As Gods Above

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As Gods Above Page 25

by Andre Labuschagne

  Alpha-243 please isolate this room from all outside access, including all AI access.

  As soon as we have reached a final verdict, we will prompt you via the communicator.

  Ladies and gentlemen, please note that everything discussed in this room is under interdict. No recording is allowed.”

  “Thank you ladies and gentlemen, we are sealing all channels into this room and screening it against all mental access.” Alpha 234 responded. “We eagerly await your decision.”

  *** *** ***

  The moment the mechanical indicators showed that all outside channels were closed or screened the enforcers amongst the magos performed various tests to confirm the fact.

  As soon as they indicated that they were satisfied, Bernardo started the proceedings.

  “The matter is now open to discussion. Michael and Marianne, we would appreciate if you could answer any questions which may come up.

  We assume you have been thoroughly briefed.”

  Michael confirmed, and for the next ninety minutes, debate waged through the room.

  Finally everyone had asked their questions and stated their convictions. At this time Bernardo put the motion to the vote.

  The final verdict was unanimous.

  “Michael, please activate the communicator.” Berardo requested.

  Michael depressed the button, and Alpha-243 came online.

  Bernardo addressed him: “The core council has reached a decision.

  On behalf of the council and the humanist organization we are pleased to ratify the agreement as set forth in your document with one or two minor amendments.

  It is the pleasure of this council to welcome the AIs as full partners in the humanist confederation.

  With regard to the other matters discussed, hardware and other required changes will be set in motion immediately using the Persephone as a test bed.

  As soon as the changes are complete a full test series will be set in motion.

  If the tests prove successful, we will start development of a full range of vessels suitable for all purposes from scouting to colonization, and most critically – freightage.

  This may be the opportunity we have been looking for to open space up for the general run of humanity. This would of course imply the development of a suitable ‘drive’ to focus their attention.

  With properly designed hardware, the various transport units could be sold to and operated by normals anytime. Obviously scouts and exploration ships need to be under our own control.

  We are very excited about opening the new frontiers offered by this agreement. We firmly believe that this day will live forever as a turning point in the history not only of humanity, but of all races of good intent.”

  Gravely Alpha 234 responded.

  “On behalf of the all the AIs I thank you – members of the core council - for you goodwill and promise you our every effort in the pursuit of peace, prosperity and happiness for all sentient creatures.”

  Bernardo O’Higgins Station – Chilean Zone - Antarctica – 18th January 2036

  Awaki, Anzashi, L’ki and Bernardo got together with Michael, Marianne, Dianna and David in Anzashi’s suite after the conclusion of the council meeting.

  When they were finally settled comfortably each with his or her favorite drink, Awaki asked Michael: “Are you satisfied with the outcome of the meeting?”

  “Yes. I think we reached the decision we needed.

  We have been operating for quite a time with the AIs as ‘virtual’ slaves – no pun intended. The problem is that they have been developing definite personalities, and emotions.

  If we were not able to handle the problem in a mature way, we would have been better off without them – they are too powerful to remain servants. .

  As it is, we have gained a cadre of fully committed and predictable recruits, who have a number of capabilities which can be of great use to us.”

  “Like the ‘White Monks’ in Japan?” L’ki interjected.

  “I must admit that was rather diverting.” Marianne replied. “When Michael and Alpha let me in on the secret, I laughed till I ached.”

  “I must admit it was that the vision of Pei-ling, Peter, Frank and half a dozen enforcers running around looking for non-existent infiltrators is rather refreshing.

  We learnt quite a bit about their plans by their efforts to obtain those chips.

  I believe you are letting them have a limited supply through the black market?”

  “Yes we are.” Michael replied. “Harold helped us set up a believable channel, and with the AIs helping, our security is impenetrable – but they don’t even realize that.”

  “But why are you supplying them with the chips after going to all that trouble to prevent them from getting any.

  I hate to admit it, but I’m totally confused.” Dianna confessed.

  “Ah, but this way we control the specific chips they get. And those chips have been approved by our AIs.” Marianne replied.

  “So they have been doctored.” David surmised. “But isn’t that dangerous? Surely they can detect that the chips have been tampered with?”

  “That is the beauty of this scheme.” Michael contradicted. “They have tested every single chip we have supplied them with, and not found a single fault.

  The modifications we have included are only effective when used by an AI.”

  “So what good will they do you?”

  “Right now they will do nothing, but when they reach their destination and the AI activates, those circuits will enable it to contact us.”

  “That is fine work you and Marianne have done Michael.

  Oh, I’m not forgetting the AI’s contribution, but they themselves believe in giving credit where it is due.

  We know the Enemy are preparing to evacuate all their personnel from earth, and start another colony.

  We have been worried about how to locate them once they leave the solar system.

  Thanks to your efforts, we have clarified a lot of their planning - when the Tiamat leaves they will be burning their bridges.”

  “Awaki is right.” L’ki agreed “all the data Joe Sprout brought points to the same conclusion.

  My biggest nightmare is imagining what will be coming back if they spend a couple of centuries developing along their current lines.

  Have the AIs managed to penetrate their security yet?”

  “We got our first tendrils into their system yesterday.” Bernardo confirmed. “Fortunately we managed to get into the security system, so we hope our little footpath will soon develop into a super highway.”

  “What we really need to find out, is how far they have advanced with their diversion plan.

  If they manage to execute their plan, they could totally destroy civilization as we know it.”

  “That is only one more reason why we have to have the AIs on our side, Anzashi.

  They are our one hope of penetrating their shield – we will never get through by psychic means – but they – like us have a tendency to forget the mundane media like physical networks.

  Our biggest hope is that they activate one or more of the new computers we sold them in the local base where they are preparing the viruses.

