Highlander's Conquest, The McDougalls, Book 2: The McDougalls

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Highlander's Conquest, The McDougalls, Book 2: The McDougalls Page 2

by Hildie McQueen

  "This is quite impressive," Jamie told him also scanning the surroundings. "It seems everyone is of good cheer."

  "Aye. My clan and the northern McDougalls take turns hosting the games every other summer." Calum could not keep the pride from his voice. "I hear it said everyone prefers it when they are held here in my keep."

  A boar on a spit was spun over a fire. Jamie nodded and watched as several lads carried a large tray laden with bread and fruit. "I can understand why. I've just eaten and already my mouth waters."

  It was hard to believe that just months earlier his clan, along with most of Scotland, warred with England, and the Red Pirate rose to fame by supplying both sides with weapons and such. Now, Jamie Westcott was married to his sister and retired from life at sea. Instead content to life in the lowlands with Cailyn.

  Hours later drenched with sweat, Calum drank cold water and stood with several clansmen who watched the competition. He scanned the field where many of the women gathered but did not see his wife.

  Dugan turned to him. "Aye, Calum, we compete on the morrow. Perhaps you should practice more, your last toss was a wee bit short."

  The men guffawed at Dugan's ribbing, but he barely heard them at spotting Meagan walking with his sister. The women had their heads together, at the same time, both looked towards him. From their serious faces he wondered if something was amiss. Meagan's expression became tight before she looked away. Whatever happened, she was not happy.

  He started towards her when Ian appeared at her elbow. He spoke to both women and their disposition changed. Meagan's warm smile at his cousin made Calum's gut clench. When was the last time she'd looked at him so? Her hand reached for a lock of hair on her shoulder and she twirled it between her fingers, the entire time engrossed in whatever nonsense Ian spilled.

  He charged across the field no longer able to stand idly by while his cousin took all of his wife's attention.

  Cailyn materialized before him. So engrossed was he in what Meagan did that he stepped on his sister's foot. "Ouch," Cailyn pushed him back. "You hurt me, you big oaf." She hopped about dramatically.

  Sure her ever-doting husband would run to her rescue, Calum crossed his arms and waited.

  By some miracle Captain Jamie Westcott did not appear. Cailyn snapped her fingers in Calum's face. "Meagan is unhappy. You have to do something." She emulated his stance and crossed her arms looking at him as if he knew what she spoke of.

  Meagan seemed happy enough, was smiling and walked toward the clanswomen's tent, escorted by Ian. "She seems pleased enough right now." He snapped and watched as the two stood for a few moments speaking before she went under the shelter.

  "Well, she is not." Cailyn retorted and walked away. He caught up with her and took her elbow. "What in the devil are you talking about, sister?"

  "You know, Calum, I think I will let you figure it for yourself. Why don't you ask your wife?" With that she stomped off.

  That night the musicians played one lively tune after another. Calum watched his siblings and their spouses dance and considered asking Meagan to dance. She stood by his side speaking with a clanswoman and clapped or tapped her foot to the music. When her eyes met his, once again her lips curved and her gaze drifted from his eyes to linger on his lips before moving onto his chest. Just as he was about to ask her to dance, she looked away to speak to another woman who approached.

  Calum's heart skipped and he swallowed. He should have asked her to dance. Why did he feel like a schoolboy? God's foot, this was his wife not some stranger.

  The serving wench came to stand slightly behind him. Once again her bosom about to spill over. The woman had warmed his bed many a night prior to his marriage, but he'd refused her since. She touched his arm while continuing to look toward the dancers. "Does my laird not wish to dance tonight?"

  "I may dance later, Bertrice," he replied. "I've yet to drink enough ale to become adventurous enough."

  "The night grows to an end, my laird." The woman laughed before moving away.

  It was true, the musicians would play maybe a few more jigs. The clansmen were not as rowdy as usual, saving their strength for the next days' games. He turned to find Meagan gone. His eyes snapped back to the dance floor and found her.

  With Ian.

