Moon over the Bay (Moonlit Nights)

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Moon over the Bay (Moonlit Nights) Page 6

by Morgan Emerson

  “I did once when I was eight, but she told me it was my ‘duty,’” Jess said as she used air quotes, “to make friends and play nice. Just as it was her duty to be the perfect wife and be by my dad’s side no matter what.” Jess shook her head as she recalled that day. Her mom didn’t say perfect mother, just a wife. Other than making sure Jess fulfilled family obligations, her mother never paid her any attention.

  “You’re different than I expected,” Nathan said as he kissed her fingers, one at a time. Her nipples pebbled with excitement.

  “You’re different than I expected,” she murmured as she watched his tongue slide out to lick the space between her fingers. Jess felt it all the way to her core. The man was a devil. A naughty sex god of a devil, but a devil nonetheless.

  “For instance, I’d never thought I’d find you sitting here completely naked. Not that I am complaining of course,” Nathan said as he made his way to his knees in front of her.

  God, she could get lost in a man like Nathan. Not only was he gorgeous on the outside but he was on the inside too. He was a loyal friend and turned out to be a pretty decent person considering his childhood. What kind of character did it take to put yourself out there over and over again when looking for acting jobs, only to get rejected more often than not? Their chemistry was off the charts, and after their conversations last night, they shared a lot of the same interests. Nathan was actually someone she’d be interested in having a relationship with . . . if only things were different. Even if he wanted more, it wouldn’t work with her being a rich girl and him being a poor boy.

  The rest of her thoughts were lost as a warm, wet mouth latched onto her breast. Her phone made a loud clanking noise as it fell from her hand to the table. She used both hands to grip Nathan’s hair and hold him right where he was. The man had a magic mouth, hell, a magic everything. How would she ever go back to her battery-operated boyfriend again?


  The two days they were in Chicago flew by in a blur of excitement, accomplishment, and sex. Lots and lots of sex. Jess had had more sex in the last two days than she’d had her entire life. She was already sad it was over. She looked out the airplane window as they flew home, and she couldn’t remember ever feeling so free or happy.

  She’d found it so hard to keep her feelings to herself after that amazing night with Nathan, but she wanted to keep it secret. This thing with him wasn’t going anywhere—they were just scratching their respective itches—so why get Sadie excited for her when there was no future.

  When the group had met up the next afternoon, Jess had shared the exciting news about the outcome of the Chicago show and the four had gone out to celebrate. It was hard to keep her hands off Nathan, but it had been comforting to know he felt the same way. They’d barely made it back to her room later that night before tearing off each other’s clothes. The day after that, Sadie and Kyle had decided to take in the museums while Jess said she had work to do. Nathan had said he knew a casting director locally and was going to stay at the hotel. What they really ended up doing brought a blush to Jess’s face.

  Jess glanced at the seat next to her where Nathan was pretending to be asleep. If she didn’t know how his face really looked while sleeping, she’d never be able to tell the difference. But in real sleep, his face relaxed and had an innocent quality, while now he held his brows in a frown. She might have thought he was avoiding her, except that it was the same look she noticed whenever he had been trying to behave when the four of them were together, like that morning before heading to the airport. She smiled because it obviously took a lot of concentration to control himself.

  Watching Nathan now and remembering all the touches and kisses, made her realize she could miss out on something extraordinary if she let this man walk away from her. She’d spent many nights talking to Sadie about her relationship with Kyle. Sadie had spoken often of the longing and emptiness that had filled her and fueled her art for so long. Now that she had everything she ever wanted, her work was better than ever. So why couldn’t Jess have that?

  Nathan was everything Jess could want in a man. He was funny, sweet, thoughtful, and outrageously sexy. The only drawback was not having a career. Unless he landed a big role, acting was a not a means for paying the bills. Not that she personally had anything against it, but the thought of him using her as an ATM still lingered in the back of her mind. Between that and his constant calling her “princess,” she couldn’t forget they had different upbringings.

