Ice Commander

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Ice Commander Page 5

by Roger Frank Selby

  Her open, kissing mouth moved from my lips and down my chest. I sighed when I felt her lips kissing the straining cockhead, then gasped as she took him deep.

  What a woman! I felt that I’d unleashed a tiger – a wild female who would devour me in her quest for satisfaction. I had to control the surging in my loins as she sucked.

  I reached and slapped her buttocks hard several times until she turned her backside to me for service. On the platform of my firm bed I had her down on all fours, head down, her thighs well apart. My hand on her bottom, I thumbed her labia open and brushed my cock against her openings.

  ‘Don’t fool around, Frank, fuck me.’

  I obeyed my captain, feeling the wet, inner warmth of her body gripping tightly around my cock as I slid deep into her.

  ‘Ahhhh, Frank...’

  I fucked the captain from behind and she fucked me right back, very hard for a while – almost like another spanking as my hilt impacted her bottom and jolted the quivering flesh. Then, when things got critical, I eased the pace somewhat, caressing her back, waist and bottom, reaching under to briefly catch a swinging tit and feel its fullness – but not its full weight in this low gravity.

  Then, as I’d done with Lemanski, we basked among the surrounding stars while she sat astride me, reaching down and kissing my mouth and around my eyes, dipping her breasts to my searching lips while I pressed her bottom cheeks together – until I could feel them squeeze the sides of my cock, way up inside her. That really set her off again. From that moment, she rode me without mercy, on and on, deliberately forcing me to come inside her. When I finally had to let go, I started hammering into the woman, holding onto her jumping buttocks, she howling away too. I kept shooting up into her body, filling her, filling her...

  Our breathing eventually slowed.

  She rested on my chest, a featherweight in the low grav. She kissed my cheek, then I felt her warm breath by my ear. ‘My God, Frank, that was so lovely...’she whispered. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have done it, though...I didn’t give you much choice, did I?’

  ‘You were wonderful,’ I said, really meaning it, but not wishing to use her first name. It would have been presumptuous, even more presumptuous than the act of fucking this woman. Ma’am, captain or skipper seemed equally inappropriate, though.

  Then her com-link went off.

  I was still way up inside her but not for long.

  Dripping my own enthusiasm all over me, she dismounted, recovered her discarded flexi-top and rummaged in a pocket, her breasts floating and bouncing in the low-grav.

  ‘What is it, Meredith?’

  She listened for a while, absently wiping her inner thighs with my T-shirt.

  This must be important. Greg is officer of the watch tonight.

  ‘You’re sure about that? Right! On my way.’

  She spoke in fragments as she hurriedly dressed: ‘Need to return to Oort 926 650, Frank. Her new orbit since that explosion – he’s just nailed it. She’s heading for the inner solar system.’

  That was the eight kilometre wide ice mountain we’d seen the alien device on, the device that had exploded and destroyed the shuttle when Lemanski approached it. The navigator had survived in her escape pod to be rescued – along with Laura, apparently. This was how Laura had come aboard.

  ‘Shall I come up too, skipper?’

  ‘Not right away, Frank. I’ll call you if needed.’

  She gave me a brief kiss and left.

  I felt stunned.

  What would happen now between us? It could really only go one way – downhill. A woman in her position of power and authority simply could not consort with a junior officer and maintain discipline – even a clandestine affair was out of the question in the small world of a deep-space vessel.

  And what about Laura?

  I showered and dressed into uniform, waiting to be called out on duty for the inevitable course change, half expecting Laura to make an appearance, now that the skipper had gone.

  Nothing happened.

  I called the flight-deck.

  ‘Officer of the watch.’

  ‘Hey, Greg. Frank Carter here. What’s the latest on 926 650? Has the skipper decided not to turn back?’

  Silence. ‘Sorry, Frank, I’m not with you. What’s this about 926 650? Have I missed something?’

  ‘Is the skipper with you?’

  ‘No. Not expecting her ’til I go off watch at 0600.’

  ‘And it’s been a quiet night so far?’

  He laughed. ‘Quiet as the bloody grave! So what about 926 650?’

  Hell! That was Laura just now, damn her...

  I felt a wave of disappointment that it had not been my captain. And, with that, I realised that a real live, human woman – one who didn’t jump from body to body and wasn’t 30,000 years old was what I needed – especially one with the feral, sexy side to her personality that Laura had shown residing in my captain.

  ‘It won’t be quiet much longer, Greg. I’ll be with you in a few minutes. I’m going to run an update of 926 650’s orbit.’

  Ten minutes later, at my Science Officer’s workstation on the flightdeck, I had the preliminary results. 926 650 was heading into the inner solar system all right. It was far too early to say exactly where but I could not rule out our blue planet.

  ‘Captain, Science Officer on the flight deck.’

  A distinct yawn. ‘What is it, Lieutenant?’

  ‘I’ve just computed the latest update for 926 650’s orbit, ma’am. She’s inbound. Possible “Earthgraze”. Recommend immediate turn back to intercept.’

  She was decisive, all tiredness gone from her voice. ‘You have the con, Frank. Do that immediately. I’ll be up there with you in a few minutes. Captain out.’

