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BootyARe05202014 Page 3

by Unknown

  That evening Ermaline, as she told me to call her, assisted me in walking to the commode chamber. I made a shaky return to the settee in her parlor but only barely, “As soon as you can stand on your own feet we’ll have ourselves a jolly wedding!” Ermaline seemed overly excited at the prospect, but I didn’t share her thrill of the event. Why not though? The question rambled within the walls of my pounding skull. After all, what she said was true. I could expect nothing more from my life. I supposed that I needed time to adjust to the prospect of a life as an indentured servant; I could ask no better.

  When I awoke the next morning James was standing over me with a stack of papers in his hand. I barely opened my eyes when he began, “I’m afraid I wasn’t able to purchase your maid. Your dear father pragmatically informed me that you would no longer have need of her. I have no idea he felt so, but even after offering him a hefty sum to pay off her indenture he refused me. Man told me that your marriage tax was enough and he had no intention of exploiting you further. Damned confusing those Irish, I tell ye.”

  I blinked and stared up at him silently, I knew why. Father didn’t want Hettie distracting me from my wifely duties.

  “Had no issue with taking the money for you though. Damned bafflement, those Irish.”

  I cleared my throat.

  “Oh well, yes of course. Perhaps I should curtail my comments regarding my wife’s heritage from now on. Sorry milady, I had no intention of offense you can be sure.”

  Nodding curtly I pushed myself to sitting position on the settee. At some point around midnight I’d decided that if this be the case with my future then I’d better get my wits about me and put it on the right track. If not I could expect this bunch of ruffians to run amuck with me from here till death, and that was not acceptable.

  “Mr. Bonney, while ye have clearly been awake and operating for some hours now, I beg ye to grant me the grace of a cup of morning coffee before we discuss further details of my incarceration.”

  “Incarceration?” he boomed. “Ma’am, I merely made an attempt to save your reputation.”

  Leaning forward to expose a small amount of cleavage I looked him dead in the eye, “My reputation, Mr. Bonney, is smashed to smithereens and is of no account to you. In the future I’ll look more kindly on you doing as ye’re asked without comment.”

  The giant loomed over me huffing and puffing while Ermaline chuckled in the kitchen. Already I could smell the coffee brewing on her immaculate stove. The calculations of taking orders from a second woman in his life were adding up in his head and I could see the twitching of his lips as he maneuvered and justified through them. Not once did I take my glare from him, though from time to time he seemed on the verge of saying something then re-thinking himself until finally he threw up his hands in despair and joined Ermaline in the kitchen.

  I studied the two of them together and though he didn’t call the woman Mother, she most certainly was. When he returned with my coffee I managed to move forward enough so that my feet touched the floor. Ermaline had seen fit to clothe me in a faintly printed cotton dress that she discovered in an upstairs attic. The fit was large, but it would suit for now. Especially since I’d determined that if I was doomed to marry a pirate then I had all intentions of running his pocket book ragged. If I must be sentenced to a life of means by murder, then so be it. I would spend the money earned by dead souls until James Bonney screamed mercy. My carefully laid plans were set for action until he sat down gingerly next to me on the settee and handed me the steaming liquid. His hands seemed mammoth and clumsy around the tiny china cup as he held it, so I relieved him of it immediately lest he spill it on me. I noted a small breath of relief as I took it.

  Ermaline’s farmhouse was uniquely situated on the banks of the Intracoastal waterway. Beyond large windows I could see the marsh grass swaying in the morning breeze. Small groups of porpoise were already sliding their sleek bodies up the muddy banks, snatching mouthfuls of fiddler crabs and small fish before the waves slid them back into the water. Yet it was the perfect match of the water beyond the window with James’s eyes that captured me and held my attention. He stared down at his hands, concerning himself with his filthy fingernails until I spoke, “Tell me, Mr. Bonney, how long would it take for ye and yer men to build a bathtub?”

  I heard Ermalines faint chuckle from the kitchen.


