Give and Receive: Books 1, 2, 3: An Interracial Menage Rock Star Romantic Series

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Give and Receive: Books 1, 2, 3: An Interracial Menage Rock Star Romantic Series Page 1

by Anderson, Alisa

  Give & Receive

  1, 2, 3

  Give & Receive Series

  Alisa Anderson

  Give & Receive

  1, 2, 3

  By Alisa Anderson

  Copyright © 2015 Alisa Anderson

  This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


  For Rena.

  Young, talented, ambitious. Wild.

  Three friends, who struggled for fortune and fame, have finally found themselves thrust into mega-stardom.

  What is right if there is no wrong…

  For Ty, Lena and Danny, they're about to find out as they cross the boundaries from all things safe to an arena testing love, friendship and loyalty. An arena that's forbidden, taboo…and oh so tempting.

  They’re riding hard and fast in a world where sex, money, love and rock & roll are all a game of give & receive, where any wish can be granted if you just ask...

  Open, honest and raw, this is a rare glimpse of what happens behind the fortune and the fame, beyond the limelight, past the adulation and acclaim. the real.



  Book 1

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Book 2

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Book 3

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Once upon a time, in a land far, far away…



  It isn’t SO far away.

  Just sounded really, really epic.

  There lived a beautiful ebony, potty-mouthed princess named Lena. She lived in a big beautiful house and had lots of fabulous, beautiful friends.

  Lena was successful, well known and had lots and lots of money to play with.

  And she really was great with the profanity thing. She could curse like a sailor.

  Sailors lined up for lessons.

  All in all, life was great.

  Even though Lena tended to think of herself first, was a bit self-centered and could be called a shade spoiled…just a shade…not completely self-absorbed like that cow Reese always says…

  I digress.

  In either case, she was a generous person really.

  And had a heart...and an ass…big enough to match her bank account.

  She just didn’t like for people to know that she could actually be…


  Shhhhhh. It can be our secret.

  So anyways…

  This princess didn’t know it yet, but she was in need of rescue. For although she had money, great friends and fantastic hair…no split ends at all…she was lonely.

  Ok. So she wasn’t really lonely.

  A lot of times she actually preferred her own company.

  She didn’t think anyone was as fascinating as her.

  But Lena was in danger.

  In danger of never finding true love.

  Quite frankly she wasn’t even sure if she wanted it.

  Love makes you soft, she reasoned.

  Love make you weak.

  Two words that didn’t exist in her vocabulary.

  So…she decided she was better off not looking for love.

  This…dear reader, is the story of how true love and all its quirks, odd twists and turns…found her.

  Book 1

  Chapter 1



  “Why am I here?”


  “Why am I here?”


  “Why am I here?”

  Lena shouted over the blaring music at Reese.

  Who finally could understand her.

  Her words, that is.

  No one really understood Lena.

  To try would be like trying to stare directly into the sun.

  Not impossible.

  Just…dangerously stupid.

  Just…not a good idea.

  Just…a lot of things.

  Reese glanced over at her and sighed.

  Rolling her eyes heavenward.

  “Because you said you wanted to go out tonight and asked me to come with. Oddly enough, I complied. Imagine that.”

  “No. I mean why am I here. On Earth.”

  Lena looked thoughtful, taking a sip of her drink.

  Amaretto Sour. Her favorite.

  “Clearly to add lines on my face and send me to an early grave.” Reese informed her, scanning Lena’s club, Sadist.

  She began to ask her for the hundredth time about that creepy sounding name, thinking better of it.

  The sun thing.

  “Oh…. you. Quit trying to cheer me up.”

  Lena patted Reese’s hand distractedly.

  Continuing to stare off into the distance.

  Her dramatic Scarlett O’Hara pose.

  Reese groaned inwardly.

  This usually meant trouble.

  Worse than usual.

  “Lena. What’s wrong?”

  Lena gave a heavy sigh, not answering.

  Reese tried again in her most patient, I promise I won’t slap you, but I really, really want to kind of tone.

  “Lena. Honey. It can’t be that bad.”

  Off in the distance, a violin began to play.

  Reese pondered if Lena requested it.

  And even though they were indoors, a gust of wind lifted one of Lena’s curly tendrils.

  Reese watched it, wafting in the breeze.

  She looked over.

  Tech Guy Tony waved.

  The wind machine. Again.

  Really. Really?

  Reese threw up her hands, shaking her head.

  “Are we pondering our existence again or did Henry break down and finally leave you?”

  Lena sighed, looking glum.

  “Both, Reese. I just can’t understand why another one bit the dust so quickly. I really liked this one.”

