Havenfall Harbor: Book One

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Havenfall Harbor: Book One Page 2

by Albany Walker

  I clasp my hands together over my lower stomach and force a smile onto my face. “Thanks, Wes.”

  “No problem.” He leans in a little closer, but keeps his feet planted on the ground, much like he did when he was talking to Mr. Winters. “What happened with Letty? I thought she was going to show you around.” His eyes roam over my face.

  A genuine smile lifts my lips. He’s looking for gossip I don’t have. “I’m not sure. Mr. Winters told her he would bring me in.” I shrug. I’m not going to tattle that she left me to walk.

  Wes’s eyes squint the tiniest bit. “Okay, well, let me see if anyone over in security has your badge and keys.”

  Wes hustles back to the desk, and I meander after him.

  Chapter 2


  The clicking of heels comes before I see anyone. I smooth my hand over my t-shirt and look down at my Converse. Noting, not for the first time, that I probably should have went with a more business casual look instead of just comfort for travel.

  A woman becomes visible down the long hall. I let my eyes take in her slim figure and appearance. My shoulders ease when I see her dark, tapered pants and slouchy shirt. Maybe my jeans aren’t such a big deal.

  Her steps never slow as she approaches with her hand outstretched. A slight tightening around her eyes relaxes as I lift my hand to return her gesture. “Hi, you must be Mrs. Miller. I’m Quinn Shaw. Thanks for taking the time to show me around.” I take note of her hazel eyes with long, dark lashes and light hair. She’s pretty in an effortless kind of way. Her skin is clear and her lips are slightly pouty.

  “Call me Alice. It’s nice to meet you, Quinn.”

  “You too.” I reach over for both of my bags.

  “Hey, Wes, do you have her key and room number?” Alice folds her arms and leans over the desk.

  I swear Wes’s cheeks tinge pink as he fumbles with the phone on the desktop. “Paul’s on his way over with them.” He clears his throat after his voice cracks. “How was your day?”

  Alice traces her finger over the high counter of the desk. “Good, I didn’t see you at lunch.”

  “I went to the infirmary.” Wes’s eyes are a little wide as they dart to me.

  Alice clicks her tongue. “Still bagging it, huh?”

  “Paul should be here any minute.” Wes swallows, avoiding the question. Within a few seconds, the door to the left of the desk swings open and a burly man stomps through.

  My back goes a little straighter. His eyes scan over the entry before he scowls at Wes. “Here, I have shit to do.” He drops a set of keys on the desk, not bothering to speak to anyone else, then turns around and heads right back in the direction he came from before the door he walked through even has a chance to close.

  Wes lifts a single key ring with two brass keys dangling off it. I release one of my bags and step forward to take them from his hand. “You’re up on the third floor, room 330.” He drops his eyes and scans the desk. “I don’t think Paul brought your badge.”

  “It’s fine, Westly, we can grab it later.” Alice pushes off the desk and turns to face me. “How about we hit your room first, get rid of your bags, and then I’ll show you around on the way to dinner? I’m starving.”

  I tuck the keys into my pocket and wave my hand out in front of me, gesturing for her to lead. “Sounds perfect, thanks.”

  “Bye, Westly, I hope to see you later.” Alice sashays over to the door behind the work station . She turns her back and leans against the door while dragging a thin, black cord out from under her shirt with a flick of her wrist. She places it near a square black box high up near the door and winks over at Wes. The click of the bolt disengaging is loud as she pushes her butt against the door and holds it open for me to pass through. I watch as she gives Wes a little flirty finger wave before letting the door fall shut behind her.

  I want to grin at her boldness, but I stifle it. I wouldn’t want her to think I was making fun of her. I appreciate her directness. Wes, on the other hand, seems like he might have been a tad overwhelmed by her attention.

  Alice licks her lips and does a slight shimmy once Wes is out of sight. “Have you ever dated a newly blooded vamp? So sexy.”

  I do smile now. “No, I haven’t.”

