Havenfall Harbor: Book One

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Havenfall Harbor: Book One Page 17

by Albany Walker

  I want to be mad, feel angry that he’s being so pushy. But I’m not. If I wasn’t worried about looking like a baby, I would have asked Evan to go in with me. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, especially after what happened here. My space was violated, not feeling safe is a normal reaction. Those are all the things I’m telling myself, things I learned from all the psych classes I took, but I still didn’t ask.

  When my feet get moving again Evan is at my back, tagging along right behind me. My eyes are drawn to the ground even though I know the mess is long gone.

  Stepping in past the small entry and into the living area, I spy Griffin nosing around the kitchen. With him and Evan in here, this place feels small.

  “I’ll just be a minute.” Griffin’s head jerks up when I speak, but I ignore his eyes on me and head down the hall to my room. The bathroom is dark as I pass by. I flick my hand over the switch because it feels as if there’s someone in there watching me, but it’s just my imagination playing tricks on me.

  I lift a few heavy sweaters, looking for another bag to place some things in. I have no idea what happened to the bag I came home with last night. Probably trashed with my clothes.

  I snag my smaller suitcase and toss a few personal items inside—a picture of me and a couple girls from school, one of me holding my diploma from the spring and a small bag of jewelry I rarely wear. Bras and panties go in next, and I reserve a few to take with me for the next day or so.

  Once it’s half full, I glance around to see if there’s anything else lying about I don’t want to get stolen or ruined if someone were to come back here, but there’s not much. I roll the bag back into the small closet and grab a comfortable pair of jeans and a sweatshirt for tomorrow. One good thing about this old place is it’s always a little drafty, even though it’s near the end of summer and it’s still rather warm outside. I’ll probably need more layering pieces for winter.

  I’m not too concerned with looking unprofessional, comfort is my main objective. It’s not as if my boss hasn’t seen me in much less appropriate attire, like his shirt for example.

  “Not going there, Quinn,” I mumble under my breath.

  “Where?” Griffin pays no mind to this being my bedroom and walks right in as if he’s completely comfortable here. I hastily cram my pants into a bag. The bra and panties are still on the bed. Lovely.

  “Nothing, just thinking out loud.” My words are terse, but I can’t help it. The omission of who he is bothers me, but what he said this morning in his bedroom hit me on a more personal level. When he takes a step toward my closet, I peer over at him without him being able to see me.

  I don’t get him or this hot and cold bull he keeps pulling. If he wants to be a standoffish jerk, then so be it, but then why does he keep giving me these glimpses of his softer side?

  When he begins to turn, I make sure my eyes are off him. “Anything I can help you with, Director?”

  “Is that all you’re taking?” Griffin ignores my question and asks one of his own, meeting me near the side of the bed.

  I grab the bras and panties piled in front of him and fold them neatly before laying them on top of my stuffed in jeans. “Should be fine, I can always grab something else if I need to.”

  “You don’t have much. Sure you don’t want to take everything, just in case there’s an issue getting the lock set up?” Griffin tucks his hands into his pockets and looks down at me. He’s dressed for comfort, no high dollar suit today. I internally roll my eyes. Why the hell did I think a security officer would wear a suit anyway?

  The shirt is similar to the one he gave me last night, only instead of being white, it’s a soft olive green, and looks amazing with his light turquoise eyes. Griffin’s head tilts to the side, and I realize I’ve forgotten to answer his question.

  “I don’t have much worth taking, my luggage is the most expensive thing I own.” I take another glance around just for an excuse to look away from him.

  I’ve never been the girl that likes bad boys, I’m much too pragmatic for that, but something about Griffin both intrigues me and pisses me off. I can pinpoint what pisses me off no problem, it’s the other more curious part that’s driving me insane. I remember one of my roommates my junior year had a thing for a football player. He treated her like total shit, I asked her why she put up with it. “He burns bright Quinn,” she said, “so bright that sometimes it’s worth the scorch to be close to him.” I didn’t understand her words then, and still don’t. Well, I don’t think I understand them anyway. I’m not exactly sure how I would respond if Griffin showed a real interest in me, but I do know he would need to stop being a dick.

