Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations Page 39

by Unknown

  When he saw what she had done, his stomach turned. There were shiny silver knives shoved down into his flesh, between the two bones of his arm, pinning him to the floor. “Oh my God,” he muttered, as the room began spinning. Immediately, he reached out for Jolie. He sent her a warning, but he was brought back to reality when Cassiel kicked him in the face.


  “Don’t talk to her! She’ll be here soon, and I’ll cut her heart out when she gets here.” Once more, she began pacing erratically. Her tiny feet were clicking on the dance floor in some sick staccato.

  “You won’t kill her. She’s too powerful.”

  Cassiel screamed. “She’s nothing! I’m from a stronger bloodline! I can kill her with my power alone!” She paused, and then smiled wickedly. “Besides, I have a secret. Do you want to hear it, Detective Brogan?”

  He didn't really, but what choice did he have?

  On her knees, she slid her hand across his chest, admiring the tight muscles below his shirt. When his face showed how disgusted he was at her contact, she screamed again, raking her nails down his body, only stopping at the top of his jeans.

  The room swam as he fought to stay awake. It was a good thing he was immortal, or he would have been dead.

  “Jolie underestimates my power. She brought Dieter into her house, and he’s mine. I knew she wouldn’t kill him. I purposely never let him in on the kill, because I knew that she would be too soft. Right now, he’s bringing my back up security.”

  “You’re crazy,” he said, as blood pooled around his neck from his chest wounds.

  “No, I’m invincible. There’s a difference.”

  He flinched as she put the instep of her boot down on the hilt of the knife sticking sickly out of his forearm. She pushed down and his body arched up off the floor, bucking in pain.

  “You’re food and that’s all,” she added, as she returned to kneel by his side. “Now that you know my secret, I’ll have to keep you quiet.” She wanted retribution in the worst way. “I’ll just do to you what Jolie did to Medea. She destroyed her for a bunch of worthless food. Jolie Harcourte crossed a line and had my own mother kill my pet. She was a helpful assistant, and she would kill the stupid humans without remorse. How I miss her.”

  Brogan fought to get his face away from her hands. He only hoped that he survived all of this and didn't end up a drooling vegetable.

  When she put her hands on Brogan’s flesh, Cassiel smiled. “I’d like to say this won’t hurt, Detective, but it will.”

  The last thing Flynn heard, over his own screams, was Cassiel’s laughter.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The drive to the club was tense.

  Jolie kept reaching for Flynn, and he wasn’t answering. She was trying to remain calm, but in her heart she suspected the worst.

  All of the sudden, she tensed and screamed in pain.

  Jacques went on alert.

  “Mon amour, what’s wrong?”

  Jolie sat up in the seat, blood running from her nose. “She’s killing his mind. Cassel is ripping through his thoughts and memories to pay me back. Get us there, Jacques. I have to help him.” Jolie reached into her body and searched for Brogan. When she touched his mind, he was screaming in pain as Cassiel laughed at the destruction that she was causing. She touched him mentally and shoved Cassiel out of his head, protecting him from her assault.

  “Mon ami, I’m here. Shhhh… it’s okay. She can’t hurt your mind anymore. Be calm for me. I need you to pretend that you’re unconscious. Can you hear me, Flynn?”

  “Jolie! Oh God! I’m so sorry!”

  “Flynn, we’re coming. I’ll finish her tonight, and then we’ll all go home.”

  “She’s ready for you.”

  “I know, darling.”

  Jolie sent him peace, warmth, and wrapped him in their love. She was going to kill Cassiel, Genevieve’s daughter or not.

  This was the end.

  Tonight, she was going to her maker, and in little pieces if she had her way.

  Since the club was closed on Mondays, it was no surprise that Cassiel would head there. When they arrived, Jolie strode in, heading right into the midst of it all, unworried.

  She needed to save Flynn.

  As they entered, their minds protectively locked together, they found their bonded human pinned to the dance floor with silver knives.

  She started toward him.

