The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1)

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The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1) Page 2

by Linda West

Because of the law of affinity, remember to Make-A-Wish when you're in a high-frequency!

  A few years ago I was in Big Sur. I was on a big tree swing in front of my friend’s cottage. The swing was one of the coolest things I'd ever been on because it swung out over the highway and over the beautiful valley that also overlooked the Pacific Ocean.

  Every time I would swing out over the roadway, people driving by would look up and be totally surprised to see me, and wave up to me because it looked like I had fallen out of the sky.

  This for some reason made me ecstatically happy and joyful.

  The whole child-like hiding then popping through the clouds and surprising people driving on the road was exhilarating!

  I know what makes me happy might not make you happy, but I realized at that moment of silly joy: hello Linda, this is Make-A-Wish time!

  I was so ecstatically happy I was hitting a very high- frequency! When you are in a-high-frequency is the time to send out your wishes. A high-frequency means it's

  Make-A-Wish time.

  Make-A-Wish time identified, I followed up with the next steps. If you remember nothing else from this book let it be that every time you get in a super happy place, remember it's wish time – send out those wishes, baby!

  As you'll see, like attracts like by the law of affinity, but it's what we FEEL that creates the vibrations that set up the pattern for the light vibrations to integrate with.

  We FEEL things into existence in the third dimension.

  We build a foundational house for the dream to manifest by loving it to ourselves with a high-frequency.

  Ultimately we're talking about source key energy that you want to match up with or emulate. I found one of the easiest, surefire ways of getting into a high-frequency is to read comedy and watch comedy, and when you're laughing, you're officially in a high-frequency. Then while you're laughing...

  I also use nature or doing something artistic to get myself into a high-frequency. If I'm not feeling up, a surefire way to raise my frequency is a hot yoga class. Begin to look around in your life and find what brings you joy, and become aware when you enter the special high- frequency moments.

  When you have identified without a doubt that you're in a high-frequency and it's Make-A-Wish time, then it's time to move on to Step Three and make that wish to the universe in the form of a movie.

  Chapter 3:

  How to Make

  Make-A-Wish Movie

  Now that you've done Step One and you are able to identify what exactly you want, and you've done Step Two and you find yourself in a Make-a-Wish high-frequency, NOW is the time to use this technique.

  Wherever you are, excuse yourself for a moment, or if you're by yourself in a high frequency already then you are ready to go.

  This step involves making up a movie in your head with real players, imagining what everybody would say, what you would be hearing, and more importantly, what you would be feeling. Some of the things you should be feeling if you're creating the movie realistically are joy, hooray, and OH-EM-GEE, my wish is coming true right now.

  Your goal is to create such a believable movie inside your head by using as many senses and creativity as possible that you actually start to get excited about it as if it were real.

  You actually attempt to fake yourself out.

  You fake yourself into a feeling by creating a movie exactly as you'd like to see it playing out in your life, to the point that you get excited about the possibility of it, and the truth of it. When you actually feel excited or happy, your movie has been successful!

  Now that you are feeling that realness of it, try to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible. Attempt to hold the feeling as if it is actually occurring.

  The science on this says that you need exactly sixteen seconds to send out a frequency wave. Your goal is to feel that fake feeling of accomplishment and getting what you want for sixteen seconds or more...

  As you're creating this movie inside you, what you're actually doing is creating a vibrational pattern to send out to the universe that you want MATCHED (I.e. law of attraction, law of affinity, like attracts like) so in this movie, you need to use all parts of yourself. It's vital that you use all five senses to roll this movie in your mind.

  Imagine it in the PRESENT tense: what exactly you want to happen. Imagine what it would look like if this little miracle, this wish, were coming true and it was taking place in your life right now.

  Most likely the scenario you're creating is going to have other players, and it will probably involve people saying things to you like, "Congratulations you finally got the promotion!" or "That wonderful that girl is on the phone for you…" or even "There's somebody at the door who wants to talk to you about giving you that school grant."

  It's going to be a fake movie you make up; only it's the movie you want to see take place in your life.

  In the PRESENT.

  I like to get in a private place and close my eyes, imagining it just like a Hollywood blockbuster.

  The most important part of the whole movie is the feeling that it creates in you. What you're feeling in your gut is the frequency-maker, which drives your manifestation and pulls in your wish.

  Feeling joy for something is the most important part: it's how we create things.

  In this case you are creating a fake feeling that will send out vibrations to pull in the real thing.

  It is the art of believing as if it already happened. Some people

  will call this faith.

  Once you are getting to the feeling place, and feeling good and excited, you will start to feel it slowly dissipate.

  The fakeness will begin to show its ugly head. That's perfectly okay. That's normal.

