The Sun Angel

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The Sun Angel Page 7

by Ashley Martinez

  How did she miss? One of the pins rolled and tapped it, making it rock back and forth.

  Come on! Jenna thought desperately though part of her hoped it didn’t fall.

  The guys, all except Will, were laughing and cheering for the pin to stay up.

  The pin teetered-- Jenna looked at Will, and he stared back. There was a spark in his eye that made Jenna wonder if he wanted the pin to stay up after all. She didn’t have to turn back to know the pin fell; the groans from the guys told her.

  “Alright, Jenna,” James grumbled. “I owe you lunch.”

  She smiled, “I don’t ever lose.”

  “Alright, time for another bet,” Liam stood. “If I get a strike then I get to kiss Jenna.”

  Jenna felt her eyebrow rise…why were they so obsessed with someone kissing her?

  Will smacked Liam this time, “And if you lose, I get to kick the crap outta you.” He turned to Jenna, “Sound about fair?”

  Remembering Scott’s face, Jenna shook her head, “No, how about if he loses, you get to punch him once.”

  Will rolled his eyes, “A lot of good that’ll do, but fine.”

  Liam grinned, “Deal. Jenna, this is for you.”

  Jenna laughed but internally she was hoping he would fail.

  Liam took his shot and got all but two, a split.

  “Damn,” Liam mumbled.

  Will leaned forward grinning, “I’m going to make my one hit count.”

  “Damn,” Liam repeated.

  After that James invited Jenna to join their game of bowling. He had to run up to the front desk and ask them to switch her game over to their lane before she could. She sat next to Will waiting for James to get back.

  “How are you doing?” Will asked.

  “Fine,” she shrugged. She knew he was talking about last night. “Still a little shocked.”

  “About what?” James asked as he sat down on her other side.

  “Her last strike,” Will lied for her as he got up to take his turn.

  “That was pretty lucky,” James nodded. “I think maybe you used some sort of magic to knock it over.”

  Will glared at James but didn’t say anything.

  Jenna just laughed, “Oh yeah, I have so much power and I spend my time using it to control bowling pins.”

  James leaned closer to her, “Are you a wizard?”

  “The most powerful kind there is,” Jenna leaned a little closer without thinking. This was the most James had ever talked to her. Usually he just smiled and waved.

  “Your turn, James,” Will kicked James’s foot a little harder than necessary, “and quit flirting with Jenna.”

  “Yes, sir,” James mocked saluted him.

  Jenna blushed; she didn’t realize they’d been flirting. She was new to this and didn’t mean to be flirting. She’d rather flirt with Will, but he was always so distant, except for last night. He held her close and even let her fall asleep against his shoulder when he drove her home. Why was he so hard to read? Her thoughts of last night brought back her conclusion she made this morning.

  “Hey, Will?” she asked a little timid.

  “What?” he had unconsciously swung his arm around the back of her chair.

  “Never mind,” she shook her head, embarrassment flooded through her body.

  “What is it, Angel?” Will asked sitting up and leaning closer to her.

  He made her feel like they were the only ones around. It didn’t feel like there were three other people next to them, probably listening.

  “I want you to teach me how to fight,” the words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  Will’s body tensed up; he knew his friends were listening, “Why?”

  “I just thought,” Jenna hesitated. “After last night…”

  The image of Jenna lying on the bed with that worm on top of her popped into Will’s head. Hatred flooded his body. He still wanted the boy dead.

  “Well?” Jenna touched his hand gently.

  He heard the small gasps from his friends but ignored them and looked at Jenna. She looked hopeful and a little scared.

  “What’s in it for me?” he asked pulling his hand away from hers.

  Jenna looked dumbfounded, “I…well, what do you want?”

  Will thought quickly, “I want a memory.”

  “A memory?”


  “Okay, if you teach me how to defend myself I’ll let you have whatever memory you want,” she nodded, not knowing what she was agreeing to. “How do you get a memory from me? Do you ask me and I tell you?”

