When Its Least Expected

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When Its Least Expected Page 13

by Heather Van Fleet

  “Do me a favor, Mason, and shut the hell up! Your little snide remarks are getting on my

  nerves.” He laughed at her spicy attitude. Normally he’d add his own retort, but his somber mood stole his words away.

  “Okay, little beast. I’ve got it. I’ll shut up,” he paused, rubbing a hand down the front of his face. “So did you pick out a dress then? I need know what color it is. That way I can order those flower thingies you wear on your arm.” He picked up the doll and made his way back to the window to leave. Harley’s response was barely audible, but he heard it anyways, even though he insisted on teasing her about it.

  “What was that? I couldn’t understand what you were saying...”

  “It’s pink, okay? Sparkly and shiny, and all things that glitter …. ugly … pink.” Visions

  of roses popped into his head, and he smiled. Damn, the girl had him smiling over freaking

  flowers now? What the hell was next? “You got any smart ass comments to go with that one,

  Mase, because I’m sooo ready for them this time.”

  “No,” he paused, surprising himself, looking around her room once more before lifting a

  leg to exit through her window. He could have used the door to leave, but the window was less personal. He needed to stay as impersonal as possible now.

  “Oh,” her voice lowered again. “Well, umm, that’s good, I um, guess. So, I, um. I’ll talk

  to you later then?” Mason wasn’t the only one being caught off guard today apparently.

  “I’ll just see you Monday. I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow, so I won’t, um, be talking to you until school,” the line went silent. He cringed, wondering if she was upset that he’d gone distant on her, but this was the way it was meant to be. “And don’t worry about the baby thing. I’ll, uh, just keep it for the rest of the weekend.”

  After an awkward goodbye, Mason finally made it to his car door. His eyes were drawn

  back to her house, her window in particular. Thoughts of that guy and Harley together royally pissed him off. Was the guy sneaking into her room at night? What was he the secret boyfriend or something? Did she let him touch her like he had touched her?

  Scratch that, he didn’t care. Caring wasn’t his job with Harley. She had enough people to

  do that apparently. He slammed his hand into the steering wheel with each of his jealous


  Girls were too much work.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eight-fifteen Monday morning and there was still no sign of Mason. She glanced

  nervously between the clock and the door, biting her thumb nail. Where was he? Where was their baby – their project? Harley stared at the door, willing him in with her mind only to have her prayers answered five seconds later. She blew out her breath and shook her head. He was there.

  His eyes were moving; was he searching for her? She blinked, their gazes met, and

  immediately his face turned apologetic as he rushed towards his seat. His stare held hers, neither of them looked away, and Harley’s heart thumped just a little harder when he mouthed the words I’m so sorry.

  Mr. Carls didn’t say anything beyond his usual ‘nice of you to join us Mr. Daniel,’

  leaving Harley to wonder – what was the deal? Mr. Carls never let anyone get out of a tardy.

  Fifty minutes later, Harley found herself leaning up against a locker outside of their

  classroom waiting for Mason. When he rounded the corner, he practically ran her over. She tilted her head back to stare up at him, instantly noting his tired eyes and sad frown. His words rushed out as he grabbed her by the forearm, pulling her backwards away from the hurrying crowd.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t on time with the project today. We had an issue with my grandpa this

  morning.” Side by side, they walked to second period, their arms grazing on and off. Mason had lost his normal swag, and worry for him pitted in Harley’s stomach.

  Dammit, why was she worried about him again?

  Stopping outside her locker, she spoke very little and only stole fleeting glances at his

  face while he told his story. She fiddled with her books and messed around in her locker before finally slamming it shut. She turned, letting the side of her head and shoulder prop back against a locker. Mason did the same, but his eyes stared down at their feet. Their faces were so close that she could smell the mint of his toothpaste on his breath. She licked her dry lips only to stare down at his chest.

  Man was that a bad idea...

  Mason and his t-shirts. Good lord, did the boy own one that didn’t look like a second part

  of his skin? Today’s was blue – the perfect match to his eyes. Harley ground her teeth together looking away punishing herself internally for getting all hot and bothered over the way it

  stretched across his muscles. There was a time and place for ogling – this was not one of them.

  She cleared her throat, forcing her eyes upwards. “Is he going to be okay?” She touched

  his upper arm. He blinked as if he wasn’t completely with her on a mental front. Something hard lodged in her throat as his sad eyes refocused on her face.

  “No, he’s not. I mean, he broke his hip and his wrist all because I wasn’t there to help

  him get to the bathroom like I was supposed to.” The strain in his voice was harsh, and she flinched. Still, her hand held tight against his upper arm. He harbored guilt; that was obvious. It was something she was all too familiar with. She’d be there for him if only as his friend.

  She reached up without even thinking about the consequences of her actions and brushed

  some of his shaggy hair out of his eyes with her fingertips. His body went rigid; his eyes never wavered from hers as a silent question seemed to pass through them. Goose bumps danced along her arm. Neither of them said a word as she tightened her grip on his shirt sleeve with her other hand. She was fighting an internal battle of need – the need to step up on her tippy toes and kiss him like crazy right then and there in the middle of the hall.