  Since we know that one of the keys to manifesting is how much energy, i.e. how much feeling, that we put into feeling as if it'd just happened, we can conclude logically that the longer we can keep the feelings going, the more likely it appears.

  And that leads us directly to Step Four.

  Chapter 4:

  How to Keep that

  Loving Feeling

  We have already identified the fact that the longer you keep a feeling going, the more power you put behind it. Those frequencies being sent out are going to find the matching frequencies, i.e. the stronger the frequency output, the stronger the attraction quality.

  The next step involves keeping the feeling going. We need to keep the feelings from the movie that you made in your head, albeit the fake movie, revved up and powerful. As I mentioned, it takes at least sixteen seconds to form a vibrational wave pattern. The longer we can keep that pattern generating, the quicker it will manifest in your life.

  To keep these fake feelings motoring up, we're going to use a little trick I came up with to extend the feeling so you have a stronger vibrational push.

  This trick involves bringing in people that you love that will be happy for you if your wish comes true.

  Jesus mentions when two or more pray together that miracles happen because the divine force joins them. I guess it's the Holy Trinity coming true, but once again we are dealing with the triangle.

  Consequently, if you imagine that you're telling somebody who really loves you that your wish came true, and they connect to you in your wish, then you will enact the divine force of the Trinity and it will join into creating your wish.

  The way you're going to use this is right after you accomplish Step Three and create the movie in your head. The movie gets you into the feeling of, "Wow this is awesome, this is what it would be like if it were truly taking place."

  As I mentioned,

  Your goal is to hold that fake feeling as if, for as long as possible, at least sixteen seconds.

  As we know, this feeling will begin to dissipate, and when it does fade, this is when you imagine telling the story to somebody that you care about who would be happy for you.

  Retell the story, and more importantly, relive the happy feelings and feel them.

ou make the sensations real again for you, (remember, fake it before you make it!). Like attracts like – use that law of affinity!

  For example, you might imagine telling your mother some great news – you got the promotion you were hoping for, you got the grant you were applying for, you got the date that you'd been dreaming of...imagine telling your mother or your close friend and envision how happy they will be for you!

  While you are conjuring this, the feelings of their joy will combine with the feelings of your joy and rev up those feelings again which will create more frequencies. Whoopeee! Try and keep it going for sixteen seconds!

  At this point, throw in another good friend! Tell it to them to! Tell it to Grandma! Tell it to everyone.

  “I’m so proud of you!”

  “I’m so happy for you!”

  And you? You’ll say, “I’m happy too! I can’t believe how lucky I am. This is the greatest day of my life.”


  You’re smack in the middle of creating those feeling frequencies that are flowing out into the universe to get you those feelings for real. To get you what you want for real. All that joy and success for real, the ability to tell that story for real, to the same real people someday.

  This is what creating your life is all about. Do not just go every day into what is dealt you like somebody on autopilot. Create your life; make it happen the way you want it to happen. I know you can do it.

  Chapter 5:

  Releasing to Receive

  Okay, we are rounding the bend to the last step and this truly is going to be the easiest.

  To recap:

  Step 1 – We figured out what we really want.

  Step 2 – We've gotten ourselves into a high-frequency.

  Step 3 – We have imagined a movie in our head that made it feel real.

  Step 4 – We extended those fake feelings by pretending to tell somebody we care about.

  We've reached the final step.

  Step 5 - Letting go with gratitude.

  So here we are, at the end, and you're about to manifest what you want. The last step involves letting go and being grateful.

  It's very important to realize that things come in on frequency levels, so your only job from here on out is to stay away from any thoughts of worry that your manifestation might not come true.

  This is where it gets a bit tricky and you're going to have to really go with your gut on the truth of this. If you're really just loved, jazzed, and passionate about something but not worried, then that's the best place to be. If you feel really good but just haven't seen anything show up, it is okay to quickly redo the exercises I just gave you.

  If you're freaking out and afraid and think it's not working, then it's not working.

  Worry is a low-frequency. You need to let go. Be cool with a divine, nonchalance that it is arriving in perfect time and stay in a grateful place as if it's already arrived.

  Stay in a high-frequency.

  Your job is to get out of any low-frequency of fear and find a way back up into the high-frequency of faith.

  Which comes down to letting it go, and letting it come in, and being thankful for it as if it had already happened.

  Often when people really want something, they can't help but be concerned that it might not come in. Yet this is the leap you have to take. It's called a leap of faith. You have to let it go.

  I think one of the most important parts of this step is being grateful and thankful.

  I often thank God for things that I haven't seen show up in my life yet, as well as for the things that have shown up in my life.

  In this way I keep saying, “I have faith, you're bringing it in. I'm already grateful.”

  Appreciation. It's a good thing. It helps being grateful.

  Not to mention being grateful is a very high-frequency!

