Grease Monkey_A Bad Boy Romance

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Grease Monkey_A Bad Boy Romance Page 1

by Harley Wylde

  Grease Monkey -- A Bad Boy Romance

  Harley Wylde

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2016 Harley Wylde

  BIN: 07826-02525

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Crystal Esau

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

  Adult Sexual Content

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  Table of Contents

  Grease Monkey -- A Bad Boy Romance

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  Harley Wylde

  Grease Monkey -- A Bad Boy Romance

  Harley Wylde

  For all appearances, Gwen’s daddy’s little darling -- a socialite with more money than sense -- but what she really wants is to break free from her gilded cage.

  When her Mercedes breaks down, Gwen’s knight in shining tow trucks turns out to be more than she expected. Will the hot mechanic be the first guy to rock her world? She melts at his touch and knows that she’ll give him whatever he wants, as long as he keeps her screaming his name.

  Chapter One


  I could count on one hand the number of times I’d been told no and had someone actually mean it. I was spoiled, rotten to the core, and daddy’s little darling. Or at least, that’s what the world saw when they looked at me. A perfect little blonde China doll driving around town in the Mercedes Daddy gave her. They don’t see the ugliness of my life, the harsh reality of being a Montcliff. Appearance is everything after all. All the women wanted to be me and all the guys wanted to fuck me, and that was a card my daddy never hesitated to play.

  Any time he had a big client on the line, I was the one he sent to wine and dine them. I was waiting for the day he sold me to the highest bidder. I knew it was coming, now that I’ve refused to finish college. I don’t have a problem expanding my education, but the last thing I wanted to study was business, and Daddy was cramming it down my throat, wanting to groom me to be the perfect wife for one of his associates, and I was sure I knew which one. Lecherous old man.

  I’d been driving aimlessly for over an hour, my mind in a whirl over my latest fight with Daddy dearest, and it didn’t take a genius to realize I was lost. I hadn’t been home in years and had never driven in Winston Falls before. My New England town was beautiful, though, and I’d wanted to go exploring before anyone could fasten a leash to my collar this morning. The fall leaves had been gorgeous, but at some point, I’d left behind the mansions of Piper Hill and, well… the houses and businesses around me weren’t falling apart, but they definitely belonged to the lower class.

  I snorted. Lower class. Now I sounded like my snobby as hell mother, if you could call her that. My real mother had died giving birth to me, and my father hadn’t wasted time remarrying. He’d been through four wives since then, and his latest was only a few years older than me. It seemed every time he got married, the woman got a little younger. Pretty soon, he’d be bride shopping at the boarding school where I spent most of my life. The thought sickened me, but I knew he wasn’t above it. Knowing the sick bastard, he’d probably get off on having a child bride. Someone he could groom to his liking.

  My car gave a clunk and rattle before the entire thing shimmied. “No. No, no, no. You aren’t doing this to me now!”

  I stared at the gauge and wondered how the hell I’d managed to run out of gas. I was always careful about making sure I had a full tank, but apparently, I’d fucked up this time. I didn’t even remember the last gas station I’d seen, not that I had a gas can stored in my trunk. The only thing back there was my latest shopping haul. As far as I knew, I didn’t even have a car jack back there, but then I’d always called roadside service if I had a flat.

  The car sputtered to a stop in the middle of the road, and I banged my head on the steering wheel. What the hell had I ever done wrong for the universe to hate me so much? I picked up my cell phone and stared at the black screen. I tried to power it on and realized my battery had died. Searching through the console and glove compartment, I couldn’t find the charger. I must have taken it out of the car at some point. Great. Stranded. It was a long-ass walk back home, especially in heels. With my luck, someone would think I was a high priced call girl and try to pick me up along the way.

  A loud roar reached my ears and I glanced in the rearview mirror. About six motorcycles were barreling my way. I hoped like hell they didn’t stop to check on me. It wasn’t that I had anything against guys who rode motorcycles, but six rowdy men and just one of me? The odds weren’t in my favor. They whizzed past and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Minutes ticked by as I tried to assess my situation and figure out what the hell I was going to do. I could have walked, but to where? I wasn’t familiar with this part of town and would be just as lost on foot.

  I heard the rumble of a big engine behind me and looked in my rearview mirror again. Was that a tow truck? Maybe my day wasn’t complete crap after all. It seemed miracles did still happen, even if they seldom ever happened to me. Whoever he was, surely he would be able to take me to the nearest gas station, and I could just fill up my car and be on my way. I had a little cash on me, but with some luck, they wouldn’t take checks or plastic.