  The men were not disposed to think of bathing their bodies in a wooden box. “Washin’ in a coffin?” They rambled and complained until each of them was presented to me clean, with freshly boiled and dried clothing. Most of them had required some alteration or repair on their garments which I attacked with the borrowing of Ermaline’s sewing kit. It’d taken an entire day to make them presentable, but as I lastly surveyed them I judged my efforts –and theirs- a success. When the final one exited Ms. Ermaline’s parlor James arrived. His hair was washed and neatly tied with a black ribbon behind his neck, his shirt was laundered and steamed dry, and his trousers and boots scrubbed clean, the scent of pine needles surrounded him and I caught my breath. He set a large wooden chest on the floor in front of me and stood towering over me for inspection.

  “Ye clean up well, Mr. Bonney. Very well indeed,” I smiled.

  “Er, yes. I’ve brought you a wedding gift, milady.”

  “You may call me Anne, since we are to be wed, James. But I dare you not take further liberties than that until I mention them. Is that understood?”

  He nodded shyly, still uncertain whether to accept my leadership or throw me into the murky Atlantic.

  “What’s in the chest?” I said taking pity on him.

  His ocean colored eyes lightened and he lifted the lid, “You see in my travels I’ve often run across these um… female delicacies. Bartered usually, but I kept them all in this chest. Not sure why really, till now. Ermaline never showed much interest in frivolities, yet I was hoping that you might enjoy them.”

  I leaned forward anxiously: Hair combs made of coral and shell; bolt after bolt of fabric and lace; buttons; mirrors of silver; even a slender tooth brush made from tusk. Trying my hardest not to seem thrilled I scooted forward slowly and began to pull the items from the chest, already mentally preparing my new wardrobe. “Pearls?” I asked holding up a strand of the orients finest. “Gold?” I continued lifting a bright yellow bracelet encrusted with tiny rubies.

  He nodded again and again as I inspected the loot. I’d never seen such glorious gifts and was quickly absorbed into the luxury of them all. I’m sure that I must’ve seemed rather unlike the stern female of moments ago and now resembled a child given candy. Finally I steadied myself. While this may seem like an incredible wealth to me now, it was equally possible that there is more where this came from. After a short lifetime of watching my parent’s eek out a living I now determined to never, ever, find myself in such dire straits. I vowed then and there that I would never find cause to sell my child, as my father had, to save an already floundering plantation. With a pirate for a husband there should be no need.


  The wedding was planned with great care by Ermaline. She seemed to enjoy her days and I found no reason to interfere with her happiness. Instead I set myself to the creation of my wedding gown while I allowed my back to heal and my legs to strengthen with rest. James checked in with me frequently, but slept outdoors with his men. As for the men they still eyed me dubiously, but bathed regularly –with soap- and minded my orders; in all they seemed to regard me as some sort of precious pet that required adoration. What I’d done to deserve that attention was beyond me, yet I accepted it with stern gratitude, after all I couldn’t risk allowing them too much latitude in their behavior.

  The day of the wedding presented me with another challenge. I would need to stand, walk even, to join hands with James. I’d only made short trips to the kitchen and commode, and most of those had been unsteady and awkward. This morning I needed to bathe and prepare myself. I ordered the men to carry the bathtub
to the back porch and fill it with heated water. While not understanding the reason behind heating the water, one sour glance from James confirmed the starting of a fire with a huge cauldron of water balanced on top.

  Tenderly James walked me towards the porch, moving ever so slowly beside each small step I took. The pain had resolved itself now, only the stiffness of un-use remained and I determined myself to push it aside. The imaginations of cases of gold, silver, and jewels that would be mine in the future spurred me onward. “Undress me James.”

  He startled, “Um, what?”

  “I find myself without the use of a lady’s maid at this time; therefore I require assistance from someone. Ermaline’s out doing her final preparations, so… ye will have to help me. Unless of course I should ask one of the men to do it?” I batted my eyelashes twice with the question.

  “Oh, uh, no. That wouldn’t be appropriate at all. Of course you’re right, I must be the one.” He didn’t seem too perturbed by the idea I noticed as he silently untied the laces of my bodice and slid the dress down past my knees. I stood in an amazingly thin night shift that I’d spent days perfecting; it gathered tightly beneath my breasts then flowed in ruffled waves snugly across my hips and thighs. James stood in prayerful silence as he slowly moved his eyes downward, “I think I’ll be a blessed man from now on,” he murmured.

