Ginny lifted her hand and rested it on Max’s.
‘That’s so true.’ She smiled up at the man she loved and saw a flicker of warmth light his eyes.
‘Remember it,’ he said, making the words a stern warning. Then he bent and dropped a kiss lightly on her lips.
‘Mushy kissing at work!’ Sarah protested. ‘Let me out of here!’
‘Not until you’ve finished your paperwork,’ Ginny told her. ‘I’m done, so I can go.’
She glanced at Max.
‘Want to walk me home?’
‘Oh, but the panic’s over. You don’t need an escort anymore.’ He grinned at her.
She felt an answering smile stretch her lips, and a sense of completeness stole through her blood. The horror of what they’d all experienced would take time to disappear completely, but there was the promise of so much joy ahead of her that she wanted to skip and dance with the excitement of it.
‘Please take me home, Max?’ she murmured, and the answering glow of light in his eyes told her all she needed to know.
ISBN: 978-1-4603-5695-1
First North American Publication 2002
Copyright © 2002 by Meredith Webber
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A Woman Worth Waiting For Page 19