring forward. Their stares locked, those baby blues that made her swoon giving her their full attention. Picking up his fingers, she placed his palm on her face. She had to hold it there, as Morgan’s grip was limp.

  “You’re making this weird. Stop looking at me like I’m some kid.” Her eyes narrowed with irritation.

  “You are some kid.” He laughed, pulling his hand away and turning from her gaze.

  Yanking on his shirt, she made him look at her again. Then, she leaned close to him nervously. Her nose paused near his, her breath quick. They sat still for a few seconds then Morgan moved. Closing his eyes, he kissed her.

  It was very awkw
ard for her at first. Her shaky arms encircled his neck, Morgan’s going around her waist. It was a tender, sweet kiss, and there was a gentleness in his touch that she had never felt before. Her cheeks burned, her head dizzy.

  A few moments passed, and he pulled away. His thick hand rested on her cheek, Morgan staying silent as he studied her expression.

  Gwen mustered a fragile smile, her voice barely a whisper, “That was perfect.”

  “It was?” Morgan’s tone was equally soft. Then, he chuckled, a sly grin starting on his lips.

  “Yeah.” She smiled brightly then tightened her grip around his neck, giggling.

  Morgan licked his lips slowly. He leaned in and kissed her again, this time with more confidence. But his kisses were still light, as was his embrace. After a few minutes, the awkwardness melted away, and he held her more firmly.

  Moving back, Morgan stroked her cheek with calloused fingers as he admired her. This was what she had wanted. This look, with this man. They shared the same expression and were so into each other that the whole world seemed to stop around them.

  Gwen stroked his face as she spoke softly, “I feel better now.”

  “Me too.” Morgan laughed. He wore a very shy expression, not that teasing, hardened, bullying one that he usually did.

  “I love you, Morgan.” She beamed.

  “I love you too, Porky.”

  With that, Gwen punched him and pulled away. “Way to ruin the moment, Tanner.”


  Monday came quickly, and Gwen was getting ready for school. She always carpooled with Morgan or Sam, but Sam didn’t have class today. Morgan had come to the Roberts’ house after his morning workout and was eating breakfast in the kitchen. He was talking hockey with Gwen’s dad, Nick.

  Gwen bounced into the room. She grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and sat across the table from Morgan. He glanced at her briefly, but didn’t acknowledge her as he continued his conversation.

  “Four months till the big competition, baby girl.” Joan brought over a glass of juice and a cup of coffee. She sat next to Gwen. “Dellings says you’re better than any girl she’s ever coached.”

  “Really?” Gwen beamed as she took a drink from the glass.

  “Yeah.” Joan chuckled. “And what is with you, Gwen?” She lightly touched her daughter’s shoulder. “You’ve been bouncing all over the place like some puppy the past few days.”

  Gwen shrugged. “I’m just happy. That’s all.”

  “Good.” Joan eyed her suspiciously then glanced at Morgan. “How’s Morgan today?” Her loud voice drowned out all the others.

  “Good.” Morgan nodded as he stuffed a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

  “When’s your mom getting back?”

  “She’s coming back for Thanksgiving.”

  “Are you looking at colleges for next year?”

  Morgan chewed his food before speaking. “Yeah, a few. Thanks for breakfast, Mrs. R.” He stood and took his dishes to the sink. Then, he motioned to Gwen, who had only eaten half of her yogurt. “Meet you in the car, Porky.” When Gwen glared at him, he laughed and went outside.

  “Porky?” Her mother’s eyebrows rose.

  “Yeah. The girls in ballet class call me that, so now Morgan teases me about it.” Gwen scowled as she quickly finished her yogurt.

  “I didn’t know that.” Joan put a hand to her chest, an angered expression on her face. “I’ll have to have a talk with your instructor.”

  “It’s fine, Mom. Don’t make a scene about it. It only makes it worse.” Gwen sighed as she stood. “I gotta go.” She gave her mom a kiss then tossed her empty container.

  “Have a good day, sweetheart!” Joan shouted, but Gwen had already slammed the door. She then turned back to her husband. “How is that boy gonna go to college? His grades are horrible.” She released a huff from her nostrils, her lips tight. “He’s not going to pass by just playing hockey.”

  “Kent says Augusta State wants him pretty bad.” Nick was holding the newspaper, his face hidden behind it.

  “Gwenie’s gonna be my first one in college. She’s a good girl.”

  “She better get workin’. Daddy ain’t got money for that.”

  “Nick.” Joan glared at him.

  Meanwhile, Gwen jogged to Morgan’s truck, her book bag and skates slung over her shoulder. She had to practice after school. When she got in, she sent Morgan a giant smile. She reached over and rubbed his knee before pulling on her belt. “So, is it still awkward?”

  “A little.” He chuckled. “But we’ll be okay.”

  “So…” Her stare was glued on him as he drove. “Am I your girlfriend now?”

  “You wanna be?”

  “Yeah.” She looped her arm in his and cuddled close to him.

  “We should probably wait a bit to tell people. Sam’s gonna be pissed.”

  “So?” Gwen straightened, shrugging her shoulders. “He’ll get over it.”