  Will smiled, “Not quite, but you can think of it that way.”

  Jenna just looked confused, but she nodded her head again, “Okay.”

  “You have to say you promise.”

  “I promise.”

  He sighed heavily, “Okay.”

  Relief spread across Jenna’s face and she threw her arms around his neck, surprising him and shocking his friends. He looked over Jenna’s head at James, who had moved forward to stop Jenna seeing what she was going to do before he had. James looked confused and a silent conversation passed between them; he wanted to know how Jenna could touch Will without burning him.

  Will hadn’t responded to her hug quickly enough before she pulled back looking embarrassed.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Will smiled at her. He could still feel the warmth of her arms and their absence felt like a weight on his shoulders.

  Liam looked curious and patted her arm as she walked past to take her turn. She glanced at him bewildered at his action.

  He smiled, but it looked more like a grimace, “Good luck.”

  She smiled and continued walking. Liam held his hand up for Will to see; it was blistered. Will’s confusion deepened. Why could he touch her but Liam couldn’t? And how did Liam’s touch not freeze her skin? At least he got her to promise him the memory he needed. She didn’t know what she was giving up to learn how to fight. It made Will feel a little guilty but not guilty enough not to ask for it. He still had plans for her and didn’t intend for this human version of her to get in his way. Deep down inside he knew she was a monster, a monster that had been caged for the last few hundred years. And that monster wouldn’t be as friendly once she was released.


  “Well you’re home later than I expected!” Jenna’s dad called out.

  “Sorry, I met some friends there,” Jenna hollered setting down her bag.

  “I didn’t know when you’d be home, so I ordered pizza,” Richard walked around the corner. “You didn’t have any plans for dinner, did you?”

  “No,” she shook her head.

  “Good, I got you one too.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes, “Dad, I don’t need a whole pizza to myself.”

  “I know,” her dad smiled, “but I do. Oh, you left your phone behind and someone named Lena called.”

  “Did you answer it?”

  “Yeah,” her dad looked away guiltily. “She called about five times before I answered it.”

  “What’d she say?”

  “Asked where you were,” he tried acting casual, but Jenna could see him scrutinizing her. “She seemed rather worried. Anything you want to tell me?”

  “Not really,” Jenna held his gaze. She had to lie and do it well; there was no way she wanted her dad to find out what really happened. “I left her at the party to come home.”

  “How did you get home?”

  “Uh, my friend Will dropped me off,” now she looked away. Lying was harder than she anticipated.

  “Who’s Will?”

  “A friend from school.”

  “I’ve never met him,” her dad shook his head. “Jenna, please let me meet your friends before you go running off with them.”


  “I need to know you’re safe,” his stance was casual, but his words were heavy.

  “Dad,” Jenna groaned and started up t
he stairs, “you worry too much.”

  “I don’t worry enough,” he mumbled.


  “It’s my job to worry, I’m your father,” he came up to her. “You’re my sun. The only thing I have left.”

  Guilt spread through Jenna making her wrap her arms around his neck. “Dad, I’ll always be here. Please don’t worry so much, I promise I’ll be safe.”

  He hugged her back fiercely, “I know, sweetheart. Still it’s hard for a dad to see his daughter grow up.”

  The doorbell rang. Jenna pulled away from her dad, “Sounds like pizza’s here. Grab it while I go change.”


  Jenna ran up the stairs and into her room, shutting the door as she entered. Going to her dresser she opened the top drawer that held her lounge clothes. She pulled out yoga pants and a t-shirt. She hadn’t even gotten her clothes off before someone was knocking on her door.

  “Jenna, can I come in?” her dad asked through the door.

  “Give me a second!” she squeaked and quickly dressed. “Okay.”

  Her dad came in, closing the door behind him.

  Jenna was slightly confused, “Everything alright?”

  “There’s someone downstairs to see you.”

