Desperate Wish

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Desperate Wish Page 9

by Sioux Dallas

  “Miss Wescott? This is Dr. Shortt. I called Mr. Cortland and there was no answer then, I called your house and some man gave me this number. If you want to talk to Mr. Stallard, come on over now. Sgt. Cook has been in and has called. I told him he could talk to Mr. Stallard after supper tonight.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. I’ll come now.” She hung up and grabbed her purse. She caught Daniel’s hand and pulled. “Come on. We can talk to Mike if we hurry right now to the hospital. I want to talk to him before the police get there.” They locked up and hurried out.

  Within twenty minutes they were at the hospital. A nurse, Marge Carson, spoke to them in the hall outside Mike’s room. “Mr. Stallard has been restless and insisting he’ll be fine at home. He needs to be free of stress. Dr. Shortt said to keep your visit short and be careful to say nothing that would upset him. Since he lives alone, we’re going to keep him a little longer.”

  “Thank you. He’s a dear friend and I would never do anything to upset him or make him worse. And I’m glad you’re keeping him. As soon as he gets home, he’s going to be a bear to keep quiet and give his body a chance to rest and heal. He’ll be eager to rush back to work.” Amanda walked softly into the room with Daniel right behind her.

  “Hi Mike. How do you feel?” Amanda bent to kiss his cheek.

  “I’m fine. There’s no reason for me to stay here, but the doc says twenty-four more hours. Can you tell them I have work to do, Mandy?”

  “Work will wait, and you can be assured that it will still be there,” she smiled. “Do me a big favor. Rest and get completely well before you try to come home. I need you too badly. Someone is trying to do us harm and I need your wise head and moral support. How could I operate without you? Dad thinks you’re the greatest and I sure do.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Sweet words, but they do nothing for me at this time. I can be more help to you at the hangar. Suppose this piece of slime comes in while I’m not there. Mandy, it would break my heart if anything happened to you.”

  “No chance of that, Mike. I’m sticking to Amanda like a second skin. We both want you well and hearty and able to help us catch this dirt bag.” Daniel walked to the opposite side of the bed. “Do you feel like answering some questions for me?”

  “Fire away, Danny boy.”

  “Did you see or hear anyone or anything that would give you a clue as to who did this to you?”

  “No. Sorry. I didn’t have a chance.”

  “Tell me in your own words what happened.”

  “Well, I went to the hangar to get a present I bought for Jimmy and forgot and left it there. As I drove up I saw a light, like a flashlight, moving around inside. I pushed the hangar doors open and saw a flashlight right beside me and then it went out. As I reached for the light switch, I heard something beside me and then I was hit hard. That’s all I know. How long was I out?”

  “What time did you get there?” Amanda asked.

  “I guess soon after twelve thirty. I stopped by after church.”

  “It was about three forty-five when we found you, so, you were probably out about three and a half hours,” Amanda said with a catch in her throat.

  “You might have been out even longer if we hadn’t shown up when we did,” Daniel continued. “I don’t want to frighten you, but you might have been in worse shape if we had not been there to get medical help for you. It looks as if divine guidance directed us to the hangar.”

  “Thank God we did,” Amanda wiped a tear from her cheek. “I’m eternally grateful for you two.”

  “Just concentrate on cooperating with the doctors and getting better,” Amanda leaned to kiss his cheek. “I’m selfish, but I do need you, not only for your expertise as a mechanic, but as my second dad.”

  “Get out of here,” Mike wiped his eyes. “Mandy, please don’t go in the hangar alone for any reason. I can’t rest for fear you might get the same treatment I got.”

  “She’ll not be alone. Mike, I promised you that I would be with her. She may get sick of having me around, but I’ll do everything within my power to ensure her safety,” Daniel stated.

  As they tiptoed out, Mike was drifting off to sleep. They hurried to the car and drove off.

