A Reason To Breathe

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A Reason To Breathe Page 9

by Smith, C. P.

  Basically, we had shit to go on except all three had nylon fiber under their nails, indicating the rope used to strangle them was nylon. I’d sent Grady to Jenkins to get a sample of all nylon ropes, hoping there might be a match we could cross-reference to sales, and to this killer. I had a call into the FBI to see if they had a profile ready for me, and other than hundreds of calls from concerned citizens reporting their neighbors as the killer, all we could do was wait and pray this asshole slipped up.

  * * *

  After hours of combing through reports, I needed a fresh coffee and aspirin the size of Texas. What evidence we had hit a dead end. Nothing linked these women except their physical appearance.

  Rubbing my hands over my face, thinking I needed a damn vacation for the hundredth time that day, I pushed up from my desk and headed down the hall to get more coffee. Grady was coming through the front doors when I rounded the corner, so I stopped and waited for him to approach.

  “Jack, got those samples from Jenkins and took them over to Drew to compare with the fibers under the victims nails. Daryl Jenkins has software that keeps track by phone number what people buy, he copied a list of everyone who bought any of the nylon rope in his store, in the past year.”

  “Good job, Grady, put the list on my desk and then call Drew and tell him I need the analysis of the ropes compared to the fibers, a-sap.”

  “Will do Jack.”

  Turning to fill my cup in the kitchen, I looked up and saw Naomi walk into the station. Jesus, I did not need another confrontation with this woman. No matter how hard I tried, she can’t seem to accept that we are done. It had been over for months on my end, but I kept going back thinking maybe I was wrong. I wasn’t, and this side I’m seeing, only confirms it. Deciding to head this off, not wanting to drag out another conversation with this woman, I crossed my arms and waited for her, but I let the expression on my face speak for me.

  “Jack, can I talk to you?”

  “Naomi, got work to do,”

  “You had time to kiss another woman on the sidewalk yesterday; you can’t make time for the woman you were fucking for eight months,” she hissed. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the kitchen and away from listening ears.

  “You’ve got three minutes, then I’m going back to work.” She gave me sad eyes and then the tears came. Taking a deep breath and wishing the fuck I’d stayed in my office, but not wanting to be a jerk, I pulled out my handkerchief and handed it to her.

  “Jack, why? I don’t understand? Please, can’t you give us another chance?” Closing my eyes to the pain in her voice, I didn’t know what else I could say to this woman without hurting her more.

  “Babe, it’s just not going to work. You’re right for someone; it’s just not me.”

  “And I suppose that Stewart woman is?”

  “Jesus, Naomi, let’s not get into this shit. You need to move on; I’m sorry you’re hurting, but it’s over, accept it.”

  “Accept that for eight months we were building something and then you just kicked me to the curb?”

  “Dammit, woman, I tried to make it work, but you wanted me to be someone I’m not. You wanted something I couldn’t give you, and you didn’t listen when I explained I wouldn’t change, so I was done.” She nodded her head, agreeing with me, and I knew what was coming.

  “You’re right, Jack, I did, I tried to change you, but I’ve learned my lesson honey, I have, I promise. I just wanted you around more; dinner at night, a movie or even a weekend trip, was that too much to ask? But I’d rather have a little of your time than none at all. I’ll be less demanding of your time; I promise Jack; I will, I get it now, you’ll see.”

  “Naomi, you shouldn’t have to change for me any more than I should have to change for you. I’m not the man you need, Babe, and you need to get that.” Her face drew up in a scowl and turned bright red as her anger kicked in, then that anger turned to desperation, and she started sobbing and breaking her words.

  “P.. Please, Ja… Jack, I love you.”

  “I know you do, and I’m sorrier than you know that I’ve hurt you, but Babe, get me, please, for your own sake and mine, it’s over.”

  Naomi stared for a moment through tear soaked eyes and then out of nowhere slapped my face. I didn’t move, and I didn’t stop her; I stood there as she pounded on my chest with both fists, then buried her head in my chest and sobbed. Her behavior had been escalating to this, now that she’d had this breakdown, hopefully she’d accept it and move on.