  “Well, let’s see,” Reese began, leaning on the bar. “Perhaps it would be because Henry wasn’t designed for twenty-four-hour usage. I mean seriously. What kind of greedy bitch are you?”

  She carefully eyed Lena.

  “And, even more curiouser…when you walk, does static electricity build in your wake?”

  Lena frowned.

  Peering down her purple shades at Reese.

  She contemplated having security throw her out.

  Then reasoned Reese was her business partner.

  And vice president of their public relations firm.

  It might not do.

  “Henry was supposed to come with a lifetime guarantee. And, I will be as greedy as I please. He didn’t mind.”

  She paused, lo
oking forlorn.

  “Not anymore, though.”

  Reese chuckled.

  “I would imagine a seven speed vibrating penis wouldn’t mind anything at all. He’s just probably happy to be gainfully employed. Although, I suppose since he’s about to join the island of misfit toys with the rest of your cast offs, maybe not so much.”

  She sipped her drink, eyeing Lena. Again.

  Sometimes it was all you could do.

  Most of the time, it’s what kept the sanest person from running in circles, screaming like a banshee. Before hurtling themselves from a ninety-seven story building.

  Maybe that was just Reese’s fantasy.

  “My thing is, why do you need him when you already have a man, who, might I add is buff, beautiful and always ever willing. Not to mention ever ready, and most importantly, everlasting. Providing service with a smile…and a tremendously huge cock?”

  Reese was genuinely puzzled.

  But she always tended to be confused where Lena was concerned.

  “And just how did Jason feel about Henry before he met his untimely demise? Did they even get a chance to become acquainted?”

  Lena glanced down at her nails, and didn’t answer.

  “Lena.” Reese patiently waited.


  “How’s Jason doing?”


  Reese closed her eyes.

  Rubbing the spot above her temple that always throbbed whenever she tried having a conversation longer than five words with Lena.

  She wondered now why she existed.

  Surely there was another planet she could live on without Lena’s self-created dilemmas. Pluto….Mars…Neptune.

  Someone had to have a place for her. She figured not talking to Lena would add at least thirty years to her life.

  She sighed heavily.


  “How’s your boyfriend doing, Lena? You know, Jason?”

  Lena scowled into her glass. Remaining silent.

  Ah. So there it was.

  Well this would be fun.

  Fun in a painful, menstrual cramps, tearing your hymen all at once, kind of fun.

  Reese blew a kiss at Dion, the hot as fuck male specimen tending to the bar, who just handed her a refill.

  She took a dainty sip.

  Discreetly eyeing his crotch.

  What a scrumptious, edible little morsel that would be.

  She shivered delightedly.

  Though from the looks of it…not so little.


  Then realized she wasn’t at all discreet, when Dion blushed.

  She considered having sex with him later that evening, going back to the task at hand.

  She looked up. Catching Lena watching her.

  She poked Reese. Spilling her drink a little.

  “Reese. You are not fucking my bartender.”

  She glared at Lena over her splattered drink. Continuing to smile at Dion.

  Dion’s eyes practically humped Lena’s chest. Pushing up and out of her barely there, tight as hell, white tank top.

  He gave her a deep, mournfully longing stare.

  Which she was totally oblivious too. Of course.

  “You dumped him. Didn’t you.”

  Reese said this as a statement, not a question.

  “Who, Dion? I did not dump him. We mutually decided to remain friends.”

  Reese stared at Dion. Who continued staring at Lena.

  Lena stared at her shiny new diamond bracelet.

  She held it up to the light to see it sparkle, then showed Reese. They both stared at Lena.

  It was so not mutual.

  Reese scowled.

  She never much liked it when someone got to the buffet table first.

  And ate all the good shit.

  Lena was such a greedy cow. Reese told her so.

  Lena grabbed her hand, kissing it. Reese snatched it away.

  She gave Lena’s arm a good pinch.

  “Ow! What is the matter with you?”

  “I’m referring to your boyfriend. Now then. As I stated. You dumped him, didn’t you?”

  “So what if I did? He was terrible in bed. And…he had a crooked penis.”

  “Which would explain the numerous orgasms you reported back to me on a regular basis.”

  Reese arched her eyebrow.

  “Yes…well. He had not one iota of talent in his whole body. How am I supposed to get down with that?”

  “I suppose that’s why his art sells so much, and he’s worth millions?”

  “Well, there’s no accounting for taste.”

  Lena sulked. Tracing her glass with her fingertip.

  “And I guess that’s why you purchased three of his pieces for our office, one for your house and one for your parents?”