  Amanda had held in as long as she could. Daniel’s heart melted when he saw the silent tears streaming down her cheeks. He found a place to stop safely and took her in his arms while she cried her heart out

  “That’s all right, darling. Let it out. Tears are cleansing and healing.” He folded her closer and putting a finger under her chin lifted her face for a light kiss. Daniel pulled back with an explosive breath. “Wow! Keep kissing me like that and I’ll have to accept your marriage proposal.”

  “There you go again. Keep that up and I might scare you enough to run for your life and take you up on your offer. If I said yes right now you’d have no where to run.”

  “Try me. I wouldn’t run except to the pastor to make arrangements. Say yes and make me the happiest man in Texas, or even the world.”

  “I’m closer to it, but I don’t feel that I should make personal plans until Dad is able to work and take charge. Too, I haven’t dated much and I’m not sure what I want in a husband yet. We may make great friends but be terrible as a romantic couple.”

  “I know we’ll be great. Speaking of your dad, you’d better tell him now what’s going on. He’ll be deeply hurt when he finds out that Mike was injured and he didn’t know about it and hadn’t visited him in the hospital. I know he’ll want to see Mike for himself.”

  “I know you’re right, but how I hate to tell him. I don’t know whether his heart can take it.”

  “How do you feel about staying home with your mother and explaining to her while I take your dad to see Mike? I’ll tell him all that has occurred and explain that you were protecting him because you love him so much.”

  “No. I’m not a coward. We’ll tell them both at the house. Oh, please dear God. Don’t let my dad have another heart attack. I love him and Mom so much and -”

  “I understand, but you know that he would want to know about Mike.”

  “Yes, you’re right.”

  “Now’s the time to do it. Let’s go.”

  “Why have you kept all of this from me?” Amanda’s father spoke with icy calm. In fact, he was so calm that she was apprehensive. Is he really calm or is he going to explode like a volcano? Please don’t let there be a threat to his health. Why haven’t I been open and honest with him all of the time? You ninny, because you didn’t want him to get upset and worried about something he could do nothing about.

  “Daddy, I can only repeat what I’ve told you. I’ve been so afraid that disturbing news would cause you to have another heart attack. Honestly, I only wanted to shield you.”

  “Honey, stay calm. You know our daughter loves us and has been protecting us. She has taken far too much on her shoulders. We do understand, and want to hear about everything from the very first,” Felicity smiled trying to smooth over Corbin’s outburst.

  “Darling girl, I do understand that you love me and have been trying to protect me, but you forgot an important item. I AM your father. I am the owner of the flying service. Whatever happens, financially, sabotage, news, etc. it will all come to me eventually as the owner. I need to be informed so that I can keep abreast of what is happening. It’s bad enough that we lost a plane under suspicious circumstances. But when an employee, and a true friend like Mike, is injured because of his connection to me, I need to know.”

  “Her intentions were good, Mr. Wescott. She has kept you in her heart the entire time. Aren’t you proud of your daughter for her tenacity and ingenuity?”

  “Tenacity! Ingenuity! What does that have to do with what is going on out there and I’m not taking care of it? I know her intentions were good. Daniel, you know the old saying about good intentions; that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Yes, I’m always proud of her and thank God for giving us a daughter like her, but it doesn’t erase the fact that,
as owner, I not only need to know, but I’m responsible for whatever happens. I thought you were going to call me Corbin,” he glared at Daniel.

  “Sorry, sir. I don’t want Amanda to be made to feel that she is guilty of something that she had no control over, and I sure don’t want her to be unhappy concerning someone she loves so much.”

  Corbin scrutinized Daniel until he began to feel uncomfortable, then Corbin smiled and tapped him on the shoulder. “It appears that you’ve appointed yourself as my daughter’s knight in shining armor,” he grinned. “Good. Now, Sir Knight, how about driving me to the hospital to see Mike.”

  Daniel looked at Corbin, standing firm and looking as if he’d never been sick. His hair in careless disarray over his forehead made him look young, but Daniel thought he might be a little older than his own father. He was still a young man.