  He took his time now, unbuttoning each of the tiny alabaster buttons that would release me to his full view and as he pulled the shift over my head he gasped and blushed. “Forgive me, ma’am. I’m afraid I’ve never seen a lady unclothed before.”

  I giggled as he lifted me into his arms then lowered me into the bath, “What do ye mean you’ve never seen a woman naked?” I toyed, relishing in his discomfort and taking stock notice of the firm bulge in the front of his trousers with interest.

  “Oh no, I mean a naked woman surely, but never a naked lady before.” He grunted as he released me into the warm water of the tub. As he stood I allowed my eyes to trail across the tightness in the front of his trousers.

  “Are we quite so different then?”

  “Uh no… in fact.” He sat down on a small stool across from me and stared unblinking at my pale shoulders above the water. I’d pinned my hair up with a shell comb and whisping tendrils had strayed to fall across my neck and down my back. Every small movement I made registered in his eyes with a hot flame and as I settled into the bath it began to make me quite uncomfortable.

  “James, please. Ye’r gawking at me like I’m a rare piece of meat!” I exclaimed.

  “A rare piece indeed, ma’am,” and he continued staring.


  He startled and with an awkward glance he forced himself to look away. Silence grew between us as I used a cloth and some lavender soap found in the wedding chest to wash a week’s worth of grime from my skin. Yet my mind was churning, I’d never made love to a man before.

  “Tell me James, will it hurt?”

  He jerked and focused on me, “Will what hurt, Anne?”

  It was the first time he’d used my given name and it didn’t pass me, “Making love. Ye know, will it pain me?”

  With a heavy cough he returned, “Much has that been on my mind of late. You’re a virgin I expect?”

  I nodded shyly not daring to mention my relationship with Hettie, which seemed more childish by the day.

  “Then I suspect it will at first, but only for a moment.” He reached over and pinched me sharply on the arm, “About like that.”

  “Ow!” I shrilled and rubbed my arm. “So it’s over with that fast then?” I added.

  Now he laughed heartily, “I pray not. Then again, I’ve never had a virgin before; quite a gift that is. I may not be man enough to handle it. But I’m thinking you were talking about the pain?”

  “Yes I was. Will it be over quick?” I’d had my fair share of pain lately and couldn’t be regarded as too weak for not eagerly wanting more.

  “As quick as that pinch Milady, I promise.”


  Full of wine and good spirit, it was deep into the night before he carried me up the stairs into the small second floor bedroom as a married woman. It was neatly made with arrangements of island flowers in vases on the dresser and windowsill. The evening breeze ran through the petals and made the room smell like heaven. Thanks to Hettie, I had a plan for how to handle myself this night. My fingers worked the laces of my bodice with precision as James leaned against the doorjamb nearly terrified of me. Yet I wasn’t afraid of him, how different could it really be? I slid my shift to the floor and let it puddle at my feet then stood a trifle shaky but completely naked before him to be examined. By his side as a pirate I would take control of him, but here in our bedroom I would at least give him this night of ownership.

  He moved towards me slowly, never taking his eyes from my chilled nipples. A heady haze formed in my mind and I was surprised by the pang of interest between my thighs. I saw him now in a different light; he was ruggedly handsome in the way of most Scottish men. His hair was a deep blond but hints of red flecks proved his heritage and nothing like my blaze of red curls. His beard was kept and shaved neatly and a small sweat broke out between my breasts at the image of his skin pressed against mine. I’d always loved to see Hettie’s skin against mine but suddenly the excitement of new, rougher skin against me sent a flood of warmth to my stomach.