  I opened my door and swung my legs out before rising to meet my savior. Probably a good thing I was holding onto the doorframe when the driver stepped out. Holy mother of God! My knees went a little weak as a giant of a man moved toward me, his muscles bunching and flexing with every step. Mirrored sunglasses hid his eyes, but I got the feeling he was assessing me. Jeans were molded to his thick thighs, and a grease-stained white tee stretched tight over his massive chest and shoulders. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth as he stopped in front of me.

  “You look like you could use some help.”

  His deep voice sent shivers down my spine, and my cheeks burned as my panties grew damp. Holy fuck! I’d be willing to bet he could get a woman off just using his voice. And for the first time in my life, I was ready to volunteer to be that woman. No man had ever turned me on before. At school, the boys at the school across town had referred to me as the ice princess. I hadn’t even been able to get myself off, so I’d thought maybe they were right. Until now.

  His eyebrows rose, and I realized I hadn’t said anything.
/>   “It died in the middle of the road.” I licked my lips. “I ran out of gas.”

  “I can take it back to my garage and take a look. It’s just a few blocks away.” He held out his hand. “Name’s Lance.”

  I couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up.

  “Something wrong with my name?”

  “Sorry, it’s just… with you swooping in to rescue me and your name… it made me think of Lancelot.”

  He smiled a little, the corner of his lips ticking upward. My legs squeezed together as more moisture gathered between my thighs. I’d never felt so needy before, so out of control. If he kept talking, I was going to hump his leg in the middle of the street, maybe beg him to fuck me over the hood of my car. I was practically salivating as I moved a little closer.

  “So if I’m Lancelot, does that make you Guinevere?”

  He pulled his glasses down his nose, and there was humor shining in his gray eyes. Gorgeous eyes. A sigh escaped me, and I had to stop myself from rubbing against him like a cat in heat. He seemed to realize the effect he had on me and smirked as he slid his glasses back into place.

  “All right, Gwennie. Let’s get your car, and you, back to my shop.”

  Hearing the nickname on his lips ratcheted my need up another notch. Little did he know he wasn’t far off from my real name.

  “I actually just need gas, if you could get me to a service station?”

  If anything, he looked even more amused. “Do you not know that running out of gas can do all sorts of damage to your car? It’s better to haul it back to my place and take a look. No guarantee putting gas in it will work.”

  Who was I to argue with an expert on the subject? I handed him my keys, and he walked me around to the passenger side of his truck. My knight opened the door for me, and I stared up at the truck and then down at my dress. I gathered the skirt in my hands and hiked it up before stepping up into the monster vehicle. When I looked back at Lance, his eyes were glued to my ass. Maybe the attraction wasn’t one-way then. He gave me a sexy little smirk before closing the door.

  By the time he slipped behind the wheel to pull in front of my car, I had thought I had my raging hormones under control. The tattoos snaking down his arms made me shiver in the best of ways. The only guys I’d been around were clean cut in polos and khakis. This guy with his ink, abs of steel, and that sexy as fuck beard were the exact opposite of every guy who’d ever tried to get in my pants. Maybe it wasn’t so much that I’d been an ice princess all my life. Maybe I’d just needed someone a little bad, a little dirty, and all kinds of sexy to rev my engine.

  He got out and started the process of getting my car loaded onto his truck bed.

  I let out a little moan as I pictured the two of us together, our chemistry off the charts as he drove us back to his shop. Maybe he’d get me off and then I’d unzip his pants and return the favor. I’d always wondered what it felt like to suck a cock. I’d read a few romance novels in my day, and the heroines always seemed to enjoy it. I bit my lip, suddenly wanting to taste Lance more than I’d ever wanted anything. A more confident woman, a more worldly woman, would know how to seduce him.

  After he had my car on the back of his truck and he slid back behind the wheel, I hugged the door, afraid I’d maul him if given the opportunity. The last thing he probably needed was some virgin socialite attacking him while he was driving. The man could probably have any woman he wanted, so why the hell he would want me?

  “I don’t bite,” he said, eyeing me across the cab of the truck.

  “I know.”

  He looked amused, his lips tipping up. “So you’re hugging the door because…”

  I looked down at my white-knuckled grip on the handle and let go. I tried to relax back into the seat, but the uncomfortable ache between my legs continued to grow. My panties were soaked, and I wondered if my dress was getting wet too. Was I going to leave a wet spot on the seat of his truck? My cheeks flamed as my nipples hardened at the thought, poking through the top of my dress.

  I couldn’t see his eyes behind the mirrored glasses, but something told me he’d noticed my body’s reaction. I couldn’t help but drop my gaze to his crotch, and a gasp slipped past my lips at the rather large bulge behind his zipper. My heart raced, and I quivered, wanting him more than I’d ever wanted anything.

  “You keep looking at me like that, princess, and we’re going to be delayed getting to the shop.”

  “Like what?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Like you want to eat me up. Or maybe you want me to eat you?” He smirked a little. “Is that it, princess? You picturing my mouth between those creamy thighs of yours?”

