by Maggie Carpenter

  “Brittany,” Duncan said sharply.

  “What?” she muttered turning her gaze to him. “Oh, it’s you, what do you want? Dylan and I are having some fun. Huh, that’s weird, where did he go?” she muttered, realizing she was by herself. “No matter, I’ll find him, but you, Duncan Rhys-Davies, you go away.”

  Stepping forward he lowered his body, and effortlessly lifting her up he threw her over his shoulder.

  “Put me down,” she squealed, squirming furiously.

  Her protest was met with a hard slap, causing her to squeal even louder.

  “Stop that noise or I’ll spank you right here in this bar,” he vowed.

  The threat worked, and Duncan walked quickly towards to the door, pausing briefly as he passed Edgar.

  “Edgar, I owe you. Tell Peter to put your drinks on my tab.”

  “Hey, thanks, man,” Edgar grinned. “Glad to help, I won’t forget this moment for a long time, if ever.”

  “Neither will I,” Duncan replied, and continued on his way.


  The cold night air brought a rush of sobriety, and though still dizzy she realized her panties were probably showing because of her very short skirt.

  “Please, Duncan, please put me down,” she begged, but much to her dismay her pleas were met with several hard swats, but as they entered the elevator she said a silent prayer of thanks; it was empty.

  Thank God, thank God, there’s no-one in here. Ooh, this is a nightmare. I’ll bet he thinks I made up this whole, stupid thing.

  “I didn’t plan this,” she blurted out, “I didn’t mean for you to find me with him.”

  “Do you honestly think I would have come to your rescue if I thought, even for one-second, that you had?” he growled.

  The elevator landed, and though it was a short walk to his cabin, Brittany was still horrified that she was over his shoulder, and terrified that they’d run into someone. When they finally entered his cabin he marched straight into his bedroom, dumped her on the bed, and ripped off her clothes.

  “These are going in the trash,” he’d declared. “Stay right where you are and don’t say a word.”

  Still feeling slightly buzzed she watched him disappear into the bathroom, and moments later heard the sound of shower starting.

  “Come on,” he demanded as he reappeared, and marching towards the bed he grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. “You’re lucky I’m not putting you under ice cold water,” he said sternly as he bundled her into the shower. “Believe me, I was tempted. Now get yourself cleaned up. Get all that make up off your face, and wash off the stink of that alcohol.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she managed, finding herself becoming more sober by the second, and as he closed the door she leaned her hands against the wall, letting the hot, steaming shower splash over her.

  She stayed there for a few minutes, feeling the horrendous events of the night begin to wash away, then slowly lifting her head she turned her back to the stream of water and opened her eyes.

  I have been so stupid. Why did I scream at Duncan? I should never have called that creepy guy. How much booze did he have me drink? God, I’m so embarrassed. How the hell did Duncan know I was up there? Wow, I’ve messed up before but never like this. Oh, ick, Duncan is such a gentleman he must have been horrified to see me like that. I’ve lost him for sure now. I’m surprised he even came to my rescue. I have to find a way to make this up to him, to thank him, even if he doesn’t want me anymore.

  Waiting for her in the bedroom, Duncan had changed into boxers and a T-shirt. She was going to spend the night with him, but there would be no fooling around.

  His head was a jumbled mess of thoughts, most of which revolved around his compelling desire to keep her in his life. She was the perfect blend of beauty, brains and miscreant, and the way she’d responded to his discipline and dark kink had been breathtaking, but he needed to get some sleep and wake up with a fresh, clear head in the morning.

  “I know one thing,” he muttered to himself. “I won’t put up with those kinds of hijinks. That spoiled brat acting out must be dealt with. I can see it now, she comes to visit me in London, we have a squabble, and off she goes to some club and makes a spectacle of herself. That can never happen, never. I wish I had my cane here, that would fix her.”

  He heard the sound of the faucets being turned off, and a few minutes later she appeared from the bathroom dressed in his robe, a towel wrapped around her head.