  Mason reached up, tenderly grabbing her fingers within his. The hall grew silent; their

  stares never wavered. Just when she thought her urge to kiss him was going to come true, Mason broke their trance as he pulled her, hand in hand, side by side, down the hall.

  “Well, here we are, little beast.”

  “Yep, here we are.” Her cheeks heated while she bit her lip. Sweet Jesus, talk about

  embarrassment. And honestly, could they get any cornier? They were seventeen, not twelve.

  Still, there they stood, corny and content. She fought a grin. Their linked hands waved

  back and forth between them as the crowded hall minimalized. For some reason though, it didn’t matter that they were surrounded by curious eyes. It didn’t matter that their words were simple –

  silly even. All she cared about was Mason’s warm fingers and how they so perfectly interlocked with hers.

  This intimate connection was almost more intense than the kisses they had shared in

  Harley’s bedroom. It felt more real and safe too but not necessarily on her heart. She was at a loss for physical words, but the mental ones were pounding around in her head with crazy loony thoughts of perfection. Nothing was perfect, but the act of simply holding his hand was close enough for her.

  When their hands finally did separate, she had to nibble on her lower lip just to hide her

  cringe. She shouldn’t miss the contact so quickly. It wasn’t normal, but nothing about her

  friendship with this guy was normal.

  His responding smile was bright, and his mouth twitched as his eye brows rose. His eyes,

  however, were greedy focusing more intently on Harley’s the further he backed away. Then just before he finally turned, an unexplainable thought popped into Harley’s head, and she blurted it out without a second thought.

  “If you want to call me, Mason, then you can...”

nbsp; He rewarded her with his lopsided grin over his shoulder as he turned to walk away, but

  not another word left his mouth.

  There was no need for words. She saw the acceptance in his eyes and the eagerness too.

  Harley smiled dreamily, staring at his backside. Oh what a back side that was too… She

  rocked on her feet only to turn around and have her gleeful mood stomped on by a hard,

  unannounced body stepping in her way.

  No … not him. Anything but him.

  “Wow, Harley. I didn’t know you were slumming with the pussies now. I feel bad I

  couldn’t sway you to my side sooner, but I’d still let you in. I’m nice like that.”

  Toby’s arm snaked around her waist with a fierceness she would never appreciate while

  his fingers curled under the hem of her shirt along her backside.

  Oh hell no, he wasn’t trying to feel her up in the middle of the hall, was he? Then he

  pulled her closer, his nails dug into her back. She winced. He was evil personified to a t.

  “Let me go, you asshole.”

  “Ah, come on now, you know you like it when guys touch you like this. I’ve seen the

  way Mr. Pussy’s touched you. It’s only fair that I get to do the same thing, or maybe, then again, you just like guys who are screw ups. Guys who like to blow bullets through their brains


  “Step away, douche bag, “

  Harley’s body was frozen. Her mind raced. Bolts of electricity darted through her veins

  and back into her heart. Her breath caught in her lungs. She barely noticed Abigail was there; her low menacing words filled the air before she finally peeled his fingers from around Harley’s waist. Like the helpless bimbo she suddenly perceived herself to be, Harley let her best friend fight her battles without thinking twice about it.

  Her breath heaved in her chest, or was she suffocating? It was like an asthma

  attack that wouldn’t quit. Her lungs closed, her eyes watered, and her body began to sweat. Still, she shivered as it pooled against her temples. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think, and as Abigail led her into the classroom towards her desk, she somehow managed to cover her face to hide the unexpected sobs that threatened.

  Abigail might have been rubbing her back, but she didn’t know if it was actually

  happening or if it was just a figment of her imagination. She lowered her head taking slow

  breaths of air, but the racing of her heart wouldn’t cease. She squeezed her eyes shut, blocking out the image of Toby, hovered over her.

  Her attacks hadn’t been this bad for nearly two years.

  “Harley? Are you okay? Because we can totally go to the nurse’s office and stay there

  until your mom comes to get you.” Harley peeked over at her best friend nodding a quick yes as her stomach kept on churning, eating her from the inside out. The panic wasn’t receding like it usually did, and if she didn’t get out of there soon, then they’d be peeling her off the floor.

  Abigail helped her stand, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her as they left the

  room. “God, that guy is so evil. Can’t you just … stay away from him?”

  A buried anger arose in Harley; she snapped at her best friend assumptions. “I didn’t even

  know he was there, Abigail. Jesus! Do you think I wanted to get groped like that? Do you think I asked to be treated like a tramp? Because if you do, then I guess you truly don’t know me as well as you think.” Whipping herself out of Abigail’s grip, Harley gained enough balance and

  strength to run down the hall towards the nurse’s office. She made it half way there, only to feel Abigail’s grip upon her shoulder again. She yanked Harley around to face her.

  “Har, you know I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t see everything that happened, so I

  guess I shouldn’t have assumed anything. I’m sorry.” Abigail inhaled, her eyes watered with fear, “All I know is that I saw him rubbing up on you, and I knew you weren’t cool with it.” Her voice was genuine, and Harley’s shoulders dropped.

