Cadet: The Academy

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Cadet: The Academy Page 9

by Commander James Bondage

  “How many of you remember meeting a Dr. Stanton Wexler?” Wagner asked. “Raise your hands, cadets.”

  Robin exchanged puzzled glances with Jodie and shook her head. The other cadets had the same reaction. Evidently nobody was familiar with the name.

  “No?” Wagner asked. “It may surprise you to learn that every one of you has met with him a minimum of four one-hour sessions since your arrival at this institution.” This statement was greeted with a sudden murmur of disbelief from the girls. “He has, through post-hypnotic suggestion, obliterated your memories of the sessions.”

  “I can assure you that it’s true, cadets,” Wagner cut in over the buzz. They fell silent. “Dr. Wexler is a psychologist who specializes in hypnotherapy. Each of you has been hypnotically conditioned to be unable to communicate with any unauthorized person about any classified aspect of this school. You won’t be able to tell anybody about those things, whether by accident or intent.”

  At this, there was another outburst, louder than before. The Captain waited patiently for it to die down.

  Corey Harris stood up. “Sir, pardon me, but how do we know that any of this is real? It sounds like something out of a Heinlein novel.” Corey was a science-fiction fan, with a paperback book in her hand at every free moment.

  “For one thing, there is the fact that not one of you remembers the hours you spent with Dr. Wexler in the annex behind the infirmary for your conditioning,” the Captain responded. “We have film studies of it being done, for training purposes. The fact that not that not one of you remembers anything about it should certainly prove something.” He waited for this to sink in.

  “In any case, you will provide the final proof yourselves,” he went on as the blonde girl slowly sank back into her seat. “The administration is willing to let you go home for a week, in full confidence that there will be no embarrassing revelations.”

  “There is one other thing,” he continued. “You have all been implanted with what the doctor calls a ‘homing impulse’. Any cadet who decides not return after her leave is over will find herself headed right back here to High Point without even being aware that she is doing it. Believe me, cadets,” he said over the ensuing hubbub. “It really does work. The mind is an amazing thing.”

  The cadets talked it over later. The consensus was that Wagner was telling them the truth. The fact that they were permitted to go home at all was enough to convince even the most skeptical of them.

  “It’s not enough that they use us like blow-up sex dolls,” Ally Reid grumbled, “they have to fuck with our minds too.”

  There was a final visit from General Cafferson the same week in April. This visit was very different from previous ones. Most of the cadets were called to the Commandant’s office in pairs, with their bed-partners.

  Jodie and Robin, the first two summoned, were ushered into the Colonel’s private office, and stood nervously at attention in front of a big desk where the General sat in a swivel chair with a pair of manila files open in front of him.

  “At ease, cadets. Sit down” he said, glancing up. They settled into a pair of metal chairs and waited.

  “I wanted to see you two first for a couple of reasons,” the General said. “First, I want to congratulate both of you. Cadet Bransom, your scores on the final examinations for the semester placed you first in the class. If that skinflint Jack Bransom doesn’t take you out to dinner at fanciest restaurant in Seattle, he will hear from me about it,” he said, his face creasing in a smile.

  “You know my father, sir?” Robin gasped.

  “You might say that. We were in the same class at the Academy, Jack and I,” the General replied. “We hated each other at first sight. I thought he was a stuck-up little mama’s boy, and he thought I was a Neanderthal gorilla. Naturally, we were best friends by the end of the first week.” Springs squeaked as he leaned back in the chair, lacing his hands behind his thick neck.

  “They called us ‘Handsome and Crapperson’, and we were the most exclusive clique in the Academy, just two members…” closed his eyes, remembering. “We broke every rule they had, and they never caught us. When we graduated, we even finagled to get posted together with the Fifth Cavalry. We had a wager to see which one of us made Brigadier first.” He sighed, and opened his eyes.