  “May I use your hairdryer?” she asked quietly.

  “Top right hand drawer at the very end,” he replied.

  As he watched her move away, he sighed and closed his eyes.

  All I want to do is take that robe off you, spank your bottom a very bright red, kiss away your tears and make love to you until you’re begging to come. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps we’ll do all that tomorrow.

  Just the thought sent his cock to life, and not wanting any kind of temptation he left the bed and moved into the powder room off the lounge. Dropping his boxers he rubbed himself urgently, and with images of her laying over his lap as his hand spanked her backside crimson, he massaged until his climax was upon him. Groaning softly as his cock jerked out his cream, he sank against the wall, surrendering to the delicious calm that washed over him.

  “Man, I needed that,” he mumbled.

  Catching his breath he stood up, washed himself, and headed back to the bedroom, finding her already in bed waiting for him.

  “I found an extra toothbrush,” she said demurely as he climbed in beside her. “I have one just like it in my drawer too, all wrapped in plastic with that little tube of toothpaste. It’s okay that I used it, right?”

  “Yes, Brittany, it’s okay that you used it,” he replied soberly.

  “So, um, what’s-”

  “We’ll talk about things in the morning. How do you feel?”

  “Totally embarrassed and-”

  “I meant physically,” he interrupted.

  “Oh, sorry, not so good. I don’t feel buzzed, but I kind of do. I feel like I’m sick. I can definitely feel a headache coming on.”

  “I’ll get you some aspirin,” he declared, and moving quickly from the bed he disappeared into the bathroom.

  Brittany wasn’t sure if she should be happy or scared, and decided on both. She was very happy to be back in his bed, but she was scared about the consequences, which could be anything from his never wanting to see her again, to a severe spanking. As much as she dreaded it, she’d take the latter over the former in a heartbeat.

  “Has your head stopped spinning?” he asked, returning from the bathroom carrying a glass of water and handing it to her.

  “Yes, totally, I don’t feel that anymore,” she said softly, “just kind of weak, and thick, that’s the only word I can think of.”

  “Take these,” he ordered firmly, handing her the aspirin.

  “Thanks,” she replied, taking them from the palm of his hand and popping them in her mouth. “I’m really sorry,” she added sheepishly.

  “I told you we’re not discussing anything until the morning,” he said sternly. “Drink that whole glass, you’ll be dehydrated.”

  Moving around the bed, he climbed back between the sheets, and leaning across his nightstand he turned off the light.

  She followed suit, and as the room fell into quiet darkness, she moved closer to him and rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Is this okay? Can I cuddle a bit?”

  “I suppose,” he murmured, “though you don’t deserve to.”

  “I know, you’re right, I don’t, but I really need to.”

  Sighing deeply he raised his arm and let her nestle into him.

  “You know, regardless of anything you have to be disciplined.”

  “Yes, Sir, I know,” she mumbled.

  “Good, now get some sleep.”

  Closing her eyes she sank into the mattress, luxuriating in the comforting warmth of his hold.

p; There is nowhere else I’d rather be than right here. Thank you for rescuing me, Duncan Rhys-Davies. You’re my hero.

  Duncan felt her body relaxing, and closing his eyes, exhaustion washing over him, he let himself mentally unwind.

  There is no-one I’d rather have with me right here, right now, than you, Brittany Carter. You were worth every minute of tonight, every single minute. Now I just have to figure this whole mess out.


  Brittany awoke to the delicious aroma of fresh brewed coffee. Her head hurt, but not as much as she’d thought it might, and realizing the bed was empty she sat up and looked around the room.

  The bedroom door was closed, and rubbing her eyes she was wondering how the smell had managed to make it’s way to her nostrils, when she saw the small tray with the coffee sitting next to her on the nightstand.

  “Ooh, how perfect,” she mumbled, and pouring in the cream and stirring in two teaspoons of sugar, she took a big gulp. “Man that’s good, that is so good.”

