Ready For Flynn, Part 1

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Ready For Flynn, Part 1 Page 9

by KL Shandwick

  When we picked Jessica up from the airport, it felt weird. I’d met girls Martin had been out with before, but the way he spoke about Jessica was completely different. They’d been seeing each other since the fall semester, but he hadn’t mentioned her until he’d been home the Christmas before. I knew as soon as she walked out the door it was her. Martin’s whole body language changed like he was being pulled toward her. He’d shown me pictures of her, and I’d thought she was pretty, but when I saw her in the flesh, I was bowled over by how incredibly elegant she was.

  I smirked and folded my arms as he almost ran to her. His lack of awareness for those around him gave away just how much she meant to him. When he cupped her face and spoke inches from her mouth, and the way she looked back at him it told me she was ‘the one.’ Taking his time, Martin had kissed her tenderly.

  He broke the kiss and pulled his head back to look at her. She returned his stare with a look of adoration. He turned with her in his arms and looked over at me. It was a weird look he gave me as if trying to tell me what I already knew. He’d love her regardless of what anyone else thought.

  As it happened, I loved her. Really loved her. She was warm and friendly, funny and ridiculously intelligent. She was a computer graphics graduate and was currently an intern at MGM studios training to produce special effects for movies. I can’t remember what her exact title was, but it sounded pretty damn cool.

  Jess, as she liked to be called, explained she’d already graduated when she met and started dating my brother. Martin attended a workshop she’d run as a senior the year before. They’d met in a bar again the week he’d gone back to college last year, and they’d been seeing each other ever since. The only downside to Jessica was Iria. Flynn’s girl. She was Jess’s best friend.

  Jess was perfect for Martin, and they seemed made for each other. She was a strong girl and knew what she wanted, and I’d felt that was good for Martin. Sometimes he liked to get his way a little too much, and I’d felt she’d stand up to him. I heard some of her strength the following night when she mentioned Flynn’s name and instantly my legs wouldn’t move. I stood between the kitchen and sitting room as she began talking about him to Martin.

  “Grr. Flynn makes me so mad! Why the hell does she put up with him?”

  “Told you already, Jess, that guy’s never gonna change. He’s definitely in the right job for his nature. I don’t think Flynn has monogamy in his vocabulary, never mind, in his habits.”

  “Three separate journalists reported him having sex by a pool with two of the waiting staff, in Chicago. Three, not just one rogue guy, and Iria would rather believe his bullshit set-up story. His jeans were at his ankles in the picture for God’s sake.”

  “Give me that cell. I’m tired of listening to you complain about Iria’s issues with Flynn. I’m only human; there’s only so much rock star bullshit a guy can take before he’s tuckered out.”

  “Martin I can’t believe you were friends with him, he’s nothing like you.”

  “Nope. Poor, normal, monogamous…”

  “You bet, and I’d have you over that shitty-excuse-of-a-guy any day of the week.”

  “Until he paid you attention. I’ve seen him. Fuck, I thought I had the lines and the moves until I met Flynn. He made me look like an amateur, I swear. I saw him turn sweet little girls into rampant, sex- thirsty whores.”

  Jess snickered. “So you had the moves, huh?”

  “You know what I mean. I was confident with girls. Flynn— he was cocksure. Never saw the guy strikeout once. As soon as I brought him here I regretted it. The way he looked at my little sister, I knew he wanted her. I had it out with him more than once, and in the end, I was taking no chances. I called on my buddies here just to get him away from her. He found a local whore to tap, and I’d done my job in keeping him away from Valerie. Hell, we even left early to go back to college I was that worried.”

  Stunned, I stayed there, digesting what he’d just told Jess. Martin was the one that had instigated Flynn and Daisy’s hook-up. I’d thought Flynn had covered himself well when he was here so maybe I’d been more naïve than I’d been prepared to admit. Had I known everything I knew about Flynn at the time, I may have reacted differently. If I was honest I doubted that.