  She’d learned a hard lesson from her college boyfriend. He’d driven off with a new car and designer clothes, and she’d cried herself to sleep for months.

  The thought of only seeing Nathan casually from now on sent a wave of sadness through her. Kyle had offered him a place to live if he wanted to leave LA, but why would he if he were trying to pursue an acting career? And how would he support himself when Kyle left? What would he do if he stayed here? The idea of having Nathan in her city and so close made dirty images flash through her mind. Maybe she could convince him to stay in San Francisco and convince him that there was more to her than her money. Maybe he could just learn to like her for her.


  Nathan was sick of pretending he was asleep. But if he were “awake” he’d have to look at her. It was bad enough with his eyes closed; her scent seemed stronger and enveloped him like a warm blanket straight out of the dryer. Hell, he could practically taste her if he thought about it hard enough. Going there would make other things hard, and he was on a plane for god’s sake.

  Speaking of hard, Nathan had to use all his control to not reach over and touch Jess. After a whole weekend of being able to submerge himself in her, the fact he had to restrain himself now was almost too much to bear. He thought that a weekend with her would have satisfied his need, but it didn’t. Not even close. Jess was, in a word, amazing. She was smart, which he had already known, but the depth of her wit rivaled Kyle’s. She was sexy beyond words and had no idea she was, which added an innocence to her beauty. But it was her sense of humor that killed him. Jess could recite movie lines and make inappropriate comments out of the blue like any guy he knew from college.

  Even though they had agreed to a casual weekend fling, he wasn’t sure a weekend would be enough because the fiery little pixie was digging her way right into his heart. It wasn’t that he was against love, but he wasn’t sure what he wanted out of life, and he didn’t want to entangle himself with a woman and end up giving up his dream for someone else. If and when he gave up his dream of winning an Oscar it was going to be on his terms because he was ready to move on, not because he had to or someone else wanted him to. Jess had dropped enough comments to show that she wasn’t impressed by his career choice, so it wasn’t a stretch to imagine she would ask him to give it up if things progressed, like some of the previous women in his life had tried to do.

  Nathan realized he’d been about to make the decision himself before the trip to San Francisco the first time, but he hadn’t been able to take that step then. It seemed like an obvious choice, his acting career wasn’t so great, but he was excelling in his graphic design business. He just wasn’t one-hundred percent on board yet to give up something he’d wanted to do for the last ten years. Maybe a move to San Francisco and the change in scenery would help recharge his batteries. He could always fly down to Los Angeles for anything his agent thought would be worth it; it was less than an hour flight time.

  The flight attendant announced their final descent, and Nathan could no longer pretend to be asleep. It was time to face the woman who surprised him and brought out his need for more. When he opened his eyes, she was looking at him with those gray eyes that clouded his dreams when he was asleep. Jess gave him that shy smile and started playing with her phone again before shutting it off to land. As he gazed at Jess, Nathan thought maybe it was time to make a decision and find a new dream.

  The four headed to the baggage claim. The girls had their heads together as they walked in front of him a
nd Kyle, likely already talking about the wedding. Kyle and Nathan talked about sports and how many strippers were needed for the bachelor party. This of course earned them a stink eye from both girls.

  While he waited next to Kyle at the baggage carousel, Nathan saw Jess typing on her cell, which reminded him that his was still off from the flight. He turned on his cell and was immediately notified he had a text message from Jess.

  Come to my place for a bit, please?

  How could he say no? Besides, the thought of having her again was just too tempting for sanity.

  After all the suitcases were collected, Nathan turned to Kyle.

  “That was my agent, I’ve got an audition tomorrow that she wants me to go to. I’m going to see if I can get a flight now instead of coming back with you guys.”

  “Awesome. Good luck tomorrow, let me know how it goes,” Kyle replied, hugging Nathan. Sadie stepped up to hug him too as Kyle spoke to Jess.