  “You don’t know what you’re missing.” She grins, then her brows furrow. “I have dibs on Westly though,” Alice adds quickly.

  I lift my hands in surrender. “Wouldn’t dream of stepping on your toes.”

  “Good, now I just need to convince his ass he’s ready for the big leagues.” Alice snorts out a laugh and reaches her hand out to me. “Here, let me help.”

  I give her the handle to one of my bags as we make our way down the hall. Now that I have a chance to look around, I blow out a heavy breath. “Man, I’m glad I don’t have to dust this place.” I take in all the wood paneled walls and gleaming hardwood floors.

  “No shit.” Alice walks us past several closed doors, pointing at a few as we go along. “That’s one of the security offices and these are the stairs. With you being on the third floor, though, I think you’ll find the elevators much more appealing.”

  I take in as much as I can while trailing slightly behind her. Alice’s low-heeled boots click along the corridor as I tread along relatively quietly in my sneakers. After the second turn, we step up to a small cove, revealing a beautiful, art deco elevator door right in front of us.

  “Wow,” I breathe. I really shouldn’t have been surprised, this place has been way nicer than I expected, but this elevator is almost over the top.

  “A little showy, huh?” Alice pushes the single button nestled into the wooden panel. I’m tempted to run my fingers over the burnished gold etching that covers the two doors. A ding rends through the air and the sign above the doors lights up, highlighting the scrolled words this car available.

  “I have to admit, this place is pretty damn amazing so far.” I keep my tone low as we step onto the tiled floor and get a good look at the metal used to construct the walls.

  “Most of us take the stairs.” Alice leans against the wall and hits the button with a three next to it. “But it comes in handy for moving things.”

  The door closes, and the metal that’s revealed is so polished it’s like looking into a mirror. I stand up a little taller and brush my hand over the front of my t-shirt.

  Alice leans in close and examines her face, turning to the left and right. Seeming satisfied, she focuses back on me. A slow grin tugs at her lips. “You know, I knew we were getting a human liaison, everyone’s been talking about it.” I readjust my grip on my bag and nod my head.

  Alice’s eyes trail over me from head to toe. “I think you’re going to come as quite a surprise for most of us though.”

  I brush my hair back and swallow. “Why is that?” My stomach dips as the elevator drops slightly before coming to a stop.

  “Well, Ms. Quinn Shaw, I think everyone was expecting you to be a man.”

  The elevator doors open before I have a chance to respond, revealing more shiny hardwood flooring, but the wooden walls from the first floor are replaced with a dove grey plaster. The texture alone shows its authenticity. “After the way Wes reacted to me, I’m not that surprised, it happens.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t let anyone give you a hard time about it.” Alice steps out of the elevator and turns to the left. I follow behind her, trying not to make a big deal about how enamored I am with the older building, but my neck must look like it’s on a swivel.

  It’s a short walk to a heavy door with an oval plaque next to it, the number 330 scrolled across the shiny surface. “This is you. All the rooms up here are set up like studios, you’ll have a bathroom and a small kitchen,” Alice explains, while leaning against the wall next to the door. “You’ll probably catch some shade for getting one of the premium rooms, but don’t let it bother you. They’re just staking territory. Most of us are pack animals anyway. We do almost everything in groups.” The corner of Alice’s lip tips
up and her eyes twinkle before she adds, “Everything.”

  I dig the keys out from my pocket and lean my luggage against my leg. “Good to know, thank you.” The key slides smoothly into the lock, and the latch clicks open as I turn the tumbler.

  The heavy door swings open with a short whine, opening to darkness. The light from the hall pools on the floor of the entrance, barely penetrating the gloom.

  Alice pushes off the wall and saunters over to the entryway I’m still standing in. She waves her hand in front of her face and sneers, “It’s dusty.”

  I don’t notice the dust, but there is a feeling that the room isn’t empty, that I’ll be walking into someone’s space without an invitation.

  Alice steps into the dimness, and I see her arm reach over to the right. Within seconds, a light flares to life, illuminating an already furnished room. I let out a soft sound of appreciation. “Not too bad.” Alice scans the space from left to right. The far wall is stone and has heavy maroon drapes hanging over three large windows—if the size of the curtains is an indication.