  For the previous few months, I’d been unable to avoid remembering Flynn. He’d been on TV, on the radio, their track had gone to the top of the charts, so it was played on a loop from the local coffee shop to department stores. It had seemed like there was no escaping him. Smooth talking, flirty and charismatic, he’d made my heart ache as I’d watched him hone his skills in the media limelight.

  Jess came to our place a couple of days before Martin turned twenty-one. The day after his birthday we were leaving for our trip. It was kind of a combined graduation and twenty-first birthday celebration. Martin had made it so awkward that my parents could not refuse to let me go with them. Sure they protested, but Martin was adept at winning them over. He’d said all he wanted for his birthday was to share his trip with me.

  What finally swung it was Kayden was almost twenty-three and a responsible adult in my parent’s eyes. He swore to protect me with his life, and they reluctantly agreed I could go as long as I didn’t drink alcohol. I’d have agreed to have my brows stapled together to go to Las Vegas for a whole weekend with no parents.

  Obviously, my brothers played the tough guys and gave Ziggy ‘the talk’ about their sister, and Ziggy didn’t say anything to screw up his invitation. I was relieved about that. With four days to go, all any of us could talk about was planning the trip to Sin City.

  The night before we were due to leave Ziggy was very straight-talking. Asked me outright how I felt about Flynn when he’d caught me watching a video on YouTube. I told him I loved their band’s song “Thinking in Black and White”. I did still have feelings deep down inside, but I’d explained long ago that there hadn’t been anything but role play between us in the bleachers. That wasn’t strictly true for his whole visit, but that was something and nothing. None of what he’d said was genuine as far as I was concerned.

  I was over Flynn. Mostly. I realized I loved Ziggy; he was sweet, affectionate, funny and kind— and he loved me madly. An honest-to-goodness nice boy. Having him close by made me feel happy and he’d thought I was the stars and moon. There was no denying that. I didn’t want to feel anything for Flynn. I’d hardly known him, but it hadn’t stopped the tight feeling that rose in my chest or the bottom falling out of my belly whenever I heard his voice or saw him live in an interview on the screen.

  Mom rapped on the door. “Valerie, honey. Ziggy’s downstairs.” I squinted my stinging eyes at my alarm clock, and it read 6:21 am.

  “Are you serious? What is he doing here so early?”

  “He said he was too excited to sleep. Seems he was too excited for us to sleep as well.”

  Both of us burst out laughing.

  “Aww, I think it’s just so cute. He’s a smart boy, he just has a bit of a child inside. Tell you what, Valerie. That boy will never grow old. Even when he’s eighty, he’ll still have that child wiggling his way out.”

  I knew what she was saying. Some people get old and grumpy. No one could ever have imagined that happening to Ziggy.

  Laughter emanated from downstairs as I left my room fully dressed. As I wandered into the kitchen, everyone was already seated at the table with a bowl of cereal and a mug of coffee.

  “Jeez, Beatnik. What kept you?”

  I wasn’t feeling good. Five minutes after mom left the room I’d doubled over with stomach cramps.

  “Oh, God, Valerie, do you feel okay? You don’t look good, honey,” my mom managed to get out before a wave of nausea swept over me. I spun on my heels and headed in the direction of our downstairs bathroom.

  Forty minutes later I was still vomiting. My legs and body shook violently with the effort my body made to get rid of the bug that was plaguing me.

  “That’s it, we’re going nowhere. I’m not t
aking her out of state while she’s barfing her guts up,” Martin stated flatly.

  My heart sank; I couldn’t ruin his birthday, “Go without me.”

  “Just go, Martin,” Mom said, and I was sure she felt relieved I couldn’t go with them.

  “Not without, Valerie. I’m not leaving her behind.”

  Ziggy spoke up, “You all go. I’ll stay with Valerie.”

  “No Ziggy! I want you to go. Please…” I stated weakly. I just wanted everyone to leave me to my misery.