  I put my arms around her and held her loosely, feeling like shit, but praying to God she finally got it. Then in timing that could only be described as fucked up, I heard a gasp and looked to the door finding Jenn standing there. I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, so I raised my hand and gave her a finger indicating I needed a minute. She looked at me, then at the crying woman, and then sadness and empathy crossed her face. I was trying to indicate with my eyes she should head to my office when Naomi chose that moment to look up at me, saw my eyes over her shoulder, and turned and saw Jenn standing there. Naomi wasted no time; before I could react, she turned and shrieked.

  “You fucking whore, you fucking, fucking whore, he’s my man.”

  “Christ, woman,” I barked as I grabbed her arm to keep her from attacking. Jenn seemed stunned by the outburst, so I got her attention before this escalated.

  “Baby, go to my office, I’ll be there in a minute.” Jenn looked at me with huge brown eyes, then nodded and headed down the hall.

  “BABY? Did you call her Baby? You’ve never called me anything but Babe,” she shouted trying to pull her arm from mine, as I walked her to the front of the station.

  “Naomi, swear to Christ, stop struggling and keep your voice down.”

  “FUCK YOU AND FUCK HER,” she screamed. I made it to the doors and escorted her out to her car. She yanked her arm away and then spat in my face. Jesus, I should have ended it sooner with her, that’s on me, but I was done, and I let her know it in no uncertain terms.

  “Get your ass in your car and leave, right fucking now, this is done, I am done, we are done. Do. You. Get. Me.?” I didn’t wait for an answer, I yanked her door open and watched as she settled behind the wheel, then I slammed the door, and started heading back towards the station wiping my face with the sleeve of my shirt. I heard her start her car and then squeal her tires as I opened the door to the station. When I entered, I saw heads look up and then back down, but no one made eye contact. I walked to the men’s room, washed my face, and then headed to my office.

  When I got there, Jenn was standing next to my desk looking at the report from Jenkins. The minute I saw her I calmed down. I watched her trying to read the list that Grady left on my desk, and smiled.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were just stringing me along for your story.” Jenn jumped and had the decency to look guilty and shrugged.

  “Sorry, Jack, I went to put the cookies on the desk and saw the list of names. Is that your suspect list?” Amazed that she didn’t look the least bit upset by Naomi’s behavior; I shook my head and walked towards her.

  “Jesus, a woman screams at you, calls you a whore and you act like it’s no big deal and then move on to snooping?”

  “Uh, well, I might have been worried when I first got here, but after she acted like that I figured if you wanted her, then you weren't worth my time. So yeah, I’m over it, ‘cause Jack, she’s a bitch in case you missed it.” I tipped my head back and laughed, Christ this woman was like no one I’d met before.

  “Baby, you just keep getting better and better.”

  “Is that good or bad?” I grabbed her around the waist and hauled her up to my chest.

  “It’s fucking great.” Then I nipped her lip, and she gasped, so I kissed her hard and lost myself in her sweet scent and soft fucking lips. A part of me wondered how the hell someone like her fell into my lap, but I wasn’t gonna question it, and I sure as fuck was gonna do everything I could to keep
her right where she was.

  Chapter Eleven

  Fade To Black

  I headed to my office to write my story on the bake sale, after dropping off the cookies with Jack. Lorraine saw me coming through the door and waved me over to her desk. I had a feeling I knew what this was about, but was surprised when she opened her mouth.

  “Heard through the grapevine you’re pursuing a story on this killer?

  “I, well—”

  “I’m in,” she whispered, looking around to see who was listening. Taking my cue from her, I looked around as well and in a hushed voice asked what the hell she was talking about.

  “What do you mean you’re in?”

  “I want in on the story; we can work it together like Bernstein and Woodward.”

  “Lorraine, I don’t have permission from Bob to do this story, I’m just working on this in my off time.”

  “Even better, Bob can’t stand over our shoulders barking out how to investigate this.” Thinking that someone with her experience in journalism would be a benefit to me, I looked around one more time and then leaned in.

