As Gods Above

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As Gods Above Page 14

by Andre Labuschagne

  Dianna is teaching us how to shield, against eavesdropping and various forms of attack. She says that once we have grasped the principle we will be able to shield automatically.

  Usually this is taught as part of advanced training, but in our case it is critical that we be able to protect ourselves.

  Apparently the enforcers allocated to protect us have been experiencing problems in containing our output, especially when we are in union.

  Dianna tries to hide it, but she is very worried about David. Unfortunately there is no way of hurrying the process.

  I wonder if I should mention to her or Tina that I have noticed some minor variations in his basic mental patterns, which have been occurring since last night?


  I must admit, I am still in a state of shock when I consider Michael and Marianne. The power and control they have exhibited, and the speed with which they have assimilated what has happened and the speed at which they are adapting to events is amazing.

  In the past we have had just about every reaction you could think about, from flat despair to hysterics, even from people who were aware of what could happen ahead of time, but these two seem to be taking everything in their stride.

  I find it especially interesting how fast they are adapting to working together. It seems as if they are reacting at an almost instinctive level, and they learn with incredible speed.

  Poor Dianna has been sitting in on our two remaining patients, while I have been conferring with our top experts about our newest recruits.

  The consensus so far has been that the only tenable theory is a new mutation in the human genome, possibly a fixing of recessives due to multiple inbreeding in their several lines by immortals. This implies that a genetic adaptation to the symbiont is developing in mainline humanity.

  If this is true, it implies that we can expect more of this type of reaction in the future.

  As soon as our other two patients graduate from the coma, we will be moving them to Antarctica. We need to investigate their genome in order to trace their ancestry. Perhaps we could use that to enable us to identify other possible recruits of the same quality.

  We also urgently need to investigate the linkage existing between Michael and Marianne. If we can duplicate the effect in some of our own pairings it could have a major impact on our capability to protect humanity, both from itself and from the adversary.

  We also need a full assay of their actual capabilities, especially what the enforcers are calling the catalyst factor.

  Hephaestus has been pestering me day and night for more information; it seems he actually detected the event when Marianne awoke down in Antarctica.

  I can only hope that our ‘friends’, especially Ares and Hades were not yet on the alert when that happened.

  I am glad I brought in that extra contingent of enforcers. The enemy would have no compunction about grabbing Michael and Marianne, either to try to convert them to their viewpoint, or to use in some of their experiments.

  Actually it might be worthwhile letting them grab those two. Somehow I think they would find holding them to be more like holding a raging dragon by the tail, than a tiger.

  I shudder at what capabilities might be triggered in a situation like that.

  But I would rather make sure they have been properly trained before I allow them to experience our good friend Hades. Unlike the enemy, we do not indulge in experiments. I would rather nurture the talents we discover and grow them to their full potential.

  The rationalization behind their policy of survival of the fittest is invidious, but I believe it is essentially flawed: none of their talents are truly fully developed, since nobody truly tries to train and develop them.

  That same policy also atrophies their essential empathic talents, which limits the effectiveness of many of their members.

  I wish we knew where their new colony planet is.

  I believe they call it Hell.

  We know that they are preparing for another population snatch like they did with the Toltecs. The big question is when.

  And what other little surprises are they planning for us?

  I don’t even want to try to imagine the type of civilization they are likely to implement if they have full control.

  I suppose it will be much like the one they built with the Toltecs with them at the top as the pyramid as planetary gods, or more likely regional gods, always at war with each other. But I bet Hades keeps his spot as top dog.

  Whatever they implement, the worst is that it will include total control over the people, their movements and their fate.

  These totalitarian regimes invariably get more and more burocratic, I suppose it is because it slows everything down, and creates a feeling of power.

  The only thing they really progress in is science. They probably have the same reward and punishment system for scientists that the USSR used to have. Of course, when you control the whole planet, it’s a lot easier to implement.

  Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about that now, I think I’ll take another look at my patients.

  Greater Zimbabwe – Southern Africa, 19th August 2035

  David woke suddenly. He tried to sit up, but felt the deep weakness that told of a long illness.