  “Stay right there, Jolie and Jacques,” said Cassiel, as she walked into the room. On her arm was her companion Muriel, and they were both smiling at the detective’s distress.

  “I’m going to kill you, Cassiel. You realize that, don’t you?” she asked, ignoring the woman as she moved toward Brogan. “You’ve crossed a line, and you’ve made a mess of my Flynn,” she continued, almost at his side.

  When Cassiel didn't try to stop her, she reached for Jacques. “Beware. She’s up to something. Watch your back, mon amour.”

  “You too, my love,” he replied.

  Jolie knelt down beside the detective. She touched his face sending him energy so he could start to heal. When she could, she touched his mind again, ensuring that he was still surviving his loss of blood.

  “We’re here, Flynn. She’s not going to touch you ever again, I swear.” Gently, she lowered her mouth to his in a loving kiss. When she was done, Jolie faced the monsters.

  “Why, Cassiel? I don’t understand why you’re doing all of this.”

  “Jolie, they’re merely food. We were just having some fun,” she laughed, as her head of blond hair bounced.

  Jolie wanted to stake her heart, and then rip out her hair in chunks.

  “Obviously, your mother never taught you manners or respect. They’re more than food, Cassiel. Humans have feelings. They love, feel, and have mothers of their own. You’re a disgrace to our kind, and I’m going to stop you.”

  “Jolie, you didn’t stop me before.”

  “You repulse me. It was you in France, killing all those innocent people.”

  Cassiel just laughed at the pathetic attachment to the human food.

  “You’ve betrayed your people, and for what? Blood? You’re a disgrace.” She touched Brogan’s arm and searched for his mind again.

  “I’ll remove this knife. Don’t flinch, mon ami.”

  Cautiously, she removed the blade and palmed it in her hand. She needed to make sure Cassiel didn’t know that she had it.

  “What’s your plan now, Cassiel? Before I kill you, that is.”

  “Oh, Jolie. I plan on hurting you so bad,” she admitted, as she turned and stepped away from Muriel. “First, let’s begin with the floor show. Come out my love.”

  Jolie wasn’t surprised as Dieter came out of the shadows, dragging Chloe with him. “So, you sent a spy into my home?”

  “Yes, Jolie, as you can see. I’m not only smarter than you, but I’m more powerful. You didn’t even know I had sent him to you,” she laughed.

  Jolie started laughing, and the entire room vibrated in angry energy.

  “Cassiel. You have no idea. You think that I didn’t smell the stench of you all over Dieter? I knew you placed memories in his head. I knew that you would have him betray me. I’m prepared for you,” she replied, lifting her hand in a signal. Immediately, Chloe pulled a gun from her pocket. She fired it pointblank into Dieter’s chest, unloading the entire clip.

  They all watched the man fall to the floor with a sickening thud.

  Cassiel screamed and turned toward Jolie.

  Without hesitating, Jolie whipped out her hand, throwing the dagger into Muriel’s human heart. Two of her minions wouldn’t be waking tomorrow.

  Cassiel couldn’t believe it was all happening. “I’m going to kill you,” she promised, as she charged at Jolie.

  Calmly, the more ancient vampyre raised a hand and Cassiel stopped moving.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s just a touch of mine and Jacques’s power, Cassiel. You underestimated me. You tortured a m
an who is bonded to us, and now I’ll see you dead.”

  Jolie moved her hand, and the vampyre’s peach complexion went ash colored. “What’s wrong, Cassiel? Having a difficult time breathing? Seeing? Thinking? Good. You killed so many humans, and threatened our secrecy. We were almost killed in Paris because of you. If you wanted me dead, then you should have tried harder, Cassiel. I don’t die easily.”

  Jolie had other pressing issues, like the man at her side. Flynn needed her help. “Jacques, finish her please.”

  “Yes, my love.”

  Jacques’s fangs slid into his mouth, and he grinned as he stalked the prey.

  Before Cassiel knew what was happening, Jacques flung out his hand and all of their energy flooded out of his body into Cassiel’s. It was as if she was boiling from the inside out. Finally, her skin started blistering and flaking off her body. It began to burn away as she fell to the ground.