  “He’s my best friend, Gwenie.” Morgan glanced at her briefly. “It’s gonna be awkward every time I see him now.”

  “Okay.” Gwen sighed, a slight sadness to her voice. “We can wait to tell people.” He leaned over and pecked her cheek. Gwen giggled, turning a light shade of red.

  Later that day, Morgan came over to study for a test with Gwen, or so they said. Sam was actually home today, for the first time in a while. Both Gwen’s parents were gone at the supper club, and Sam was making out with his girlfriend in his room. Gwen ushered Morgan back to hers, both of them with books in hand.

  Passing her brother’s door, she knocked. “Sam!”

  “Get the fuck out!” Sam’s voice was muffled.

  Gwen rolled her eyes and glanced at her little brother, who was standing in the doorway. She had older siblings as well, but most of them had moved out and married already. It was only her and her two brothers at home now.

  “What are they doing in there?” Robby made a disgusted, “sex is gross kinda,” thirteen year old boy type of expression.

  “Fucking.” Morgan laughed.

  Gwen elbowed him for his comment and gave him a shove toward her room. She then addressed her brother. “Where’s Mom and Dad?”

  “They went with Charles to the Waterfront.” Robby sighed as he picked at the wood of the doorframe. He shared a room with Sam, but had been evicted for the night. “I need my stuff, Gwenie. Sam won’t let me in. Make Morgan kick his ass and stop messing around with that stupid girl.”

  “Just do your homework or something.” Gwen pointed downstairs. “Me and Morgan are studying for the Anatomy test, ’cause he’s gotta—”

  “Studin’ Anatomy.” Robby snickered. “Yeah, right. You’re in love with him.”

  “Shut up, you little virus.” Gwen glared at him then walked down to her room.

  Morgan was waiting for her. He was sitting on her bed doing his homework. His shoes were off, his knees pulled to his chest.

  “I hate little brothers.” She sneered as she slipped off her shoes and sat on the bed next to Morgan. Her eyes met with his, and he tossed his notebook to the side.

  He moved in and started kissing her, Gwen latching on tightly. The exchange between the pair was more heated now, Gwen’s hands slipping up the back of his shirt. Morgan’s moved up her sweater, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her back. He quickly laid her down, straddling her hips.

  Hearing the knob turn, both of them sprung up and grabbed their books. The action was quick, Morgan better at it than Gwen. Their eyes fell on Robby, who was glaring at them.

  “Morgan.” Robby put his hand on his hip. “Tell Sam to let me in my room. I need my homework.”

  “’Kay.” Morgan ran his hand through his hair as he licked his lips several times. Then, he hopped up and walked down the hall with Robby. He knocked on Sam’s door. “Dude. Robby needs his book bag.”

  “Morgan?” Sam sounded surprised.

  “Yeah.” Morgan glanced at Robby, who had his arms crossed angrily.
/>   A few seconds later, Sam opened the door. His clothes were disheveled, and he looked slightly dazed. “Hey, man. What cha doing here?”

  “Me and Gwen are studying for the test tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” Sam sniffled then wiped his nose. “Here.” He motioned Morgan in. Morgan obliged and glanced at Olivia, who was fixing her hair in the mirror. Sam handed the bag to Morgan. “Toss it at the kid.”

  Morgan couldn’t help but smile at Olivia, who was trying her hardest not to look his way. “I haven’t seen ya lately, man.”

  “No.” Robby ripped his backpack from Morgan and spoke cheekily, “’Cause you’re with my sister all the time.”

  “Get lost.” Sam glared at Robby, but the boy sat on the bed instead. Ignoring Robby, Sam continued, “Yeah, well…” Sam wrapped his arms around Olivia’s waist, laying his chin on her shoulder. “Get a girl too, and you can hang with us.”

  “I doubt that’d work.” Morgan laughed as he briefly glanced at Gwen, who was now leaning against the doorframe.

  Sam waved away Gwen and Robby. “Get the fuck out. I’m talking to Morgan.”

  “I’m supposed to be studying with Morgan.” Gwen took a few steps and tugged on her boyfriend’s arm.

  “Morgan said ‘fucking.’” Robby was rummaging in the drawers, looking for something.

  “What?” Sam narrowed his eyes on Robby. “When?”

  “He said you were fucking Olivia,” Gwen chimed in.

  “You better not squeal to Mom and Dad.” Sam glared at Gwen then Robby.

  Robby didn’t look up as he threw out casually, “Gwen was making out with Morgan, anyway.”

  Gwen’s jaw dropped as she stared at her brother blankly. “I was not!”

  “Were too,” Robby argued. “I saw you guys.”

  “She was not, so shut up.” Sam shoved his little brother in annoyance.

  Sticking out his tongue, Robby spoke in a mocking voice, “Was too.”

  Olivia wrapped her arms around Sam and kissed his cheek. She whispered something in his ear, but he ignored her.

  “Hey, dude, I wanna show you something.” Sam broke from his girl and sat on his bed. He opened his backpack and pulled something out.

  And that ended Gwen’s “study” session with Morgan for the night.


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