  If it wasn't for all the visiting clans people, he would plant his fist squarely into his cousin's face.

  She flushed enchantingly while dancing and laughed at whatever Cailyn whispered in her ear while passing by. Then she seemed to relay what was said to Ian who threw his head back and laughed as well.

  Calum clenched his jaw. Enough. The song ended, and they remained standing in wait of the next tune.

  Perfect timing.

  He walked up and placed his hand on Ian's shoulder squeezing it non-too-gently. "My turn."

  Ian bowed and mirth-filled eyes met his. "Of course, Laird."

  Chapter Three

  What did he plan? Anger emanated from her husband. Although he'd never raised a hand to her, terror seized her at the intensity in his regard. Meagan slid her gaze toward the stairway. Perhaps she should go and save herself the mortification of being left standing alone when the music began anew.

  Although she'd tried her hand at flirting with him, he seemed angrier than pleased each time, as if her being happy did not sit well. Did he prefer a sullen wife of whom no one took any notice?

  Her heart hammered against her breastbone. Not since their wedding had Calum danced with her, surely he'd not do it now. "I should go to bed. I'm tired."

  A new tune began and she froze not sure what to do. Calum pulled her into his arms and began to circle the room with amazing grace. She placed her hands on his shoulders and managed to keep up without looking down at her feet or up at his face, but instead directly into his expansive chest.

  "You've had an event filled day. You seemed to be enjoying yourself. Now suddenly you are tired," Calum spoke against her ear, his tone eerily low.

  "Yes, I have enjoyed the day," Meagan stammered. "It has been an enjoyable day," she repeated at a loss and peered up at him.

  "I'm glad." Calum’s deep blue eyes locked with hers. When his regard flitted onto her mouth and she caught the bottom lip in her teeth to keep from gaping at the attention.

  He leaned in and for a moment she wondered if he'd kiss her.

  "It's time for bed." Without another word he took her arm and guided her out of the great room.

  "But, Calum, will you not remain here with our guests?" Meagan stuttered suddenly fearful of what awaited her upstairs. Calum rarely retired when she did, to the point she'd become accustomed to going alone. This, whatever it was, frightened her.

  He pulled her up the stairs and into their bedroom and then closed the door firmly behind before dropping her hand. When he began to undress, she stood stock still not sure what to do.

  Calum removed his boots his hands at the clasp of his kilt, he raised his brows at her. "Why are you not undressing for bed?"

  "I cannot," Meagan told him and pointed to her back. "I cannot reach the laces to untie them."

  "I see," he replied and walked behind her. She felt the tugs as he untied the cumbersome lacings with ease. Meagan did not want to think how many times he'd done the same with other women, to be so adept at it.

  Once the dress fell from her shoulders, she held it in place covering her breasts and went to the wardrobe to remove it and hang it to be returned to Cailyn the next day. In her chemise, she went to the basin and splashed water on her face.

  Muscular arms came around her and she started.

  Calum swung her to face him and his mouth crushed her lips with a demanding kiss. She lifted her arms and placed them around his neck savoring the rare occurrence. When his hands cupped her bottom and pulled her against his hardness, she moaned.

  Tantalizing kisses across her lips then traveled down her throat and Meagan drew her fingers through his shoulder length hair urging him to continue. The path descended and his large hand co
vered her breast for a moment before he yanked down the chemise to expose it for his ravaging mouth. Calum took as much of it as he could and sucked hard.

  "Oh!" Meagan's legs wobbled. She lifted up to her toes to give him better access as his demanding mouth moved to the other breast while his hand descended to slip between her legs.

  Calum lifted his head and looked into her eyes. "I thought of doing this to you all day." Not moving his gaze away, he watched for her reaction as one of his fingers pushed between her folds and he slid up and down against her core.

  When he continued to caress her throbbing center, Meagan lost the ability to focus and instead pushed greedily into his hand needing to crest.

