The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1)

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The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1) Page 5

by Linda West

Chapter 16:

  The Mayan Calendar

  The Mayans call God, “Hanub Ku” which means,

  “The One Giver of Movement and Measure.”

  The space is eternal movement, and matter is a tool we use to measure this infinite movement.

  Numbers have energy. They are living beings such as plants, animals, angels and humans. Open up to the evolved concept of numbers, they are much more than a measurement tool; they are a means of connection.

  The Mayan calendar was sent to synchronize Earth to the universal time of the fourth dimension via a mathematical code in the Mayan calendar.

  Time is measured differently by beings throughout the stars. When you are not bound by the belief of time you are free to live in the present. However, each being is creating their own present.

  To insure communication, in any large system, constants must be agreed upon to create a common ground.

  The Mayan Calendar illustrates fourth dimensional, or UNIVERSAL TIME as the universal standard, much like America uses the Standard Greenwich Time.

  This channel for connection is a universal time system built into the foundation of God’s creation. This is the immortal time of the fourth dimension. The Mayans encoded the great round calendar with the numbers of this fourth dimensional circle-time. The numbers 13 - 20 represents it.

  Thirteen is the divine number, which we all share. The space. The other universal communication number is 20. There are twenty universal archetypal symbols.

  Earth time, connects to universal time through the divine connecting number of 13. The Universal Number.

  The Earth-women cycle, with the natural circle of the planet through their menstrual timing, is 13 months of 28 days. This is natural Earth time, 13-28. Earth time 13-28 hooks into the Universal Time of 13-20, through the connection of the shared number 13.

  This hook up is just like connecting to the internet. It is through this divine frequency that communication will occur with other life forms throughout creation.

  When you enter the higher dimensions, you are in constant connection with the circle. You do not lose sense of your God-self as you have in the third dimension. The number thirteen represents the power of union. Within this union we experience all of matter in the form of the twelve, plus the infinity of spirit in the form of space.

  Chapter 17:


  The only way on to the Universal Highway of communication is by resonating to the divine frequency of Love. In this way, peace is upheld throughout creation.

  Many of you have reached a high frequency of love. Gifts are now being uncovered. Ancient secrets will once again be understood. One of these gifts is the ability to communicate with other evolved life forms across the galaxy. This is the information brought by the Mayans.

  The numbers for universal communication were left for us. How well the information is understood depends on the frequency of the seeker. It is only the ones filled with light who will access this internet of communication.

  We each will have this choice before us in the coming days as we near the end of the great cycle, to love or not. Choose wisely.

  The path has been lit and saviors have been sent. Love is the teaching of Christ, and the power of the angels. All illness, all separation and all fear will flee in the face of true love, for love is the face God wears on Earth.

  You have been bathed in this divine frequency as you read this book. You will now be able to access higher information, and use love as the “Ultimate Power” to create miracles in your life.

  As a people and a planet we are evolving into this reality of immortality and universal communication.

  One of the lessons you all share on your planet is the recovery of wholeness symbolized by the circle. On Earth you are learning the basics of mathematics, the breakdown of the divine frequency of 13 into its separate components, the 1 and 3.

  In the cross formation you are the 1 and the 3, separated. With the circle you learn about the power of the one. In the triangle you work with the structure of the three. The union of the one and three creates the 13.

  The one represents union, the circle, reconnecting to God, and the garden of one. The three represents your triangle in the third dimension.

  Mind, body, spirit.

  Mother, father, child.

  The cross is symbolic of the lesson of connection back to the divine, represented mathematically by the number 13. Connect the one and the three and you get the universal keynote frequency of 13.

  This is your mission here on Earth. To join together your world in union, and to form a rainbow bridge, from Heaven to Earth.

  To abolish the cross and remember the circle. To return God and the garden to Earth, by the unification of all aspects of matter, known as beings, into one tribe connected by love.

  Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Animal, Mineral, Plant, and Person. Does this sound like Eden to you yet?

  Isn’t it interesting that the number thirteen has been stricken from your world and labeled as evil, when in truth, it is the number of God?

  You have been conditioned to fear the number thirteen, and that only saints and prophets are entitled to access God first hand. To access God is to bring Heaven to Earth. It is your divine right to resonate to the frequency of God.

  Please do!

  Chapter 18:

  The Cross

  Friends, let us discuss the symbology of the cross in your world.

  We are all God.

  You are all God.

  You are also God in matter.

  It is an illusion that humans hold more matter than spirit.

  The trick is that at the third dimensional triangle core level, your Achilles’ heel is exposed. Achilles was born a god, immortal, save for a tiny spot on his heel. This spot was human, and the only place where Achilles could be fatally wounded, and killed. The rest of Achilles was divine and immortal.

  Achilles represents you in the cross formation. This myth of your planet illustrates the human experience of spirit in matter form. This is the cross. You feel you are mostly mortal, when in fact you are mostly part of God.