  Okay so you said thank you to the universe for sending it to you and released it into the hands of the divine. You've done everything you could do, including remembering to maintain a high-frequency.

  Some ways to accomplish raising your frequency are to go out in nature, dance, play with pets, and continue to do things that make you happy and bring you up to a good high-frequency feeling place. The high frequencies always magnetize things to you quicker.

  A common question I get in my lectures is "...How long do I have to wait before my wish shows up?"

  As I said before, when you get very clear and you really love something, and you don't have fear around it, and you’re enthusiastic about it, then it can show up immediately. I've seen things show up within 24 hours – sometime sooner.

  Conversely, sometimes you have to wait for the divine order of things to fall into place.

  Sometimes certain things in the universe – or people – have to be moved around and put into position for your wish to manifest, and that can take time. Especially if it involves other people – then you also have to deal with the timing of them.

  If what you want isn't manifesting right away, it just may be the timing is not right. I know it sounds cliché, but the universe works that way too.

  I would suggest as a hint, if you're not seeing your manifestation come through right away, to retry the whole five steps when in a high-frequency. Run through the process again and send it out again. Not in a stressful, fearful way, but just when you identify a high-frequency moment. Send out another mini version of the wish.

  The other thing I would do is go back and recheck and make sure that you're not wishing for something that's too big a step for you (according to your own triangle).

  Re-examine and see if there is any part of the wish that you are having a bit of resistance to. If yes, perhaps you can start with trying to manifest a slightly smaller step.

  I know you can do it!

  I hope that this book helped you understand your amazing ability to use frequencies and your power to create.

  I believe in you! Go forth and manifest all that you love, my friends!

  Part 2:

  The Science of Manifesting

  White Eagle Preface

  I was asked to write this book in the name of White Eagle. White Eagle is one of God's highest angels and he has been sent as a messenger because we are in crisis, as a people and as a planet.

  It was foretold that at this time we would be receiving gifts to aid in the coming evolution of our world. One of these gifts is the remembrance of the Universal Science of Love - also known as – The Universal Science of Frequency Attunement.

  Frequency Attunement is a universal integrated spirit/science, which acts as one of the foundations of creation. At a core level we understand and work with this system already. It is what we call intuition, or our sixth sense. When we feel as if we know something we can't see or hear, we are picking up its frequency.

  Frequencies are the subtle unseen vibrations, which make up all of creation. They are what compose matter, thought, and energy. They are a measurement of the force. We can control and design the events that occur in our lives by manipulating frequencies and applying the Law of Affinity. We have this power to create our own destiny. This is the gift of free will. This book is meant to simplify the use of frequencies so that you can use this knowledge in your everyday life. You will discover how you can wield the Ultimate Power, and manifest your own personal miracles...


  Linda West.

  Message From White Eagle

  “We have come to teach you the Universal Science of Frequency Attunement. The Gift of this remembrance is meant to free you and to empower you as a people. You will come to see that there is a science behind the magic of life.

  This science involves the use of frequencies and your sixth sense.

  You will learn to use frequency attunement like a magic wand.

  However the most important lesson to learn is the essence of love and its meaning in your life.

  Without love there is no magic. For love is the Power behind All Things, Known and unknown.”

  White Eagle.

  Chapter 1:

  The Power of Love

  Ask any being, anywhere, in any time,

  “What is the Ultimate Power of the Universe?”

  The student will say money,

  The weak will say Power,

  The Master will say Love.

  The true desire

  Of every being in the Universe,

  Is to be loved.

  It is time for the remembrance of the universal truth of the all-encompassing power of love. For love is the keynote of the universe and the frequency of God.

  A keynote is the key frequency that holds together all the various frequencies into forming one thing. It is the common note which they all share and which creates what they are together...

  For Example: The keynote is the note a singer would hit to cause a glass to shatter. By hitting the keynote that is the glue of the connection, the glass is literally sung away from itself as the frequencies break away from their foundation and move toward the sound.

  When we experience love, we are able to feel God. And everything else, is just everything else...

  You hear about love everyday. Love your neighbor, love yourself, love, love, love… It seems so simple to love…

  So simple that you may doubt its power?

  Yet, we ask you to remember.

  Love is how we connect with God.

  You have the power of miracles with you.

  You are not pawns in the chess game of life.

  You are the mover of the pieces.

  You are the one who controls what happens.

  Like a parent, who watches over their child, so too does God watch over us as we play this game of life. The game here on Earth is to wake up and remember that...

  We Are All One. One With Love.

  The core of your very being is love. You are children of the divine union of Heaven and Earth. You are a spirit that was born into a body, and a world of limitations, instead of the wholeness of God.

  You walked out of the garden and all of a sudden you were no longer connected with all the other beings. You felt alone. You experienced separation. You felt abandoned, and worthless.


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