Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations Page 26

by Unknown

  Like any smart man, he took her offer as he let her lead him back to their bed.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  After twenty minutes of rolling around with her mate, she had just enough time to slip into her clothing before she had to call Detective Brogan.

  As she sat in the study, dialing Flynn’s cell number, Jolie hoped that she could keep from laughing.

  “Detective Brogan.”

  “Flynn, it’s Jolie. How are you, mon ami?”

  “I’m fine. I was just heading to your house, so we could prepare for tomorrow’s council meeting,” he said authoritatively, as he attempted to push the issue.

  Jolie tried not to smile at his effort to roll over her earlier decision. “Well, we can’t tonight, Detective. Jacques and I are taking a little trip out of town this evening to our private dwelling.” She listened to him breath in sharply. Already, she could tell the wheels in his head were spinning.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, we have a home in the mountains that’s secluded and sometimes we go there to be alone.”

  “You’re going tonight?”

  “Yes. I want him to rest one more night before we have to face council.”

  “Okay. Will I be able to see you tomorrow beforehand? I want to know what’s going to happen when I face them.”

  “Flynn, you know that I can’t take you with me. Don’t push the issue, or I’ll have to work around you,” she stated. It was hard not to laugh when her beloved mate was practically laughing as he leaned against the fireplace.

  He looked sexier than sin.

  “Is that so, Jolie? I think you’re forgetting that I’m the cop and you aren’t.”

  “Flynn, how can I forget when you continually remind me?” she teased, trying to keep it light. Jolie didn't like lying to the man, but it was for his own good. “You can’t join us at council. I wish you would understand that and simply accept it. Don’t challenge me on this, because no is my final answer. Now, I need to get ready for our trip. I’ll call you when we return.”

  He got silent and Jolie could hear him trying to outthink her. “Fine,” he said. “I still need to see you both tomorrow before council. What time will you be leaving?” he asked, fishing for information.

  “We’ll leave by seven at the latest. Council is always at eight,” she said, winking at Jacques.

  “Okay. Can I stop by your home tomorrow afternoon?” he asked. “Will you be awake?”

  “You’re always welcome here, Flynn. Chloe can wake me when you arrive, or you can come right to our room if you arrive after four.”

  “Fine. I hope you have a nice lover’s retreat tonight,” he said, the suspicion clearly evident in his voice.

  “We’ll try. Good night, Detective. See you tomorrow.” When the call was disconnected, she looked at Jacques. “He’ll be here tonight before seven. I can guarantee it.”

  “Jolie, you never cease to amaze and enthrall me with your mind,” said Jacques, crossing to stand behind her as Devin and Zola knocked on the door.

  “Enter,” she said, placing her hand on Jacques’s.

  “Mistress, what can we do for you both?” asked Zola nervously. No one liked being called before the mistress. It generally meant bad news.

  “I need a favor,” she said, having both of them look at her in surprise.

  “Anything for you and your mate,” said Devin.

  “Good. Tonight is council, and we fear that Detective Brogan will attempt to show up and interfere,” she paused. “We need you to lead him to our private house and keep him away from here. We believe that he’ll attempt to follow you, since he’s quite suspicious. I find it funny that he thinks himself more devious than an eight hundred year old vampyre and her mate, but that’s another issue.”

  Jolie approached them both.

  “Can you handle him for me?”

  They were both more than happy to assist their mistress in any way possible. After all, she did give them everything that they needed in life. “Yes, we definitely will. What shall we do when we get to the private sanctuary?”

  “Enter through the garage and wait. It won’t take him long to approach by the front door. When he gets there, he’ll find you both instead. If he wants, let him search the place. It’ll buy us more time. When he finally figures out what has happened, council will have been over by then.”

  “He’s going to be pissed, because he’ll know what Jolie and I have done,” added Jacques, taking his mate’s hand and kissing her inner wrist in a sign of dedication. “He’ll be angry at us, not you two. Flynn isn’t like the other police we’ve encountered. You can trust that he won’t hurt you.”

