Dark Escort (Beautiful Entourage #3)

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Dark Escort (Beautiful Entourage #3) Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “Hey.” He turned back to me. “Want to grab dinner tonight?”

  Since he was going through a hard time I couldn’t say no. “Sure.”


  Cato called me the second I walked through the door. “Milkshake?”

  “That name is stuck like glue, isn’t it?”

  “It’s a good name,” he said. “I really like it.” The smile was in his voice. “So, how about you and me grab some grub?”

  “I wish I could but I’m having dinner with Joey.”

  There was a long pause over the phone. “Why?”

  “Amy dumped him. I want to be his personal cheerleader. He seemed really down about it.”

  “Yeah…I’m sure he was.”

  Cato had a dark tone and I wasn’t sure where it came from. “Do you not like Joey?”

  “He wants to marry you. Why would I like him?”

  “But he’s over me.”

  He laughed but it was clear he wasn’t being humorous. “Yeah right. Don’t fall for his bullshit, Katarina.”

  I didn’t like his attitude. “Last time I checked, you weren’t my boyfriend. So you should knock off this jealousy.”

  “I’m not jealous,” he argued. “But this guy is desperate to play any card he has. Don’t trust him.”

  “He’s been my friend since I can remember. Of course I trust him.”

  “And I am your boyfriend,” he snapped. “You don’t see anyone but me.”

  “Are my parents okay?” I said sarcastically.

  “I’m not telling you not to see him.” He kept his voice low but it was full of irritation. “Do whatever you want. I’m just telling you his intentions toward you are anything but friendly. He’ll try to manipulate you in whatever way he can.”

  “He thinks I’m with you, Cato.”

  “And he made it pretty clear in your office that he thinks we’re just a fling, like all the others you’ve had. I’m telling you, Joey thinks he has a chance with you, and I promise you he’s trying to figure out how to get it.”

  “Well, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “I know I don’t,” he said defensively. “Why would you go for a nutbag when you have a real man to please you?”

  “You haven’t done any pleasing.”

  “You have the worst memory in the world, woman.”


  “Nothing,” he said quickly. “Where are you guys going?”

  “There’s this diner he and I frequent. It’s like our place.”

  “That fifties place on sixth?”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “They have good fries there.”

  “Why do you think it’s our place?” I asked with a smile.

  “Can I come over and watch The Bachelorette with you when you finish?”

  I didn’t see the harm in that. “Sure.”

  “Awesome. I’ll be waiting.” He hung up.

  He never said goodbye before he ended the call and it irritated me. I never knew when the conversation was over until it was already gone.


  Joey seemed to be in a better mood. He was smiling and making jokes. And he ate all his food, so I assumed he had an appetite. He discussed his most recent golf match against his father. “I creamed him. I mean, it wasn’t even a match, really.”

  “Be nice to your father. He’s a sweetheart.”

  “Oh, I’m nice to him. I just beat him.” He ate a few more fries while he laughed. “So, how’s it going with you and Cato?” His tone of voice was the same, like he wasn’t angry or jealous.

  “Good,” I said. “We’re having a great time together.”

  “Cato told me something interesting the other day…”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “He said he was going to marry you.”

  I was surprised Cato told him that before I made the plans to actually announce it. But I guess he wanted a jumpstart so the proposal wasn’t completely out of the blue. “Yeah?”

  “And you didn’t know?” he asked.

  “We love each other…I guess I assumed that was where it was headed.”

  “But you didn’t tell him about Ethan?” His brow was raised like he was suspicious.

  I shrugged. “No man wants to hear about an old lover.”

  He ate a few more fries and kept his gaze downturned. Then he returned his look to me. “Well, considering the fact Ethan is the reason you swore you would never love again, I’m shocked he didn’t come up.” He studied my face, watching my reaction.

  “I told him about it last week. He was very sympathetic.”

  “I told him in the office that day,” he said. “I assumed he already knew. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I was going to tell him anyway.”

  “I’m sorry, but I just find this odd…”

  “What so odd about me falling in love and moving on?” I asked.

  “Because I know you,” he said quickly. “This is such a change of heart I have whiplash. What is it about this guy that’s given you new hope?”

  I shrugged. “I can’t really explain it. There was nothing specific about Ethan that I loved. I just did. It’s the same way with Cato.”

  He nodded and kept eating. “It’s just…nevermind.”

  “What?” I asked. He seemed so incredulous.

  “I just assumed that if you did move on, it would be with me.”

  Were we seriously going to have this conversation again?

  “Not for the reason you’re thinking,” he said immediately, catching my unease. “I assumed Ethan would want you to be with me. He and I were close and he knew I really cared about you. I just figured…forget I said anything.”

  Ethan and Joey did get along, and Ethan did have a lot of nice things to say about him. Every time he would deploy, he would ask Joey to look after me. “But I can’t choose who I love.”

  “So you love Cato?” he pressed.

  “Of course I do.” I hated being interrogated like this.