  “Then he met Rachel, and his career, everything, took second place to her,” he said quietly. He no longer seemed aware of the presence of the two girls. “God, she was beautiful,” he said, remembering. “He turned down every assignment he could that would take him away from her, and his career went on hold. When she died, he resigned his commission to raise you and your sister. Jack Bransom wasn’t about to let Rachel’s daughters be raised by strangers!”

  He opened his eyes and returned to the present. “We still keep in touch. We talk on the phone a few times a year. That stubborn bastard didn’t even tell me when you joined the Army. I’m sure he was afraid I would pull strings to make it easier for you.” (Fat chance, Robin thought).

  He paused and trained his steely gray eyes on Robin. “He was the finest officer I ever knew. I had no right to be surprised when his daughter turned out to be the outstanding cadet of her class.”

  Robin blushed at the praise, but she was troubled by his story. “But General Cafferson, if you were my father’s friend, how could you…” she stopped, suddenly afraid to ask him how he could use his friend’s daughter so cruelly.

  “How could I put you through this Hell?” he finished for her. “Cadet, someday there will be female officers filling every kind of post in the service, even commanding combat troops, I swear it!” His open hand slammed down on the table and the big West Point ring he wore clanged! on the wood. “The program at the Academy, training you as aides to the brass, was the most I could get the General Staff to agree to. There are some stubborn old dinosaurs down in Washington. It’s a start, an opening wedge to pry open the door, and you girls, you thirty, are the sharp edge.”

  “Our armed forces are not strong enough to be able to waste the talent of half of our citizens. We are going to need the best soldiers we can get in the coming years, including women.” He leaned forward, his face hardening and voice rising to fill the room. “When I became the Chief of Staff, I swore to myself that I would do everything in my power to make this country safe from its enemies, and I would not count the cost for myself or anyone else. I am willing to sacrifice everything I have in that cause, including my life and the life of my firstborn child if necessary, and if I have to use my best friend’s pretty daughter, I’ll do that too.” He gave a long look to each girl and barked. “Is that understood, Cadet Bransom, Cadet Lawrence?”

  Robin found the sudden transformation of the general frightening, as if a kindly uncle had suddenly turned into an ogre. “Yes sir, I understand,” she shrilly agreed along with Jodie.

  “Good,” he said, relaxing again and returning to his avuncular mode. “I also have to congratulate you, Lawrence. When the first full class of cadets starts after you return from leave, you will be the Cadet Captain. You are smart and tough, a born leader. If you had a cock, I could guarantee that you would be on the fast track to wearing stars on your shoulders. You are one impressive cadet cunt.” He winked at her, and she burst out laughing.

  “Thank you, sir. I try,” Jodie said, trying to suppress her mirth.

  “You two girls represent the best women this country can produce,” he told them. “I can see why you chose each other as lovers.”

  They stared at him with frozen smiles and faces suddenly gone pale.

  “Did you think I didn’t know about you two?” he asked. “Or about Lee and the big blonde, what’s her name, Swenson, or about Merriweather and… well, I know about every one of the cadet couples. You had a ninety-five percent in military law this term, Bransom. What’s the penalty for sodomy in the Code? It’s under the ‘Conduct Unbecoming...’ section.”

  Robin had memorized the section after the first night she had made love with Jodi
e, for obvious reasons. “Article Nine, Section Three,” Robin said slowly. “‘A course of conduct of prohibited sexual acts while under military discipline…’” she gulped, “…death by firing squad.”

  Jodie took Robin’s hand, and stood between her and the general, her eyes blazing and her jaw set defiantly. She put Robin in mind of a mother cat protecting her kitten against a marauding dog. “So, when are they coming to get us?” she demanded.

  He laughed. “Relax, cadet. Nobody’s coming to get anybody. You haven’t been listening, if you think I would allow some priests from the Dark Ages take my best cadets away from me. Believe me; I don’t care what you do in your personal time, as long as it doesn’t affect unit efficiency. Both of you have obviously benefited from your relationship. Your marks in every subject have improved since you started. On the other hand, I don’t want your love life to get in the way of your personal duties. Bransom, strip down,” he ordered suddenly. “I am going to remind you both that your bodies still belong to the Army.”