  Changing the ship’s course was a big deal. I felt proud that she trusted both my analysis and my ability to change course correctly – which is not as simple as it sounds, when everything in real space is in motion and spaceships do not go where they are pointed, especially once a lot of speed has built up in the wrong direction.

  The skipper appeared in a silver flexisuit. Her body looked amazing.

  I just made love to her twin.

  ‘So what alerted you to this situation, Frank?’ she asked, after checking that my new course would intersect 926 650’s new orbit. ‘You weren’t on shift, were you?’

  I glanced across at Greg, looking out at the stars from the command chair he’d resumed after my course change manoeuvre. The captain saw my look, cottoned on straight away.

  ‘Oh...OK, Greg, I’ll relieve you now I’m wide awake. You can turn in, I’ll finish your watch.’

  Greg beamed, stretching his arms above his head. ‘Hey, thanks, skipper. See you in the morning.’

  The Officer of the Watch left the flightdeck.

  ‘A tip from our guest?’

  ‘Exactly, ma’am.’

  ‘And in what guise is she now?’

  I was getting a distinct feeling of déjà vu. ‘You’re not going to like this, ma’am...’

  ‘She impersonated me?’

  I must have looked surprised. ‘Why yes, skipper, how did...’

  ‘I was half-expecting it – if your story was to be believed, and now this just about confirms it.’

  ‘Thanks, ma’am. I needn’t tell you what happened, then.’

  She grinned at my sheepishness. What a woman! ‘No, Frank, knowing you and what went before, with Commander Hamilton and Lemanski, I can well imagine!’

  Unlike Laura, the Captain let me off the hook lightly. I was glad to shift focus. ‘But she told me something pretty fantastic about her origins.’ I told the captain about that ancient war, in a system we called Procyon, that Laura survived in her long hibernation.

ting! And plausible, too. But with no hard evidence, who would believe us?’

  I saw her point. There was no longer a shred of physical evidence.

  ‘So what are her plans now, do you think, Frank?’

  Good question.

  ‘I have absolutely no idea, skipper. She’s just helped us but she seems a free spirit. Quite puckish. She had a lot of fun at my expense – pretending to be you.’

  She laughed. ‘I can imagine that too!’

  Hell, this is not Laura again, is it?

  ‘It’s got so bad that I’m not even sure I’m talking to my captain right now.’

  She laughed again, perhaps a little nervously this time. ‘Relax, Frank. I have an ace in the hole. You will always be able to tell me apart from Laura – if your theory about her taking a copy from one’s original genome is true.’

  She hesitated, glancing at the flightdeck door, then touched the switch that locked it.

  What the hell is she going to do?

  Locking her eyes on mine, she rolled up her flexi-top from the waist until she came to the creamy undersides of her breasts. Then, looking down, she very carefully rolled up the material on the left side until a mark came into view.

  My mouth dropped open.

  That proud nipple was still half-concealed but the lower semi circle of its familiar areola could be seen. This was the captain’s body, the lower fullness of her breast bulging out, the genuine article inviting my lips and fingertips out to play.

  But there, just under that nipple, was a small tattoo of the ringed planet Saturn – the symbol of the OSF.

  ‘A night out with the girls in Titan City when I was younger. One lives to regret these things.’

  I didn’t regret she’d done it. I thanked my lucky stars. ‘Thanks for showing me, ma’am. Beautiful! A real privilege.’

  She lowered her suit. ‘I suppose I’d better tell you,’ she smiled mysteriously, ‘there is another, more intimate tattoo I might show you sometime.’

  When we are lovers at last?

  I think I’d just had a green light from my boss. I felt as if I could stride among the stars.

  Rigel’s reversed course at max continuous pseudo-power would bungee us back to that ice mountain, a typical dormant comet, in a few days’ time. The Captain informed an excited crew – buzzing with the chance to save the world.

  The risk of the comet actually hitting the Earth was remote but 926 650 was far too big to trifle with – a potential extinction event in the making.

  The earlier she was tamed, the better.

  The Captain made me promise to inform her of any further encounters with Laura but I had none.

  Watching Lemanski exercising nude in the gym, as she was prone to do with First Office Steiner, I was pleased that her tits in motion no longer tortured me. I had another woman on my mind, a real one, one with charms just as beautiful – but with interesting identifying marks to show me that she was the genuine item and not an alien toying with me, as Lemanski’s body had been.

  That glimpse of the captain as a sensuous woman had stirred my feelings deeply enough to challenge my passion for Laura.

  A day before rendezvous, I had a scheduled, private meeting with the captain in her quarters. She looked really great in her casual clothes. She always looked great to me these days.

  ‘First things first, Frank.’ She lifted her white top slantwise just enough to expose that wonderful left breast. I approached to look more closely at the nipple with its underslung planet. It wobbled a little as she moved.

  Then she exposed the right nipple too. She was in a mischievous mood. ‘Other one is clear,’ she said with a smirk.

  Suddenly I wanted her nipple between my lips, my hand around the breast, cupping her cool flesh, squeezing it hard.

  I wanted to suck and tease that nipple between my teeth, then move across to the other side and fill my hands with her breast flesh.