  “Welcome back David!” Dianna was by his side. “Michael, you were spot on with your prediction. Won’t you please support him so that he can drink his energy drink?”

  As Michael lifted him, David felt reassured. He had liked Michael on sight, and had learned to respect his integrity and quiet competence. “Glad to see you made it Michael” he greeted.

  “Pleased to see you back in the land of the living too, David. Marianne and I have been up for a couple of days already, and Dianna’s been working with us.” He continued in Dianna’s private band:”Now at least our slave driver will have something else to keep her busy.”

  Dianna blushed. “A good thing too” she shot back at Michael. “You two were running me ragged.” “I need some help with this lot David” she continued aloud. “They are a proper handful.”

  David was looking at her with a strange expression: “Do you think this illness could have affected my mind, Dianna?

  When you were speaking just now, it was as if I heard you saying something else at the same time. Almost like an echo, only different words.”

  “Did you hear me the same way David?” Michael queried.

  “No, only Dianna. It was quite clear, but with a strange quality.”

  “What did you hear David?” Dianna interposed.

  “Well it sounded like ‘A good thing too, you two were running me ragged.’”

  Dianna blushed again: “and you heard nothing from Michael?”

  “Nothing unusual.”

  “What about this?” Michael interposed on the general band.

  “Of course, you’re standing right next to me.”

  “Tina, David is up, and I think we’ve got another live one!” Dianna sent on Tina’s private band.

  “Marianne and I are on our way over now.”

  “There it was again Dianna. I could have sworn I heard you calling Tina.” Then he did a double take; “but I must be going crazy – you never opened your mouth.”

  Dianna had finished stacking pillows behind David, so Michael moved around to where David could see him clearly. “You’re not going crazy David, although I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that you were. I thought exactly the same.” He sent on the public band.

  He continued on David’s private band: “this is one of the changes we were warned of when we were infected.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that I have become telepathic?”

  He looked from Michael to Dianna, seeking reassurance.

  “That’s quite correct, David.” Tina remarked as she walked in. “Welcome back.

  You are definitely at least a receiving telepath, and most likely a lot more. Once Joe joins us as well we will be going to Antarctica, where we have better resources to analyze you
r capabilities, and to train you in your new skills.

  It is quite likely however, that you will be showing a few more of those by the time we leave. This group has already given me more surprises than I have had in centuries.”

  “What do you mean surprises?”

  Marianne interrupted: “I think Dianna should bring you up to date on that, David.

  I’m glad you’re back with us

  . Michael and I will visit you again this evening. In the meantime I need him to give me and Tina a hand with something in the temple site.”

  “Very subtly done my love” Michael sent her privately as they walked out.

  “I think so too. You have done just enough, and Dianna will know the best way to break it to him.”

  Tina joined them outside.

  “Great idea, Marianne. I think Dianna will be able to soothe him and explain what’s going on much better without us there. In the meantime I have more conferring to do.”

  “You mentioned surprises in there?” Michael queried.

  “Well, you and Marianne were a surprise both because of the power both of you displayed, and because of the natural link you share. David has not been so quick in manifesting an armorium, but he has already given us a surprise as well.”

  “You mean ‘hearing’ Dianna, don’t you?” Michael interjected.

  “Quite correct Michael. It is remarkable enough to recruit a couple like you who are sensitized to each other, but to discover the same sensitivity between David and Dianna as is most unusual.”

  “You must remember that there was already a strong attraction between them – I think you can safely assume that the potential for the bond already existed, the godstone only empowered it.”

  “You are probably right Michael, I think Di has been waiting for Mister Right for a long time, and David was him, in more than one way.”

  “Maybe we should try joining with the two of them, to see what else they have?” Marianne suggested.

  “That’s a very good idea, Marianne, but I seriously suggest that we wait until we are at headquarters, and we have the best available shielding.

  I know that you don’t understand why yet, but once you have learnt our history, it will become clear to you why we need to protect you on every side, until you have had enough training to do it yourself.”