  “Okay,” Jenna moved toward the door but her dad stopped her. “What?”

  “How many Wills do you know?”

  “What?” Jenna laughed.

  “Answer me.” Her dad’s voice was tight with seriousness.

  “Uh, one, why?”

  “How do you know him?”

  “From school.”


  “He’s in my fifth period,” Jenna was bewildered at her dad’s questioning. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” her dad shook his head. “Will you promise me one thing?”

  “That depends,” she asked skeptically.

  “Please don’t ever be alone with him.”


  “I just get a bad feeling about him,” her dad answered. “You can be friends at school, and he is welcome over here only when I’m home. Got it?”

  Defiance made Jenna cross her arms, “All because you have a bad feeling about him?”

  “Yes. Please, Jenna, trust me. A dad’s intuition is pretty strong,” he implored.

  “Fine,” she said slowly, “but let me live my life a little, Dad. You have to trust me as well.”

  Her dad sighed, “I’ll try.”

  Jenna’s heart flittered as she descended the stairs. She was excited to see Will. Why was he here? She hadn’t expected to see him again until Monday.

  Will was standing by the front door looking completely at ease. His dark blue shirt made his eyes look like the deep sea. Jenna was slightly surprised; she’d thought his eyes were black, but the closer she looked at them, the bluer they became. She could even see some grey in them.

  “What are you doing here, Will?” Jenna asked a little breathless.

  “I made you a promise,” he reminded her looking past her at Richard, who had followed her down the stairs.

  He was glaring at Will, already knowing exactly who Will was. It surprised Will that he’d invited him in. He expected Richard to slam the door in his face.

  “Already?” Jenna laughed. “Okay, why don’t we just go up to my room?”

  “No, Jenna,” Richard said sternly.

  “Umm, out back then,” she motioned for Will to follow her. “It’s still pretty nice out.”

  He followed her through the kitchen and out the back French doors. He had to hand it to Richard; he was braver than he thought.

  “So what’s the rush?” Jenna asked as she spun around to face Will. Her cheeks were a little pink, and Will guessed it was from pleasure.

  He smiled, enjoying making her blush. “I just figured you’d want to learn as soon as possible. Unless you don’t want to anymore?”

  “No, no,” Jenna grabbed his arm, “I do. I can’t let something like that happen again. I need to learn how to stop it.”

  “Are you expecting it to happen again?” Will tried to stay calm and relaxed but anger coursed through him making his muscles taut.

  “Goodness no!”

  “Good.” Will stepped back and positioned himself in a fighting stance. “Copy me.”

  Jenna nodded and stood next to him, trying to mimic his stance.

  “Almost,” Will gently and slowly touched her leg. “This leg needs to be a little further out. If someone were to push you, you’d fall right over.”

  “Like this?” Jenna moved her leg.

  “Yes,” Will brought his hands up in fists.

  Jenna did the same, feeling a little foolish.

  “Hold it,” Will straightened and started walking around her, examining her stance. “What hand do you write with?” Will quickly asked.

  “Left,” she answered watching him walk around her, temporarily forgetting to hold up her hands causing them to drop.

  Will caught her eye and smiled, “Focus, Jenna.”

  “Sorry,” she brought her hands up trying to ignore the coolness of Will’s presence.

  “Good,” Will took hold of both her fists, moving them slightly. “Your right hand will be in front of your left. It’ll be used for blocking. Your left will be used for striking.”

  Jenna shivered at his cold touch and without thinking blurted out, “Why are you so cold?”

  “Why are you so hot?” Will countered still holding her fists.

  “I’m hot?” Jenna asked surprised.

  “To me you are,” Will shrugged, “to others you’re burning.”

  “Burning?” she was now confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Nothing,” he shook his head. “Back to the lesson.”

  Jenna nodded but was overflowing with questions. Will was definitely hiding something, but what?

  “Make a fist,” Will said.