  With hands the size of soup dishes he lifted me, pulling me tight to his chest before coddling my behind to his waist. He held me like this for minutes, the way he would a toddler, but staring into my soul with an expression I’d never seen before. The power behind his look reeled inside me, working its way through every vein and pore. I shook a little and he pulled me closer to him. “Don’t be frightened Anne, you should never be frightened of me, and I’m determined to prove it once and for all.” With that he kissed me, his lips pressing firm yet tender against my own as I melted into him. At first his tongue seemed foreign and massive in my mouth yet as it toyed and teased my own I relaxed and eased slowly into the game. He tasted of wine and sweet cakes but underlying all of that was a husky scent that threatened my doom, it was a mixture of sea salt and manhood. I hid my face in his chest taking in deep breaths of him. He was bringing me into his fold, letting me become accustomed to me so as not to shock me when he got down to the real business at hand but I didn’t mind his slow hands on my back and his kisses were becoming crucial to me already.

  When he released me he laid me on the bed ever so carefully, then he stood back and began to unbutton his shirt. I stared rudely with complete and utter amazement as he revealed himself to me; scars tattered his chest and back, scarce was the place that didn’t contain one or several, yet they did not distract from the overall masculinity that oozed from him. I gasped when his trousers slid down and an entirely new appendage came into view, “That’s not what ye hope to put in me, is it?”

  “Aye, but not soon dear Anne, not soon.” And he lowered himself over me and started nibbling my breasts, taking time to lavish my nipples and pull them each into his warm mouth before straying downward. His mouth on me was not frail and tender as Hettie’s had been, instead his need was evident and rapidly growing.

  He primed me with his tongue; the fresh sensation of facial hair between my thighs caused me to giggle and squirm a bit, but he held my hips tight within his grasp and persisted. His tongue was mighty and patient, wave after wave of euphoria encompassed me until I could not be satisfied. It was then that his massive finger slid within me, giving me reason to gasp at the sudden tightness as his tongue mounted its war on my rosebud. That’s what Hettie had called it because she said its petals were as dainty as the pink rose in summer. I thought of her now, with his tongue sucking and tugging, licking and stroking. Her fingers were slim and short, whereas his was bulky and large; the effect was earth shattering and new within me.

  “Anne darling, here comes the pinch, prepare yourself,” he whispered before pushing his finger deep wi
thin me.

  A small scream escaped my lips yet James did not stop caressing my rose. Confusion welled up inside of me and I fought the concept that despite the pain I wanted more. The pain faded like mist on a sunny day and I felt my hips pushing against his finger pulling him deeper. He stretched me, and carried me over the edge with a second finger as I moaned like a wildcat. I exploded onto him not once but twice before the wave let me down again. “Oh James,” I whispered as he gently kissed his way upwards.

  Reaching to the drawer beside the bed he removed a tiny blue velvet bag; he slid out the contents into his palm and showed it to me. “This is something else I found in the orient Anne; it will help you accept me.”

  Skeptically I examined the small object, it was oval in shape with miniscule thick fibers of some kind inside it, I gave him a quizzical glance.

  “Here let me show you,” he leaned over me and I felt the hardness of him pressing against my thigh only now did I have more than a passing interest in his thick foreign member.

  “You see we put it here over this beautiful rosebud ye have. It massages while I enter you.”

  Indeed it did feel wonderful pressed against me; the small fibers tickled and teased me as he pushed against the outer shell in a slow round method. Within a moment I needed him again, the size of the organ pressed against my leg gave me hesitation, but not enough to deny him. He hovered over me now, my legs spread wide as he pushed against my opening with gradual firmness. The round dish over my rosebud pressed delightfully with each movement he made and desire flamed in my belly the further he slid inside me. My legs wrapped around his with desperation and finally having had enough of his toying I heaved myself to him taking him fully within me.

  His groan could be heard throughout the island but I paid it no mind; I wanted him now and there was no stopping me. Pulling and grinding myself against him, sweat pouring from my face like a river between my breasts, I made him give it to me; I would absolutely not be denied. Hesitantly he relinquished control and plunged into me, no longer concerning himself with accidental injury. He moved like the powerful man he was, and every ounce of me responded to him as he slid in me then retreated, only to plunge again. The tightness within me loosened with each stroke until I knew that I was completely and totally at his mercy now. Nothing inside me would ever battle with him again, and as he exploded into me and filled me with his warm seed I met his release knowing that from now till eternity I would be his property, bought and paid for.


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