  “We’ll drop you off before heading home,” Kyle offered as he signaled for a cab.

  “You guys go ahead. I’m tired, and I’m sure you are too. My place is so out of the way for you,” Jess said. “I’ll catch up with you both before you head back to Los Angeles.”

  Moments later Kyle and Sadie loaded into a cab, leaving the two of them alone on the curb as their friends drove away.

  The minute it was around the corner and out of sight, Nathan grabbed Jess and kissed her like he’d been aching to do since that morning. Still breathless, he hailed a cab, and they climbed in, giving the driver the address to Jess’s apartment.


  “Jess, this view is spectacular,” Nathan said, staring out the window as the light of the full moon glittered off the water of the bay. The Golden Gate Bridge was the center point though. It’s orange glow made it hard to see anything else.

  He accepted a glass of his favorite drink from her. Of course it was great scotch. Good booze, great setting, awesome view; all the things that drove home how far out of his league she was. Just another reminder that no matter how he felt, this needed to stay casual. People with money had a way of objectifying others, and Nathan never wanted to be on the receiving end again.

  “Thank you. The apartment was a ‘gift’ from my father, but really it was a non-negotiable compromise I had to accept in return for my parents’ support of my art career. I really wanted to live where Sadie does, in the apartment building I inherited, but he threw a big fit about the lack of security and what not. They try to be loving, but it ends up coming off as controlling, so I reluctantly allowed him to buy me an apartment. I was pissed when he told me where it was, but this view shut me up pretty quickly,” Jess said, smiling as she took a sip of her wine.

  “You could say that again. I bet you had an awesome house growing up,” Nathan said.

  “I did, and it was filled with lots of servants and me. My parents were always working and going out of town. While I appreciate their money and have learned to enjoy the better things in life, I also work for most of what you see here,” she stated as she waved her hand around. Nathan couldn’t help but be impressed even more by her drive and determination. He took her glass and sat it down next to his on a nearby table.

  “I have to touch you. It’s been too long since I’ve had you naked,” he said as he swept her hair to the side and started kissing her neck. Anything he had to say was lost in her breathy sighs and the removal of clothes.


  “I think you should take Kyle’s offer of the apartment up, and move here, to the Bay.”

  Nathan was lying on his stomach in Jess’s bed and she was sprawled across his back. Her soft breasts were pillowed against his ribs and her silky hair tickled his shoulder blades. The sound of her voice broke through his blissed out haze.

  “Do you now? Why is that?”

  “Because, I want to be able to have my wicked way with you whenever the mood strikes. If the last few days have been any indication that would be often.” She giggled.

  “Funny you say that because I have been thinking the same thing,” Nathan said in a quiet voice.

  “Oh, well good. I think it might be fun to have you as my boy toy,” she murmured between the kisses she placed on his back.

  Nathan stiffened at her comment.

  Oh no, what did she say?

  He started to roll over and away from her, but she panicked and stopped him. Climbing up on his back, she ran her hands all over the taut muscles.

  “I didn’t mean ‘boy toy’ like that. I meant my sex slave ‘boy toy.’ I’d never want you to be Vivien to my Edward.” Jess massaged his neck, causing him to moan.

  “Did you—god that feels good—make a Pretty Woman reference?” he mumbled.

  Jess moved off Nathan and rolled him over before climbing back onto him. She settled on his hips and they were connected again seamlessly as they had been all the previous times.

  “Look, Nathan, I like you. Probably more than I should and more than we agreed upon when we started this. But what I’m trying to say is that if you decided to move here, I’d support that and would never kick you out of my bed if you wanted this too,” Jess said as she leaned down to kiss him.

  Her heart felt as though it would burst from her chest. Kissing Nathan kept him from looking right through her playful overtures into the soul of a very scared woman who thought she might be falling in love.

  “Hmm, I like the way you think, Princess. I like you too,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.