  They both relaxed.

  “We’d be honored to do your bidding, Mistress,” said Devin. “It’ll be our own adventure,” he added, smiling at Zola.

  “You’ll need to take my car. The windows are tinted, so he won’t see in. When you get to the house, feel free to stay the night and return tomorrow,” she added, watching their eyes light up.

  It was evident that the two were excited. First they got to drive her private vehicle, and then have the run of the private house. Even she needed peace occasionally. “You’ll need to take one of the donors along to invite you into the home, and to feed you the next afternoon. Just have Mina lie in the back seat and you’ll be good.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” said Devin.

  “You honor us with your generous gift,” added Zola.

  “No, you honor me with your unquestioning loyalty,” she said, kissing them both on the cheek. “Now go and prepare for your trip.”

  Jolie watched as the couple left the room, bouncing like young children. When Zola paused and walked back to them, she couldn’t figure out what was wrong.



  “We’re glad that you’ve made Jacques your chosen. We’ve never seen either of you happier,” she stated, before racing back to her own mate.

  When they were gone, she faced the man she loved.

  “I am very happy. Are you Jacques?” she asked, gazing into his eyes.

  “Jolie, you were important to me before, but now you’re my everything,” he answered truthfully, as he pulled her into his arms. “I now have everything that I’ve ever wanted in life.”

  He rubbed his lips across hers, and she sighed in contentment. “Mmmmm…”

  His body responded to hers.

  She stared up into his beautiful, strong face. “We need to get ready for tonight, so stop thinking about sex.”

  He was trying.

  “I know my love. Let’s get moving. I fear that later we’ll be too busy pacifying our detective to get anything done.”

  “It won’t be pretty, my love,” she said, taking his hand to lead him to the doorway. “He’ll be really pissed when he figures out our scam. I don’t like to lie, but this is for his protection and ours.”

  “I know, Jolie. We’re doing all that we can do. Flynn is quite insistent.”

  Both of them knew that word wasn’t nearly descriptive enough.

  ∞ Chapter Fifteen ∞

  Wednesday Evening

  Jolie stood in the shadows with Jacques, watching as her Jaguar backed out of the garage and descended the driveway. She also noticed Brogan sitting across the street in his car, stalking their every move. The minute the car pulled onto the road, the detective was right behind them.

  Jolie closed her eyes and reached for Devin and Zola. “Drive at a steady speed and don’t lose him. He’s behind you.”

  “We see him, Mistress. We’ll contact you if something goes astray.”

  “Merci,” she replied, closing off communication with them, as she stepped into the light with Jacques. “Come, my love. We need to finish preparing for our guests.”

  He took her hand and they headed indoors. They had their opportunity, and now they must make the most of it.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  At precisely eight, the doorbell rang. Jolie and Jacques went to
answer it, arm in arm. They had prepared and were ready for whatever was going to happen. Jolie knew that they would argue for their rights, and pray that the council would agree.

  “You look perfect, Jacques,” she whispered in reassurance, since they both knew that he would be under the council’s scrutiny.

  This was his first meeting as an equal and not a guardian. It was going to be his one shot at impressing them all. In his pricy suit and tailored finery, he was on the right track.

  “Are you sure that I look okay?” he asked nervously.

  Jolie had never seen him look more handsome. “You’re sexy as ever,” she reassured. “It’ll be fine my love. You’re mine for all eternity, regardless of what the council thinks,” she said, patting his cheek.

  When the door opened, Jolie breathed a sigh of relief that the first member to arrive was her old friend.

  “Genevieve, we invite you into our home as our guest,” she said, motioning to her entourage. Jolie noted there were two guardians, Genevieve, her daughter, and one of their companions.

  “Welcome everyone,” said Jacques. “We’re excited to have you in our home,” he stated.

