Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations Page 13

by Unknown

  “Mistress,” he whispered, knowing what was coming.

  Jolie teased him unmercifully. The tension in the car was delicious, and she couldn’t stop herself. His skin tasted so good.

  When her teeth penetrated his flesh, he wasn’t prepared for the waves of pleasure that it sent through him. As his body convulsed, he fought to keep his eyes on the road and not the vampyre drinking from his body beside him.

  Jolie pulled her teeth from his flesh and licked over where the wound had been. Slowly, she lapped up his forearm to the inner part of his elbow. Here, the teasing continued as she showed little mercy by using teeth, tongue, and lips. When he shivered, Jolie moved one hand up his leg, sliding over muscle to his throbbing erection.

  Jacques began mumbling in French. Already, he was burning up at her constant torment.

  He couldn’t think.

  He couldn’t focus.

  All that he could do was feel.

  Intending to push him over the edge, Jolie began licking at his delicate flesh in long strokes, mimicking the same motion that her free hand was taking on his lower body.

  “I want you, Jacques,” she whispered, against his skin until he trembled.

  “Mon Dieu, Jolie,” he hissed, trying to take a deep breath to steady himself. Just as he went to shift, she picked the exact same moment to bite down into his arm. He began begging in their native tongue.

  She let the red blood drip seductively from the wound so the car was flooded with even more erotic scents. It was maddening to her, but she knew that in his state of arousal, it would damn well push him out of control.

  Pulling her fangs out of his flesh, she swirled the tip of her tongue over the drips of blood rolling across his skin. Chasing them with her mouth was making him crazy, and taking her along for the ride too.

  Jacques was trying to keep the car under control, but it was so damn hard with Jolie torturing him with her lips. As their driveway could be seen in the distance, Jolie was already moving upward past his elbow and toward his throat. If she made it there, he would spontaneously combust in the driver’s seat.

  Mon Dieu! He was hit with the revelation that this woman was going to kill him.

  He had just pulled into the driveway as she bit down into his upper arm. He was fortunate that his sleeve wouldn’t roll up any further, or she would have crawled into his lap while he was driving.

  Slamming on the brakes, he turned off the car. As she stared at him with innocent eyes and blood on her lips, he was driven into the hands of insanity.

  Reaching over, Jacques grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her violently into his lap. His lips went directly to her mouth, and he bit down on the plump, meaty part of her lip.

  Jolie gasped, pulling him closer by yanking him forward with his hair. His tongue first brushed her fangs, her lips, and then he moved to Jolie’s shoulder. What he desired most was to sink his teeth deep into her neck. Unfortunately, she was wearing that spiky necklace, and there was no way to get to it without a mouthful of metal.


  Going for his next best option to taste her, he brushed his lips across her bare shoulder. As she shuddered in his arms, whispering his name over and over, he plunged his teeth into her. He reveled in the instant flood of blood into his mouth as her pleasure filled scream echoed around them.

  This was what he was craving.

  She was his deepest desire.

  Once the sound died on her lips, she was racked with uncontrollable shaking in his arms. There was no doubt in Jacques’s mind that they needed to get inside and to her quarters. He pushed open the driver’s side door to climb out with Jolie still clinging to his chest. She turned and wrapped her thighs around his waist, pressing his engorged erection to the warmth between her legs.

  At the first contact of heat, it only made him want to take her more and more, like the predator he truly was. His hands slid down her body and rested on the bare skin between the hem of her dress and the elastic of the thigh-highs, just to have that intimate contact.

  They both shivered at the simple caress.

  “Jacques,” it was said as a plea.

  “We need to get inside, Mistress,” he hissed, reaching for his last ounce of strength. Ten minutes in the car, and she had managed to tear down six hundred years of his carefully constructed control.

  She mumbled something, moving toward his ear. As she teased his earlobe with her tongue, it only took her a second to sink her teeth there too.

  It was madness as she was devouring him in small sips. Nothing in his life had ever felt like this before. There was this warm feeling building in his body, and he was helpless to fight it. For the first time in his life, all of his will and resistance to hold that little part back from her was gone.

  At that point, he didn’t care anymore.

  Jolie could have anything that she wanted.

  In that moment, he knew the deepest truth. Jacques Degaul would forfeit his life if he could only have tonight.

  It was his secret desire.

  Carrying her across the front lawn and to the back of the house, he prayed that they could avoid everyone who would be wandering around at one in the morning.

  At the door, he kicked it with his boot and walked through with Jolie wrapped around the front of his body.

  It startled Devin and Zola, who were sitting at the kitchen table having tea. Both jumped to their feet at the sudden noise.

  “Is the mistress unwell?” asked Devin, rushing forward as he saw the blood stains on Jacques’s shirt at the elbow and the neck. He was met by growling the instant the vampyre came too close to Jolie.

  Zola reached out and placed a restraining hand on Devin’s arm in warning.

  “Don’t interfere,” she said, whispering in his ear. “It looks like they’re in the middle of mating.”

  As Jacques carried her toward the stairs, Jolie watched them over his shoulder with blood on her lips. She also bared her fangs at the two standing in the kitchen. At her vicious hiss, they froze.