  “Nothing would give me greater pleasure, except to do a favor for Amanda”

  Corbin kissed Felicity. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Amanda will stay with you and Daniel will take good care of me. We’ll return shortly.”

  When they entered the hospital, the warning bell was sounding that visitors’ hours were over. Daniel put his arm across Corbin’s shoulders and walked to the elevator, talking and laughing quietly as if they had legitimate business there. Mike seemed to be asleep as they walked quietly into his room. The only light was a dim one at the head of the bed. As Daniel stopped beside the bed, Mike slowly opened his eyes.

  “Are you people going to annoy me night and day? Can’t a man get a night’s rest without you sneaking in and disturbing?”

  “Do I disturb you that much, Mike?” Daniel chuckled. Mike’s eyes flew open and widened with surprise when he saw Corbin. “Hey, Boss. What’re you doing here?”

  Corbin took Mike’s hand. “I would have been here from the first if anyone had respected me enough to tell me what is going on. These two well-meaning but misguided young people thought they were protecting me. Mike, I wish it were me instead of you. I won’t keep you talking. Daniel and the police can bring me up-to-date. Just concentrate on healing and gaining strength. I can’t operate without you.” He laughed. “Looks like we’re two old men together who will have to keep an eye on each other in the future.”

  They were startled when the overhead light was thrown on. “I thought I heard voices in here. Didn’t you hear the bell, or did you think I wouldn’t notice? You’re supposed to be long gone, and what are you doing in here with just the bed light on?” A take-charge in your face nurse faced them with muscular arms crossed over a wide chest. Déja vu, Daniel thought. He smiled to himself. I keep getting thrown out of this room.

  “That’s Dr. Frankenstein’s assistant,” Mike growled. “She knows more ways to torture and gives you more nightmares than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “And I’ll demonstrate if you gentlemen aren’t out of here in ten seconds.”

  Corbin, being a gentleman, apologized and explained that Mike worked for him and he had only gotten the news of Mike’s injury a few minutes ago. He told her that he had only been in the room a couple of minutes.

  “A couple of minutes too long. Out! Mr. Stallard can’t get better if you don’t give him a chance to rest. The last I heard all hospitals have visiting hours. You’re surely aware of it.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry. I’ll leave and return tomorrow.”

  She grunted as they hurried from the room and toward the elevator. Daniel burst out laughing as they entered the elevator. “I would love to be a fly on the wall and observe Mike and his tender nurse.”

  “Mike is not a man who gets sick easily. In all the years he’s been with me, I doubt that he’s missed work more than a few days. I’m sure he’s frustrated and then to have a fearless nurse keep him in line must be driving him up the wall.” Corbin had to smile in spite of his worry. Both men were laughing as they walked to the car.

  “Daniel, let’s pull in to this all night doughnut shop. I haven’t been allowed a cup of coffee or a doughnut for months. If you won’t snitch on me I’d love to have a pastry, but I will order a decaffeinated coffee. There’s no need to push my luck.”

  “I would love to have a pastry, but are you sure you should indulge?”

  “I’m going nuts watching my diet, watching my exercise, watching my medication. It makes me feel less than a man sometimes. I promise that I won’t do this again until the doctor gives me permission.”

  “Okay, but Amanda will have my head if she finds out”

  “She doesn’t need to know.” They went in and ordered. While they ate, Corbin asked Daniel to start at the first day when he met Amanda and tell everything that had happened.

  “Did Gooding say why he came in?” Corbin was startled, and appeared to be disturbed because Warren Gooding had come by. “He has never been to visit. I know his folks, but we’ve never had an opportunity to visit and get acquainted. We’re not enemies; just not friends.”

  “He only said that he had heard of Amanda’s loss and came to offer his help.”

  “What kind of help? We’re not friends. I can’t imagine what was on his mind.”

  “Amanda sent him packing. Don’t worry about it. I’m on the job and the police are very aware of all the problems. We’ll get to the bottom of this soon.” Daniel soothed him.

