Cuffed By A Kingpin 3

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Cuffed By A Kingpin 3 Page 9

by Heiress

  “You gone be good. Me, Mona and Amber gone be here for you.”

  “Thank you, baby.” I pressed my lips against his and he kissed me back with passion. My hand found the back of his head and we indulged in each other deeper. “Is it weird that I’m horny right now?” I giggled.

  “Shiiit, you tryin’ to fuck right here? We ain’t did it on a hill before. We probably gone roll right off this bitch and-,”

  “Ahem,” we heard someone clear their throat from behind us. When I turned around, I was staring at Lee. I glanced at Compton and then he glanced up to Lee then back to me.

  “Damn. Just when a nigga about to get some pussy, ya’ ass pop up. I’m gone head back to the house. Mona probably woke up crying and driving Amber’s lil’ ass crazy,” Compton said, standing to his feet. “When you get in, I want some pussy. No matter what the outcome of this conversation is. I’m backed up and-,”

  “Boy would you leave already. My daughter’s pussy ain’t going nowhere so gone,” Lee said, dismissing him with her hand.

  “If she decides not to be cool with ya’ ass, I’m getting even,” Compton threatened before he walked away. Lee came and sat down next to me and it was silent for at least five minutes. We both just sat there, probably waiting on the other person to talk first. Right when I was about to speak, she beat me to it.

  “I know that you want to have this perfect memory of your dad and I don’t want to ruin that. He was a great father but he was a horrible husband. He never hit me or anything but he just loved the ladies. Kind of like, Compton. I guess that’s one thing we have in common.” She chuckled and so did I.

  “So this entire time, for two years, you have been looking for me? When I overheard the conversation with, Momma Banks I was under the impression you both were still in contact.”

  “Well, not really. I sent her letters when I was locked up, but after I got out, I didn’t try and reach out to her. My sole focus was you. I didn’t think she would know where you were so I didn’t bother asking her. I guess my dumb ass should have and then maybe I would have got to you sooner.” She laughed again.

  “Yea, maybe.” The air fell silent again. I kept glancing at her and she kept stealing stares at me. “I’m sorry for being so mean to you earlier. I have-had so much anger towards you because I thought you left me. I thought you didn’t care.”

  “Girl I think I care too much about your little ass,” she said, chuckling. “I just want you to know I’m here now. I know I can’t make up for the years I missed, but I want a relationship with you Caliana. I want to get to know you and my beautiful granddaughter. I even want to get to know Compton’s rude ass. I want you to get to know Monty, and hopefully you’ll get to meet your brother,” she said and I did a double take at her.

  “I have a brother?” I asked.

  “Yes, you do. He’s not your blood brother but Monty has a son who is eighteen. His name is Omario,” she told me smiling. I could tell she had love for him.

  “I would like that. I’m sure that would make, Amber happy too. Now she would have two siblings.” I smiled. This felt good. Sitting here talking to my mom. Just a few hours ago I was yelling at her telling her how she basically was nothing to me. Now I’m sitting here so ready to get to know her. “Sooo…” I sang not really knowing what to talk about.

  “Are you tired? I could take you back to-,”

  “No. I’m not tired. I mean- are you tired?” I quizzed.

  “Girl I used to stay up until morning thinking about you in my jail cell. I think I’ve turned into a damn night owl,” she joked.

  “So let’s get to know each other. What do you like to do?” I asked.

  “Well, I kind of like to do a lot of things. I went to college to be a doctor, but I never finished because I got pregnant with you. I never wanted to perform surgeries on people anyway. When I was little, I always wanted to be a ballerina. Funny, I know-,”

  “Do you dance?” I asked a little excitedly.

  “Girl, do I? Your grandfather, my dad couldn’t get me to leave my ballet studio. I used to practice all day and all night.”

  “Well I guess now I know where I get it from.” I smiled.

  “You dance?” she asked with raised brows.

  “I sure do. I love it. Daddy wanted me to go to school for something more educational, but I didn’t. Compton made me realize that I should be doing something I love and not what’s expected of me.”

