by Maggie Carpenter

  “Yes, Sir, I understand,” she muttered.

  Moving back to his armchair he settled in to keep watch. He didn’t like using the neck ties, the knots could be difficult to untie if he needed to do so quickly, and he couldn’t make the restraint as tight as he would have liked, but she’d never been in the position before and it would suffice.

  Glancing across at the clock on the desk he took note of the time; he’d leave her there for fifteen minutes, and no more. It would feel much longer to her, and he didn’t want her muscles to start cramping.

  If I had you in my life full-time, I’d find a way to create a playroom in my house. I’ve had that dream for a long time. It wouldn’t be easy. I don’t even know where I could put it. I came close to making one for Natalie. Sweet Natalie. Interesting that I’m learning that you’re nothing like her. Perhaps that’s a good thing, perhaps that’s why I’m able to do this, because you’re so different.

  I’ll have to take you to at least one dinner party, but I’m not so worried about that anymore. You have a much more sophisticated upbringing than you first let on. Why is that? You were superb when we had dinner at The Mermaid, you positively took that Sommelier’s breath away, and mine too for that matter. Are you ashamed of your family’s wealth? I must explore that with you.

  He’d been lost in his thoughts, and glancing back to the clock he saw she had five minutes left. Needing to check on her more closely, he moved quietly to her side and studied her wrists and ankles.

  There was no sign of her circulation being cut off, and though she’d wriggled a couple of times he’d heard no grunts or groans. Her breathing was measured and even, showing no signs of panic or distress; it was clear she had sunk into her bondage.

  Excellent, Brittany. You really were born to this.

  Satisfied, he returned to his chair and continued his vigil.

  After the first few minutes Brittany discovered that if she relaxed, the position became more comfortable, and as the time ticked by she found herself embracing the inability to move. Her focus shifted from her bondage to the very thing he’d directed her to think about.

  He’s right again. I interrupt all the time. I find it so difficult to be patient. It’s weird that I don’t feel agitated right now. If someone had told me I could be tied up like this I would have told them they were out of their mind. How is it that I’m feeling so at ease, so patient, how is that I can sink into this? I have to ask him. Do I like it? No, I don’t think I like it, but I kind of do…and if I can do this, I can sit still and let someone finish what they have to say. Oh, good grief, this is brilliant. He’s brilliant. No doubt next time I interrupt he’s going to hogtie me like this and remind me that I can be patient. I wish my butt didn’t hurt so much, damn he spanked me hard.

  Then something strange happened; her mind began to fall silent, and she felt herself shifting into some kind of altered state, all thought drifting away.

  There had been no concept of time, and when she felt him untying her blindfold she felt as if she was waking up, but she knew she hadn’t been sleeping. She turned her head, blinking her eyes as she stared at him, and thought his face looked amazingly soft.

  “Hello, are you ready for me to untie you?”

  “If you think so, Sir,” she breathed.

  “Good girl,” he smiled.

  In less than a minute her wrists and ankles were freed, and he began to massage her as he lowered them back into their natural position. “Now stretch your arms above your head, but slowly.”

  She could feel her shoulder muscles protest, and his fingers began to knead the knots, soothing the transition.

  “So, I guess you’ve done this before?” she murmured.

  “A couple of times, you cheeky girl,” he smiled. “Now roll on to your back.”

  Sighing heavily she did as he said, and staring up at him she felt an unexpected tear drip from the edge of her eye.

  “Sorry, I don’t know where that came from,” she muttered.

  “You’re going through a lot, and you’re releasing some bad stuff, Brittany. Can’t you feel it?”

  “I can,” she sighed, “Duncan, thank you,” and impulsively sitting up, she wrapped her arms around him. “This is nothing like I thought it would be, well, this part anyway.”

  “I know,” he purred, holding her warmly. “Did you have an epiphany?”

  “I did, but you knew that, didn’t you,” she sighed.

  “Don’t worry about me, just tell me what happened, what went through your mind.”

  “To be brief, patience, what it means to be patient, and how self-discipline fits into all that, and when I start interrupting you’re going to tie me up again to remind me that I know how to be patient, and there’s no excuse,” she finished.

  “Excellent,” he sighed, “you get five gold stars.”

  “And I felt this weird kind of peace,” she yawned, “but now I’m so tired.”

  “Hungry too, I’m sure. I’m going to order up some food. You need both protein and carbs, so I was thinking of chicken fettuccine. Would you like that?”

  “Oh, that sounds absolutely divine,” she moaned.

  “I want you to take a hot shower, stretch your body, and by the time you come out the food will be here.”

  “I’m kind of overwhelmed,” she said softly.

  “I know,” he nodded, and I am too, by you.


  After her hot shower, he arrived with her delicious dinner on a tray.

  “Aren’t you eating?” she asked, as he settled into his armchair and watched.

  “Yes, but not right now,” he answered.

  “I didn’t think it would be like this,” she remarked between mouthfuls of food.

  “Which part, exactly?”

  “All of it, except maybe the spanking. I sure didn’t think you’d let me eat like this.”