  “Oh, God.” I moaned and squeezed my legs tighter together.

  “I run a full service station, sweetheart. I’d be happy to take the edge off.”

  He couldn’t mean…”What?”

  “Why don’t you slide that pretty little ass over here?”

  My heart thumped wildly as I scooted to the middle of the bench seat until my thigh was pressed against his. What I was doing was completely insane, and yet felt completely right. I didn’t let strange men touch me. Hell, I’d never even had a boyfriend before, and here I was, ready to strip naked and let this guy ride me hard. He pulled off his glasses and gave me a heated look so full of promises that I nearly climbed him like a tree. Humping him while he drove probably wasn’t the best of ideas, though, even if my body was all for it.

  “Lift up your dress, princess.”

  The words were playful, but the tone brooked no argument. The thought of Mr. Sexy telling me what to do warmed me even more. I wiggled my ass and pulled at the skirt until my panties were exposed. The white satin was dripping wet, and I wasn’t sure if he’d like it or be horrified. My experience with men was… well; I didn’t have it. I’d never even been kissed before, and here I was exposing myself to some stranger. I felt completely wild and out of control. I’d never felt better, more real. This was who I was, a wild woman about to have an orgasm in the front seat of a truck in the middle of the day. The thought of anyone watching just turned me on even more.

  His fingers skimmed the inside of my thigh as he nudged my legs apart. As they traced over my panties, he groaned, the sound primitive and hungry.

  “Fuck, princess. Is all that for me?”

  I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded.

  “Take the panties off. I want to see what I’m playing with. You want that, don’t you, princess? My fingers in your pussy? You want me to make you come?”

  “Yes.” Oh, God yes!

  My cheeks burned as I shimmied out of the panties. I didn’t know what to do with them, and Lance took them from me, holding them up to his nose before shoving them in his pocket. I was soaking the seat of his truck, but he didn’t seem to care, and I had to wonder just how many times he’d done this. Jealousy spiked inside of me as I thought of him fucking a woman in this truck, making her climax on his fingers. I wanted to be special, but I was too hungry to be picky right now.

  His fingers traced my waxed lips, and he shifted in his seat. The bulge in his jeans seemed to have grown even more. He spread my pussy open and licked his lips as he looked at me.

  “So pretty and pink. You ever done something like this before, princess? Does it get you off to play around with dirty guys like me?”

  “I’ve never…” My face burned. “I’ve never done anything before.”

  The intensity of his gaze burned me. “This is a virgin pussy?”

  I nodded.

  His finger stroked my clit, and I gave a little cry as my hips bucked toward his hand.

  “This is mine, princess. You understand? I’m going to take care of you, take the edge off, but the first cock that’s going in this tight little pussy is going to be mine.”

  I didn’t understand the possessive tone of his voice, but I liked it. No, I fucking loved it. My nipples hardened even more, and I pressed myself closer to his hand, wanting more. I needed a release, and I knew
only he could give it to me.

  “Say it,” he demanded. “Tell me this pussy belongs to me.”

  “My pussy belongs to you.”

  He stroked my clit, slow swipes that drove me crazy. I dug my nails into his thigh and bit my lip. I felt the tip of his finger press against my entrance and slowly sink inside of me. His thumb teased my clit as his finger stroked in and out of me. I was mindless with need and tried to ride his hand. My dress felt too tight, and I wanted to take it off. A few more strokes and I was coming all over his hand. It was embarrassing how quickly I’d gotten off. He licked my cream from his fingers and shifted in his seat again.

  “I could… I could please you now.”

  Fire burned in his gaze, and I knew he wanted me.

  “When we get to my shop, I’m handing your keys to one of the mechanics and then we’re going to my office. You’re going to strip out of that dress, and you’re going to do everything I say. Understand?”

  I shivered and nodded. How could I still be so turned on when I’d just had my first orgasm? My thighs were still trembling from the force of my release. It scared me, these crazy things I was feeling for this man, and nothing ever felt more perfect than having his hands on me. If my father knew, he’d blow up and probably lock me away forever. I was a pawn to him, and if I lost my virginity my value would depreciate. I didn’t know what it would take to be free of him forever, but for now, I was going to enjoy this moment with Lance. I would take all the pleasure he wanted to give me, and I’d give him just as much back. It was a memory that would have to last a lifetime.

  We pulled into the parking lot of a garage and I pulled my dress down. Lance helped me out of the truck, tossed my keys to someone, and dragged me through the shop, down a dark hall, and into a small office. The door slammed shut with such force it rattled on the hinges, and I heard the lock click into place. This was really happening. This insanely gorgeous man was about to make me his. My pussy clenched in anticipation, and I waited to see what he would do.


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