  Yeah, okay, so she shouldn’t have snapped at her because she didn’t exactly deserve the

  backlash, especially when she just saved Harley’s butt. “I’m sorry I freaked out. Let’s just try and forget this ever happened, okay?” Abigail nodded, looking entirely unconvinced as she

  stared back at her with her bright blue eyes. She linked their arms together. Quiet became their third best friend, but the tension never left. It wasn’t going leave anytime soon either.

  She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. Disgust and filth practically covered her

  body from his touch. A scalding hot shower was in order, and then it was time to talk to her mom again…

  She couldn’t let the attacks come back; they would overrun her life again and take over

  like they had once before. She couldn’t live that way. She couldn’t let the pain, the worry, and the fear consume her life anymore.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mason was on a happy high, and it was all because of his little before school incident

  with Harley. That all changed when he tried to find her later on at lunch, then again during fifth hour, and during sixth hour, and after school too. It was like she just went completely MIA, and nobody bothered to give him a straight answer when he asked about her.

  Abigail was the worst of them all with her evasiveness, telling him some sort of bullshit

  excuse about her being under the weather. Hell, nobody said “under the weather” anymore.

  Except for maybe his great Aunt Margo…

  “You’re awfully broody tonight. What’s going on in that so-called brain of yours, big

  brother?” Maisy flicked Mason upside his head with her homework pencil. He snarled back at

  her as he attempted to stomach the left-over frozen manicotti from two nights ago. He’d been pouting since he got home and had debated on talking to Maisy about it. She was a girl … she’d have advice for him, right?

  It was becoming a habit to think about Harley. It would just take him a little while before he could actually come to the conclusion that yes, Harley was going to be his no matter what. He didn’t have any real answers as to what would happen when he moved home in two months, but

  he did know one thing. A short time with Harley was better than no time at all

  Maisy smiled at him, continuing to flick his arm over and over again with her finger.

  Mason snapped; lunging for the ridiculous cheetah colored thing, only to snap it in two a second later. Too bad the move didn’t ease his anger.

  Thoughts of that guy popped into his head, the one from the picture. Snapping that twig

  of a dude would be way better than snapping a pencil. He smiled menacingly before turning his eyes back on his sister. He expected her wrath not a knowing, cheesy smile instead.

  “I’m not broody,” he spat. “I’m just … thinking. I need peace, and you are not giving it to me. If I seem broody, then you’re the reason why, Maisy.” She sobered with eyes almost

  sympathetic, but she was way too much of a wicked brat to pull it off completely.

  “Fine, you big baby. I just wanted to talk about the dance plans for Saturday. What time

  we’d be leaving and stuff like that. Got any idea?” Mason shrugged as he picked around the

  burnt ends of his meal. “I told Aric I’d find out tonight and then let him know tomorrow. So, can’t you just like, call Harley and find out? Otherwise, I could do it,” she shrugged. Her mouth continued to twitch as if she was harboring a secret.

  “Since when are you and Harley such good buddies? You don’t even know her!” She bit her lip, and guilt lined her face as she sighed and shrugged at the same time. She reached down into her book bag to pull out another pencil. Her innocent act didn’t fool Mason. Something was up between his sister and his little beast, and he had
every right to know exactly what that was.

  “Answer me, Maisy June. What’s going on with you and my girl …?”

  He cursed himself mentally at his almost mistake. Maisy though, didn’t miss a beat as she smiled up at him. “Oh, no. Don’t you dare try to hide it! Girl-what, Mase? Girlfriend? Is that what you meant to say?”

  Dammit, his mouth was in some serious ass trouble. “Shut it, Maisy. I meant to say,

  what’s going on with you and Harley. ”

  “You know what, big brother? I didn’t think Mason Daniel had girlfriends, especially ones in Nebraska!” She smiled wickedly. Her eyes were filled with naughtiness.

  Slouching down further in his seat, Mason bounced his knee, wondering to himself why

  he always seemed to dig himself into these messes. “She’s not my girlfriend. She’s just a girl and a friend, nothing more.” Although he did have a plan to remedy that situation soon, preferably with her under him as he kissed her neck and ran his hands along her …

  “Mason? Earth to Mason? Jeez, big brother. You’ve got it bad,” Maisy giggled, popping

  her lips together. Mason cleared his throat, but he didn’t deny it. He no longer could. There was no point in fighting the inevitable anymore.

  “We’re talking about your sudden friendship with her, Maisy. Not my relationship status with her.” He knew he wasn’t going to get off that easily, but he prayed her curiosity would be sated enough for a while.

  She huffed and leaned forward, resting her elbows against the table. “Alright, fine. Last

  week during first period one day we met up in the bathroom and kind of sort of hit it off. I told her I would call her if I needed to talk anymore about some stuff, and she said that I should get her number from you if I wanted. I like her, Mase. She’s funny and sweet. She’s one of the only girls I’ve met in this town who actually seems genuine.”

  Mason narrowed his eyes at his little sister, completely caught off guard by her

  confession. He thought Maisy liked living in Hillsdale. He’d have to ask her about that. Later, though. He had a crisis on his hands now.


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