Desperate Wish

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Desperate Wish Page 12

by Sioux Dallas

  After talking a few minutes, Amanda smiled at Daniel and said, “I hope you’ll excuse me. I need to go to shower and dress. Vincent is taking me out to dinner tonight and I need to clean up and look better than I do now.”

  “Aw, honey,” Vincent drawled, “you’d look good in a potato sack and corn husks.”

  “Are you living in this area now?” Daniel asked Vincent politely, really wanting to deck him.

  I actually live in Houston, but I’ll be here often and, well, we’ll see what happens.”

  Daniel’s stomach turned, but he was determined that the others wouldn’t see his thoughts mirrored on his face. He began to tell Amanda and Shane about Mike’s lady friends. Vincent walked on outside to look around and wait on Amanda.

  Amanda got a charge out of the story of Mike and his “girlfriends”. She told Shane what they were laughing about.

  “I can hardly wait to meet Mike. He sounds like he’d be a hoot.” Shane chuckled.

  “He’s going to come in like gangbusters because he doesn’t think he needs help. He doesn’t know that you’re a detective. I did as you instructed and told him that you’re here because Amanda and her father are so worried about him and don’t want him to do too much when he first returns to his job. I made it sound as if we were more concerned with Amanda’s dad being too worried after his heart attack.”

  “You did well. I’ll be careful to not offend him. Will he be coming back to work on Monday?”

  “We probably won’t be able to keep him away any longer. I have a student now, so you men do your thing around here. Just don’t leave the place unattended.” Amanda walked out of the office. She told Vincent good-bye outside.

  The hair on the back of Daniel’s neck stiffened when he heard the giggle and the seductive voice of Melinda Pedrell trilling, “Why, Daniel, how lucky I am to see you here again. I want you to meet my father. Daddy, this is Daniel Cortland, one of the Cortlands over in Sugar Land. Daniel, this is my father, Judge Jason Pedrell.”

  Daniel, being a gentleman, shook hands with the judge and made all the usual polite remarks.

  He thought the man sure didn’t look like a judge. The man was about five-eight with a balding head that reminded Daniel of a monk. Just a little hair around the bottom of his head. His hair at one time was dark. His brown eyes were narrowed and showed no signs of friendliness even though he was smiling and talking. He wore jeans, a red and green-checkered Western shirt and worn boots. Daniel surmised that the watch on the judge’s wrist probably cost several thousands. He wasn’t impressed with the man and wondered at his own quick judgmental attitude. Frasier had often remarked how impressed he was with Daniel’s ability to size-up people as soon as he met them.

  Judge Pedrell acknowledged Amanda. “I would like to ask a favor of you. Melinda is loving her flying lessons and wants to learn the business from bottom to top. Could you allow her to work here with you and learn all you can teach her? I’ll gladly pay whatever you think is fair.”

  “Judge Pedrell, you flatter me. I’m not set up to do the training that you desire. I can give you the name and phone number of someone who will though.”

  “No, thank you, Amanda. I didn’t expect you to do it immediately. Let’s wait awhile and maybe your situation will change and you can train her. Say, I saw the news and heard that you’re having trouble out here. Are you in danger?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that, sir. Every business has its own problems and we’re having ours,” Amanda smiled at him in a dismissive manner. “We’ll be okay.”

  The judge left and Daniel almost ran out the back door to pretend to be working until Amanda could take Melinda up for her flying lesson. He looked carefully around the door before he came back inside and then explained to Shane why he was hiding and sneaking around. Needless to say, Shane got a charge out of it and offered to help Daniel keep an eye out for the young girl.

  When Amanda and Melinda returned from the lesson, Daniel hid in the office and didn’t come out until Melinda had left. Amanda teased him about Melinda’s obvious crush. She excused herself to go home early and dress for her dinner date.

  Shane used the excuse for following Amanda home, that he wanted to talk to her father and ask him if there was anything special he wanted done. Daniel drove home feeling easier about her safety, but not about their relationship. What is Amanda going to do about this Vincent character? I sure hope I don’t lose her before I actually get her.