  She saw the look in my face. I noticed her parted lips, the dilated pupils...

  She wants the same.

  ‘Oh, Frank...’

  I wanted her so much – and right now, despite it being impossible for her, in her position. I dared to use her name. ‘Eve...’

  ‘No, Frank, not on the vessel I command, not now. We’ll both be back on Titan a week after we’ve finished here...Off the ship. Wait ’til Titan, Frank.’

  She gently pulled her top down, over her jutting bosom, down to her waist.

  It took a while for us both to calm down. I tried not to watch her body as she poured light drinks and handed me one.

  ‘I called you here to discuss letting the First Officer know about Laura.’

  Pete Steiner, or “Sneerer” as the crew called him, was second in command. He should have been the Captain’s natural confidant, not me – especially when there were secrets that could concern the mission.

  But that was not the way things had unfolded. I’d thought the captain wanted to keep it this way – up to now. I wondered why she thought a change was required.

  ‘Installing a Grand Slam is a very risky business, Frank. I have to supervise personally. You too, as a Thruster rooky must come along. This is an invaluable opportunity for you and great experience towards your eventual command of a deep space vessel. You have an excellent EVA rating from your Saturn V time with Commander Hamilton, so I’ll need you by my side.

  ‘Steiner will command while I’m off ship, and take over completely, of course, if anything should happen to me.’

  No problem if anything happens to me, then...

  But tell Steiner about Laura?

  ‘Ma’am, I doubt if Steiner will believe it – especially as Laura’s first manifestation aboard this ship was in the shape of his girlfriend having sex with me. He will think it’s a fantasy I’ve dreamed up. I don’t know if you are aware of it, ma’am, but the pair of them are pretty offhand and unpopular with the rest of the crew.’

  ‘Oh, I’m aware of that, Frank!’

  Of course she would be, being the excellent commander she was.

  ‘I recommend he’s not told, ma’am.’

  She sighed. ‘I was thinking much the same. Well, my private log now contains a complete record of the circumstances as you have described them, backed up by the record showing the alien artefact and subsequent events, I think the admiralty will have a complete enough record if anything happens.’

  ‘You’ll just have to be damned careful out there, ma’am.’

  I awoke calmly in the middle of the night to find a naked woman standing over me in the cold starlight that I let bathe my cabin during the hours of sleep. The pale breasts jutting over me had no tattoo but filled me with a physical desire that immediately stirred my loins.

  I sighed. ‘I’m very attracted to the captain, Laura.’

  ‘I know. I will be your captain tonight, Frank, as I was last time.’

  She looked at the rising sheet, then slipped her hand under it, holding me.

  ‘It doesn’t feel right, Laura.’

  She pulled off the sheet and held me with both hands, massaging the length of my erection. ‘Does this feel right, Frank?’

  It was the captain’s voice, the captain’s hands, her tits swinging over me...those fingers teasing behind my balls...

  ‘God, yes!’

  She laughed the Captain’s laugh as I submitted to her attentions. ‘You never know when I’m going to come in handy, Frank.’

  Next day, we slowed to match orbital speed with the object. The idea was to land a Grand Slam on her surface, the biggest Thruster in our inventory of three. This clever device caused comet ice to start vaporising early, long before its deep plunge into the sun-blasted inner solar system made it grow a natural comet’s tail. The artificial tail would, over time, generate enough th
rust to deflect the orbit away from the inner planets, ideally to be captured by giant Jupiter, Earth’s cosmic goalkeeper.

  From long tradition, the comet to be deflected now took its name from the Captain, so 926 650 became Dawkins II, as this was her second intercept in command.

  The work was pretty dangerous – mainly due to the lack of any firm surface on Dawkins II. The whole body was an accumulation of ice boulders and rock, with a trace of gravity holding the thing together. The huge spidery arms of the Grand Slam stretching out over the surface would help distribute the load of its thrust over the amorphous mass.

  These were the first spacesuit EVA’s I’d done since my time on Saturn V with the Ice Commander. I became paranoid about Eve’s safety, having once seen how close the Ice Commander came to a swift death in the much more stable environment of Saturn V. I had the feeling that Steiner was almost hoping something would go wrong – a temporary “field” command to replace a dead captain was often made permanent, particularly if the mission was continued.

  Then, on the last day, the worst thing happened.

  The two of us were last to leave after the satisfactory Grand Slam thrust test. We were riding back to the Rigel’s hangar in the open frame runabout that initially came attached to the big Thruster itself.

  I grinned as she boarded the pillion behind me on this cosmic Harley. ‘Mission accomplished then, skipper. I...’

  ‘Frank – back as quick as you like, my pressure’s dropping...suit must be holed.’

  Shit! She sounds so calm.

  There was no point asking how fast her pressure was dropping. I just got the runabout swung out and heading towards the looming vessel at max acceleration. Then, just as vitally, I computed the reverse thrust timing that would stop us precisely in the hangar. There are no brakes on a cosmic motorcycle.

  My breathing and heartrate peaking with adrenaline, I concentrated on getting the trajectory right. I felt Eve’s arm spasm as it held on to my suit.


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