Natalie's Choice (Chaos Bleeds Book 10)

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Natalie's Choice (Chaos Bleeds Book 10) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I’ve got to head into the shop today,” she said. “I’ve got to check over a couple of things.”

  She wanted to get away, and she wasn’t ashamed to admit that was exactly what she was doing.

  No one said anything as she left the house, which she was thankful for. Climbing behind the wheel, she released a breath and took off toward Piston County’s main town. The moment she entered the shop, she stopped as Sasha and Pussy were locked in an embrace. There weren’t any customers, and she found the couple sweet. She knew that quite a few of the brothers hadn’t wanted Sasha as part of the club.

  When Pussy first met Sasha she’d been blind, but it had been caused by a head injury from her stepfather pushing her down some stairs and banging her head. In some kind of reverse affect, she knocked her head again, and had been able to see. She’d already been married to Pussy and part of the club for several years.

  “Morning,” she said.

  Sasha’s cheeks were bright red. “Hey.”

  “How is everything?”

  “It’s slow at the home front, but I printed out all of our orders that we do directly from the shop.” Sasha held up a stack of papers. Their online business was fulfilled by two places—directly from the warehouse if it was more than one item, or, if the order contained one item, they took it from the shop.

  She took the papers and nodded. “I’ll go and sort these.”

  “I didn’t think you were coming in today.”

  “I have to check a few things out.” She smiled at Pussy. “Having a nice day?”

  “No offense, but it was a million times better before you arrived.”

  She laughed as Sasha hit his chest. “Ignore him.”

  “No worries.”

  Natalie left them alone, and rubbed at her chest. She didn’t know why it hurt her to see the couple so happy and so in love. She loved knowing that relationships could work like that. Even her parents had one of those bonded loves that seemed to take over their life.

  Entering the office, she took a seat at the desk, and caught sight of her reflection in the blank screen of the computer. Most of the bruising had faded, but there were still parts where it was a little darker. Under her chin, which from an odd angle just looked like she scraped it.

  Rubbing at her eyes, she hadn’t told Devil or anyone else that she struggled to sleep. She’d always wake up in a panic, and afterward sleeping was never an option, so she drew. Leaning back in the office chair, with Sasha and Pussy out front, she felt herself begin to relax, and then slowly fall into the land of bliss.


  Slash was going to take her out to dinner. He’d seen Natalie in the dress she’d designed for herself, and it had been such a beautiful piece. She’d told him there wouldn’t be an occasion or a time for her to wear it, but he intended to prove her fucking wrong. There was a time and he was about to provide the means.

  Sasha and Pussy were cleaning up the shop as he entered.

  “Where’s Natalie?” he asked.

  “She’s back in the office,” Pussy said. “Is she having trouble with anything?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s been asleep from the moment she went to that office. Not a peep, not even a movement,” Sasha said.

  “I’ll go and check.”

  Leaving the two in the shop, he made his way toward the office and found Natalie with her feet resting on a stool, completely passed out. Closing the office door, he took a seat on the sofa and watched her.

  He waited and decided if she didn’t wake up before Pussy and Sasha had to leave, he’d wake her up.

  Slash didn’t have to wait long as she began to stir.

  She opened her eyes and was instantly alert. “Slash,” she said, frowning. She glanced toward the clock. “Crap.”

  “Sleeping on the job, not a very good thing to do.”

  “I’m so sorry. It’s … I’m having trouble sleeping, and I guess I finally relaxed.”

  She pointed toward the door.

  “You were able to relax knowing they were out front.”

  Natalie bit her lip and nodded.

  “What about Devil? He’s always home.”

  “He’s always with Lexie. I guess I just … after the attack I’ve been feeling a little exposed.”

  “I’ll talk to Devil.”

  “No, no, you don’t need to do that.”

  “If he believed for a second that you didn’t feel safe, then he’d be pissed. Don’t worry. Nothing is going to happen.”

  She nodded, and he liked that she didn’t continue to argue with him. “Why are you here?”

  “Simple. I’m going to take you on a date.”

  She glanced down at her body then at his. “You’re in a tux.”

  “Yes, and this is not one I wear for funerals.” He made her laugh.

  “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Yes, you do.” He moved toward the private wardrobe and held up the dress he knew was hers. “I want you to wear this for me.”


  “Don’t ‘Slash’ me. You know you want to and I’m determined to get you in that thing. I happen to have booked us a table at a really nice Chinese restaurant. I saw your appreciation of the food, and I’m not taking no for an answer.” He still held the dress. “And you’re also going to wear heels, and for once feel like a lady.”

  She shook her head, but stood up. “This is crazy.”

  “Please, Nat. Do this for me.”

  “You’ve already booked the table. You don’t need to beg, even though you do it so prettily.” She took the dress from him and he captured her chin, careful not to touch her bruise too roughly.

  “You’re worth begging for.” With that, he dropped a kiss to her lips, and immediately pulled away. “You can get changed. I’ll be waiting.”

  He’d wait for eternity for Natalie.