  On his way he decided to detour and go out to a nearby breeding farm to see the Thoroughbred/Quarter cross that they had for sale. These made good working horses with speed, good conformation and willingness to perform.

  Daniel was very impressed with the horses and rode three of them to see if they were the size and temperament that he desired. He made arrangements to purchase one of these with the promise of being given first choice of buying some weanlings. In his car, he used a special radio to call his dad’s ranch foreman to alert him of the delivery of the horse the next day. Whistling happily he thought of Amanda and headed home to his apartment.

  As he passed a cleared place beside the road, he noticed that an old black truck pulled out behind him. It was not one he recognized and the windows were too dirty to see who was driving.

  Paying no attention to the truck, he was taken by surprise when he was struck hard from behind. He wrestled the car to keep from going into a ditch that would more than likely make him turn over. Before he could straighten, he was struck again heavily from behind and slightly on the right side. Not being able to guide his vehicle in time to avoid the ditch, he forced himself to relax and was thankful that he had a strong, healthy body. His vehicle zoomed over the ditch, hit the ground on the opposite side, bounced and rolled on its top.

  He could smell gas and worked frantically to get his window rolled down. Giving no thought to whoever might be out there, he struggled with the window. He finally gave up and took both feet to kick as hard as he could at the windshield. After three kicks the windshield popped out and he quickly crawled out.

  It was difficult to stand because his body had a severe jerk a couple of times. Aching and sore, he knew he would show bruises tomorrow. His neck felt as if it had been separated from his body. Stumbling and staggering he got away from the car and tried to stand upright. Just as he got his balance he heard a zing by his ear and there was a thumping noise on the tree behind him. Still shaken, it didn’t register on his brain until he heard another crack and felt a pain in his left shoulder. Blood spurted and he felt wobbly, but gritting his teeth, and exercising great willpower, he held on to consciousness. I’ve been shot!

  Chapter Thirteen

  Groggily he stepped behind the tree and attempted to see if he could locate the shooter and identify the person. Why is someone after me? I’ve never in my life had problems with anyone serious enough to have an enemy. Then it hit him. Amanda! Of course. Whoever is after Amanda knows I’ve been with her and protecting her. Dear Lord, I hope Shane knows exactly where she is now. Where is my CB? In the car. There’s no fire. Maybe I can crawl to the car and find my radio.

  Dropping to his stomach, and gritting his teeth against pain all over his body, he slowly inched his way across the ground about thirty feet to the car, using only his right arm to help him pull himself along. He shook his head and blinked hard to keep from passing out. He could feel the blood soaking the short left sleeve. No shots or signs of anyone else being around. I’m thankful the car didn’t catch on fire, but it may yet. Have to hurry. Oh help me to stay alert, Lord I don’t need to pass out now. Stay with me, Lord.

  To his surprise he found the radio near the front and on what was the top turned upside down.

  He boosted himself in through the front and reached down to get it “Now if you’ll work,” he whispered. He quickly inched back and hunkered down by the tree, fighting to stay alert. Boy, how his shoulder hurt. He struggled against the pain and dizziness, hoping that the shooter would stay away and not follow him.
  His left arm hanging uselessly by his side, he used his right hand to call the police and was weak with relief when he heard a reply. Quickly and concisely, although a little weak, he gave the information and asked for help. The dispatcher asked if he needed medical help and he explained about the shoulder wound. He began to feel too faint to hold himself up much longer. His tongue felt thick and it was difficult for him to talk. She promised help as quickly as possible. “Please stay in contact until help arrives.”

  It seemed as if it was hours, but two police cars and a paramedic crew were at his spot in a short time. By then the adrenalin rush was fading, Daniel was feeling weak, and sweating with pain. He was alarmed to see Shane running toward him.

  “Shane, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be guarding Amanda.”

  “She’s fine, buddy. She’s safely at home with her parents. I was in the station when your call came in and figured I was needed here. Now hush and let the EMTs take a look at you and then you can tell me what has happened. Boy, your car sure took a beating.”