  Alice steps onto the plush grey carpet a few steps away from the hardwood entrance, and her heels sink in without a sound. I don’t even bother with my luggage, instead I follow behind her and cast my eyes over the space. “Damn, are all the rooms this nice?”

  “Pretty much, this is bigger than mine, but…” Alice leaves the rest hanging, and gives a slight shrug, not seeming overly impressed.

  I lick my lips nervously. This totally wasn’t what I was expecting. I was thinking crummy bed with drafty windows and icy floors. I glance down at the carpet and the fluffy rug in front of a sofa.

  “You look surprised.” Alice’s eyebrows drop a tiny bit as she tilts her head to the side.

  I drag my eyes off the small fireplace nestled into the corner and focus back on her. “I was thinking more dorm room, and less…posh studio,” I tell her honestly.

  The corner of Alice’s eyes crinkle as she gives me a smile. “Everybody’s in for surprises today. Grab your stuff so we can go get dinner.”

  With a quick shake of my head, and the promise to explore every nook and cranny later, I rush back out to the hall to grab both of my suitcases.

  Back on the first floor, Alice leads me in the opposite direction of the lobby entrance. “Every floor has a lounge, but most of the community areas are on this floor.” I rush to keep my stride paced with her long-legged gait.

  I look down at my sneakers and jeans again. “Are you sure I shouldn’t have changed?” I mutter just louder than a whisper when I start to hear the voices of several others drifting out of a heavy, wooden door that’s propped open.

  Alice dismisses me with a wave and a snort. “You’re fine.” She stops abruptly and turns slowly to face me. “Unless you’re looking to get noticed?” Her brows are high as she peers at me. As her eyes scan over me, she adds, “Not that you’ll need much help being noticed.”

  “I just don’t want to look too out of place, that’s all,” I insist a little defensively.

  Alice grabs my fingers and begins walking again, towing me along with her. I haven’t held hands with another girl since I was in grade school. Right before we reach the door, Alice drops my hand and looks over at me again. “You went to a mixed school, right?”

  I know she’s asking if my school allowed supernaturals without her elaborating. “I did,” I confirm.

  “Well…” She pauses. “Don’t be too surprised if we act a little differently.”

  “What do you mean?” I swipe my hands down my thighs.

  “Just that, here, we’re all comfortable, we’re home. At school or out there,” Alice gives a slight nod to the side, “we’re more careful, or less ourselves.” She tips her chin down.

  “Good, that’s what I want for you guys all the time. I want you to be comfortable enough to be yourselves wherever you are.”

  Alice’s eyes go a little wide before she turns and mutters, “Careful what you wish for, Quinn.”

  I swallow and step up beside her. The noise from the dining room falls like a rolling wave to a whisper. Alice doesn’t even slow her stride as she moves toward what can only be described as a cafeteria line, but I’ve never seen anything like it.

  “If you get here too late, all the good stuff is gone. Hey, John, how are you?” Alice grabs a tray, greeting the man standing on the other side of the line. “This is Quinn, our new liaison.”

  “Hi.” My voice comes out light and airy. John is gaping at me, much like the rest of the room is. It takes everything in me not to tense my shoulders. Instead, I reach out my hand in an offer to shake his.

  John’s brows fall as he glances down at my outstretched hand. It’s only then I notice my arm is out over the buffet line of food. I snap my hand back to my side. It’s then I notice John’s hands are covered in a pair of light blue gloves. “Sorry.” He shrugs his heavy shoulders.

  My face heats. “No, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “What can I get you?” John looks over at Alice, but his eyes dart back to me.

  “What’s left?” Alice peers over all the options.

  “The roast beef is gone, but I have everything else.” John reaches for a large knife near a half-carved turkey and a crosscut ham.