  Calum's mouth took hers again, his tongue delving past her lips in time with his finger that slid into her wetness. She bucked into his hand and began to float. His tongue and hand moving in and out of her with swift precision took her over the edge and she cried out lost in the abyss of pleasure while clutching his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin.

  She almost toppled, her legs unsteady when he bent to pick her up. With rapid movements, carried her to their bed.

  After placing her on the bed, he straightened and pulled the pin off his tartan allowing it to fall at his feet. Meagan's gaze locked on the proud display of arousal that jutted between his legs. She held her breath in anticipation as he neared. When he came over her, she held her arms up to him, inviting. She prayed he'd continue this uncharacteristic display of passion. When he finally fell over her, she sighed accepting his full weight.

  Calloused hands left a path of tingles as they swept over her heated skin. He slid them under her and lifted her hips to grind into her. The hardness of his cock pulsated between them. Meagan moaned when his mouth took her breast. She arched into him urging, wanting more and he responded by pushing his hips forward, his shaft sliding against her heated core bringing tears of relief.

  Calum's hand moved to delve between them moving toward her center. When his finger slipped inside her followed by a second, she mewled at the wonderful intrusion. He took her mouth once again while another finger joined the others to slide in and out of her, as he seemed to ensure she was fully prepared to take him.

  Finally not able to withstand it, she reached for him and wrapped her fingers around his engorged cock sliding her palm up and down his length several times encouraged by Calum's grunts of pleasure. The silky skin over his hard shaft felt good in her hand, she caressed it several more times before he removed her hand.

  "Stop, Meagan, I am about to come," he told her between kisses. He withdrew his fingers from her and took himself in hand.

  Guiding his hardness to her center, Calum drove in, filling her completely. Meagan's response was to wrap her legs around his waist, not wanting to chance that he'd pull away.

  Thrust after thrust, he pushed in and out of her, his powerful body joined with hers in strong yet graceful movements.

  His muscles bunched and strained as he continued moving and she began to lose herself in the world of sensations that assaulted.

  "From behind," Calum grunted and pulled out of her guiding her onto her stomach. He pulled her hips up and ran his fingers between her cheeks until finding her center.

  She pushed back into his hand, but he held her in place. The head of his cock slid over her outer folds between her legs and Meagan bit into the bedding.

  Finally he entered her, with measured movements this time, inch by inch slid in and Meagan cried out in response.

  The sounds of flesh against flesh resonated within the spiraling world in which she floated while fisting the bedding.

  Calum leaned over her, his hot breath on her neck. He nipped at the tender flesh and licked a path to her jawline. She turned to him and his mouth took hers with a hungry kiss that left her even more breathless.

  If only it could always be like this. Meagan screamed when his fingers moved to find her throbbing center, urging her to crest.

  When his movements became more frantic, she too lost her ability to focus on anything but the sensations that draped around them.

  With a loud growl, Calum slammed into her and she arched accepting him fully. At the last moment, he pulled out of her and spilled his seed across her back. She cried out his name and shuddered as she too came with such force, darkness threatened to claim her.

  They collapsed in a tangle of limbs onto the bed, both breathing heavily; she reached for her husband only to have him practically leap from the bed.

  Her body jerked in shock from the frigid air that blew over her when Calum pushed off of her and left. His movements so sudden that Meagan jolted to sit up. "What is wrong?" She scanned the room not finding anything amiss but his expression of consternation.

  Eyebrows drawn, darkened eyes locked on her, Calum went to his tartan and picked it up. "There is something I must do...I forgot to speak to my cousin Malcolm...regarding..." he rushed from the room, still wrapping the garment around himself.

  The truth shook her, he'd responded based on her dress and the attention she'd garnered from Ian, but once he'd claimed her, Calum no longer wished to be in the same room with her.

  Meagan pulled the bed linens over her and curled up into a ball in an attempt to warm. "I refuse to cry," she whispered, "I will not give up as yet. If after tomorrow my husband rejects me, then I will ask he release me from this farce of a marriage."

  She waited for slumber to claim her.

  Unfortunately, the certainty that her husband did not love her pierced her heart and she could not stop the tears.