  He continued to watch me. “I’ve known you my whole life and I know when you’re lying. But perhaps I’m wrong. I hope I am.” He looked down at his food and finally dropped the subject.

  Cato was wrong about Joey. Joey wasn’t trying to get together with me and didn’t seem romantically interested in me anymore. He was just hurt he was being lied to. I didn’t know what to say so I let the conversation evaporate.

  Joey looked over my shoulder then sighed. “Looks like Cato brought backup.”


  Joey nodded over my shoulder.

  When I turned, I saw Cato and his friends sitting at a nearby table. They were all looking this way, casting silent threats at Joey. I faced forward and covered my face. “Oh my god…” This was absolutely humiliating.

  “It’s safe to say your boyfriend doesn’t trust me—one bit.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I told him we were coming here but I didn’t think he would show up like a freak.”

  “And this is the guy you love?” Doubt was in his voice.

  I grabbed the saltshaker then threw it at Cato. “You’re an asshole, you know that?”

  The salt bounced on the table then flew between Cato and Troy, landing on the floor behind them.

  “Well, you just gave us good luck,” Cato said with a smirk.

  I glared at him. “You have a lot of nerve.”

  “I know I do.” That cocky smirk was on his face. “But me and my boys just wanted to get some food. It’s a free country, right?”

  “Exactly,” I said. “And I’m free to do what I want with who I want.”

  “Don’t mind us.” He waved me away. “We aren’t eavesdropping.”

  The other four guys gave Joey looks of death, threatening him without the use of words.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said to Joey. “I’m really embarrassed, if that makes a difference.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” he said. “Cato is the one who should b
e embarrassed.”

  “I won’t let them hurt you,” I said. “Don’t worry about that.”

  “I’m not scared of them,” he said with a cracked voice.

  “When it’s five on one, I’d be scared of them too.”

  “It’s fine,” he said. “You got a jealous man on your hands.”

  “He’s just protective…” I tried to make an excuse for Cato’s behavior.

  “Ethan was never jealous,” he pointed out. “And neither am I.”

  “I’m not going to compare them,” I said immediately. “That’s not fair to either one of them.”

  He sipped his coffee then put the cash down on the table. “Want to get out of here?”


  We left the booth then walked right past Cato and his friends.

  Cato snatched me and yanked me into his lap. “Hey, beautiful.” He leaned in and tried to kiss me.

  I slapped him instead. It was light and didn’t inflict any pain. It was just to make a statement. “Perhaps you didn’t pick up on this but I don’t put up with bullshit. If you act like this again, we’re through.”

  “Ouch,” Troy whispered beside him.

  “I’m just looking out for you,” Cato said. “I don’t trust that weasel over there.”

  “That weasel is my friend,” I said. “And don’t ever insult my friend again.”

  He kept his hand on my waist but his eyes burned in irritation. “Call me when you’re done with him.”

  “No, I won’t be calling you tonight.” I moved out of his lap. “You can call me when you grow up.”


  Cato called me a few times around nine o’ clock but I didn’t answer. I let it go to voicemail and didn’t plan on listening to any messages he left. My irritation was at its peak. If he didn’t want to get slapped again, he should leave me alone.

  Then there was a knock on the door. “Girl Scout cookies.” It was clearly a male trying to do a female’s voice. And it did not go over well. I didn’t even need to look through the peephole to know it was Cato.

  “Go away. I’m not interested in buying anything you have to sell.”

  Cato spoke normally. “Baby, please open the door.”

  “Stop calling me baby,” I argued. “I’m not your baby.”

  “Milkshake, open the door.”

  “Don’t call me that either,” I snapped.

  “Why?” he asked. “It’s such a cute nickname.” There was a smile in his voice and I could hear it through the door. “Come on, open the door. Let me apologize to your face.”

  “I’m not ready to hear you apologize.”

  “Cut me some slack,” he said. “I’m really into you. You can’t get mad about that.”

  “Watch me.”

  “I wish I could,” he said. “But there’s a big slab of wood in the way—and I’m not referring to my dick.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You think being a pervert is going to get me to forgive you?”

  “No. But it’ll make you smile.”

  “Unbelievable…” I muttered under my breath.

  “Are you referring to me?”

  I growled. “Just go away, Cato.”

  “Okay, I politely asked you to open the door and I’m getting sick of arguing like this.” The knob started to turn as he picked it. Then the lock came undone and he stepped inside.

  “Did you just break into my apartment?” I hissed.

  He held up a paperclip and a knife. “It’s a handy trick. I’ll teach you so you can break into my apartment whenever you like.”

  “Because I really want to do that…”

  He put the thief tools in his pocket then came close to me. “Here’s my formal apology. I’m sorry.”

  “Why did you go down there to begin with?” I demanded.

  “I’m telling you, I don’t trust Joey,” he said. “I just wanted him to know that he’s got five pairs of eyes on him, not just one.”

  “Are you a child?” I demanded. “Because you’re acting like a high school bully.”