  The noise level behind us picks up a little until it reaches a low whisper. I’m painfully aware of every breath I take as I follow Alice through the line, just taking things in as I go. Why do I feel like I’m back at high school on the first day of my freshmen year? The nerves I thought I was long over fill my stomach, until it feels as if I have a nest of butterflies taking flight in my gut.

  I look around the room, but I’m not really seeing much more than bodies and furniture. I don’t let my gaze stay on any one person long enough to notice their features.

  “Hey, Alice,” I hear a man call from a few tables away.

  Alice waves to the man and leans closer to me. “Want to sit with us?”

  I wave of relief washes over me as a smile blooms on my lips. “I would love to, thank you.”

  Alice bumps her shoulder into mine a little and we make our way over to the tables. A man uses his leg to push out one of the chairs and she places her tray on the tabletop. “Thanks.” Alice plops herself down, grabbing a fluffy biscuit. Right before she takes a bite, she says, “This is Quinn Shaw.” Her eyebrows lift as she leans over the table to tear a chunk of her biscuit.

  No one else says anything for a long second, then the man who pushed out Alice’s chair clears his throat. “I’m Noah, this is Millie and Rob.”

  I take the last empty chair at the table. “Hi, guys, thanks for letting me intrude on your dinner.”

  Noah leans back in his seat and studies my face. He has dark hair and even darker eyes. There’s a smattering of short stubble on his jaw and chin that makes him look a little rugged, but it totally works for him. “Not intruding at all. Quinn, huh? I’ve never met a Quinn before.”

  “Not quite what I was expecting either.” Alice opens up an apple juice and drinks half of it down in one gulp.

  When the table falls quiet again, I glance down at my plate. “So, is this what dinner’s like every night? A girl could get spoiled like this.”

  “Meals are not to be missed,” the other guy, Rob pipes up. I turn my focus on him, noting his auburn hair, which many women would kill for, and crystal-clear blue eyes.

  “Here’s to the freshman fifteen.” I lift my spoon before digging into my bowl of mashed potatoes. I don’t have much of an appetite, I’m much too nervous and excited, but I need something to do while sitting here and checking everything out.

  The noise around us picks back up as everyone at the table begins eating. Millie remains quiet as the others chat about their day. Alice includes me in the conversation, mentioning how I’m on the third floor.

  “Makes sense, where’s your office?” Noah asks around a mouthful of food.

  I put my fork down and push my still mostly full plate away a little. “I’m n
ot sure yet. I still need to go back over to Wes and see if he has my badge and a schedule for me.”

  “Met Wes, have you?” Rob inquires as he sends a wink over to Alice.

  “He was working the desk this afternoon,” Alice supplies, while gazing off into the distance.

  “You know you’re not supposed to mess with him for a few more weeks, Ally,” Noah tells Alice, sounding somewhat chiding.

  Alice licks her spoon before dipping it back into a chocolate mousse. Her face contorts into a snarl. “Shut up. I know.” She pouts briefly, but then a smile lights up her face.

  “Poor Wes, he has no idea what’s coming for him,” Rob teases. Millie looks up from her plate with a soft grin curling her lips. When she notices me watching her, she averts her eyes again.

  “What do you guys teach or do here at Havenfall? If you don’t mind me asking,” I question, adding the last part quickly before folding my arms on the table. I miss this kind of camaraderie. I haven’t had a close group of friends since I left school a few months ago. I should have kept in better contact with some of my friends.

  I never thought I would have to move back home after graduating from college, but that’s where I found myself. Listening to my mother’s passive aggressive digs on how I should have chosen something other than social work and secondary education for my degree was driving me insane before Professor Mackey told me about the position at Havenfall. I was actually starting to believe her.

  Alice leans back and shakes out her hair. “I teach at the primary level, third grade equivalent.”

  I lean my chin on my fist. “Why do you say equivalent?”

  “Well, we don’t just teach reading and writing, so the curriculum is a little different,” Alice answers easily.

  A little confused, I ask, “What else are you teaching?”

  “At that age, simple things like maintaining control of their animals, and learning about hygiene and self-care,” Rob replies.


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