  She wasn’t the kind of woman to take that long though, and within twenty minutes her multi-colored hair, which still looked vibrant, was pinned up, and the dress she’d been saving hugged every single one of her luscious curves.

  “You look stunning,” he said.

  Her hands ran down the sides of the dress. “You think so?”

  He pulled her into his arms and placed his hand at the small of her back. “There’s no woman more beautiful than you.”

  They left the shop together, Pussy giving him two thumbs up, and he gave him the finger. The other brother was known for saying inappropriate things at the wrong time.

  “You brought your car?”

  “I didn’t think you’d appreciate the bike. I remembered how tight the dress was.” And he’d imagined her in it a time or three.

  Opening the door for her, he played the role of perfect gentleman, helping her inside.

  He climbed behind the wheel and took them out of Piston County, into the city to enjoy some delicious Chinese food.

  The restaurant he picked had a romantic feel, but also a relaxing one, and he felt that Natalie needed it. She’d been working hard even before the attack, and now it seemed to have messed with her mojo and he hated that.

  The maître d’ showed them to their table, where Slash moved the man aside to hold out her chair. He was handed the wine menu and nodded at the maître d’ to leave.

  “This is really fancy,” she said, leaning over the table to whisper. “Do you think we’re underdressed?”

  “Nope. I think we both look stunning.”

  She giggled and took a sip of her water. He ordered her a glass of wine, and himself a soda.

  “Have you ever been taken out to dinner before?”

  “Nope, Slash. You’re my first one.” Her cheeks heated, and she sighed. “Wow, I’m suddenly feeling really nervous.”

  “And you’re talking more. I’m not going to complain.”

  “You like hearing me talk?”

  “Who wouldn’t?”

  “I thought it was supposed to be some kind of thing where men h
ate women constantly babbling on about anything.”

  “I could hear you talk all day long.”

  She gasped, and he watched as her teeth sank into her bottom lip. “You always say something that takes me by surprise.”

  “And that’s something I happen to enjoy doing. I don’t want to be the same old boring guy.”

  “I like boring.”

  “No, you don’t. If you liked boring, you would have stayed at the ranch. You may not like massive amounts of excitement, and by that I mean robbing a bank and car chases.” He got another chuckle. “But you don’t like boring.” He saw the flush in her cheeks, and the way her chest rose and fell. “Far from it in fact.”

  “You consider yourself an expert at reading me?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

  He wondered if she even realized how sensual she was being. The flirtation in her eyes, the promise of more. The dress she wore was so sheer that he saw the hardened buds of her nipples pressing against the front.

  Slash had seen her when he first worked on the ranch. Whenever he went near her, she’d always freeze up or make an excuse to be anywhere but near him. He didn’t take it personally, and figured she either had a crush on him, or she didn’t like talking to men.

  Seeing as she could talk to everyone else, he’d been instantly charmed by her crush. Of course, it hadn’t taken him long to develop his own. The death of her family had put an obstacle in their path, not to mention Butler’s interference, and that was all it was.

  Just got for it. Don’t hide.

  “I consider myself an expert, yes.” He leaned forward. He didn’t want to break that air of sensuality around them. “Your nipples are rock-hard, and I bet they’re begging to be sucked right now. Every now and again you stroke your neck over the pulse that I can see pounding against the side. You want my kiss, and then it makes me wonder if your pussy is as wet as I imagine.” Her cheeks were on fire now. “And even as I say these things, you don’t know whether to be outraged, turned on, or beg for me to keep going.”

  He pulled away as the waiter served them their drinks. Slash ordered their food, his gaze never once leaving Natalie.

  She licked her lips, and he watched her take a sip of her water, leaving her wine.

  “I’ve never done this before.”


  “Been with anyone. I don’t… I don’t know the rules or what is expected of me,” she said.

  “Natalie, there’s no rules. There never has been. All that there is, is you and me, and whatever we want to do.”

  She nodded.

  “Tell me what you want, Natalie. I will try and make every single one of your dreams come true.”

  “I want … wow, this is so hard.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “I noticed you.”

  Her gaze once again landed on him. “What?”

  “In the barn, where you’d try to hide from me. I noticed you. Whenever you walked around the ranch, I’d spot you from a mile away, and I’d have to stop just to watch you. You see, Natalie, when you noticed me, I already had noticed you, and nothing was ever going to come between us. Butler could try, but I wasn’t giving up. If it wasn’t for your father’s death, I wouldn’t have backed down.” He locked their fingers together. “And this time, I’m not going to pretend to not look. I’m going to look. I’m going to see you, and I’m going to win you.”


  Butler sat at the bar in the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse, and he wasn’t even pissed off about what happened with Slash and Natalie.

  He wasn’t mourning some great loss.

  He simply didn’t care.


  There was a moment when he thought his feelings for Natalie were the real deal. When he would have what other brothers had at the clubhouse.

  “You’re looking all down and fucking miserable,” Dick said. He drank an orange soda, and looked way too perky for himself. The bastard was happily married to Martha, and they had a son. There were times that Butler had to remind himself that he’d actually seen Dick happy, and he even made his woman happy.