  “Jolie love, it’s again a pleasure to see you,” said her old friend, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “May we assume that Jacques is now your mate?” she asked, stepping to Jacques.

  “You assume correctly, Genie,” she said, addressing the rest of the group. “Come in. There are refreshments in the family room. Have some wine and relax until the evening begins.”

  “Jacques, you look stunning,” said Genevieve, touching the collar of his very expensive, well-tailored suit.

  “It must be your beauty reflecting back at me, Mistress,” he answered, bowing his head to kiss her hand. He was well aware of what was expected of him. While he was now their equal, he still had to play the game for Jolie’s sake.

  “Oh, mon ami, if you ever decide to get rid of him, send him to me. Your mate is delicious, and I would enjoy getting to know every inch of him,” she said, fanning herself with her hand.

  “Genie, you’re too much. I’m afraid that I can’t even think of not having Jacques by my side. Besides, you have an entire bordello of men at your disposal,” she stated, as her friend blushed and immediately agreed.

  “Get some wine and relax,” Jolie said, slipping her arm back through Jacques, as she tried to rescue him from Genevieve’s clutches.

  Over the next ten minutes, Jolie and Jacques welcomed the last eight masters and mistresses of the city. Jacques handled the looks and comments like true royalty, keeping his cool. Jolie managed to do the same, even when Sergei was more than happy comment on their union.

  Her mind still burned from his insults.

  “Are you still afraid to leave the little pond to find your mate, Jolie?” he asked, snidely.

  “Ah, Sergei, you’re so wrong. I looked and Jacques was a far better mate, than anyone I saw outside of my society,” she stated, sipping her wine, “I’ve seen the women who you’re accumulating at your club. They’re worth no more than an energy donation, and definitely not worth ruling a society by my side. Then again, I’ve seen leaders that are less than the riff raff they commune with.”

  Her point was made, and he quickly shut his mouth. If anyone thought that she would allow Jacques to be insulted in their home, they were dead wrong.

  Jolie glanced over at Master Vlad, and he nodded for her to begin.

  She stood in her family room and projected her power to the group. Tonight, she would need to be strong to be granted her wish.

  “First, Jacques and I wish to welcome you to our home. Be at peace, our friends. It may be a surprise to some of you that I’ve indeed chosen my mate,” she said, glaring over at Sergei. “Especially those of you that disapprove of us mating with our guardians, but I assure you, Jacques is a strong addition to my society. After all, it is vital that we can trust those who are in our company.”

  There were nods of agreement.

  Jolie continued once Jacques stepped to her side. “The real reason we have called this meeting is regarding the killings which are ongoing in our city. Another victim was found, and this time she was an employee and donor from my own home.”

  There were looks of shock on the faces in the room.

  “I’m taking this as a personal attack to my society. To add insult to injury, the killers weren’t neat or clean with this atrocity. It was a message for me to back off. Instead, it has made me angrier that I’m now being challenged. I’m now more determined to find and eradicate the perpetrator.”

  Jolie’s eyes panned the room.

  “Mistress Jolie, we offer you sympathy on your loss,” said Master Vlad.

  “Thank you, my friend. I appreciate your sentiments, and I’ll share them later with my family,” she replied, as she leaned back into her mate.

  He was her rock and anchor.

  “We’ve gone to ‘The Sanguivore’ yet again in hopes of tracking the killers, and we’ve found some information,” she stated.

  There was a collective gasp.

  “Then, you know who they are?” asked Genevieve, leaning forward.

  “Not yet, but I assure you, we will. I have a name, and I need to know if anyone has heard of this woman.”

  “What’s her name?” asked Master Vlad.

  “Medea Black.”

  “That can’t be!” declared Genevieve, looking ill. “She’s a lesser member in my society. She wouldn’t kill a soul. In fact, she’s a kind, gentle girl.”

  “I need to speak with her,” said Jolie, challenging her old friend.

  “It is not her, Mistress Jolie,” said Genevieve, shaking her red curls angrily. “I can vouch for my society, and for all of the members who I protect.”

