A Betting Bride

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A Betting Bride Page 12

by Rebecca de Medeiros

  It wasn't until she had been asked to partner David once again, that Alec had finally showed up. He stood off to the side of the room talking with Gabriel and glowering at her from afar.

  "He wants you," David informed her scandalously, as he twirled her.

  "Mr. Brody?"

  "Alec Wentworth. He has been sending me daggers this entire dance," David smiled patiently down at her.

  "Surely not," Serena laughed.

  David pulled her closer to him. His body coming closer than what was proper, David whispered, "He is not the only one."

  Serena was not sure if David were doing this because he wanted to, or just to make Alec furious. Either way, she was not comfortable with his embrace or his allusions. She inched herself back a bit, to put space between them.

  "Alec is a friend. He thinks of me as a little sister nothing more," Serena denied David's insinuation.

  "His loss then, for I assure you, I do not see you in a sisterly light," David whispered in her ear.

  As the dance ended, David walked her back to Tex's side.

  "Thank you for the dances. I must be going. Tex, make sure she gets home all right? Miss Sinclair, I am counting the minutes until we meet again," he kissed her hand in a gentlemanly fashion, and Serena nearly sighed aloud. David may not make her heart pound as Alec did, but she should be grateful for his pursuit.

  "Tex, Serena," Alec greeted them both as he approached them.

  "Alec," Serena greeted him.

  "Do you mind if I steal her from you for a bit? I need to have a word with Miss Sinclair." Not waiting for Tex's approval, Alec grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him through the wide doors.

  "What is the matter with you? Can't you see I am courting Tex?" Serena hissed as Alec drug her outside into the night.

  "What did I tell you about David?" He demanded angrily.

  "You are not my brother, my father, my husband or even my lover. You have no say so in what I do. David is interested in me, and I am interested in him... so go away." Pulling away from him, Serena folded her arms about her middle. "You cannot have it both ways anymore Alec. Either you want to be with me or you don't. Please do not keep putting us both through this. Make a choice."

  "Serena, it is not as simple as that. There is nothing I would rather have than you as my bride, but..."

  "That but said it all... goodbye Alec. You have a wonderful life, because I am going to." With that said, Serena did the hardest thing she had ever had to do. Turning away from him, she went in search of Tex. She wanted to go home and nurse her broken heart.

  "Good bye," Alec whispered into the night air as he watched her go.

  The woman was too stubborn for her own good. There was no way that he could warn her without pushing her further into the arms of that vile man. So, he made a promise to himself, to watch out for her from afar. As one final act of a true friend, Alec would make sure she was safely wed to someone who would take care of her.

  "Please, I am sorry."

  "It's not good enough," the beautiful man snapped impatiently, "try again."

  The hateful pig grabbed a fistful of her russet hair and forced Miranda to her knees before him. How in the world, had Mitzi Jane talked her into taking her customer for the evening? Oh, that is right; she had threatened to tell Miss Martha that Miranda had snuck that little black kitten into her room. Mitzi Jane knew if the owner of the Randy Snake Brothel ever found Smooches, she would flat out kill her, so she had used kitten as blackmail. Now, Miranda had to not only service the beautiful monster, she had to give her pay over to that ugly cow Mitzi.

  Miranda cowered in a ball as he kicked her once again in her naked backside. Until tonight, she had gotten lucky, and the man had not picked her. She almost laughed aloud. In her eighteen years on this earth, luck was not something she would call a friend of hers. Born into this hellhole of a pit, it was all Miranda knew. After all, whores begat whores or, so she had always heard. She wanted to believe that if her ma hadn't died from the pox five years back, she would have taken Miranda out of here before it had been her turn to serve the patrons.

  "Say it you stupid bitch!" The man lifted her back to her knees by the hair of her head and slapped her hard across her face. Her lip split instantly. She whimpered from the pain as she tasted the tinny taste of blood. He would have to pay Miss Martha extra for the action, but he was rich. He could afford to abuse her as much as he wanted. Miss Martha would probably even let him kill her for the right price.