  See, strange things did happen.

  While Dick was a total bastard, he’d still found love, so maybe there was a chance for him.

  Why was he so desperate to find someone to spend his life with? He didn’t need it. Far from it, and even thinking about it pissed him off.

  He didn’t need to settle down. There was more than enough pussy to go around and they were pretty desperate for his cock.

  But! He wasn’t desperate for them.

  The women he had fucked in the past few days hadn’t meant anything to him. He’d not gotten the usual excitement or enjoyment at being balls deep within a woman. Instead, he’d been … bored.

  He didn’t even think it was possible for a guy to get bored, and yet he was living proof that they could. He didn’t just want a woman that would spread her legs for anyone. The woman he was after was like the old ladies he’d come to respect and enjoy their company. The kind of women who you could leave in a room full of men and know they remained faithful.

  He snorted to himself. The way he was thinking, he was starting to sound like one of those damn romance books.

  “Now here comes trouble,” Dick said, looking toward the door.

  Butler turned his head, figuring he’d amuse his club brother, and paused. There stood Mandy. She had a bag on her shoulder, and even though she looked pale, she was still a beautiful woman.

  She came toward them, and he admired the sway of her hips. Watching her, Butler thought about those plus-size beauties he couldn’t help but admire. The women with the fuller bodies, ready to take on the world and looking ready for anything. That kind of woman always did it for him.

  Even though he fucked the skinny chicks, the fuller ones always got his dick hard and ready. There was something about Mandy though. From the first moment he saw her, he’d been drawn to her green eyes. Not long after she turned up, Devil gave him the warning to stay away. Then of course, he’d turned his attention to Natalie, which had been a dick move if ever he thought of one.

  “Do you know if Devil’s in his office? I know it’s a little late, but I need to talk to him,” she said.

  “You’re in luck, princess, he’s still there.”

  “Thank you.”

  Butler didn’t even pretend not to follow her.

  He stepped into Devil’s office and found his Prez at his desk, pen in hand and a calculator on the desk.

  “You don’t knock?” he asked.

  “Mandy’s here to see you.” Butler took a seat and watched as Mandy entered the room. She looked … vulnerable.

  “What’s up?”

  “I was … erm, I was hoping I could have my job back.”

  Devil put the pen on the desk and stared at her. “You left without providing us any way of getting in touch with you. Mia has been worried sick about you, and you want me to rehire you?”

  “My mother was just killed by my stepfather. I got the news … suddenly, and I didn’t think to stick around.”


  He saw Devil’s hard-ass exterior break.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  “I’d have been back sooner, but I had to be under police protection. They finally caught him, and I was able to lay my mother to rest. They have all the evidence to put him away. I promise I don’t normally just up and leave like that. I would really like this job.”

  “It’s yours,” Devil said.

  “Thank you.”

  “You start tomorrow, and I warn you, the guys will make sure the place is a mess.”

  She thanked Devil and left.

  Butler stayed in his seat, staring at Devil. “You’re a softie.”

  Devil got up from behind his desk, folded his arms, and glared at him. “You wanted me to tell her to fuck off?”

  “No, but you’re a man known for being an ass. For making the hard decisions, and you do. You punish the wicke
d and help the innocent.”

  “Fuck off, Butler.” Devil stopped. “You know, I was going to lift your ban on pursuing the cleaner but seeing as she’s all innocent, I may put Sexy and Guts on her.”

  Rage instantly consumed him. Sexy and Guts were known for screwing women together, not only that, they liked to do it on camera so they could watch.

  “Don’t forget who I am, Butler, or what I can do.”

  “You’re a good Prez,” Butler said. “I never disputed that.”

  “Then my advice, don’t mistake compassion for a weakness. It’s not.”

  Chapter Eight

  Natalie’s meal with Slash ended way too soon. She didn’t want to go home, nor did she want him to leave. They left the restaurant, and once seated in the car, she turned toward him. “Don’t take me home.”

  “Okay. Where would you like to go?” he asked.

  “Your place.”

  She didn’t have a clue what she was doing. All she knew was that she didn’t want to go home, not right now. He’d weaved a spell over her so she was able to forget everything else, and she liked that.

  He pulled away from the restaurant, and she held their leftovers in her lap. The scent of Chinese food filled the car.

  His words kept repeating over and over in her head. The magnetism of his voice, the heat, everything.

  She believed him when he said that he’d been watching her just as much as she did him.

  What did it all mean though?

  Neither of them spoke.

  It wasn’t an awkward silence.

  The tension mounted between them so that by the time he pulled up outside of his home, she climbed out without his help, kicking off her heels and picking them up.

  Slash rounded the car and pulled her into his arms, the glow of the moon shining down around them. His hands rested on the small of her back.

  “I don’t know what it is you want, Natalie,” he said.

  “I don’t … I’ve … I loved this evening, Slash. I don’t want it to end. I mean, I know it’s going to and then we’re going to have the usual after-date feel.”

  “Then how about I make a second date?” he asked.

  “I’m listening?”


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