  “You’re going to sleep when you’ve finished,” he said firmly.

  “Is discipline always like this, I mean, things happening, then rest?”

  “There are no rules, I do what I feel,” he solemnly replied.

  That made sense to her, and when she finished eating he picked up her tray and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Sleep now, my good girl.”

  “I love it when you call me that,” she sighed, then yawned. “I can’t remember ever feeling this tired.”

  “That’s why you’re going to sleep,” he smiled.

  He headed across the room, and as he turned out the light he looked across at her and smiled. You are my good girl, my very good girl, then closed the door, sending the room into darkness.

  Though her bottom was sore and her limbs slightly achy, she slept deeply, as though she’d run a marathon, or climbed a mountain. It was the feel of his arms around her that eventually stirred her awake, and surprised, she shifted her body, moving it against him, testing to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  “Sir?” she mumbled.

  “Yes, Brittany?”

  “You’re really here?”

  “I am,” he whispered.

  “Oh, how wonderful,” she sighed.

  He was laying behind her, and he ran his hands over her body, feeling her glorious breasts, the roughened skin of her backside, and the slippery wetness between her legs. He’d planned on a long session of teasing and denial, but as he listened to her soft moans, and felt the warmth of her submission, he changed his mind.

  She’d surrendered to his discipline without complaint, and shown fortitude and understanding, now she would have the pleasure she’d earned.

  His cock was already standing at attention, eager to enjoy her succulent depths, and as he kissed her neck and tweaked her nipples, she pushed her bottom back at him.

  “Are you going to make love to me now?” she breathed.

  “Yes, Brittany, I’m going to make love to you,” he promised.

  “Oh, I’m so glad, thank you,” she moaned. “I want you so much.”

p; His fingers were already dallying in her wetness, and moving his cock into position he guided it forward, then closing his eyes he dropped his head on the pillow, savoring the delicious feel of her pussy.

  “Duncan, you feel so amazing,” she breathed.

  With one hand he held her hip as he slowly stroked, knowing she could be brought to the brink at any time, then burying himself inside her, he remained completely still as he moved his hand from her hip, down between her legs.

  “Ooh, that’s…” her voice trailing off as he began to circle her magic button.

  He found it swollen and needy, and as he rubbed, her moans became more fervent, and he could feel the faintest pulsing of her cunt walls against his cock.

  “You are so primed,” he whispered, kissing her ear, “and you’re going to come so hard.”

  “I know, I know,” she bleated, “I can feel it.”

  He began to pump, slowly thrusting as he continued his play, guided by her moans and gasps, then pulling out he rolled her on to her back.

  “Duncan,” she panted.

  She was gazing up at him, and in the dim light he could see the sparkling fire in her eyes.

  “Yes, Brittany?” he asked, a soft smile on his lips.

  “I’ve never felt like this, not ever.”

  “I know,” he sighed, and he did. He knew the affect his discipline would have had on her, and it had impacted him just as much.

  Dropping his head to her breasts he suckled and kissed and licked, then hungrily devoured her nipples, knowing her cunt was craving her return.

  “Please, please,” she begged, “please slide back inside me.”

  As he raised his head he moved his hands to tangle his fingers in her hair, then brought his mouth to her ear.

  “Do you want me to fuck you hard, or fuck you gently?” he purred.

  “I want you to fuck me as you wish, Sir,” she whispered.

  “That was the right answer,” he murmured, and dropping his lips to her mouth he kissed her.

  It wasn’t a gentle kiss, it wasn’t a passionate kiss, it wasn’t kiss that relayed their ardent passion; it was all three, and as their mouths engaged he shifted his body, allowing his cock to find its way back to her.

  With their lips still locked he thrust forward and began to pump, and as he felt himself wanting accelerate he did, letting his instinct be his only dictator.

  “I…can…feel…it…” she suddenly gasped, pulling her mouth from his.

  He could feel it too. He could feel the orgasm filling her, he could feel his cock wanting to burst. Removing his fingers from her hair he reached down, grabbing her wrists, and pulling them up he pinned them above her head.

  “I’m going to fuck you to our finish,” he promised, “are you ready?”

  “So ready,” she groaned, “so ready.”

  His cock began to fire, pumping her with fast, powerful strokes. The sight of her body growing taut spurred him forward, and her stark nipples brushed against his chest, shooting sparks through his loins.

  Without warning her legs violently closed, her back arched, and he saw the telltale red blush cross her chest. She was holding her breath, and a moment later her cries of orgasmic joy began to echo across the room.

  Seconds later his cock felt the demanding clutch of her cunt, and erupting in vigorous spasms it jerked out his hot cream. The convulsions consumed them both, the intense hours of his discipline culminating in their explosive mutual moments, until they finally groaned their endings, and he fell breathlessly at her side.

  “My God,” she panted, “I know I shouldn’t say this-”

  “Sssh, just catch your breath,” he managed.

  “I have to, before I chicken out,” she stammered. “I’m so crazy about you, so totally crazy about you.”