  “Hey, I didn’t threaten him or touch him. I just looked at him.”

  “And direct eye-contact is a sigh of hostility and danger.”

  He looked deep into my eyes. “Or physical attraction…”

  “Stop joking around, Cato. I’m not your girlfriend and I don’t put up with jealous guys. It’s annoying.”

  “I’m not jealous,” he repeated. “I said this at least ten times now. I don’t trust him. Period. That was my subtle way of telling him I’m onto his plan.”

  “And what plan is that?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “He says he broke up with Amy and now he’s so heartbroken that he’ll never love again. He doesn’t want a serious relationship again, just something convenient. Tell me if I’m hot or cold.”

  He was burning hot. And that was a little freaky. “How did you know that?”

  “Because I’m not stupid,” he snapped. “He’s trying to make you think he’s over you so you’ll agree to marry him.”

  “Even if that were true I already agreed to try to have something with you. So, why do you care?”

  “Just because I don’t like the guy doesn’t mean I don’t think he’s intelligent and determined. When someone has an edge like he does, being a good friend to you, he could discreetly manipulate you.”

  “Well, he didn’t bring up marriage to me again.”

  “Because he’s playing it cool. Trust me.”

  “No.” I stepped back and sat on the couch. “I don’t believe that. Maybe Joey does still want me but he would never trick me into something.”

  “You obviously don’t understand how crazy in love he is.”

  I sighed then stared at the blank TV screen.

  Cato sat beside me then moved his hand to my thigh. “I’m sorry and I won’t let it happen again, okay?”


  “Yeah.” He squeezed my thigh playfully. “And you are my girlfriend so I am entitled to be a little jealous.” He held up his forefinger and thumb, keeping them less than an inch apart. “Just a smudge.”

  His cuteness was weighing me down and I couldn’t fight it.

  He leaned toward me. “I see that smile in your eyes.”

  “There’s no smile,” I lied. I felt my lips twitch.

  He smiled in victory. “Sure…”

  I looked away so our faces weren’t so close together.

  Cato grabbed my chin then forced my mouth to his. He kissed me hard, claiming me without the use of words. His lips brush past mine with a warm fluidity, and then he slipped his tongue into my mouth, exciting me almost instantly. “Forgive me?” he said as he continued to kiss me. He laid me down on the couch and moved over me.

  My hands dug into his hair and moved down his back, feeling every line of muscle.

  “Baby?” he asked as he kept kissing me.

  I kept going and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  He broke our kiss then fisted my hair. He dominated me, forcing me to look at him. “I asked you a question.” There was command in his eyes, and even if I were a Roman soldier, I would obey.


  He kissed me again. “Good.”


  River slid into the booth across from me with his beer in hand. “I got two chicks who are willing to get down and dirty. They are both brunettes and they got gorgeous racks. Am I the king or what?” He took a deep drink then wiped the foam off his mouth.

  I had no idea what he was talking about. “What two chicks?”

  “For our group fuck,” he explained. “Remember? We wanted to do something different since threesomes are getting old.”

  Now it came back to me. “Dude, you know I’m seeing Katarina.”

  “You’re actually serious with this girl?” he asked. “I thought you were just hanging out with her because you’re a weirdo that can’t let go of the fact she doesn’t remember you.”

  I gave him a deep glare. “No

  “You’re sleeping with her?”


  “Then what is going on?” he asked.

  “We’re dating.”

  River sighed then took another drink. “Are you trying to put us all on unemployment?”

  “She’s not like that. She would never throw us under the bus. That happened one time. Get over it.”

  “When my job is on the line, I won’t get over it.”

  “I’ll have her terminate the agreement then I’ll escort her privately.”

  “Thank you,” he said. “Do it soon. Like, today.”

  “I’ll ask her next time I see her.”

  “You better, asshole.”

  I rested my arm over the back of the chair and looked out the window.

  “So, how is it going with her?”


  “She still has no idea you already fucked?”

  “Nope.” It still didn’t make sense to me. How could she not remember someone she slept with?

  “Maybe she has some sort of medical condition.”

  “I don’t think so,” I said. “She’s never forgetful about anything else.”

  “Hmm…” He rubbed his chin while he remained in thought.

  “She used to be married.” I hadn’t told any of the guys this, but if my relationship was going to go somewhere I had to tell them. I didn’t want them to make a bad joke about the Army or widows and make her upset.

  “Say what?” he asked, leaning back. “When?”

  “Five years ago.”

  He started to count on his fingers. “How old was she? Twelve?”

  “Nineteen. They weren’t together for long.”

  “People who get married young usually divorce.”

  “Actually, she’s a widow.” It made me sad to think about. Losing someone you loved must be unbearable. Fortunately, I’d never experienced anything like that. “He was in the military and he was killed in the line of duty.”

  “Holy shit.” He leaned over the table and remained quiet for a few moments. “I’m not trying to be insensitive but are you sure you want to get involved in that? She probably has a lot of baggage.”


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