  “So are you in school now?”

  “Yes. I’m going for dance but only part time. Since I had Mona my time is limited now. So how did you meet Monty? I’m a hopeless romantic.” I cheesed.

  “Well, this ain’t no romantic story. He was a guard at the prison I was in. We used to sneak around and have sex all the time at night. It was just sex at first, but he started slipping letters under my cell and buying me stuff. I guess I put that good thang on him.” She stuck her tongue out and popped her booty. I just laughed.

  “Well, when we got out, I had nowhere to go since Bo died. Monty welcomed me in and we just… fell in love. He saved me from destruction, and he helped me regain my sanity after not having you in my life. He’s really good to me, and plus, he has some good dick.”

  I burst out laughing at her when she said that. She was really cool. “So what about you and rude ass. I know this was all arranged but who caught feelings first?” she quizzed.

  “I did but in my defense…he’s so damn sexy,” I moaned, thinking about my husband. “He was the first man I encountered and experienced. He was everything I didn’t think I wanted in a man and here I’ am. Married to him. It took us a long time to get to this place. I wanted him, but he wanted his ex, thanks for killing her by the way. Saved me a bullet.”

  “Girl you not ‘bout that life,” she teased.

  “I’m not, but I would have been for him. I love everything about that damn man. I love his dirty draws,” I joked, and she cracked up laughing. “People on the outside may have thought I was crazy for giving him another chance after how he did me, but I love him. I’m in love with him, and you can’t help who you love.” I smiled.

  “Awwwww,” she sang, smiling. “My baby girl all in love and what not. I wish I could have been at your wedding to see how beautiful you were.”

  “Yea, me too. I was in good hands with Momma Banks, but I wish I could do it all over. You know, for real this time.” Once again, we went silent. She was giving me this look that I couldn’t read. “What?”

  “Ummm-nothing. Nothing, I was just admiring how pretty you are. You got that shit from me and don’t let nobody tell your ass different. Now let’s go. This grass is itching my ass. and I need a damn shower.” She stood to her feet and then extending her hand to help me up. Once I was on my feet, she pulled me into a hug. I could hear her sniffling and I then the tears came flowing down my eyes.

  “My princess. I’m so happy I have you back in my life again,” she whispered to me. My heart was warm, and a feeling of completion filled it. I was embracing my mother for the first time in years, and it felt so good.



  It’s been a week since the whole Easter Sunday shit. A nigga was happy as hell that all the drama was over. Cali had been getting to know her momma and we been looking for a bigger spot. Shit was going so good that now it was time to put my plan with Erica in motion. Amber and Cali’s birthday was coming up so I had some special shit planned for the both of them. But today, today was all about starting over. I wanted to do shit different this time.

  “Amber, who the fuck taught ya’ young ass how to cook? Cali don’t even whip it up like this?” She was helping cook breakfast for Cali who was knocked out sleep. She been out every day with Lee so she was always tired. Plus, school and Mona was whooping her ass.

  “I had to teach myself. I think I did pretty good.” she cheesed childlike.

  “Yea, baby sis you the truth. Now make this shit look all pretty like the pictures in the fa
ncy restaurant's menus,” I told her.

  “Okay,” she agreed. I enjoyed having Amber in the crib. I hated that her room was next to ours because she could hear Cali’s loud ass screaming when I was hitting that spot. She ain’t complain, so I ain’t say shit about it.

  “So what you doing about school?” I quizzed. She had been taking some time off since all this drama was going on.

  “Well- I was going to talk to my sister about getting home schooled,” she spoke up.

  “Home schooled? You ain’t white. Fuck you trying to do that for?” I quizzed.

  “Because C, I get teased at school. Girls be trying to beat me up, and I get bullied. The guys be trying to-,”

  “They be trying to what? Fuck with you? Don’t tell me no shit like that because I would come up to that school and fuck up everybody. All you got to do is say the damn word, and I’m going in there guns blazing.”

  “C, I don’t think you can do that. Guns are prohibited at my school along with drugs and soliciting,” she recited. She was too damn smart for her own good.