  “I was just being polite. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. And…just shut up Reese. This is all your fault anyway.”

  Of course it was Reese’s fault.

  It was always her fault.

  Even shit that wasn’t her fault...was still her fault.

  “My fault? Do tell, my dear. This ought to be good.”

  “You and this whole honesty thing. Tell the truth, blah, blah, blah. Be upfront, yada, yada, yada. Suggest one time he give head to Henry the vibrator. See where that gets you.”

  She looked at Dion, who nodded understandingly.

  “Say someone else’s name in bed one time and he’s all, what the fuck, Lena? And I’m all, dude…it was just one time take it down a thousand, ok? And then he’s all, we need to talk. Jeez. I swear. The sensitivity of this guy, am I right?”

  Reese’s mind abruptly stopped wandering.


  Someone else?


  “Um. What?”

  Lena pretended not to hear her. Biting her nail.

  “What you said.” She wasn’t letting her off the hook.

  “What did I say?” Lena caught Reese’s eyes for a minute, before uneasily glancing away.

  “Uh huh. Who were you fucking in your head, Lena?”

  Lena signaled for Dion to refill her glass.

  “Why must you torment me so? Can’t you see I am clearly in pain, needing love and support? You can be so self-centered sometimes, Reese. Honestly.”

  Lena was on one of her rants.

  The ones where Reese knew she was never going to get a straight answer from her.

  The ones where it was wise never to become involved.

  Reese exhaled impatiently. She took one last mouthful of her drink. Setting her glass down at the bar.

  She could cause no more mayhem here.

  Time to flee.

  “I’m sorry. That was all horribly rude and insensitive of me. I wouldn’t want to cause you any further distress.”

  She reached into her bag for a tip, waving goodbye to Dion.

  “I certainly don’t want to hurt you any further. I’ll be leaving now.”

  She smiled brightly, heading in the direction of the gorgeously sculpted bouncer.

  Currently deep in conversation with one of the club dancers.

  Important talk, she was sure.

  “Reese.” Lena whined, sounding muffled.

  Her head lying face down in her hands on the bar.

  “Yes, poppet?” Reese turned, coming back.

  Looking positively gleeful at the thought of being on the other side of the room.

  Far away from Lena.

  Well…as far as she could be in a club belonging to the aforementioned offender.

  A girl could dream.

  “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I stay in a committed relationship?”

  “Oh honey…but you are in a committed relationship.”

  Reese eyed her compact mirror. Giving her hair a pat.

  “Really?” Lena glanced up.

  Confused, but a tad bit hopeful.

  Reese bent down, kissing Lena’s forehead.

  Grinning at her.

  “Sure. You’ve been in love with and committed to one Lena Roman for years.”

  Chapter 2

  Lena silently watched Reese walk away.

  Stupid Reese.

  She thought she was so smart.

  What did she know, anyway?

  Nothing. No. Thing. Did she know.

  Plus, she had toilet paper stuck to her shoe.

  She thought about calling her back to tell her.

  Then figured Reese deserved it for the horrible, insensitive way she treated her.

  Some friend.

  Convincing herself her mood was the machinations of Reese’s evil, manipulative ways, she felt immensely better.

  Of course it wasn’t her fault. How could it be?

  She wondered why more people didn’t blame others for all their fuck ups.

  It was certainly liberating.

  Not to mention a great fucking morale booster.

  She smiled. Downing the rest of her drink in one gulp.

  Precisely the time she felt strong, muscular hands wrap around her waist from behind and squeeze.

  She sputtered.

  Immediately choking on her drink.

  As it burned its way down the path of absolutely the wrong pipe, she started coughing.

  In the midst of trying to breathe, she prayed for the huge metal kind of pipe to appear out of thin air.

  Along with a large, meaty hand to beat him soundly with.

  If she were very lucky, maybe it would crush his skull.

  She gasped for air. Dion rushed to get some water.

  She tried to stop coughing and slowly drank. Resisting the urge to grind her pointy stiletto on the foot of the one person who managed to amuse, antagonize and annoy her. Often at the same time.

  She didn’t turn around.

  What was the point?

  He wasn’t going anywhere.

  Her voice returned to a semblance of normal.

  She finally spoke, sounding raspy.

  “You have five seconds to appeal to my sense of kindness and decency. Convince me not to carve out your genitals and feed them to cannibals. Go.”

  Tyler grinned down at her.

  “Well for starters…. you hate the sight of blood.”

  “No, I said I hate the sight of my blood. Because then I would be bleeding. And that would make me sad. Seeing you bleed…that would make me happy. And glad. Not so sad.”


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