  It was a guileless, completely honest confession from her heart, and Duncan felt compelled to hold her; reaching across he brought her close to him, hugging her tightly.

  “I feel the same,” he mumbled, “completely the same.”


  They stood on the deck watching the boat dock. They’d reached Tahiti safely, and though they’d spent most of the previous day lounging, taking leisurely strolls, and generally recovering, they had returned to The Mermaid for their last dinner on board.

  “I think Patric was definitely the most colorful character on the ship,” Brittany remarked. “I’m glad we had dinner there last night.”

  “Me too, except there wasn’t a nipple in sight,” Duncan frowned, feigning disappointment.

  “I definitely want to do that whole thing again at a restaurant in London,” she said quietly.

  “Oh, you will,” he promised, raising his eyebrows.

  “I can’t wait to get there,” she sighed.

  “Honestly, me too,” he grinned.

  “I wish it wasn’t such a long flight,” she groaned.

  “It is that,” he agreed. “If it’s too much for you we could always stay the night in L.A.”

  “No, we just have to figure we’ll both be totally out of it when we arrive.”

  “We will, I’m sure, but we can sleep the whole day,” he smiled. “We don’t have to be anywhere, do anything-”

  “We can just snuggle…oops, sorry,” she added quickly, “that was a booboo. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “I’ll pretend you didn’t…this one time,” he warned. “Come on, let’s go back to our cabins and make sure we haven’t forgotten anything.”

  “Can you please tell me something?” she asked as they began walking.

  “Sure, what?”

  “I forgot to ask, how did you know I was with Dylan Cross the other night? You’re not a closet psychic are you?”

  “No, though I do have infallible instincts,” he chuckled. “It was Edgar. He was the one who called the calvary. You should try and track him down before we leave, you owe him a very big thank you.”

  “Shoot, I wish I’d known. I’ll write a note and give it Joe to pass along.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” he nodded. “I hope you don’t have a repeat performance, next time you might not be so lucky.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” she assured him, “I’ve learned my lesson.”

  Two hours later they were sitting in the British Airways First Class lounge drinking tea and sharing a snack, when Duncan frowned, then unexpectedly stood up.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he promised.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “Like I said, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he smiled. “Behave yourself, no drunken dances with strange men.”

  “I’ll try to resist that particular temptation,” she giggled.

  “You…” he grinned, then shaking his head he turned and walked away.

  Leaning back in her chair, Brittany took the opportunity the stare out at the runway, and smile in happy disbelief.

  I still can’t believe this is happening. This is absolutely the best thing ever. I feel like I’m in a fairytale. Ah, well, I’d better call mom and dad. I have no idea what I’m going to say to them but I have to get this over with.

  Don’t forget, you have to tell Kathy as well.

  Go away, you nasty imp, I have no desire to speak to you ever again, you’re banished.

  Reaching for her cell phone, and making sure the attendant was watching their overnight bags, she moved across to a private call both away from the lounge and closed the door. Her heart was pounding as she heard the call go through, and when her father picked up, she felt it skip a beat.


  “Sweetheart, how are you? About to come home?”

  “Not exactly,” she managed.

  “What do you mean? Are you staying in Tahiti for a few days?”

  “Not exactly,” she repeated.


  “So, the thing is…I, uh, met this amazing man, and before you say anything he’s not just some joker. He’s a barrister,
a British barrister, from London, and I’m really happy. He’s not like anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “Being from Britain, I would imagine that’s probably true,” her father said slowly. “What about this British barrister?”

  “He asked me to stay with him in London for a week, he’s flying me there, first class, alongside him. Like I said, he’s not some joker-”

  “You said yes,” her father interrupted.

  “I did, I said yes, and I’m really happy. You’d really like him, he’s very educated, and he’s-”

  “I suppose if that’s what you want,” he interrupted again, “but give me his full name. I want to check him out, and let me know his address as soon as you arrive.”

  “His full name is Duncan Rhys-Davies, that’s r,h,y,s, then a hyphen, then Davies.”

  “You say he’s a lawyer?”

  “No, daddy, he’s a barrister. There’s a difference, I don’t know what that is yet, but he’s a barrister, and he’s-”

  “You’re an adult now, you can do what you want, but you make sure he treats you right.”

  “I want to tell you about him,” she frowned. “He’s-”

  “I’m sure he’s a very interesting guy, but if you run into any trouble you call me. I know a few people over there. I’ll let them know you’re coming, and they’ll be there in a hurry if they need to be.”

  “Thanks, Dad but I’ll be-”

  “Just let us know when you land there safely. Your mother’s out right now, but I’ll pass along the news when she gets back.”

  “Thanks for understanding,” she sighed, “I’ll call you when I get there.”

  “All right sweetheart, I’ll speak to you then.”

  “Wait,” she said, Duncan’s words echoing in her head. When you interrupt it means you’re not interested in what the other person is saying, you don’t care about their opinion, or feelings.

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “Don’t you care about what I’m saying, or my opinions, or my feelings?”


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