  The door opened slightly, and peering in, Duncan saw she was sitting up, the mug cupped in both hands.

  “So, how are we this morning?”

  “We are still embarrassed, headache but not a killer, and loving this coffee,” she replied.

  “I have new name for you,” he declared moving across and sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “And that would be?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “Bratty Brittany,” he said, staring right at her.

  “I suppose I can be,” she admitted, dropping her eyes, “but-”

  “There is no but, except the one that’s going to be spanked,” he said firmly. “When Bratty Brittany comes out to play, it’s her bottom that’s going to pay. You might well remember that.”

  “Not easy to forget,” she mumbled.

  “There’s a decent breakfast waiting for you out there. I wasn’t sure if you’d be up to eating anything, but there’s everything from granola to eggs and bacon.”

  “To be honest, I’m really hungry. I didn’t have any dinner last night. That’s probably why I got so drunk so fast. I’m not sure how much I drank, but maybe it wasn’t as much as I thought.”

  “When you’re ready come on out, I’ve already eaten but I think I might finish up with a muffin and some more coffee. Watching you drink yours is making me want more.”

  “I’m ready now,” she said. “Um, Duncan, do I remember you throwing away my skirt and-?”

  “Yes, it, and the rest of your garb was trash,” he curtly replied, “and whether you’re with me or not, you shouldn’t being wearing dreadful clothes like that. Why did you have an outfit like that in the first place?”

  “My friend Kathy. Those clothes belonged to her. I’ve always wanted to be more like her,” Brittany sighed. “She’s really outgoing, she has a ton of dates, goes to underground clubs outside of town. She’s been telling me I should be more daring for ages. I wouldn’t even be here if she hadn’t encouraged me.”

  “Hmmm, she doesn’t sound like the kind of friend that would have your father’s approval,” Duncan remarked, standing up and reaching for the robe laying on a nearby chair.

  “He doesn’t like her, not really, but he also knows I have my own life now, and my own friends.”

  “Uh-huh,” Duncan nodded knowingly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve done what you wanted since the day you were born. Here’s my robe. Let’s get you that breakfast.”

  Slipping from the sheets she took the robe from his hands, wrapped it tightly around her waist, grabbed her coffee and followed him from the room.

  “Oh, wow,” she exclaimed, seeing the array of food on the table.

  “I told you, whatever you feel like eating it should be here,” he said, pulling out a chair for her.

  “I’m starving,” she declared, grabbing a slice of toast and eating it dry.

  “Glad to hear it,” he remarked, sitting opposite her and picking up a muffin. “That’s a good sign. You probably weren’t as drunk as you think.”

  “Maybe,” she said, between mouthfuls, “do I remember Joe being there?”

  “Yes, Joe came with me for backup. Dylan Cross came on board with a reputation, so he, and the bar manager, were very familiar with his antics.”

  “A reputation?” she frowned.

  “Brittany, finish your meal, then we’re going to talk about it, we’re going to talk about everything, and I definitely want to know how you ended up at The Seven Seas with him.”

  “I’ll tell you everything,” she promised, spooning some eggs and potatoes on her plate.

  “You’d better,” he said firmly, buttering his muffin.

  He leaned back in his chair and glanced across at her as she consumed her meal. The color began to return to her face, and she seemed to relax. It soon became apparent she was none the worse for wear, which made him wonder how many times she’d done something similar. When she was finally finished he called Joe to have the table cleared, but Brittany chose to stay in the bedroom when the steward arrived, still too embarrassed to see him.

  “You’ll have to face him at some point,” Duncan pointed out.

  “I know, but it doesn’t have to be this morning,” she replied, and locked herself away.

  Joe was as efficient and formal as always, but as he cleared the last of the plates he asked how Brittany was feeling.

  “She’s fine,” Duncan replied, “and thank you for asking. Apparently she hadn’t had any dinner so that probably contributed to the effect of the alcohol.”