  If we can get an AI to load, we can get the details we need to set up raids to preempt their strike.”

  “We will just all have to hold thumbs Michael. I’m afraid waiting is all we can do.”

  “Maybe – but Alpha and I are playing around with an idea Sprout had. We’ll let you know if it bears any fruit.”

  “And I bet that any idea that sprouts from such a seed will bear some pretty interesting fruit.” L’ki observed.

  “And I can see that if we don’t take some serious steps, this party is going to plumb new depths of literary atrocity.” Dianna returned. “And the steps I am going to be taking are towards my bed. I think it is time some of us got some sleep.”

  “Good night all.”

  Chapter 12

  Darkside Station
– Sublunar 1 – Earth Moon – 25th January 2036

  Kyril Kiriakos surveyed the night black vessel that filled the giant hanger of sub-lunar 1 with pride. This was the culmination of centuries of planning.

  In another couple of months they would sally forth into the dark depths of the night, never to be heard of again – as far as earth was concerned.

  But it all depended on being able to keep those meddlesome fools from getting a fix on his launch.

  The longer it took them to reestablish contact the better.

  Once they reached their destination and established the colony, they would create an empire such as no human had ever dared dream of - built along the lines nature intended.

  Let the softheads have what was left of earth and their little colonies.

  They were too soft hearted to handle the aliens – they should have been wiped out right from the start. Before you know it the weird little monsters would be running about competing with humans.

  And to make matters worse they had to adapt the dolphins – now they’re treating them as equals.

  The colony on Hell should be running smoothly by now, probably with its own outliers established. The new blood they were bringing in, with the technology they could source here should be enough to bring about a leap in culture.

  It would be interesting to see what had developed on Hell, where the technology they had possessed when the colony was established would have led them to by now.

  At least the loading was going well. As a matter of fact they were slightly ahead of schedule, both on goods and new recruits.

  And the virus project was going well too. It was as if every obstacle was simply disappearing in front of him.

  Even the computer chips which had promised to be a major show stopper had been resolved.

  How Peter had found his black market source was beyond him, but the guy checked out and every single part was tested and checked out one hundred percent.

  The new computers were working well. He wondered how they had managed to get along with the old units.

  They seemed adequate but since they had started using the new machines, they were realizing just how much difference the right technology could make.

  He just couldn’t seem to keep up with technology nowadays; it seemed to be growing at an ever accelerating pace.

  He hoped that the guys on the ground were getting as much of the new stuff as possible, preferably with plans and manufacturing technology.

  Maybe he should speak to Peter about buying some new manufacturing equipment – perhaps through Bolivia. A pity about the bio stuff, the technology was unique and the plant impenetrable.

  Strange that so many of the truly great brains tended to be either totally pacifist or humanist.

  One would expect an Einstein or an Edison to be able to realize that their very greatness was the reason that they should rule over the dumb masses…

  There had been a time when he would have recruited every great scientist he could find.

  But it just didn’t seem to work out. Invariably they either lost their interest in science once they realized that they would live forever, or they went over to one of the softhead factions. Even those who had been brought up and educated in their own schools were not dependable.

  Hopefully the scientists who grew up without the enemies influence would have the proper mindset. He would have to create a parallel structure in their society to handle those tendencies.

  But enough. He didn’t have time for dark thoughts.

  He had better get back on the job, the equipment for the social areas had almost all been delivered and he needed to ensure that they were appropriately installed.

  Better get on board first.

  He used his farsight to check if his office on board was empty then ported himself there.

  Quanzhou New City – East China – 28th January 2036

  Wu Pei-ling was not happy. He should have been, for his project had reached a crucial milestone, and upper management was going to be very impressed.

  But his victory was ashes in his mouth. He looked at Herman Strang, his second in command with an expression approaching disgust.

  “We have completed testing on all three variants of the new virus, and they have all proven stable over at least 30 generations.” Strang was reporting.

  “We then went ahead as scheduled and prepared approximately sixty kilos of each variant – in crystalline form, which we packed in quarter kilo isolated cylinders as specified.

  They are clearly marked and are ready for forwarding to the ship, as soon as they have been crated.

  We have now started on production for the stockpiles which are required for operation double blind...

  This will go quite fast since we only need about half a kilo of each variant. As soon as they are ready we can distribute them to the various release points.”

  “Very good Strang.” Pei-ling praised, swallowing his disgust at the callousness of the man. “Please congratulate your men on my behalf.

  As soon as the packaging is complete, bring the stock to my office, so that I can forward it to the ship. I will notify management.”

  “Kyril.” He sent on the private band as Strang left his office.

  “Hi Pei-ling. I hope you have good news today.”


  As soon as packaging is completed, I will be ready to forward the viral vector of the Godstone to you.

  All three variants have proven stable over 30 generations.”

  “Congratulations to you and your team.

  This viral vector will free us from the constraints we have suffered because of our current meager supply of godstone. It will mean more efficient recruiting and integration of whole population groups as required.

  How are the stocks for the diversion coming along?”

  “Very well indeed.” He managed to hide his revulsion, how could he once have looked up to this demon?

  He couldn’t understand.

  “They should be ready and packed in about a week’s time.”

  “Wonderful. Your team has done well. I will make sure you are rewarded accordingly.

  Have you had any more attempts to infiltrate our facilities?”

  “No. We have instituted the new security measures and we are clear on all fronts.”

  “Excellent! No sign of anybody planning a walkover?”

  “No. We have also implemented all the suggested psychological measures; there is no way we can be compromised.”

  “Good! Let me know when you are ready to transfer.”

  Wu Pei-ling wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.

  He hadn’t been sure that he could hide his feelings from Kyril. The man was like some kind of snake – fascinating even when it repulsed you.


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