  After a lot of persuading, Martin, Jess, Ziggy, Kayden and Adam finally set off for Las Vegas without me. It was the right decision. I cried, hurt because I was missing out, but I was too ill to do anything about it. Dad pacified me with the promise of an airline ticket if I recovered quickly. Mom gave me a drink to replace the salts in my body and settled me in bed when I’d finally stopped being sick.

  Ziggy sent me a text.

  Ziggy: This sux balls.

  Me: I know but I want you to have a good time.

  Ziggy: How do I do that when you’re not here?

  Me: If I’m better tomorrow Dad says he’ll fly me out there.

  Ziggy: Your Dad wouldn’t buy you a ticket if he knew what I was thinking.

  Me: What are you thinking?

  Ziggy: Me and you, tucked up in bed with little to no clothes. Scratch that — definitely no clothes. Cuddling skin to skin.

  A thrill made my pussy pulse with need and left an ache there. I thought about that for a minute. Did I want that? I’d been booked in a room alone. Ziggy had been booked in a separate room. Martin had wanted Adam and Ziggy to share. Adam protested by saying, “It’s Vegas, Martin, No.”

  Me: Sounds like I need to get well quickly.

  Ziggy: I was expecting a text slap for that.

  Me: At one time maybe but that’s before I loved you.

  Ziggy: Big grin. So I’m still growing on you, huh?

  Me: Totally.

  Ziggy: So if I learn some fancy talking will I get in your drawers?

  Me: Ziggy the only way into my drawers is a secret.

  Ziggy: Victoria’s secret? I’ll call and ask her what that is.

  I smirked, even in our texts he still managed to raise a smile from me while I was sick in bed.

  Me: You’re a tonic you know that?

  Ziggy: Yup and you’re my gin. Never felt sober since the day you agreed to go out with me.

  Me: Have you always been this cute?

  Ziggy: Wait until you see me with no clothes. Cute doesn’t begin to cut it.

  Me: LOL is that your best line for displaying yourself naked to me?

  Ziggy: You don’t need lines with a body like mine. Been honed on the best prime beef and mashed potato the good ol’ US of A has to offer.

  Me: There you go killing my mood by mentioning food again.

  Ziggy: Sorry, honey. You just make me so hungry sometimes. I can’t help it.

  Me: Me too, except when I’m sick.

  Ziggy: Go to sleep. Text you when we arrive. Love you. Be well so you can come here, the hotel has great sheets 500 thread I read.

  Me: LOL you really are a dork. Night, Ziggy. xox

  Ziggy: Valerie. I love you. Please get better I’m lonely you need to be here. I’m stuck in a car full of old people.

  That made me giggle. He was only a year younger than Adam.

  Me: I’ll try. Night. X

  When he hadn’t replied I placed the cell back on my bedside table and sighed deeply. I was starting to feel better. The sickness had stopped so I figured going to sleep was the best cure option I had. Drifting off, I’d heard my text alert again and checked the ID. It was Ziggy again.

  Ziggy: One day Valerie Darsin, I’m going to marry you. I take back all that junk I said about not analyzing us at sixteen. If you’ve kept me this long, I figure I must be doing something right. Love you x

  I shook my head but felt thrilled that Ziggy loved me enough to rethink his original statement and his spontaneous nature for sharing it with me. I was thinking about that when I slipped off to sleep.

  I woke in the darkness of my room and checked the time. It was only 5:47 am, and I was starving. I slipped my feet to the floor and pulled on a bathrobe before heading to the kitchen. Dad was already there, reading a newspaper.

  “Hey, honey, how are you feeling?”

  I thought for a second. “Good as new, I think, I’m hungry.”

  Dad smiled and shook his paper out. “So that ‘good as new’ is going to cost the price of an airplane ticket I take it?” I grinned but felt a little guilty that he’d be more out of pocket to fund my trip.


  “Don’t be. You’re my baby girl. If I don’t spend the family inheritance on you, life wouldn’t be worth it. Your brothers have more than their fair share.” My father pushed his chair back. “Get your tablet and find the numbers for the airlines.”

  Twenty minutes later I had been booked on an evening flight to Vegas, and I texted Ziggy the news.