  "I am sorry," Miranda wept.

  The tears this time were real. She was truly sorry. Sorry that she was born the daughter of a whore. Sorry that she had spent the last four years of her life servicing disgusting men. She was sorry she had not died along with her mother, for anything would be better than this. She was sorry that she had not yet saved enough money to run far away from this life and start over somewhere.

  "Good girl. Now say what I told you to say my darling," he ordered her gently. Falling upon his knees beside her, the man rubbed the ache from her backside gently. "Make me happy my sweet and you can be one of my regular girls."

  Miranda shuddered as he kissed her shoulder. He may be one of the most handsome men that she had gotten to service, but she could see the evil he carried within him. She could feel the venom that lie beneath his skin. He hated women, and she had no wish to be one of his regular girls. She would take the fumbling's of the few virginal cowpokes that she serviced any day over this brutal man.

  "I choose you. Always you."

  "Good... say it again," he praised as he raised her into the position that he wanted. Placing the belt he held around her neck, he tightened it ever so slowly.

  "You... I choose you," Miranda screamed.

  She was frightened. She had heard stories of men who liked to rut over corpses and she feared this man may just be one of them. Her breathing quickened as she squirmed against the pull of the leather.

  "Please," she begged breathlessly before she fainted. If she would have ever been taught to, she would have prayed for the oblivion that had taken over.

  "Stupid whores, they always seem to pass out when the fun is about to start," the man stood and gathered his clothing.

  He had wanted to hurt the Sinclair girl when he had left her at the dance earlier this evening. Since he could not, he came to this filthy house of sin in hopes of slaking his need. The woman that he had really wanted to punish was like a bitch in heat. Her lust directed was at the wrong man, and David would not stand for it. He made a vow to himself that he would have her. He would break her. He would use her for his own needs and then discard her later, much like the whore at his feet.

  He had already spent himself, so at least he was satisfied with the girl. Her light red hair had served a purpose tonight. Although her color could not completely match up to the woman he had longed for, his mock punishment had been enough for him. At least it did for tonight. He would be back to visit the slim girl. He could not wait to show her a little darker side of the pleasure that could be found at the end of his belt.

  Casting one last look at the whore crumpled to the ground David smirked. One day soon, the woman he was after would taste the same fate, and be grateful for it.

  "Sometimes, it is easier to see the flaws of others, than to face your own"


  Two nights later, Alec found himself shuffling papers about his desk in an effort to keep from going insane. A hand rose to his brow, and he tried to ease the ache above the bridge of his nose. After two more disastrous dinners with ladies that had paid their penny for his escort, he should be grateful for the silence. Instead, the quiet of the evening brought thoughts to surface that he had no business thinking.

  "Hello son."

  Alec froze at the hoarse voice that came from behind him. Slowly he pivoted until he faced the auburn haired woman that proudly stood in the doorway. Her voice had changed, it no longer sounded as it had in his memories, but maybe that was a figment of his imagination
too. He had probably been too damn young to remember anything about her anyway.

  She was of medium height, which surprised him. Alec had always envisioned his mother to be tall for a woman. Her long hair was fashioned in a loose braid; it showed very little signs of gray. Her figure was still fit. The years had definitely been kind to Bethany Wentworth. The weariness around her eyes and tenseness about her lips, told Alec that she was not as unaffected at the reunion as she appeared.

  "Bethany." The name tore from his mouth, and he nearly choked on it.

  "I've told Hunter that I can find my own lodgings if you would rather I was not here. He explained on the way into town, how you felt about my coming to Liberty," she rasped.

  "It makes no difference to me if you stay or not. The house is large enough for us all." Picking up the stack of papers he had been shuffling he said, "I doubt we will see much of each other while you are here." Alec dismissed her.