  Shane was furious when he found that Daniel had been shot and relieved that the bullet had gone all the way through. “You’ll need to go to the hospital for treatment, and I’ll bet you’ll have your arm in a sling for awhile. It’s a good thing it isn’t your right arm.”

  Daniel’s wound was bandaged and his arm was cradled and stabilized against his body. He protested riding in with the paramedics. “That’s the law,” Shane smiled. The police, who had followed Shane took pictures, measured the distance from impact and into the ditch and took pictures of the ground and tree where Daniel stood.

  “I found this,” one young policeman came to Shane holding something in an evidence bag.

  Shane took it and identified it as a 30.06 shell casing. “Good grief, Daniel. You can thank your lucky stars that it was a clean hit going through. If that had struck a bone, you’d have a shattered shoulder, and you’d be lucky to just be able to use it. Man, I don’t know how you’re even conscious. Get in that ambulance and to the hospital quick. You’re losing blood.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I know Amanda is all right,” Daniel was now talking as if he were drunk. He staggered and almost fell. Shane caught him.

  “Daniel,” Shane tried to get his attention. No answer. Daniel was completely out of it.

  Shane motioned for two police to come over. “Put this man in the ambulance regardless of what he says. I have to get him to the hospital. Finish your investigation of the accident and come in to write your report. What do we have so far?”

  “We have the casing and I dug a splattered bullet out of the tree. Beaver took a sample of the paint that was on the vehicle that hit the car. We took pictures of the tire tracks showing that he was forced off the road and we have pictures of his car.”

  “Very good. Make one more thorough sweep before you come in. We don’t want some slick bozo to slide out of this because we were careless in our investigation,” Shane instructed. He was thinking that this had to be connected with the troubles Amanda had been having. Someone is getting careless trying to get rid of whoever is working with Amanda and protecting her. I would guess that whoever it is, is getting impatient and that will cause them to make mistakes.

  Shane ran to the ambulance and found Daniel passed out. “Hold on, friend. I’ll get help for you quickly. I promise you on my life that I’ll solve this case and get this sick-o or I’ll die trying.” As Shane pulled out behind the ambulance, he called Amanda’s home.

  Daniel will be provoked at me, but she’d be even madder if I didn’t let her know what is happening.

  “Oh, no,” Amanda screamed and then there was a thunk.

  “Amanda. Amanda. Answer me.” Shane frantically called out.

  “Who is this, and what did you say to my daughter?” an angry, gruff voice barked on the phone.

  “Sir, this is Shane Bullet. I met you earlier. I’m sorry to give you the news, but I knew Amanda would want to know. Someone forced Daniel Cortland’s car off the road and then shot him in the left shoulder. He’s going to be fine - sore and handicapped for a period of time, but fine. I’m on the way to the hospital with him now.”

  “Thank you for calling. Take good care of Daniel. Yes, we want to know. Amanda and I will meet you at the hospital. I wondered why she threw the phone,” he grunted. “Her temper got out of control when she heard Daniel was injured. Knowing my daughter she probably thinks it’s all her fault.” He hung up and turned to Amanda. “Amanda, I know you’ve had a shock, but this isn’t helping Daniel or the situation. It’s very clear that someone is going to continue until he or she does whatever they’ve set out to do.” Corbin hugged Amanda and then hurried to get his wallet and car keys. “I suspect that I’m the safer driver at this moment.”

  Amanda started out the door and then spun around with a small cry. “Oh, Vincent will be here soon. Mom, explain to him why I’m not here. I’ll see him another time.”

  “Corbin, darling, please take care of yourself. I don’t want you to have a relapse. No one does. I know you’re going to see about Daniel, and you should, but I’ll be so worried until you’re back safely, both of you.” Felicity was trying not to cry.

  “I’m calling the Waters to come stay with you until we return.” Corbin said as he took up the phone and made the call.

  “I don’t need a sitter. I’ll be perfectly fine alone.”