  Me: I’m coming. Flight won’t be in until nine tonight, but at least I’m coming.

  Ziggy: Yay. You said you were coming twice in that text. Pity you’ll miss the trip to the Canyon. Still at least you’ll be here just after we get back.

  Me: It’s not a bunch of rocks I’m coming to see.

  Ziggy: So I’m a better attraction than the Grand Canyon?

  Me: Well of course.

  Ziggy: Aww, I think I love you a little bit more now.

  Me: Go do your thing. I’m nervous for tonight.

  Ziggy: Ah you mean my body—the naked thing? I’d be nervous too.

  Me: Why would you be nervous?

  Ziggy: I’ve seen my body. I’m hot. You may faint.

  Me: LOL I’ll be too busy laughing.

  Ziggy: Nothing down there to laugh about and it can all be yours. Just say the word.

  Me: The word?

  Ziggy: WOW.

  I giggled loudly, and my dad raised his eyebrow, so I dropped my smile.

  Me: *shake my head* okay dork catch you later. Mwah x

  Ziggy: You already caught me. Love you.

  I stood clutching my cell to my chest and smiled. Our text exchange had made me even more excited and a little apprehensive about what would happen between us in Las Vegas. I wasn’t sure we’d go all the way, but I’d felt ready for more than we’d experimented with already.

  The feelings I had building inside me for Ziggy made my heart flutter. I knew those feelings weren’t that different from his. All I had to do was ensure what I did was at my pace. Ziggy was a patient person so far, and I trusted he’d never have asked me to do anything unless I was ready.

  Chapter 11 ~ Excited

  Time passed slowly, way too slowly. Every time I’d stared at the clock on the kitchen wall, it had seemed stuck. Nails painted, hair brushed for the hundredth time, lips glossed, I hadn’t stopped fidgeting. Buster was whimpering to go out, so I took the leash like we always did and opened the door. A lump caught in my throat at the beautiful scenery around our place. We were so lucky to have all of that to look at in Springtime, and I’d hoped I’d never take it for granted.

  My excitement was difficult to contain. Four more hours and I’d be on a plane flying to Ziggy, my brothers and Jess. Even the Iowa weather cooperated that day. Snow was on the ground but the sunshine gave the land a brilliance you’d only find on the cover of a glossy brochure.

  Walking with Buster settled my nerves and gave me time to think about what I’d like from the few days away with Ziggy, but in the end, I’d figured that if the time was right, I’d know it. The dog and I managed twenty minutes of outdoor play before he began to head back to the kitchen door. Turning the handle, I opened it and the heat from inside was stifling.

  Mom and Dad were in the sitting room, so I kicked off my boots and wandered in. The atmosphere was tense as I watched them watching the T.V.

  “How terrible, what a tragedy,” Mom said. />
  “It’s horrifying. See that’s why I don’t like the kids going off without us. I know they have to grow up but…”

  “What’s wrong?” I asked alarmed as I glanced from them to the large screen.

  “Some kids are missing from a white-water rafting trip in the Grand Canyon. Promise me you won’t go there, Valerie.”

  I stared at the TV screen and saw divers and rescue workers along the river bank, a police helicopter hovered overhead, and an air ambulance one sat on the ground with rangers and other officials milling around at the river bank.

  “I won’t. Anyway, I’ve missed the trip to the Canyon they were going today.”

  I’d only finished talking when the TV station cut their repeated footage to interview a bystander who’d seen the boat capsize and had caught the accident on his cell video camera. The middle-aged guy looked grief-stricken. He glanced nervously at the camera then his eyes dropped toward the interviewer’s mike.

  “Ladies and gentlemen this is Scott Rochford who witnessed the scene earlier and had called 911 at the time. Thank you for speaking to us about this dreadful event unfolding before us. Mr. Rochford, can you tell our viewers what you saw and explain the direction for us so that we have a clearer picture of what happened?”

  Dad rose from his seat and folded his arms still watching the TV. What I’d said had registered with him, and his head suddenly snapped in my direction.


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