  That spot on Achilles’ heel, the tiny spot that did not measure up to the union of God, (or was holding a frequency less than wholeness) was human and in material form was deemed weak, worrisome and unlovable. This judgment is wrong.

  Judgment is a mistake commonly made on your planet, where you are learning to understand the many workings and infinite creations of God as God.

  Know this - there is nothing unworthy in God’s universe! All is one and that center is love, and so it is, and will ever be.

  You judged incorrectly through your limited perspective and believed you were unworthy, and unlovable.

  You were mistaken.

  You are love.

  That’s all you are. Everything else is the illusion.

  The illusion is meant to teach you where you are blocking yourself from God and love. Because of this incorrect core belief, some of you have done dramatic and painful things to yourselves. The only way to heal this unworthy belief is to adopt a perspective of unconditional love for yourself.

  Unloving begins with you believing you are not worthy. Do not hurt yourself. You are part of God and you are worthy of love and happiness. When you have been hurt deeply, your spirit is begging you to look at how you have been hurting yourself by not loving yourself enough.

  You are living an illusion of limitation. You are spirits learning about the components, or multiple frequencies, that when united, will once again make you and your world, whole.

  Love yourself first. You are so wonderful.

  The life of Jesus also symbolizes the cross. The cross of Jesus illustrates perfect balance. The balance of spirit in matter.

  Jesus was the child of God, as we are. He chose to enter a body and to live the life of a simple carpenter. He chose to experience this world of matter. He sacrificed his matter self to move into spirit.

  When it came time to pass from his
human life, his matter self seemed to die. Yet in reality, when he left his body he shifted into full spirit. You see the balance was no longer needed, so he went back into full spirit, which was his extended form.

  You can do all the miracles of Jesus.

  He came in the form of man to show what human in matter is capable of when connected to the spirit core, which is God.

  You can perform all the wonders and magic that Jesus did. He did not incarnate to show you separatism, but to show you your own divine possibilities. Jesus was a common man. His magnificence was in his ability to know that he was a Son of God blessed with the power of miracles. Yet, all his miracles were acts of ultimate love.

  Each miracle Jesus performed was a call to a direct need of love. The child of God serves love.

  You may say, “But Jesus died a horrible death for this!” And we would answer, “He made that choice.”

  Jesus was given a choice, to renounce God, to say he was merely a man and nothing more, but he would not. Instead he chose to show that he was unafraid to face even the worst mortal fear - death. This does not mean he did not experience human pain in his matter form. He did.

  Pain is a frequency on the Earth realm. Accept the fact that you will experience pain in your life, and that even the most conscious of you will know this vibration.

  You also have to pay taxes.

  Some things just are.

  In the third dimension, you will find things that are seemingly not very Heavenly. This is what you set out to change, my friends.

  Jesus walked into his mortal fear and chose his destiny. He chose to die because he knew this truth, and had faith in it. Death happens, but it is not the end. We are immortal divine souls with choices. We choose life on Earth to learn and grow.

  We die as a way of transforming into something new. After we release one form, we can choose another. If you love yourself whole, you may choose to stay. You have free will, and age is just an illusion.

  “Welcome to the Grand Illusion.”


  The passing of time is an illusion, thus aging is an illusion. When you are born your cells are already billions of years old. Why then should you age and entropy in a mere ninety year span?

  Many of you will begin to break this pattern of deterioration of your body as you begin to see through the veil.

  Think immortal. The saying “You are what you think” is true. You measure your life with perspective. What is your perspective on immortality? Do you believe immortality starts only before your birth or after you die? It’s in the now. Stay in present space and in the space, there is no time. In the space you are divine and immortal. You cannot age.

  Don’t get caught in the illusion of matter.

  You are mostly space.

  Just be.

  If you forget how to get in the space, remember... Space is not empty, it is full of love.

  Chapter 19:


  Many of you live in fear of the pain that love can bring. You seek to protect your heart with a fortress against your feelings. Access to things that a gate often guards holds great power. It is not a gate built by others, but one erected by you.

  The gate serves to keep you separated from others, but then your greatest fears are made manifest - for you are locking love away from yourself, and blocking its natural flow toward oneness.

  The river seeks to flow to the source. You must allow the natural river of love that flows from your essence to have free reign in your life. You must not let fear stop you and stagnate your flow. You must not let false walls keep you from true bliss. The happiness you seek is always one of union.

  When you can break down your false fortress and allow love to run your life, it will flow over you and cleanse you and deliver you back home.

  Fear must be viewed in a new light for a new world. It is time to stop being victimized by fear. It is time to be free. You must befriend your fears and learn to love them, for they are the very things that are guiding you.

  When something surfaces that causes you to feel frightened, it is only there to put you back on your path. Your path is to combat the fear and find the love.