  Jolie removed the knife from Flynn’s other arm and walked to Cassiel’s writhing body. With her foot, she pushed her until she rolled over. “This is for all the women you drained for your fun,” she stated, raising the knife above her head before slamming it through Cassiel’s chest. Because the woman dared touch someone who belonged to her, she drove the knife home with her boot.

  “Jolie, we must get out of here,” said Jacques.

  “Take Chloe and leave. I’m going to burn this place down,” she answered, heading back toward Brogan. “Come on, Detective. We have to get you out of here,” she said, carrying him down the hall, past the carnage and to her car.

  Once outside, she started a fire, right near the alcohol. It didn’t take long for the building to be fully engulfed.

  Already, she knew what needed to be done.

  They needed to escape. Unfortunately, the deaths would go unreported, the victims’ families wouldn’t know the truth because the secrets would stay buried forever.

  At her vehicle, Flynn finally spoke, “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you.”

  “Then, you’re not mad at me anymore?” she asked, touching his face. She pulled wet wipes from the glove compartment and started cleaning off the blood splatters on his face. He was going to be a mess in the morning, but would be healed by the following day.

  “You saved my ass. How can I be mad at you and Jacques?”

  “I was terrified and very angry, Flynn. You’re going to be the death of me.” Somehow, they both found that funny and very ironic.

  “We need to get out of here. It won’t be long until a neighbor or someone calls the cops. I can’t be seen here looking like this.”

  Jolie lifted his feet into the car and closed the door. When she buckled in, she glanced over at him. “I’m glad you’re safe, my love.”

  His heart stuttered at the term of endearment, all the while sinking at the same time.

  “I’m glad too.”

  Jolie patted his thigh with her hand. “Home?”

  He swallowed the sadness filling his heart and was infinitely grateful that Jolie was too drained to read his thoughts. Closing his eyes, he spoke, “Yeah, let’s go.”

  It didn't take long to get them home. When Jolie pulled into the private driveway, she called for her mate to meet them in the garage. Jacques was standing there, waiting for them as the door closed. Leaning into the car, he picked up the human and carried him up to his bed.

  For tonight, they would remain by his side so he wouldn’t wake alone.

  “I believe that we’ll need to give him more blood to speed up the healing process,” he said, standing over the detective in a room that not too long ago had been his.

  “I know, but let him sleep for a while,” she replied, leaning into him as she kissed him. “Mmmmm… you taste good tonight, Jacques.”

  “So do you,” he replied, kissing her thoroughly. When he broke away, he stared down into her eyes. “I have bad news, mon amour, and I might as well break it to you now.”

  “What is it, Jacques?” she asked, her face fraught with concern.

  “You’ve been called in front of the council tomorrow night. It seems that they’ve already been alerted. We must have been spotted or watched.”

  “Oh shit,” she said. “That was fast.”

  “Yes it was. There are questions about Cassiel and Sergei,” he added.

  “Even dead, that bastard is a pain in our asses.”

  Jacques just laughed. “You’re not worried?”

  “Yes, but what can I do? It’s done,” she leaned into his body. “I’m hungry, Jacques. Let me give Flynn some blood, and then will you feed me?”

  “As you wish, my love.”

  Jolie sat down next to Brogan. Taking his wrist, Jolie felt for a pulse. Once she found it, she gently bit down to take a few sips to strengthen their bond. Holding out her wrist, Jacques made a small cut.

  Now, she’d feed her wounded detective.

  Whispering into his mind, Jolie called to him. “Flynn, I need you to drink so that you can heal.”

  “What is it?”

  “It is my blood.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “I’ll help you, darling. From here on out, I’ll make sure no one ever hurts you again.”

  His lips moved over her wrist, gently sucking, and then he was gone again back into the abyss.

  Jolie stood up and went to her mate. “How about you and I spend some time alone?” she purred, licking his earlobe.