  Jenna tightened her hand together to make a fist to show Will.

  He laughed, “You’re going to break your hand hitting someone like that.”

  “Well then it’s a good thing you’re teaching me,” Jenna blushed. She felt a little embarrassed at knowing so little.

  “It is,” Will nodded, still smiling. “Don’t worry; you’ll pick up on it fast.”

  “How do you know?”

  “It’s in your blood.”

  “Is that supposed to be some corny joke?” She poked Will, and he jumped. “Are you ticklish?”

  “No,” Will said flatly.

  “Liar!” Jenna laughed and tried poking him again, but Will grabbed her hand and shoved her back roughly. “Hey!”

  “How did I tell you to hold your hands?” He snapped.

  Jenna brought her hands up automatically and crouched in a defensive position. Will advanced on her bringing his own hands up.

  “Will, I don’t like this,” she told him, scared he was going to hurt her.

  “You asked me to teach you. This is how I teach,” he responded and swung his fist toward her.

  She watched in surprise as his fist came rushing toward her. Instinctively, Jenna raised her arms to shield her face. Will’s fist collided with her shoulder rocking her off balance. She caught herself as a sharp pain shot through her shoulder.

  “Will!” she yelled angrily grabbing her shoulder, “that hurt!”

  “It’s supposed to,” he shrugged but dropped his fists.

  Unwanted tears sprang into her eyes and fell down her cheeks. She tried stopping them, but couldn’t. There was too much pain in her shoulder.

  “Why would you do something like that?” she sat down in the grass rubbing her shoulder.

  Will sighed and sat down next to her, “I’m trying to show you the importance of blocking.”

  “I know it’s important,” she glared at him. “I should know after last night.”

  “Don’t ever bring up last night again,” he snapped ferociously.

  “Why?” Jenna asked surprised b
y the viciousness in his voice.

  “I don’t want to picture you like that anymore,” he closed his eyes.

  Jenna looked down at her knees; her shoulder still ached.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  “You should be!” his accusing tone made her look at him.

  “You think it was my fault?” she asked shocked.

  “Don’t you know not to drink anything a strange guy gives you?”

  “I do, but-“ Jenna stopped short remembering why she accepted that drink from Scott. She blushed as she pictured Will’s hand on Angie’s leg and the challenging look he gave her.

  “But what?” he pressed.

  “Nothing,” she shook her head and looked away.

  “But what, Jenna?”

  She threw her hands up in the air and winced when her shoulder throbbed in reluctance.

  “I’m really sorry about your shoulder,” Will reached up and gently laid his hand on her shoulder. “I forgot you are so weak.”

  Will’s cold hand seeped through her shirt and immediately her shoulder felt better. She sighed leaning into him.

  “I know I’m weak,” she said looking at him, “that’s why I’m asking for your help.”

  “So you’ve said,” he held as still as he could. Breathing her in drew him closer to the edge, and he had no intentions of falling for her. “Now tell me why you accepted that drink.”

  Jenna glanced away, “I saw you flirting with Angie, and it made me jealous.”

  “What?” Will laughed. “I was not flirting with her!”

  Jenna’s eyes snapped back to his, “Yes you were! Your hand was on her leg, and she was giggling. That’s called flirting.”

  “I was holding her down,” Will looked at Jenna. He found her jealousy very sexy and wanted to sweep her up in his arms and kiss her with everything he had.


  “Because she was trying to sit on top of me,” he took his hand off her shoulder and stood. He had to bury his feelings for her.

  “What did you whisper to her then?”

  “I told her I liked someone else,” he couldn’t look at Jenna.

  “Saying something like that wouldn’t make someone else giggle,” Jenna stood getting frustrated at him. Trying to get answers out of him felt like playing the twenty-question game.

  “Does it matter?” Will snapped.

  “To me it does,” Jenna grabbed his arm and tried turning him to face her, but he was solid as a rock so she stepped in front of him.


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