  Chapter Ten

  Daniel made sure he was at the hangar before Amanda the next morning. She pulled in with a happy smile. He was relieved to see that she was not depressed and making herself sick with worry. He wanted to pack her in cotton and protect her from any unpleasantness.

  “Boy! You’re on the job early. I’ll have to raise your salary,” she joked.

  He picked her up and swung her around, then stood her close to him for a kiss. He quickly put an arm under her knees and the other around her back and picked her up carrying her to the hangar door.

  Amanda laughed. “No one has carried me since my daddy did. My long legs turn men off.”

  Seeing the red splotches on her cheeks, he knew she was embarrassed in spite of her teasing tone.

  “They’re not real men then. I love you and think you’re the best thing since sliced bread, peanut butter and mashed bananas.”

  “Daniel, you’re an idiot. Don’t tell me you like peanut butter and banana sandwiches.” She made a face and pretended to shudder.

  “I sure do, don’t you? I thought everyone liked peanut butter and bananas.”

  “Yuck. I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and I’ll have to confess, I used to eat banana and mayonnaise sandwiches.

  “Gross. I like tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches. Are you ready for this?

  “When I was a kid-”

  “Yesterday?” Amanda interrupted laughing.

  “Show more respect for your elders. What I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted was that I used to eat mustard, dill pickle and onion sandwiches.”

  “And you call me gross? That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard of. Was that something your family ate?”

  “No. A buddy and I ate them. Mentioning my buddy; his name is Frasier Burgess. We grew up together and were college roommates. His father is a well-known defense attorney. He was working in Sugar Land until Frasier and I were in college, then he moved to Oregon to accept a partnership with a cousin. Frasier studied law and is training at their law firm.”

  “Is he the one you said you told something to that you can’t tell me now?”

  “Yes, he is, and I think it’s time you two met. I’ll call him and ask him to come stay with me in my new apartment. Ask your friend, Sulyn, if she’d like to make it a foursome. I don’t know exactly when he can come. It depends on how busy they are and what kind of work he’s been assigned to do.”

  “I’d love to meet your friend. Tell me about him. What does he look like? How old is he? What does he like to do? Tell me everything because Sulyn will have a million and one questions for me.”

  “That’s natural. You don’t seem to get
together with her much. I didn’t know whether you were close friends or not.”

  “As close as friends can get. I’ve told her all about the scary problems and all about you. Do you remember when she met you that she stood right in your face and fired questions about you like a drill sergeant? We are both an only child and we’ve kind of protected each other and taken up for each other since the first grade.”

  “That’s great. Everyone needs someone they can talk to and confide in.”

  “Now about Frasier. We’re both twenty-three and we both made top honors in high school and in college. We both love riding horses and dressing casually. Frasier is six-two, good build, blond hair, the most beautiful blue eyes and a smile that knocks even grandma’s socks off. He sings tenor in the church choir and in a barbershop quartet. He’s better at golf than I am, but I’m better at tennis. We used to skinny dip in the river and spy on a neighbor that we were sure was a mobster. He’s an only child. We were nine when my sisters were born, and even though we both loved them, we were too old to play with them. I guess I was like an only child. I was twelve when my brother was born, and sure didn’t have any interest in playing with him. I did keep the three siblings when we were younger, but it was not a chore. I’ve always loved them and didn’t mind staying with them. Frasier used to stay overnight with us sometimes.”

  “Did the twins have a crush on him?”

  “No, surprisingly not. I guess they just accepted us as two big brothers.”

  “Daniel, how old did you say you are?”

  “Twenty-three. Why?”

  “I never thought of it before. Age just never has come up. Daniel, you might want to take back your proposal, and won’t be interested in me.”

  He slammed a book down on the desk and stood so quickly she shrank back as if she thought he might strike her. “Lady, you’d better have a gold-plated reason for making that statement. Don’t tell me you’re teasing; that’s nothing to tease about. Don’t you know my heart would break and I might even die if you mean that? What do you mean?”


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