  It had been a fabulous two days since they’d gotten back from Chicago. Nathan had kept her very, very busy whenever she wasn’t on the phone or on her computer. When she was returning emails, he’d bring his own laptop into her office and set it up across from her. He’d make silly faces while she was talking business and would pout when she threw things at him.

  They spent hours in her beloved tub, and he’d laugh at her “chick rock” whenever songs from certain bands would come through speakers wired throughout the apartment. He’d shown off his amazing culinary skills and would’ve had Jess falling headfirst if she weren’t halfway there already.

  Her favorite moments were when their frantic joinings became slow and sensuous. There were instances of such tenderness at times it brought tears to her eyes. It was a gentle touch, a lingering kiss, or even a heated look, and Jess could feel her heart stutter, and she fell just a little bit more. The man was dangerous, and the smirk he gave her when she told him so said he knew it.

  Nathan walked around the room now, clad only in boxer briefs, as Jess watched him from the bed. He had a flight to catch that evening and was packing. A plea lingered on Jess’s lips, but she held back. She had already laid her cards on the table about wanting more, and while he hadn’t come right out and said it, he showed her over and over again with his body that there was more to this than scratching an itch.

  “A penny for your thoughts, babe.” Nathan had stopped at the foot of the bed and was looking down at her.

  “Oh sorry, was reliving the last few days.” Jess blushed at being caught daydreaming. Nathan made a sound like a growl.

  “Don’t I know it? Those memories will have to get me through the next few days,” he smirked.

  “Only days? What happens after that?” It took all Jess had to ask that question. She picked at her nails to avoid eye contact, so he didn’t see the hope lurking in her gaze. Nathan lay on the bed in front of her and grabbed her hands in his own.

  “Well, I’m going to need a few days to get my affairs in LA in order, but since I live with Kyle I don’t think it’ll take too long. I’ll pack up my car, and what I can’t fit I’ll ship.”

  Shock ran through Jess. He was staying!

  “If that’s what you want of course.” He was smiling at her when she finally looked up.

  Jess felt as though her chest would burst from happiness. “Yeah, I think I could deal with that,” she said as she leaned over t
o kiss Nathan with all the joy in her heart.

  Just then his phone rang. The ringtone was so loud—Eric Clapton singing “Layla”—it filled the air and blocked out the other music Jess had been playing.

  “I’ve got to get that. It’s my agent,” Nathan said and backed off the bed. He grabbed his cell from the table and stepped out of the room to take the call. Jess checked her own phone and her schedule while she waited. He wasn’t gone for long. She heard Nathan reenter the room and looked up to see that he wore a huge grin on his face.

  “Good news I take it?” Jess asked but with a sinking feeling in her stomach already.

  “You could say that. Layla sent my audition tape in and one of the networks wants me for a part in a pilot! Of course, it’s as a surfer, but look at me!” Nathan spread his arms out.

  He was so excited it was hard not to be happy for him, even though Jess’s heart was breaking into a million little pieces. There was no way he’d move now that he got this part. Nathan would have to stay close to the studio for filming, and if the studio ordered the whole series he’d have to live on location.

  She plastered on a smile for him, and they spent the rest of the time before he had to leave for the airport talking about the show and his part. After a quick, but very hot kiss, Nathan walked out of her door with a promise to call. As the door closed behind him, Jess leaned against it before sliding to the floor in defeat.

  What chance did she have when compared to living out your dream?


  Laughter filled the air around Nathan as he finished his second scotch. The producers had treated the cast to dinner. The pilot episode was complete and rumor was the studio execs liked what they saw.

  Nathan flagged the waitress for another and smiled at the punch line to a terrible joke from his cast mate. The guy was the star of the show, and Nathan was his often-shirtless best friend. The hoard of women that surrounded the guy would’ve made any man jealous. All of them were the typical Hollywood actress types: big boobs, lots of make-up, and designer everything. Which was exactly why they were here, all of them were extras in the show. A show set near the beach of course, meaning lots of bikinis.


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