  He was hoping that she would leave him in peace. His hands shook a bit, and he had to force himself to release his grip on the documents or else embarrass himself. His fight earlier tonight with Serena must have affected him more than thought, he told himself.

  "If you need something Mrs. Wyatt, my housekeeper will be happy to assist you," Alec informed her without looking up from his work.

  "You've grown up to be more like you father than I would have hoped." Turning stiffly on her heels, Bethany informed Alec of her intentions. "We will talk. There are things that need to be said. You son of mine, are going to listen."

  "There is nothing to say. You are only here because unlike you, I take care of my family, whether they are wanted or not," he snapped.

  Alec never bothered to look up to see the pain that crossed her features. He was shaking on the inside, trying to restrain himself from calling her back and telling Bethany that he was truly glad to see she had lived. Deep down he was curious about his mother and what she had endured, but one thing kept him silent. He was afraid to ask her why she had chosen to leave him behind.

  "What is it that you all want from me?" Hunter asked warily. It was barely six o'clock in the morning and Hunter had a long night. He was barefoot and shirtless in front of the men. As he had not been given much chance to dress when his brother had roused him from his slumber and ordered him downstairs, he figured the men would just have to deal with it.

  The elderly men that had called him into his brother's study, stood arguing in hushed tones and pointing in his direction. One of the twins pushed the other and a slight scuffle broke out before Alec shouted, "enough!"

  "Is it decided boys? Yes or no?" Alec spoke from his seat behind his desk. His brother looked weary, and normally Hunter would feel sorry for him, but he was acting like a beast toward their mother. Hunter had been the one to dry her tears and help her unpack, so sympathy went out the window until Alec started showing their mother a bit of respect.

  "We have decided it is a yes," Josiah spoke up reluctantly. He turned the mayor and warned, "this is would have to be temporary, at least until we can evaluate his performance."

  "Hunter, the boys and I have a proposition for you," gesturing him to take a seat near his desk, Alec continued. "Old Billy died a while back, and we haven't yet replaced him."

  "Old Billy?" Hunter asked confused by how he fit into this strange conversation.

  "Our sheriff." Fergus O'Malley called out and was shushed by his peers.

  "As Fergus said, Billy was our sheriff. We are looking for someone to fill the role until a replacement can be found. We are hoping that while you are here, you would be willing."

  "Me... You want me to be your sheriff? You are not blind right? You can see that I am a half breed?" Hunter sneered at the last part.

  "No one cares about that here," Fergus came forward and patted him on the shoulder. "We judge a man on his worth here, not the color of his skin."

  "I care!" Harlan called out, but his brother Marlon gut punched him into silence.

  "Just give it some thought would you?" Alec asked of Hunter as he shot Harlan a look of retribution. "Some of the boys had been trying to act as jailer, but recently one of them wound up stark naked in a locked cell, while their prisoner escaped into the night with their valuables." Alec folded his arms over his chest and sent a stern look to one man in particular.

  Harlan squirmed under his mayor's scrutiny. "She wanted to play strip poker... honest. I did not know that Madame Martha was the brothel owner that stabbed Franklin last fall!" Harlan cried out.

  "The name Madame Martha did not give you a hint?" Alec snapped.

  "Mama dropped him on his head as a baby," Marlon ducked as Harlan took a swing at him.

  "Look, I am honored you would consider me, but I think you would have a riot on your hands in town if I said yes. It wasn't so long ago that people here were ready to lynch me."

  "Just give it some thought. Let me know when you have decided. There is not much pay involved, but with the room and meals that you receive at my house, should be compensation enough." Alec stood and walked toward the door signaling the meeting was coming to a close. He was tired and he much to do.

  "You might want to raise that pay up a bit... the boy has already tasted Mrs. Wyatt's cooking." Harlan called out, rubbing his injured stomach.

  The day was apparently a good day for propositions, as one went down across town only a few hours later.