  Robin sat up suddenly, as if she had been stung, then rose to her feet and began to untie her boots. She had seen Jodie’s face when Cafferson ordered her to disrobe. The diminutive blonde looked stricken for a moment, and then imposed the emotionless mask that all the cadets had learned to display when the men used their bodies.

  In a few moments, Robin stood at attention facing the general, wearing only her belt. “Put her hands in the hip cuffs, Lawrence,” he commanded. “Now I want you to lean forward over the desk so I can handle your tits,” he told Robin. “Cadet Lawrence, you will get down behind your girlfriend and use your tongue to get her ready for me to penetrate, front and rear. Legs apart and arch your back, Bransom. You know the drill.”

  Robin had thought that after her night with the general called Paul, nothing they could do could get to her, really hurt her emotionally. She now discovered that she had been wrong. This was the hardest thing she had had to endure yet. Cafferson was going to control her, fuck her, make her come; that was nothing much. What made her fight to hold back the tears was thinking about what this was doing to poor Jodie, who was not merely helpless to prevent the sexual assault on her lover before her eyes but also was forced to participate, to prepare Robin for the general to brutalize.

  The general gathered up Robin’s breasts in his big hands, batting her nipples back and forth with his thumbs. They quickly responded, swelling up under handling. Cafferson now took the sensitive buds between his fingers, teasing them, tugging and pinching them gently, making Robin’s heart beat faster.

  At the same time, she could feel Jodie’s soft lips pressing against her labia, followed by the sensation of her slippery tongue entering her. Her body responded as it had learned to, and she could feel the hot waves of lust pour through her. She moaned softly, deep in her throat, and made a supple motion with her hips as Jodie sucked her engorged clit between her lips. A moment later, she felt the tongue withdraw, to reappear around the little ring above. Jodie’s tongue slipped in and out of Robin ass, lubricating it for the general. Robin had never had a rim-job before. She found the sensation a little strange, but also arousing.

  The general, who had leaned forward to suck and nibble on Robin’s distended nipples, pulled his mouth free to ask, “Is she ready for me yet, Lawrence?”

  Jodie’s head darted out from between Robin’s thighs. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “She’s as ready as I can make her sir, both holes wet,” she reported dutifully.

  Cafferson rose from the chair, and moved around the desk to stand between Robin’s well parted legs. “Cadet,” he said to Jodie, “would you please take my cock out of my pants for me? I’m going to have my hands full for a bit,” he explained, reaching over to take up Robin’s breasts again.

  Jodie knelt on the floor at his feet, released his cock from its cloth prison, and took it carefully into her small hands. It was ten inches long and thick in cross section, with an angry red mushroom head.

  “Just put me in her pussy, cadet,” he ordered. As she did, he began squeezing her nipples harder than ever, and a brief cry of pain escaped from Robin before she compressed her lips and tamed her weak flesh.

  When she was sixteen, Jodie had spent a summer on a farm that raised thoroughbred horses. Once, she was permitted to watch the insemination of a mare. The stallions were incapable of effecting entry into the mares unassisted, so a female farmhand had to manually guide the horse’s huge erection into the waiting female. As she inserted the general into Robin’s slippery box, she was somehow reminded of that day, as if the stud general would not be able to mount this filly without aid.

  The general grunted with pleasure. “That’s good. Fuck me with small, slow strokes,” he directed Robin. “You, Lawrence, don’t get up. Play with my balls while I fuck Bransom.”

  She briefly considered taking his balls and crushing them into a fine paste, but regretfully rejected the idea because she knew that Robin would receive the same horrible punishment as she, probably something like living dismemberment. Instead, she gently cradled the general’s scrotum as instructed, matching the reciprocating action of his thrusts into Robin with her hands.