  Jolie wasn’t having it. There was a duty to be done, and this was going to happen. “I need to meet with her,” said Jolie, as she directed her plea to Master Vlad. She knew it would make her friend angry, but it didn't matter. “Please, Master Vlad. I ask for a vote.”

  Genevieve stood up, the anger present on her face. “Jolie, you’re my friend! You would go against me on this?”

  “It’s not about friendship, Genevieve. Someone is killing humans, and one of my family! I loved Louisa, and the killers tortured her to prove a point.”

  The woman didn't look swayed.

  “Allow me to speak to her. I’ll come to her at your home. You can stay and observe, but it doesn’t negate that I still need to do this,” she stated adamantly.

  “Jolie, I ask that you don’t pursue this silliness,” said Genevieve. “I need your trust.”

  Jolie sighed and looked around the room. “If I’m not allowed to question this girl, then my hands are tied. We might as well take a full page add out in the Philly Daily News, telling the world that we’re vampyres. This has the potential to blow up in our faces, yet again. I like my home and don’t wish to move from here.”

  Jolie waited in anticipation as Vlad stood from his seat. “We need to vote,” he stated, glancing at the other members, and then to Genevieve.

  When they were each asked, the majority fell in Jolie’s favor.

  “You will allow Mistress Jolie to speak to this girl. It’s in the best interest for everyone involved. We need to ensure our safety at all costs.”

  “Yes, Master Vlad,” said Genevieve, sitting back on the couch. She glared at Jolie, and then back to the council.

  Jolie could feel Jacques reach for her mind. “It’ll be fine, mon amour. She’ll get over her anger.”

  “I know, Jacques. It’s for the good of our kind.” Jolie returned to her seat. She didn't like hurting her friend, but what choice did she have?

  Vlad remained standing in the room. “Are there any other business issues which need to be attended to?” he asked, scanning the room.

  Everyone shook their heads.

  “Fine then. We’ll conclude this meeting of the council. Thank you, everyone,” he added, waving his arm to dismiss them. With a no
d at Jolie, he took his mate’s hand and bid them goodnight.

  Jolie waited for Jacques to escort their guests out. It was hard to ignore the angry glares from her old friend.

  Genevieve stood there with her entourage as she waited for Jolie to approach her.

  “Genie, it is nothing personal. I’m sorry you feel it is.”

  “I’ve stood by you for centuries, and you don’t believe that I know my own society members?”

  “I believe you, Genie, but I was asked by the council to help the police. My back is to the wall. I can help them and make you angry, or sit by and wait until we’re found out and staked by the hunters.”

  “I see,” said Genevieve. “I’ll call you tomorrow and give you the details of the meeting. I must go home and find Medea,” she stated angrily, as she walked past Jolie without a further word. When she reached Jacques at the door, she merely nodded before disappearing into the dark.

  Jolie collapsed onto the couch, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes. She heard Jacques moving around the room, dimming the lights before sitting beside her. When he pulled her legs onto his lap, only then did she open her eyes.

  “Did I handle that poorly, Jacques?”

  “You had to handle that the only way you could, my love,” he said, sliding her boots off as he rubbed his hands soothingly over her legs. “I fear that was the less hostile of confrontations that we’ll face tonight.”

  “Did he figure out our scam, Jacques?”

  “Oh, yes. Devin contacted me while you were fighting the council.”

  Jolie had to laugh. “I assume he’s driving like a mad man to get here and tear a strip from my ass this evening.”

  “I’ll kiss it and make it better,” said Jacques smiling. “It’s my duty, after all, and I do take it seriously.”

  Jolie sat in the quiet of the house, listening to the breathing of her mate and their individual heartbeats. It would have normally been a peaceful setting, except tonight, she was feeling off balance. Jolie was deep in thought about the night’s proceedings, when Jacques stopped stroking her leg and tensed.


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