  His body reacted to everything about her.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  Jolie tried to push everything out of her mind, if only for the night. Tomorrow, there would be hell to pay, but tonight they needed to celebrate.

  They saved the detective.

  Found the killers.

  Protected more humans.

  And most importantly, got justice.

  Over all, it was a damn good night, despite what was coming for them. At least they had each other.

  “What don’t I have planned for you?” she asked, running her nails down his torso.

  Jacques grinned wickedly. “Your wish is my command, Mistress.”

  Jolie knew that’s how it would always be.

  ∞ Chapter Twenty-Four ∞

  Tuesday Afternoon

  Jacques could sense his mate reaching for him as she tried to pull out of death’s grasp. He couldn’t see her in the blackness, but he could feel her warmth pulsing from somewhere near him. He reached out for her, using all the energy in him to pull them both free.

  Before either opened their eyes, they scanned the room, trying to locate the other man who had been beside them.

  “Remember, we’re not alone, mon amour,” Jolie said, as Jacques drew his first breath.

  “I get the distinct impression that you two rolled around in my bed while I wasn’t awake,” Brogan stated jovially.

  Jacques grinned wickedly, but said nothing. He couldn’t refute it, because they absolutely had.

  “You know, if you’re going to use someone’s bed for sex, you should at least invite the owner to join in,” Brogan teased, as they both were now fully awake.

  Jacques found that funny. He grinned at the man across the room, lounging on the leather couch with the newspaper.

  “Well, Flynn, you were in no shape to participate,” Jolie teased right back. Immediately, there was tension furrowed across his handsome features. “Relax, Flynn. We won’t drag you to our bed and take advantage of you,” she said to ease his tension, except her words only made him more riled up.

  Jolie went on alert.

  This was unusual for her detective. Generally, he was easygoing and happy.

  “Good morning, Flynn,” said Jacques, as he stood from the bed. As usual, he was unworried about his nudity, but still slipped into his dress pants that were lying on the floor. “Are you feeling better this morning?” he asked, crossing to Brogan to inspect his arms. “You’re almost completely healed.”

  Jolie sat up in the bed and covered herself with the sheet as to not rile
their detective. When Jacques approached with a robe, she quickly donned it.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.


  “Why do you lie to me, Flynn? You need to get something off your chest. So say it. I have too much to focus on today with going before the council. I’m about to be raked over the coals, and I don’t need distractions,” she stated, as she touched the side of his face. “I won’t get angry with you, Flynn. Tell me,” she urged, knowing that after almost losing him yesterday, nothing that he could say would upset her.

  “I’m leaving.”

  Except maybe that…

  “Pardon?” she asked, not quite sure that she understood what he was saying. Surely, there had to be some kind of error.


  “I’m transferring to another police department, and I’m leaving the city,” he stated, watching as Jacques came and sat beside Jolie. When his hand went to her shoulder, there was no doubt why.

  It devastated him to hurt her, but why pretend when he knew that he shouldn’t and couldn’t.

  “When are you leaving?” she asked calmly, as the pain rolled through her body.

  Jacques went to say something but he felt Jolie in his mind. “Don’t, mon amour. This has to be his choice, and if he doesn’t want to be here, I won’t beg him to sacrifice his humanity further.”

  Somehow, she knew what she did was going to cause this. How she wished that she could turn back time and fix it earlier. It wasn’t like she could blame him. After all, this was all her fault.

  “In two weeks, I’ll be gone,” he said, taking her hand in his as he stared down at her ring finger. Suddenly, he knew that he owed her the truth. “I don’t think I can live my life like this. I need something more.”

  Inside, she was weeping, but on the outside, she tried to remain strong. “Okay, Flynn. Far be it for me to make you live with something that doesn’t make you happy,” she said, with no emotion.

  “I always thought I’d have a different existence, and while you’ve given me something that no one else ever could, I need to find my way in life.”

  “We understand. I’ll teach you how to feed from energy. You’ll still need to every day in order to survive. You’ll have to either find a willing donor, or I’ll get you one.” Jolie glanced over her shoulder at Jacques.


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