  “True but I got ways around that. But check this shit out, don’t you ever fear no other bitch or nigga. Them mutha’ fucka’s bleed the same as you, so they ain’t nobody fucking special. They just mad because you a lil’ cutie and they ugly as hell. I’ll make you a deal,” I said, now facing her.

  “If you agree to stay in ya’ school, I’ll take you shopping on Rodeo Drive. Better yet, Paris.” Her eyes bucked when I said that.

  “Really? Paris, C?” she asked, jumping up and down excited as hell.

  “Yea, but ya ass got to stay in school. You need to be around people ya’ age and make some damn friends. You can’t be in ya’ room all the time doing nothing. It’s weird, and that’s why they be teasing you too. You need to get some swag, and I’m gone get you right.”

  I could see how happy she was. We spent a lot of time together since Cali was gone a lot. We built a bond, and she was another lady that had a piece of my heart. “Thank you, C. I’m going to go take upstairs to get dressed. I’m all done with the food. You like it?”

  “Yea this shit dope. ‘Preciate it. Now gone. Oh, and I’m taking credit for all this shit,” I said, grabbing the tray of food. I carefully walked upstairs and kicked the door open. Cali was sprawled all over the bed with her hair everywhere. Bare ass all out looking all scrumptious and shit. She was two seconds from being breakfast, but I wanted to do things right today.

  “Lil’ Momma!” I yelled, and she stirred a little in her sleep, but she didn’t wake up. “Lil’ Momma?” I called her name again, and this time she moaned still stirring.

  “Compton, I don’t have school today so why are you waking me-,” she paused when she finally opened her eyes. A huge smile spread across her face when she saw what I was holding in my hands. “Awwww. Babe did you make me breakfast?” she asked, covering her mouth in surprise.

  “I sure as hell did. Shit looks good, don’t it?” I asked, placing the tray in front of her. She sat up and took a whiff of the food. “Mmmm this smells good. Now stop lying. You know you didn’t make all of this. Especially not this pretty.”

  “Lil’ momma I did make this-,” I paused when she gave me a knowing look. She knew damn well I didn’t make this. My ass could barely boil water. “Okay, you got me. I ain’t make it, but I stood and watched Amber cook so that should count for something.”

  She shook her head at me and laughed so hard. “You are something else. So, what’s the occasion? My birthday isn’t until another two weeks,” she said, taking a bite of her food. Closing her eyes, she let out a long moan. “This is so good.”

  “Ain’t no special occasion. I just wanted to do some nice shit for you,” I somewhat lied. It was a special occasion.

  “Well, baby if you trying to get some nookie then all you had to do was ask. You don’t have to wine and dine me. We past that.” She smirked. She was something else.

  “Shit, I know that. But I do have something planned tonight. Gone head and read that note. I got to go handle some shit, and I’ll meet up with you later.” I leaned down on the bed and kissed her sweet lips. Yes, I kissed my girl with her morning breath. I loved her ass.

  “Wait. You just going to leave like that. You not even gone give me no morning-,”

  “Nope. You ain’t getting this good dick today. We gone do this shit different. Now read the note and get ready. Amber and Mona are rolling with me,” I said right before I shut the door. If I knew her like I thought I did, she was still sitting on the bed looking clueless. I had a little spa day planned for just her. Time for her to relax and get pampered. I got her massages, facials, body wraps and shit. Then she had a hair, nail and makeup appointment after that. I even got her a personal stylist that was gone bring her some dresses to choose from. I went all out for my baby tonight.

  I walked to Amber’s room and made sure they was ready to go. They were spending the day with my momma and Lee. Once they were ready, we got to the car and drove off. I dropped them off and then went to go set up for what I had planned. Erica hooked me up with a private set up at one of her spots. I know it was crazy to have my wife come to a spot owned by my old bitch, but she ain’t have to know that.

  Later On That Night…

  I sat in my whip and watched the random people walk in and out of Erica’s spot. I was waiting on Cali’s late ass to arrive. I swear that damn girl couldn’t be on time for nothing. “Where is my lil’ momma at-,” I paused when I saw her car pull up. My dick stiffened when I saw her fine ass get out the car. She was rocking a nude sheer thigh length dress with burgundy design on it. I damn near broke my legs trying to get out the car so fast.