  “David is awake!”

  I could shout it out till it rings from the highest heaven.

  Michael warned me that he had noticed some differences I David’s mental cycles over the past couple of days.

  This morning he detected a major change in his life signs.

  I am so glad I could be here when his eyes opened. I could have burst into tears.

  I appreciated the wave of support I received from Michael, immediately reinforced by Marianne and Tina, helping me to stay calm while I held the glass of energy drink to his lips and greeted him.

  Michael carried on talking, reassuring David and giving me time to recover my equilibrium. Then David totally destroyed it in an instant.

  I was talking to Michael in private mode, and David picked it up!

  I knew that Michael could do that, but for a moment I was too stunned to think. Fortunately Michael managed to distract him and at the same time prove that he could ‘hear’ the general band.

  He couldn’t hear any of the others on private band although he seemed able to detect that something was being said. The only explanation I could think of was too wonderful to be true. We were a tuned couple.

  Greater Zimbabwe – Southern Africa, 19th August 2035

  David stared at Dianna, as she sat down in the chair Michael set for her before they left. He reached out and took her hand in his.

  For a few minutes they sat quietly, simply enjoying each other’s company. David broke the silence.

  “I know something happened here just now. Do you think you could put me in the picture too?”

  “That is actually more difficult than you think, love”

  “It must be very strange if it has rattled you to the extent it seems to have. Just take it step by step, and I will do my best to follow.”

  “You know how upset I was when I discovered the godstone in the podium in the temple?

  I have very good reason for that. The godstone contains a living entity, or rather a large number of them. In structure they rather resemble our normal earthly viruses, some of which may actually be descended from them.

  The big difference is that they form a biologic partner to the human body and mind. After being infected with the symbiote, your body is mutated in situ, repairing and improving it in many ways.

  A big part of the changes in some of us is in the mind. A number of areas which are still dormant in mainstream humanity are unlocked and channels may be opened to allow your mind to control its function. This allows us to use various functions like telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and so forth.

  Some of us are changed at cellular level so that we stop ageing, and heal extremely fast. Barring accident, we could live practically forever. This may or may not be associated with the mental changes.

  Some receive neither of these changes although they are still mentally superior to what they were before.

  Many of those infected die within the first two days. A second group survive the disease but lose their minds. We believe that this syndrome is mostly caused by shock, especially when they are alone when they wake with powerful telepathic gift.”

  Quickly she gave him the gist of the history of the immortals. As she explained David could see in his minds eye how the ancients met up with the godstone, and the chaos that followed as they started getting sick one by one, while Anzashi kept watch, and held herself up until Awaki could wake up and take over from her.

  He heard of the struggles in their original homeland, more than twenty thousand years before, and how they learned to move about and change their names to protect themselves and their neighbours.

  “In many times and places people saw the differences in us, and we became known as gods or sometimes demons.

  For just becoming immortal or gaining great power doesn’t change human nature.

  There are those of us who are envious, power hungry malicious or just plain evil. Over the centuries we have polarised into two major groups, with a couple of smaller groups consisting of very powerful entities that have remained outside the battle.

  For only the most powerful can remain unaffiliated.

  We would never force anybody to join us, but the enemy have no such scruples – as far as they are concerned, if you are not for them, you are against them.

  This in practice means that you either align with one of the major factions, or you die.

  But that’s enough history for now. You have enough background to work with, and the rest is not so important to you at the moment.

  You will be told everything at the proper time.

  The important thing is that you have survived the infection, and we have definite proof that you have at least some powers.”

  “What I want to know about is the surprise that Tina spoke about.”

  “Actually it is quite difficult to explain, but I’ll try to make it as simple as I can.

  When you are telepathic, you have a couple of modes in which you can communicate. When Michael ‘spoke’ to you, he was using the general band, which anybody within range can hear. There is another mode, which we call declamatory, which is like a shout, and can be heard a long way off.

  When he spoke to me, he was using my private or personal band. The easiest way to explain it is to compare it to a radio.


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