As Gods Above

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As Gods Above Page 21

by Andre Labuschagne

  Are there any opinions or suggestions?”

  Various suggestions were forthcoming, all of which were listed. Once the brainstorming was completed, analysis commenced.

  The viable options were identified, and were put to the vote.

  It was decided that a full confrontation at this time would not be favorable. All available alternatives would be explored, and low level probing at Matshushita would continue.

  An attempt should be made to infiltrate a spy into the company to identify the Power behind the security.

  Peter then introduced Dmitri.

  He reported a large number of problems and rising resistance in a number of provinces in the Northern Cooperative.

  Specifically Georgia and Chechnya were a major problem, but a number of the Ural provinces were as bad.

  The final resolution was to move out of these provinces, and let them leave the cooperative.

  There was a strong minority who wanted to start using these areas as a testing ground for some of the new vectors which were being evaluated for the symbiote.

  With all business completed, the meeting was adjourned.

  The tour of the ship was a great success. They explored the mighty structure, wondered at the extent of the cryogenic facilities, and stood in awe of the towering drive motors.

  Those who were to be part of the ‘live’ crew were shown their quarters. Everybody agreed that these were indeed sumptuous - hopefully extensive enough to enable this micro society to survive the long dark night on their way to a new world

  There were all types of facilities for the crew. There were gymnasiums and recreation halls for sports and even swimming, libraries for recreation and research, and workshops for every form of human endeavor, from heavy engineering to handicrafts. In addition there were advanced laboratories for research in all the sciences.

  There was also a great deal of computer equipment with facilities for the development of artificial intelligence and research on robotics.

  At the end of the tour those who could teleported themselves back to either their offices, or their homes. The rest were assisted by the team of teleports who were already stationed on the ship on a full time basis.

  Chapter 10


  At last all the testing and prodding was over. Our inherent and potential powers were classified and we could finally start training.

  The schedule called for us to train individually in the morning, while in the afternoon we practiced working together in various combinations.

  Each of us received individual training in specific skills, which was specifically designed to enhance his or her capabilities. In addition to the standard psi training, there was a theoretical element, which gave us a basic insight in the way the various faculties worked.

  We were also trained in a number of life skills.

  Memory management was a major subject amongst the immortals. Just because you were immortal, didn’t mean that your recall got more efficient.

  As a matter of fact, one of the greatest challenges the immortals had faced was to develop a way to improve memory storage and access. Otherwise memory either became such a morass that you became insane, or – more commonly, you tended to be able to remember only the last ten to thirty years of your life. This was accompanied by flashbacks to the lost memories which could be quite disconcerting.

  Developing our eidetic talents helped us to learn fast and organize our knowledge and memories.

  Special techniques had been developed by the immortals, to enable then to retain manageable total recall.

  They had to have their ancient memories available, but ensure that they didn’t swamp out their recent experiences.

  We were all required to study comparative technology, which included courses on how to handle emergency situations, without betraying inappropriate technology or powers.

  In the afternoon we drilled in group work. It was soon clear that Marianne and I worked best together, while David and Dianna supplemented each other perfectly.

  We had already discovered that the four of us could form a two ply meld, which far surpassed anything that had been done before.

  Each of these melds had the capability of coordinating a group of lesser powers, directing them to a common use.

  The resultant was always far in excess of the sum of the powers outside the meld.

  Then they started testing whether we were capable of other combinations.

  Two new combinations resulted from this. David and I could work together at any time, and the girls could do the same.

  Initially these melds were weak and difficult to sustain, but with practice they became strong enough to be viable, although they were never as comfortable as our natural couples.

  Once we were comfortable with our talents and with linking in various melds, we started experimenting with scope and power.

  Whereas in the beginning we had to be in close proximity in order to initiate a group effort, we eventually developed to the stage where we could form a meld at any time, irrespective of how far apart we might be, although still in the constraints of the base.

  We were also intensively drilled in shielding techniques. Firstly they taught us how to construct a mental shield and maintain it automatically.

  Once we had perfected this skill, they started extending our capabilities. They showed us how to control what was visible through the shield, how to camouflage the fact that we were shielding, and how to extend our shields to protect others.

  On the telekinetic front we were taught how to manipulate objects in any kind of circumstances. Our training covered working with very small as well as very large objects.

  Uncle Fox was responsible for our martial arts training.

  All of us were by this time firm friends with him, so no one was surprised to learn that he was past grand master of a number of martial arts styles, some of which were no longer in existence in the mortal world, and others which were not only not suitable to non-powered persons, but impossible.

  He started out with basic martial arts, then he taught us how to extend our skills to include our new capabilities.

  He explained how to hide our true capabilities by disguising them behind normal martial arts skills. The most difficult part of this was synchronizing the instantaneous mental reactions with the infinitely slower physical ones.

  My favorite part of the training program was the basketball.

  Initially we practiced one on one with our trainers, learning to handle the ball, sensing its position, direction and speed, catching it, supporting it against the strain of being handled at telekinetic speed, sensing your partner and opponents, and flicking it on.

  As we got better, we played amongst ourselves, teaming up in various combinations. Eventually they started teaming us up with several of the top echelon players, again trying out various groupings to discover compatibilities and antipathies.

  As our talents and skills matured it quite often became the four of us teamed up against all comers for telekinetic, and eventually teleportation games.

  This sort of rough and tumble playing did a lot to train our reflexes as well as our accuracy. It also refined our control and sensitivity very quickly. An unexpected side effect was a technique whereby we used the meld in short bursts, both to improve our efficiency and to synchronize our actions.