  She was looking around for me with the note in her hand, so I snuck up behind her. Pulling a twenty out my pocket, I tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around. “Aye lil’ momma I think you dropped this on the floor.”

  She looked at me confused I tried not to laugh. She had no idea what I was doing. “Baby that’s not mine. You know I don’t carry cash-,”

  “Damn we just met, and I already got you calling me baby? And here I was thinking this was gone be hard.” I grinned. She was still looking confused.

  “Wha-what are you talking about. Stop playing and-,”

  “I’m sorry I ain’t catch ya’ name lil’ momma. What was it again?” I quizzed, extending my hand. She glanced to her right and then her left and then back at me. After moments of silence, I was losing hope in her figuring out what I was trying to do.

  “Damn my lil’ momma a slow one,” I mumbled under my breath before clearing my throat. “Since we never officially met in a genuine way, I thought I would recreate the first day we met. As of right now, you don’t know me, and I don’t know ya’ ass. We strangers to each other and this is our official first date. Now, can you play along before I pop one of these niggas in the face for staring at you.” I looked around with a warning stare at the random niggas walking by.

  A wide sweet smile appeared on her face, and I could see her eyes getting glossy, but she held back the tears. “Ahem, I’m sorry. Where are my manners? My name is, Caliana but you can call me, Cali,” she said, shaking my hand.

  “Caliana. It’s a pleasure meeting you. My name is Compton but you can call me, Daddy.” I grinned, and she burst out laughing. “You here by yourself?”

  “Yes. I just thought I would eat alone tonight,” she answered.

  “Mind if I join. I wouldn’t be me if I let a fine piece of ass like yourself eat alone.”

  Her cheeks were not bright red from blushing. “I would like that.” She smiled.

  “After you.” I watched as she turned on her heels and walked ahead of me. That pretty round brown was driving me wild. “Damn you got a fat ass,” I mumbled loud enough for her to hear me. I went up to the hostess and told him my name, and he took us to our private table. It was upstairs on the roof. Candles were lit, and there were sparkles and shit all on the ground. Roses were on the table, and Chris Brown
was in the background singing Privacy. Shit was nice.

  “Awwwww. These roses are so cute,” she oozed, smelling them. “Compton, come on baby. What is all this about? Cut the act. Did you mess up again and-,”

  “Cali shut the hell up with all that before you ruin the mood. I ain’t been doing shit but trying to be a better nigga for you. The way we met and how we came to be was based on a lie. So tonight, we gone start fresh and this gone be our first date. The first date that’s gone be real. No fake shit,” I explained to her.

  She blushed at me the entire time we took our seat. She just couldn’t stop smiling which was good because a nigga was nervous. I thought she was gone think I was corny for this. “Compton…I-I don’t know what to say. This is like…really romantic and thoughtful. With everything that happened and that went down a few weeks ago, I needed this.”

  “Nah, lil’ momma we needed this.”

  The waiter came to the table and asked us what we wanted. I got us a bottle of they most expensive wine, and then we ordered some lobster. We rapped about shit like we never had before. Like really getting to know each other. Yea, we knew each other, but that shit wasn’t deep like we thought. We talked about our present, our future and even our past.

  “You did not drop your pants in front of everybody,” she said with unbelief as she laughed at my childhood story.

  “You know my ass did. That bitch tried me talking about my dick was small. I dropped my jeans and was like bitch where? She had me and my nigga down there fucked up. The crazy part about was, all her girls that were with her tried to holla at me after that.”

  “Woooow. That’s messed up. I mean but I couldn’t blame them, baby. You are working with something down there,” she flirted, rubbing her foot against my leg until she reached my dick.

  “Aye, you better calm down before you get fucked out here,” I warned her.

  “What if that’s what I want,” she continued to flirt, biting on the tip of her fork.

  “Nah, not tonight. We gone end this night off like a good Christian couple.”


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