  "My daughter wants him, and I find that he will suit my needs perfectly."

  Fondling the crystal paperweight on his desk, the fat man smiled a malevolent smile at the kid seated across from him. His large office smelled lightly of cigars and musty old papers. The room's opulence almost visibly unnerving the young man as he took in his surroundings.

  Thomas loved the fact that he could intimidate the young saddle bum. He felt powerful in these moments, and that feeling was almost addictive. He had designed this room for that very purpose, to radiate power.

  Heavy burgundy drapes with black fringe blocked light from the massive windows located behind the banker's desk. A large plush carpet covered most of the room and matched the window coverings. The younger man usually didn't notice such things, but he wanted what the banker had; money, respect and not a small amount of control over the stupid people that lived in this piss poor town. Thomas Bixby was going to be his ticket to prosperity, Joe Vernon was certain of the fact.

  "Do you understand why I called you here today son?"

  Taking a puff off of his plump cigar, the banker leaned back in his chair and regarded the scruffy young man. He smiled at him over the object he still held clutched in his chubby hand.

  "No. Not really, but I'm open to hearing you out." Joe shrugged and scratched a dirty hand through equally filthy hair. He was almost certain that whore Mitzi Jane over in Rattlesnake Valley, had given him lice once again, but her service was worth the small inconvenience. For the skill that woman had with her mouth, he could overlook her unwashed body and blackened teeth,

  "What my Trudy wants, my Trudy gets. If she wants the mayor, then she will have the mayor," the fat man broke into Joe's blissful thoughts of the previous night. "I want you to guarantee that my flower gets what she wants."

  Tossing the heavy orb onto his polished desktop, the noise reverberated loudly within the room as it rolled toward the edge of the desk where Joe was sitting. The older man sat forward. "I want you to do whatever it takes to make my Trudy happy. I will pay you for your trouble, naturally."

  "How much are we talkin' here? I do not work for cheap," Joe smirked.

  The banker did not need to know that Joe was desperate for money. Desperate enough that he would agree to do whatever the hefty man wanted, in exchange for any amount of money offered. The loss of his job from the Sinclair ranch had put him in dire straits. All because he and a few boys had some fun with that injun' a few weeks back. Hell, how were they supposed to know that the savage hadn't killed Claymore? Shit, they hadn't thought a white man capable of skinning a scalp off a man. So the
y had beaten the half breed...what was the big deal? His ex-employer and the foreman of the Sinclair ranch saw things differently, and now no one wanted to give Joe a damn job... no one except the banker that is.

  Joe had been working up a powerful hate for those uppity Sinclair's, every single one of them. He also would not mind getting a little revenge, and since he did not care much for the mayor himself, it would not bother him much to drive a wedge between them all.

  Pulling out a stack of gold coins and placing them on the table in front of the fool, the banker watched as the kid nearly salivated over the pile.

  "This is just a start. I will double it after I see my Trudy wed to him. Do you think you can handle the job?"

  "What about that Sinclair girl? I heard tell that they have been making 'pretty eyes' at each other." Joe asked, never once taking his greedy eyes off of the pile of money. "Talk about town is the mayor has already had his hands up those skirts of hers, at least a time or two. You sure you want your darlin' girl hankering for him, when he's diddling another woman?"

  "Don't you worry about the Sinclair girl, I have that handled. You just worry about handling your job."

  "What exactly am I supposed to do?"

  "Well son, I'm glad that you asked that."

  After explaining what the plan was for the third time to the saddle bum, Thomas was ready to choke the little shit. The man was dumber than cow dung, and Thomas did not suffer fools easily.

  "So, that is all I get to do? I was hoping for a bit more work... maybe rough him up a bit?" Joe whined.

  "Do you want to get paid?" Thomas snapped.

  "Yes sir," Joe nodded rapidly.

  "Then get the hell out of here and wait until I send you further instructions."


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