  “Ok, Lorraine, how do you want to split this up?”

  “How far have you gotten?”

  “Ben and Gerry helped me put together a suspect and victims list yesterday. I’ve showed it to Jack, and Mandy’s had a look at it as well, she helped whittle down the list. She was out yesterday afternoon running errands, and spoke with several of the suspects during the time of the killing.” Lorraine was writing in her notebook while I spoke, nodding her head as I relayed this information. When I finished, she looked around again, and I realized this was starting to feel very Bernstein and Woodward, “You got a copy of the suspect list I can have?”

  “Yeah, hold on, I’ll go run a copy for you.”

  I moved to the copier and ran additional copies, all while keeping an eye on Bob. I was looking over the list when it hit me the last name of one of the men was the same as Lorraine’s. Tom Beckett; I’d met her son once or twice when he came into the paper to visit his mother. Oh man, I hope this doesn't piss her off. Surely she’d understand, the list was long and so many were on it. I looked around one more time before heading back to her desk.

  “Here ya go, Lorraine, but I need to warn you, every man within the age range for serial killers is on this list, so your son Tom is on it also. I hope you don’t take offense?”

  “Please, I may be old but I’m not stupid, that doesn’t matter if he’s innocent, which he is, he was out of town yesterday, up in Denver, so he’s got an alibi.”

  “Good, we can mark him off our list then.”

  “You said you met with Ben and Gerald?”

  “Yeah, they heard me talking about the killer and saw my notes, they figured since they knew everyone in five counties they could help.”

  “Smart, Jennifer, use the public and their knowledge when you’re investigating. You never know what someone knows that can break a story wide open.” Smiling at the compliment, I grabbed a chair and sat down next to her.

  “Jack has another list, I tried to look at it but he caught me, so I didn’t see it. He knows I’m writing the story, and said he would help me, but I can’t put it to print until he says so. I’m hoping he’ll share information.”

  “Take him to bed, bet he’ll share it then.”

  “Oh, my god, you didn’t just tell me to sleep with Jack for information.”

  “Whatever gets the story I always say, but in this case that man looking the way he does, I may be old but I’m not blind, you’d be winning on both accounts.”

  “Lorraine, I’m not sleeping with Jack to further my career.”

  “Suit yourself, but after that kiss I saw yesterday, I don’t think he’d mind.” The gleam in her eyes told me she was joking, so I laughed and then stood to go to my desk. As I was turning, Lorraine grabbed my hand, so I turned back to her.

  “Jack’s a good man, he just hasn’t found the right woman yet.” I looked at her for a moment then nodded my head. It was nice to hear something positive about Jack and his serial dating.

  “Call Ben and Gerry, tell them I’m in and we need to meet. I want to pick their brains on this list.”

  “Ok, I’ll call them as soon as I finish my piece. You want to meet at my cabin or have them come down the mountain?”

  “Tell them to meet us at The Trough at seven, I’m in the mood for steak, and a healthy dose of spirits.”

  Nodding, I moved to my desk and pulled out my notes. I hadn’t been to The Trough since moving here, but I’ve heard their steak and seafood were the best. Opening my word software, I began typing my article for the bake sale, then thought better of waiting to call Ben and Gerry; they might need more notice than a few hours. I grabbed my phone and hit send on Ben’s number. As it was ringing, I heard Lorraine talking to someone, and I turned to see her son standing next to her desk.

  “You got Ben.”

  “Ben? This is Jennifer.”

  “Jenny, what can I do for you?”

  “Lorraine Beckett is offering to work on the serial killer story with me and wants to meet with you and Gerry, are you free tonight at seven to meet us at The Trough?”

  “I’m good to go, I’ll call Gerry and see if he’s free, either way I’ll meet you there at seven, ok, Darlin’?”

  “Thanks, Ben, you know I kinda love you, right?”

  “Ha, been a long time since a pretty young thing said that to me.”

  “Well get used to it old man, ‘cause you’re the bomb.”

  “Ok, Darlin’, if you say so. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “See you at seven, Ben.”

  “Later, Darlin’.”