  “Please don’t argue, sweetheart. We’re upset enough. I need to know that you’ll have someone I can depend on with you.” He called, hung up the phone and turned around. “They’ll both be here. Be careful what and how much you tell. Just say that a close friend had a car accident and Amanda and I have gone to the hospital to see about him. If we talk too much, someone may in all innocence tell a friend who tells someone else and the criminals can get the information. Daniel’s attack may not have anything to do with us, but we need to find out. Besides, he’s a good friend and needs us now.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Take care and don’t worry about us. Here’s the Waters. Come on, Amanda. Oh, she’s beat me out to the car.”

  At the hospital Amanda was inconsolable when she learned Daniel had not regained consciousness. “Why won’t you let me go to him? He can hear my voice and know I’m with him,” she pleaded with the doctor. Privately she had a guilty conscience about rejecting his ideas of love and marriage.

  “Later, Miss Wescott. We’re doing tests and giving him all the medical attention he needs. At the present, sleep is what he needs to help him heal.”

  “Honey, come sit by me. They’ll let us know when we can see him,” Corbin urged her.

  Corbin had to restrain Amanda and caution her about talking too loudly when she accused Shane of not doing his job. Shane knelt beside the chair she was sitting in. He didn’t feel badly toward Amanda because he knew how upset she was.

  “Amanda,” he spoke low, “keep your voice down. We don’t know who did this and they, or a friend of theirs, might be nearby and listening to our conversation. Remember, everyone is supposed to think I’m another employee, a mechanic. No one must become suspicious that I’m more than that”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m so worried about Daniel and angry that this happened to him.”

  “All of us feel the same way. Here’s Beaver.” Shane laughed. “I should say Patrolman Mark Cummings. The force nicknamed him Beaver because he’s always busy and works like a beaver when he’s after clues.”

  Mark stopped in front of them. “Are you Miss Wescott?”

  “Yes.” In spite of her red, swollen eyes, Patrolman Cummings thought she was beautiful. “I’m Corbin Wescott, her father. Do you have news for us?”

  “I was informed that Mr. Cortland is a close friend and I was instructed to tell you that we’re following good clues that we have. How is he doing?”

  “We don’t know anything yet. The doctor won’t let me in to see him. This is Shane Bullet, an employee of ours,” she said following Shane’
s plan that not even her dad could know that he was an undercover detective. Mark and Shane shook hands and acted as if they were just meeting.

  “Miss Wescott,” Doctor Sikes came to her, “we’ve transferred Mr. Cortland to a private room. He’s sleeping and must not be disturbed. But, if you’ll feel better looking at him, you may go in quietly and stay two minutes.”

  “Bless you. Thank you.” She quickly followed the nurse that Dr. Sikes had brought over to lead her to Daniel’s room.

  Shane, Corbin and Mark asked the doctor for his prognosis and what to expect.

  “Mr. Cortland is in tip-top physical condition. The bullet went cleanly through his shoulder and he will be very sore, but should heal nicely. He had a few cuts and abrasions, but will not have any long-term problems with them.”

  Amanda was relieved to see that Daniel was not black and blue and full of holes.

  “When can he go home? Oh, my goodness. Did anyone think to call his parents?”

  Corbin pointed to a phone on a nearby table. “Here, call them, but don’t frighten them.” The three men continued to talk while Amanda called the Cortlands. She turned around.

  “Daddy, they’re on their way. It will take them at least a half hour to get here. Can we wait and talk to them?”

  “Certainly. I wouldn’t think of leaving without talking to them.”

  Shane moved closer to Amanda and whispered. “Remember. Be careful what you say. They can’t know why I’m really here.”

  “I haven’t forgotten,” she answered, miffed that he thought she should be reminded. Amanda walked hurriedly to meet Myra and Lance Cortland. “I’m so sorry you had to be called out this time of night, but I knew you would want to know about your son; and be with him. He took a bullet clean through the fleshy part of his left shoulder. It’ll be sore for some time and he’ll have to have therapy to get full range of his shoulder, but the wonderful news is that he’s going to be all right.”

  Myra placed her head on Lance’s shoulder to cry. “Shh. It’s going to be okay, darling. Didn’t you hear Amanda say that our son would be fine?” He hugged her close.


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