  “Forgive me if this is too personal,” Joe said, “but I hope you work things out with her. You two make a striking couple. We’ve had many happy endings on this ship. Couples who have met here, then returned a year or so later for their honeymoon.”

  “It that so? We’ll have to see,” Duncan smiled, then dropping his voice he added, “but just between you and me I’m hopeful.”

  “I really like him,” Brittany remarked, reappearing from the bedroom after Joe had left. “Maybe I should have stayed and talked to him.”

  “You’ll have another chance soon, but now, would you please sit down,” he said seriously, gesturing to the sofa. “It’s time for our talk.”

  Feeling a sudden touch of apprehension, Brittany settled on the couch and looked up at him expectantly.

  “Aren’t you joining me?” she asked.

  “No, I prefer to stand,” he replied, “I think better on my feet, it’s my legal training.”

  “Legal training?” she frowned. “You’ve had legal training.”

  “That’s the first thing I’m going to tell you,” he began. “Yes, I’m an author, but that’s not my vocation. I’m a barrister.”

  “Really? That’s a lawyer, right?”

  “Not exactly, that’s a common misconception, and I’m not going to spend time explaining the difference right now, but I do argue cases and appear in court. The point is, I have a very busy professional life in London.”

  “I see,” she said, feeling both admiration and a tingling fear. “Are you saying you don’t have time for me, or for relationships, a relationship?”

  “Certainly not the kind of time I’ve had these last few days. I have a regular life, Brittany. I’m not some mysterious, fanciful, literary James Bond,” he declared.

  “You don’t have a regular life, there’s nothing regular about you,” she shot back, quickly adding, “sorry, I didn’t meant that to sound disrespectful. You’re not regular, I know regular, and you may work at a regular type job, but you’re not a regular person.”

  “If you’re referring to my-”

  “I’m referring to your everything,” she exclaimed, interrupting him. “The way you are, your personality, and, uh, the other stuff of course.”

  Duncan paused. Once again she had taken him off track.

  “What I’m trying to tell you, is that-”

  “Is that you think, I th
ink, you’re someone you’re not? You’re wrong. You are what you are to me, and I don’t care whether you’re a bus driver back in London, or the Prince of frickin’ Wales,” she said dramatically.

  He looked down at her earnest face, and realized she’d meant every word.

  My goodness, you really are quite extraordinary.

  “Tell me about Dylan Cross,” he frowned, wanting to change the subject. “How did you end up back at that bar with him?”

  “It’s no big deal,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “I was really hurt and angry when I left here, and when I got back to my cabin I couldn’t calm down, so I called him to meet me back at the bar for a drink. I was going crazy,” she explained.

  “You called him? How did you know where to call him?” he asked, shocked that she’d known how to reach him.

  “Sorry, I forgot to mention…remember how you left the bar ahead of me and took the stairs? Dylan and I bumped into each other while I was waiting for the elevator.”

  Duncan rolled his eyes, then shook his head.

  “Don’t you understand, Brittany, you didn’t just happen to run into him? He’s been watching you, waiting for an opportunity. When he saw a chance he grabbed it.”

  “Really?” she frowned. “I didn’t think…”

  “You would have ended up in trouble with him. He would have had you in his cabin in no time.”

  “I would have said no,” she protested. “I had zero interest in him. I just needed a distraction, I needed to not think about you.”

  “Do you honestly think he would have taken no for answer?”

  She stared at him, processing his words, then shook her head as she realized Duncan was probably right.

  “He kept buying me drinks, telling me I needed to relax,” she mumbled. “I’m an idiot,”

  “No, but you do idiotic things, you jump without looking, you have a short temper, you’re impatient, in short, you lack discipline,” he finished.

  “I guess,” she mumbled, “but I can do better, if you give me a chance. Are you going to give me a chance, give us a chance? Is that why I’m here? Is that why you came up and got me away from him? Please don’t keep me in suspense, just tell me.”


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