  There were two times you didn't want to interrupt one of their species. When they were feeding or mating. Both could get you killed, as they were lost in the lust of it all.

  “I do believe that you’re right,” answered Devin. “The mistress has finally chosen, and Balzac won’t be happy. We all know that he wanted her mate to be human, so she could carry on the blood lineage and have children to keep our family pure.”

  “You can’t always pick your mate. You know that,” she said, wrapping her arms around the male vampyre’s waist. “I believe Balzac said the same to me when I chose you. Besides, I’m sure Balzac is already aware of the going ons. That might be why he is in the foulest mood that I have seen in centuries.”

  “He’s going to be beyond upset.”

  “Keep in mind that he isn’t our primus. His mindset isn’t important,” Zola said, hugging Devin. “Our mistress was just carried up the stairs in what appears to be her newly chosen mate’s arms. We have new leadership, and she’s spoken. It seems that we now answer to her and Jacques.”

  Devin said nothing more.

  His mate was right.

  After witnessing the mating, it was out of their hands.

  Now, it was all about what was to come.

  Upstairs, Jacques walked past a few of the others and ignored their amazed looks. Hurrying past the family, he carried Jolie to her quarters with only one thing on his mind.

  Having her.

  The constant need was driving him out of his mind. There was a little voice that kept telling him to stop, warning him that she was his duty, but he couldn’t listen.

  For once, he didn't want to heed the voice’s rational ramblings. Now, he wanted to take what was his.

  Pushing the door open with his boot, he used his mind to close it behind him. When it slammed shut, it echoed down the hallway, making everyone jump.

  In his arms, she continued to tempt him with her mouth and body.

  “I need y
ou,” whispered Jolie, as she licked right beneath his ear. “Please, Jacques.”

  “Jolie, I can’t be apart from you,” he admitted, as he lowered her to the ground. “I need to have you. Please let me have you, if only for tonight.”

  What wouldn’t she give this man?

  “Tonight is yours,” she replied, willing to offer up the rest of her existence, just for this to never end. Where she wanted to promise him every night from here on out, she was too distracted by his lips.

  Releasing his hips, she went up on her tiptoes to make love to his mouth. Jolie could taste her blood against his tongue, mingling with his unique flavor. Stepping back, her eyes never left his, even as the madness overtook her.

  When her hand went to the frilly part of his shirt at his neck, she ripped it down the front with one slash of her nails. The motion threw buttons everywhere, causing him to sharply inhale.

  Jacques sucked in a breath, as he watched the slices to his torso immediately heal. The room flooded with the scent of his blood and need. Moving toward his prey, he stalked her backward, toward the bed to trap her. What the animal in him wanted was to ensure that she had no way to escape.

  Turnabout was fair play, so he did the exact same thing to her leather dress.

  Jolie’s eyes never left his as she could feel the sting of his nails tearing through material. Her blood mixed with his, creating the most delicious combination that she had ever smelled in her life.

  It was addictive.

  “Take off the necklace, Jolie,” he ordered, roughly.

  She didn't argue or pause. Slowly reaching up, she did as he asked. When it dropped to her side, Jolie kicked it out of the way with one of her boots.

  “Now the clothing,” he demanded.

  Slipping out of the tattered dress, she gave him what he wanted. It was hard to look away, when his gaze was so hypnotic. She didn't stop until she stood there in nothing but her thong underwear and spider web thigh-highs.

  She took his breath away as his gaze slid appreciatively over her body, taking in the curves and lush breasts. They were inviting him to take a taste from their forbidden fruit.

  “I’ve never seen anyone more lovely and exotic in my life,” he stated, as he kicked off his own boots and unzipped his pants. Stripping bare, he finally stood before her, ready to have her completely.

  “I have,” she replied, moving toward him to trail her delicate fingers across pale strong muscles.

  He pulled her against the front of his body, letting her hands explore even further.

  “I want you right now, Jacques.”

  He lifted her up, and they both fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. They began rolling around on the silk in a frenzy.

  Reaching down, Jolie took him in her hand, enjoying the strength she found in his body,

  It pulled another moan from his mouth.

  Jolie knew how to torture him further. Sliding down his torso, she was in the right position to access the most delicious part.

  She could feel him watching her, and when she glanced up, he was on his elbows tracking her with his eyes. At that moment, she slid him deep within her mouth.

  He threw his head back and moaned louder, clinging to what was left of his control. She licked and sucked him to the point where he was digging his claws into the silk of the bed. The tearing sound only inflamed them more.

  When Jacques could handle it no longer, he grabbed her to pull her up into his lap. She was straddling him again, but this time he could have full access to her glorious breasts. He teased the nipples into hard points, just to see her eyes go utterly blind with pleasure. The more she was squirming in his lap, the harder it was for him to stay in control. His hands slid down the front of her body until he found her wet and ready for him. He lifted her up, memorizing this moment.

  “Please, Jacques,” she pleaded in a breathy voice. “I need you to fill me.”

  “Yes! Now!” he said, as he impaled her with his erection, pulling her down into his lap.