  Chapter Four

  "Laird, are ye prepared to lose?" Dugan sauntered over to him, a smirk on his face, his eye twinkling with mirth. The giant loved a challenge and Calum would not give him the satisfaction of a retort.

  Instead he shrugged. "There is little wind to affect the results of the stone throw don't you think?" He watched a competitor from the northern McDougalls grunt as he twirled and shrugged a stone off his shoulder.

  A shout rose across the field, the stone landed just past his man's. Calum nodded and waved to his cousins in concede.

  "Let’s prepare, our event begins next," Dugan urged him with a frown. “They won't beat us at the saber toss. They've yet to, since you and I have been competing.”

  He'd not seen Meagan since the morning meal. It seemed his wife had remained inside all day. Was she avoiding him? Making love to her had been like nothing else. She was passionate and beautiful when in the throes of lovemaking.

  "I will return shortly," Calum made his way toward the keep.

  Just as he reached the outer court, the maid from the day before stepped from the side garden and blocked his path. "My laird." the attractive woman smiled at him. As usual, her bosoms threatened to spill when she leaned forward to greet him. "Is there anything you may need from me?" She licked her bottom lip to ensure he understood the nature of her offer.

  "I do not require anything, thank you," Calum started to pass, but her hand on his forearm stopped him.

  Pleading eyes met his. "I do so miss you in my bed, Laird." Her eyes slid away from his face to between his legs and she whispered, "It is apparent to everyone that your needs are not being seen to."

  Meagan appeared behind the woman. "Bertrice, would you please see about our guests in the great room." The wench straightened slowly, squared her shoulders and walked off without a reply.

  His wife's beautiful large eyes met his without reproach. "I was coming to watch you compete." She turned to look over her shoulder and watch the maid walk away. "Do you wish me present?"

  Her question caught him off guard. "Why would I not, Meagan?"

  Instead of a reply she leaned over and studied a flowering bush, she nipped a wilted flower and dropped it to the ground. Calum followed the flower’s descent, and wondered why his heart pounded so hard. What was Meagan thinking, asking if he wished her present?

  A soft smile curved her full lips and his breath caught. "Like Bertrice stated, we do
not have a happy marriage. You don't hide the fact, which I suppose I should be grateful for. I cannot accuse you of ever leading me to think otherwise."

  Why would she think that? Calum's mind whirled. If his wife planned to leave him, he would not allow it. When she began blinking he realized she fought not to cry and he held back the urge to reach for her. "That is not true, Meagan, I..."

  "Shhh," she held a finger over his lips. "Our marriage was arranged when we were young, I was a fool to think that because we kissed a few times you cared for me." Meagan pointed to a nearby bench. "It was there, remember? Our first kiss."

  Indeed he did, the day he thought himself the luckiest man to have garnered her attention. "Aye, I do."

  Once again she was stunning, dressed in a low-cut gown, this one a silky moss green that enhanced her porcelain skin and waist length burnished hair. She looked toward the field. "We should go."

  "Meagan," Calum took her hand. Fear clutched his heart and he locked down his emotions. In a tight tone, he managed, "I don't begrudge being married to you. You look beautiful today." He leaned to kiss her lips. At the last possible moment she turned her face and his lips pressed on her jaw.

  Calum tensed before straightening. "Shall we." He guided her to the field.

  Something was afoot, he'd not lose sight of her and if she and Ian left to be alone at any time, he'd ensure to follow.

  He won the competition, edging Dugan by mere inches. It was a surprise as he'd been distracted the entire time. He kept one eye on his wife as she, along with his sister, stood on the sidelines waiting for him to leave the field. Cailyn clapped and waved at him. His clansmen slapped both his and Dugan's backs while he marched toward Meagan.

  Ian came up alongside him. "I also gave it a good try, but it seems you always win the prize. Congratulations, cousin." Calum pondered the meaning behind his words.

  Meagan neared and kissed his cheek in congratulations rousing more chants from his clan.


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