  This technique that we originally developed for the game later became one of our major advantages. We learned to maintain a tentative, almost potential meld amongst the four of us, then flashing into deep meld almost instantaneously.

  We could maintain it at such a low level that none of the sensitives could detect it, but still achieve full synchronization in nanoseconds.

  We also learned something we called micro meld. The essence of this was to achieve full concert and release it so fast as to be virtually undetectable.

  It is a shame nobody bets on para-basketball – we could have made a killing during the league games.

* *** ***

  Ironically a large part of our training in the initial phases was at a level we were quite unaware of.

  The AIs had perfected subliminal techniques which allowed them to continue our training on a twenty four hour basis without any harmful side effects.

  This was made possible by the organic circuits which allowed these machines to be built in the first place, by enabling circuit densities never before possible.

  One of the side effects of the technology was the psi circuitry, which allows the machines to interact with humans telepathically.

  Although this organic technology was known to and used by the immortals for several centuries, it had at the time of our accident just recently been released onto the mortal market.

  Ever since our acceptance as immortals, this training had been going on, teaching us the basic knowledge we needed to survive as immortals, including much of the theory behind how our talents work.

  When we started doing extended shield training and detection techniques we caught on to this steady telepathic droning.

  At this stage we had to learn how to open a selective channel for the AIs to continue their training.

  One of my optional courses was the technical implementation of psi in relation to Artificial Intelligence. I also edited an advanced course on AI design and implementation.

  It was interesting to learn that most AI’s were designed and implemented by AIs in a process closely resembling procreation in biological creatures.

  A long chat with Uncle Fox on AI Hacking convinced me that they had by this time become more organic than mechanical. It also convinced me that although in theory it was possible to hack an AI, in practice it was almost impossible.

  What it also taught me, was that there were channels of communication between the AIs which no one knew about.

  Slowly I learned a technique, a reversal of the teaching process, of communicating directly with the AI’s.

  Eventually I was able to achieve a full merge with any of the great machines. In principle it was much the same as when I merged with Marianne, or even with David. It just required much more in terms of control and finesse.

  I was not so much surprised at the fact that I could do it, as at the fact that no one else had managed it. Then I met the Alpha 234, the chief AI, and I understood.

  *** *** ***

  Joseph proved the rule that slow starters often developed strong powers. He proved to have warrior level telekinesis and telepathy. He also displayed a very strong precognitive and a reasonable farseeing talent.

  As far as Sprout was concerned, it was well known that he possessed very strong telekinetic and telepathic talents even before he joined us.

  The great surprise in his case was a deeply suppressed empathic ability. He also manifested a strong latent xenotelepathic talent.

  There were great hopes that he would develop into a top echelon warrior, and if his latencies could be developed sufficiently, maybe even a full mago.

  Being in the same training group, and perhaps the oddity of sharing a name – which seemed to fascinate both of them - created a bond between these two men, which was as powerful as it was unlikely.

  In addition to working well together, both of them worked well with either of the couples as well as what was fast becoming known as the Quad.

  It was probably the busiest six months in my life.

  Slowly we were molded into useful and productive members of this society.

  As the training progressed, we not only learned how to use our talents, but we gained a deep basic knowledge about how they worked.

  We also gained a solid grounding in both the privileges and the pitfalls of our new life as immortals.

  Little did we realize how little we really knew.

  Then came graduation day…

  Bernardo O’Higgins Station – Chilean Zone - Antarctica – 13th December 2035

  At the morning progress meeting the new recruits were notified that there would be a reception that evening for them to meet some executives from the base in Europe.

  Because a couple of important neutrals would be visiting at the same time, the event would be formal.

  *** *** ***

  They arrived at the function room in good time for supper. Although they knew that it would be a formal affair, they found it rather strange that almost all the members of the council, and most of the extended council was present.

  They had at various times trained with most of, but had not since that first day seen all of them together.

  Bernardo opened the proceedings: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

  Most of you have worked with our newest members over the past couple of months, so you will be glad to know that the AIs have decided that they have learned as much as they can under training conditions.

  Today they graduate from trainee status, and officially join our ranks.

  The central council has had extensive deliberations about each of them, and although over time we will find the specific positions where their talents will be of the most use there are a couple of announcements that can be made at this time..

  Michael, David and Marianne, please join me.”

  Slowly, almost in a daze they walked up and joined Bernardo and the high council seated on the small dais.

  Now Bernardo became serious:

  “By the unanimous decision of the high council the following Magos have been nominated to become full members of this body.

  In the presence of a full quorum of both councils, and witnessed by our honored observers from our neighbors and allies, we will now present them.

  Since membership due to its high responsibility is strictly by consent of the nominee only, each of the nominees will be asked to respond formally to the invitation.

  David Johnstone, Mago, you have been called to serve on the high council. Are you willing to serve?”

  “I am.”

  “Who will vouch for David?”

  Dianna rose and came forward. “I vouch for David.”

  “Is there anyone present who objects to David serving on the high council? Let it be recorded that there were no objections.

  Welcome to the High Council Mago David.”

  Next he turned to Marianne. When he asked for a sponsor, Tina rose to the occasion. And she was duly welcomed to the council.

  “Michael de Haan, are you willing to serve?”

  “I am.”

  “Who will vouch for Michael?”

  L’ki rose and came forward. “I do!”

  There were no objections and Michael was seated next to Marianne between Tina and Harold.

  “The next order of business is to welcome two new Warriors to the Outer council: We ask the two Josephs to join us now.”

  Shortly the Joe and Sprout were inducted into the extended council.

  Bernardo allowed a couple of minutes for congratulations, then he called the meeting to order.

  “It is not often that we have the opportunity to induct this many new members in the council.


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