  Do not run from what you fear, for it will chase you, and it will catch you. Why? My darling ones, because you have created it for yourself as a guidepost to show you your own path!

  Fear happens when you hit a growth wall, and change is calling... The solution is to go through it. Face your fear and combat it head on with integrity and honor. After all, you are the master of your own destiny.

  And remember, often times what we truly fear is that with the change, will come more power. Power raises questions of worthiness.

  It is a very common human condition to fear that which will bring you power, because you often feel unworthy of it. Many of you have memories of misused power in the past. This is due to the lack of connection through the heart. There is survival fear used to lead you out of physical danger, but we are speaking of emotional fear. Fear is one of the things that cause the most pain on your planet. Fear causes you to lose faith in your connection with God, and disconnects you from your true core.

  For just as Hermes sped through the Heavens delivering news from the gods, so does fear spread through your entire being bringing you information from the Great White Spirit. Fear, like Hermes, brings the message the quickest. Instead of dwelling on the fear, get the message!

  Fear is a symbolic form of the great messenger. Like Hermes, fear is a messenger trying to show you how you are blocking love from your life. Fear will show you the direction you must take, and lead you to straight to your own empowerment.

  If you are fearful of something and think you should run away from it, go toward it instead... Go toward the fear... Until your fear shows you what you need to know.

  Warriors, break free from your prisons of fear! Free yourself from fear, and fall back into love.

  It takes up a lot of your time and creative energy to fight an illusionary demon. Fear will attempt to disguise itself in the form of worry, insecurity and guilt. Cut the line!

  Fear is a fake.

  Fear is a joke.

  Fear is a lesson.

  Fear has been chasing you around like the shepherd who herds the sheep back to their home. Fear is trying to chase you home to your center, where love is, where God is, where we all are one.

  When you can love, despite the fear, you will be free.

  Chapter 20:


  All energy lives. If you have connected to the lower energetic vibrations of pain, fear, anger, sadness, or loss, it lives with you. These are not bad things. They are gifts from God sent to you directly, to help you realize the devils you are fighting.

  As difficult as it may be, try and see the lesson that the distressful feeling is expressing to you. You must move through the false walls that block your way to freedom. Even if you have to gather all of your courage to do it. Begin.

  Attack your soft spots and break open the gate. Face the people and situations that bring up the most pain. Go with love, with grace, and integrity, and remember, you are never alone.

  Try not to analyze. It is best to feel your way through life. Choices should be made by the heart, not the head.

  Miracles are rarely logical...

  Chapter 21:


  Often people will ask, “How do I remove the blocks to allow more love in my life?” White Eagle would answer, “By releasing the river back to the flow.”

  Your tears are your rivers.

  Tears are your most courageous and noble Knights of feelings. They manage to break through the walls erected by fear.

  So many of you view tears as a weakness. In truth, tears connect you to your greatest strength, and have the ability to reunite you with divinity.

  Vulnerability, trust, faith and courage are the requirements for the removal of the gate. Do not let fear keep you caged up and alone. Let yourself out of the box you’ve built of fear. After you allo
w yourself to feel the pain of the lack of love in your life, your tears come to free you back to feeling. Tears melt the blocks that keep you separated and imprisoned within yourself. After you cry, you feel better…

  Because you have released the blocks so love can flow into your life. Even when the pain is great, feel assured that the love is there beside it.

  When you face your fears of love, you are the most courageous of warriors. Even if you have to gather all of your courage to face your fear, do it.

  There is no bravado in a man who kills his enemy with a weapon. The warrior is the one who can find the courage to love again after being abused.

  This involves real courage. Guts. Risk. Growth.

  These are our true heroes.

  When you are trying to move through stuck patterns of abuse, anger, and fear, be easy on yourself. Let the tears come and wash the dam away, and carry you back home.

  Chapter 22:

  False Gods

  In this modern day, many of you strive for power. But your definition of power is actually powerlessness. By being able to exert power over others, one misses the greatest power of all, which is union.

  You must accept your need for union, and allow yourself permission to feel. Feelings are so beautiful.

  The strength and passion of your allowance of your real feelings will bring joy into your lives, and the lives of your lovers, and your children.

  If you do not feel, you deny your very experience of life. Lovely friends of Earth, it is time to fly! Choose the viewpoint of the great Eagle the symbol of freedom. Too often people will choose to see life from the outlook of the mouse. This causes them to conduct their lives as if it were some type of “rat race” that requires struggle. This is an illusion.

  Let us entertain the notion of perspective...

  Imagine for a moment, a hunk of cheese sitting in an open field. Now, for a tiny mouse to be able to get that food back home to eat safely - it would require a lot of planning, hard work, and danger of being caught. Struggle. Now, pull out to the Eagle’s view of that hunk of cheese. The same problem, getting some food, is a quick swoop and a gobble!


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