  Her ability to think stopped, and she leaned her head back to shout his name. His strong arms helped her ride him. Everything felt so right as Jolie wrapped her arms around his shoulders before burying her face in his neck. The telltale thump of his pulse was calling to her.

  The voice in her head demanded she do it. It was time to make her claim.

  Getting ready for just the right moment, Jolie braced her fangs against the artery in his neck, and when he impaled her again, she bit down fiercely. Jacques’s rhythm momentarily faltered. His whole upper body tensed in pleasure as a growl broke from deep within his throat.

  It was predator calling to prey.

  When she released his throat, he was captivated by the pulse jumping in her neck, and he wanted to taste her more than anything in the world. The little voice warned him that he wasn’t permitted to take blood from her without her permission.

  Yet, there it was.

  Jolie could feel his trepidation, but nothing in the world would feel as sweet as him drinking from her body. It was something that they could share. “Jacques, please taste me.”

  “Mistress…are you sure?”

  His heart pounded at her willingness to share this beautiful moment with him. It felt special and gave him such hope. Maybe he wouldn’t have to love from afar any more.

  “Mon Dieu! Jacques, I can’t last much longer.”

  He rolled, placing her beneath him as his lips found her neck. It didn't take him long to dismiss the voice and ready himself to drink from her. When he was about to impale her again, he rested his fangs against her throat.

  “Now,” she begged in his head, as her own fangs found his shoulder.

  They came together in body and blood.

  Jacques was in heaven. Her blood flooded his mouth and filled him as he continually drove into her body. As her mouth worked greedily against his flesh, his whole world changed.

  Everything was more vivid.

  And he finally had peace.

  He was still slamming into her body when he felt her tighten around him. She pulled her fangs out of his shoulder and their lips met, sealing it with a kiss.

  The explosion ripped through both of them in wave after wave of heat. They’d had sex many times before, and yet this one moment felt different.

  Something had changed.

  This joining took his breath away, and for a moment, he felt like he was drowning in a sea of power. When he resurfaced, they were still wrapped around each other and lying in the middle of the blood red sheets. Dropping to her side, Jacques didn't speak. He simply laid there listening to her breathe.

  This was a moment that he wouldn’t ever forget as long as he wandered the Earth. Tonight, he was given a precious memory and gift.

  He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of being wrapped in her warmth. The tenderness behind the entire act was overwhelming. He had asked for tonight, and it would be burned into his mind and heart for all eternity. There weren’t words enough to thank her for what she had bestowed on him. Jacques knew that he could now die a happy man.

  He was finally complete.

  All he ever wanted was to touch heaven and feel whole, and he was just given that. This was the pinnacle.

  Wow, Jolie could barely catch her breath. What just happened was beyond amazing. She snuggled her face into his shoulder to memorize his scent. It was so peaceful to be wrapped around his body and lost in the woodsy cologne that was purely her Jacques. It was a moment to remember, now that they had moved forward.

  How could she ever go back?

  In her heart, she knew that Jacques would never have taken the step. To him, duty would come first.

  Well, those days were over.

  In that moment, she was willing to claim him as hers, but she knew he would panic. He was an honorable guardian, so she would ease him into it.

  Tonight, it all began.

  Jolie blocked off her mind, protecting her thoughts. She didn't want to risk him finding what was bui
lding in her head. Knowing him, he’d try and talk her out of it. If she claimed him to be her mate, then there would certainly be hell to pay. Balzac and some of the others wouldn’t be pleased.

  Then again, they could kiss her ass. Sometimes, rules needed to be broken. This was one of those moments.

  There was one thing for sure.

  Jolie was definitely in love with him, and it was a new feeling for her. All these centuries of having him by her side, and she knew that she couldn’t let that change.



  “Want to bathe with me?”

  “It would be my most sincere pleasure,” he replied, smiling down at her.

  Could this night get any better?

  “Would you like me to carry you?” he asked, teasing her when she didn’t move from her spot.

  “You may have to. I think I’m numb from my waist down. I think I’ll need help getting these hair extensions out. Will you help me with that too?” she inquired sweetly, before leaving a kiss on his neck.

  “How did you get them in?” he asked, staring suspiciously at her hair.

  “Louisa,” she said, feeling her body being jostled as he jumped up in protest.

  “You cheated and had help didn’t you?”

  Okay, so she was busted. It was time to go with plan B. Running her hand down her naked body, she allowed it to linger on her breast. She watched as he desperately tried to fight the need building back up. Going to her knees, in the center of the bed, she pulled him close to kiss her. It was a tangle of tongues and fangs. As her blood pressure rose, she broke the kiss. “What were we discussing?” she asked, as she leaned in to brush her teeth against his neck.

  “Nice try, Mistress, but I do believe you cheated.”

  When he dropped her name, it hurt her heart, and she tried to let it go.

  “I’ll wash your back if you forgive me.” She flashed him pictures of other things she would do if he forgave her. “Hmmm? How about it? Can you find it in your heart?”

  “Absolutely,” he replied, picking her up in his arms.

  She let him carry her into the bath that was already waiting for them. Since Jolie knew she didn't start it, once more, Jacques was taking care of her.


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