  Robin’s body had been trained all too well to respond to this kind of treatment. She was breathing hard and her heart was racing as she neared the eruption.

  “How do you like it, cadet?” Cafferson asked, and then provided the answer himself. “‘I didn’t realize I had to like it,’” he quoted, chuckling, as he continued to drive into the softly moaning girl. Robin, even in her extremity, was shocked to discover that the general evidently knew every detail of that terrible night. “Good answer, cadet. I wish I could have seen the dumb bastard’s face when you said that. I think you’re about ready to blow,” he observed. “Am I right?”

  “Yes, please… finish… finish me… sir, if you… don’t mind,” Robin gasped, looking back at him over her shoulder.

  “All right, here we go,” the general agreed. He pulled his entire length back and then plunged into her with one final, violent thrust. Robin climaxed explosively, calling out “Oh God!” and gyrating her hips wildly on his cock.

  Cafferson had not finished, however. After Robin’s body had settled bonelessly to the desktop, he told Jodie, who was still on the ground beside him his balls in her hands, “Take me out and put it in her ass. You can suck on my balls while I bugger her.” Jodie reluctantly obeyed, attempting to insert his bulky tool into the minute opening as gently as possible.

  Robin had been taken this way a few times before, but she had never gotten used to it. She clenched her jaws to suppress a groan as he pressed painfully into the constricted passage.

  “That dickhead Paul Thurston will never lay a finger on any of my cadets again,” he remarked, pausing with his cock buried five inches deep in Robin’s ass. She realized that he was again referring to the leader of the generals who had visited the Academy in December. “I’d like to play ‘blind whore’s bluff’ with that imbecile. Move your ass a little higher,” he interrupted himself a moment to direct Robin. “That’s better,” he sighed. “How stupid do you have to be to make major-general? I promise you one thing: that bastard will never get his hands on another one of you girls, now or after you graduate. How dare he hurt my cadets?” he asked passionately.

  Robin almost laughed in spite of her predicament when she heard this. What did Cafferson think he was doing to her poor asshole, tickling it with a feather? But as he slowly stroked her she realized that he meant it. Sergeant Powers had been exiled to Antarctica for what he had done to Jodie, and apparently this Paul Thurston had been placed under the ban for his brutalization of the cadets.

  “Fuck me back, Bransom,” he growled. “I’m going to come!”

  Robin arched her back as far as she could and impaled herself on his rod, ignoring the resulting wave of pain. He clutched her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh and exclaimed, “Christ, you’re a hot piece of ass!” and discharged his hot load deep ins
ide her guts, with Jodie still massaging his hairy sack in her mouth.

  He patted Robin on her rump as he slowly withdrew from her. “Lick me clean,” he told the stone-faced Jodie. “Lick me clean and return to your duties, cadets. You both have great futures ahead of you. You will be fine officers someday.”

  Jodie was so enraged that she almost did not notice the taste of the general’s penis filling her mouth; a foul mixture of feces, female lubricant and semen. As her eyes flicked from Robin’s rectum, from which a strand of the general’s cum hung down, to Cafferson’s face, a scene from an old sci-fi movie popped into her head. A character in the movie was outside his spaceship, floating in a vacuum. He opened his helmet and his head exploded like a rotten cantaloupe with a stick of dynamite buried inside. If Jodie had somehow been granted the power to make the same thing happen to the general’s head, she would have cheerfully done so at that instant.

  “Thank you sir,” she said tonelessly. “You’re too kind.”

  Chapter Eight: Home

  The night before they were scheduled to go home, the cadets were issued new uniforms, complete with panties and bras. These resembled the standard West Point uniforms, dark blue with charcoal trim around the collar and centerline of the jacket, and charcoal stripes on the trousers, but cut fuller in the chest and narrower at the waist. Apparently, the Army was not going to let them go home in the scandalous skinsuits. They were specifically ordered to leave their fatigues behind.


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