  * * *

  The Trough was crowded when we entered; Lorraine had invited her son to join us, and since she was helping me with the story, and her son had an alibi, I figured she would remind him not to talk. Ben had reached Gerry, and they both were waiting for us when we arrived. Tom, Lorraine’s son was forty-five, divorced, but not dating anyone. Although I’m not sure why he wasn’t dating, he was a good looking man with medium blonde hair and green eyes that would turn the eye of any woman, even mine if I hadn’t already seen Jack. But then there weren’t many men who could outshine the Sheriff.

  Once inside, we got a large booth that sat six. Ben and Gerry took one side, Lorraine sat on the curve, and Tom and I sat next to each other on the opposite side. It wasn’t a tight fit, but Ben had considerable size and needed the extra room, and not wanting to squish Lorraine, I sat closer to Tom than I was comfortable.

  The waitress took our drink orders, the men ordering beer and the women red wine to go with our meal. Once the waitress was gone, Ben turned to Lorraine.

  “Ok, what did you wanna to talk to us about?”

  “We need to narrow down the suspect list, and you gentlemen are the only ones who can help.” Gerry nodded at Lorraine’s request and took the list she brought with her.

  “Ben and I have been going over the list again since there was another killing, and a lot of names can be crossed off since most were at work.”

  “I agree, last night Mandy shortened the list by twelve and Tom here has an alibi for yesterday, so we can mark him off the list as well.”

  “I’m sorry, did you just say I was on the suspect list?” Tom asked.

  “Yeah, sorry about that, but all men within a certain age range and no physical limitations were put on the list. So don’t be offended, even the Sheriff made the list.”

  “I should think so considering he dates and dumps women like a sixteen year old football player.” I turned to Tom and noted the anger in his face. Wondering if he had a history with Jack, I asked him.

  “You sound like someone who has issues with the good Sheriff.”

  “He dated a woman I’m quite fond of, and she was devastated when he broke things off with her.” Great, another woman whose heart was broken by the town’s resident heartbreaker, and I just agreed to see him. Well I’ll just p
ace myself with Jack, slow him down, make sure we don’t move too fast. Then I remembered last night and snorted. If Jack and I moved any faster, we’d be married by the end of the week. Yikes!

  “You think it’s funny he hurt my friend?”

  “Oh, god no, I was just thinking about something else and… you know what, never mind, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to be unkind.” Tom’s face softened, and he raised his hand to me.

  “Apology accepted.” I looked to his hand and put mine in his and shook it. “Thank you.”

  “Ok, let’s get back to the matter at hand. While we’re eating, Ben and me and you too, Lorraine, we’ll go over this list and mark off people. Sound good?”

  I watched as the three of them confirmed and argued about whom they saw yesterday and who was out of town. Our food came and just as the reviews suggested; it was outstanding; we'd all had steak, big surprise, and it was thick and delicious. Tom and I chatted about nothing important, just how I was liking Colorado and working at the paper. Ben, Gerry and Lorraine worked while they ate and in no time the list was shorter.

  With the checks paid, Lorraine and I made plans to meet in the morning, and then moved to exit the table. Tom got up and was helping me to my feet, when suddenly Naomi came charging at me. She shoved me sideways and started slapping me, screaming about me “stealing her man.” I’d never been hit in my life, so without thinking, I reacted. Father forgives me for I know not what I do.

  I punched her hard in the nose. I know…. shocked the hell out of me too…but to be honest, it felt good after this afternoon. Tom pulled me back, and Gerry jumped up and took hold of Naomi. Then Ben pulled out his phone and before I could say boo; he was on the phone with Jack.

  The restaurant had gone quiet; all eyes were on us because Naomi hadn’t stopped her tirade. She was clearly drunk. The manager rushed over to intervene, and that just made it worse. Naomi struggled against Gerry, spitting and hissing like a damn cat, telling the manager, Lloyd Pinkerton I’d found out, she was going to sue him for “unlawful concentration”…her words not mine…I’d have corrected her if I wasn’t concerned she would jump me and beat the shit out of me.


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