  Evan leans against the doorway, not really entering my room. His long blond hair is carelessly pulled back from his face. His presence is welcome, almost calming compared to the blistery mood swings from Griffin. He folds his arms over his wide chest and eyes the back of Griffin’s head. “You good? Need any help?” His question is for me, but he’s still watching his friend.

  “I’ll take it over, go ahead.” Griffin reaches for the bag I’m about to sling over my shoulder.

  I cling to the strap for a second longer. There’s not anything in there that isn’t replaceable, but it’s still hard to hand it over to him. Griffin’s eyes meet mine, searching, as his fingers dance over mine while he takes the bag from me.

  I glare at him. I’d rather he not be nice at all. It’s on the tip of my tongue to say it to him, but then I remember he isn’t just Griffin, he’s my boss. It makes it kind of hard to maintain a professional relationship when we keep blurring the lines, and staying at his place is definitely blurring the lines. I still don’t understand his motivation for checking up on me so much. Why not just tell me who he was instead of the subterfuge?

  I hesitate for a moment longer, wishing I had a solution that didn’t involve me staying with him while we get the locks sorted. “Maybe I should just stay here.” I bounce my gaze between the two of them. “The pranks have been harmless.” I twist my lips in a wince while saying the words. Although it’s true they were harmless, I still feel a sense of violation. I’m just about to ask if Evan has a hotel type lock to use while I’m inside when Griffin and Evan both respond.

  “I really don’t think it’s a good idea.” Evan sounds reasonable, consoling even.

  “Not a risk we’re taking.” Griffin’s comment sets my teeth on edge.

  “Right, I wouldn’t want my own stupidity causing an issue for you,” I retort, reminding him of the comment he made about me going to the authorities.

  Evan pushes off the wall and steps into the room as Griffin opens his mouth as if to argue with me. “If we don’t hurry, will miss the wolves.”

  I drag my stare from Griffin and blink a few times. I don’t know why he gets me so riled up, but Griffin Stone tests my patience in a way I’ve never experienced before.


  Quinn looks about ready to skin Griff alive. While I like watching him squirm, I take mercy on the poor bastard. The comment about not accepting the risks of Quinn staying here tipped her over the edge, and I can only guess she was referring to some earlier statement made by my idiot buddy.

  I watch Quinn’s mouth thin, followed by movement behind her lips, as if she’s licking her teeth. I almost grin, but keep my features schooled. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of her anger. It’s funny, because if she was a supernatural, she wouldn’t dare speak to Griffin the way she does, since there’s a clear sense of power between us. Most of us are smart enough to know not to challenge someone in a fight we could never win. Quinn, however, isn’t governed by those same instincts. That’s why Thomas backed down from me without a fight, he knew there was no way for him to win. Even humans tend to give the more powerful of our species a wide berth.

  Watching Quinn buck up against Griff, even if she has no idea who she’s really up against, makes me admire her even more, and I didn’t think that was possible. Not after the way I saw her treat the b
oy. She accepted him, wanted to defend him like any good luna should. A fierce sense of protection worms its way into my gut. No matter if Quinn took Griff’s words wrong or not, he’s right. I will not risk her staying here, not when I don’t understand the incentives behind these pranks.

  I watch her pull herself together at my reminder of the wolves. It seems like something she’s experienced with, she resets her features so quickly. “Right, Jacob.” I watch her stretch out her fingers a few times and wipe her palms on the sides of her jeans. She darts her eyes around the room and settles her side-eyed gaze on the bag in Griffin’s hands.

  Turning to face me, she gives a half smile and proclaims, “Ready when you are,” like the last five minutes didn’t even happen.

  Griff senses the same shift and lets out a heavy grunt. She cuts her bright blue eyes to him again and he smartly keeps his thoughts to himself.

  Chapter 16


  Evan hits a buzzer next to the door of the student housing wing. I haven’t been here yet, so I take a few moments to admire the building. It still catches me off guard how stunning this place is.

  The locks click and Evan pulls the heavy door open, lifting his arm to guide me in front of him. There’s a large oval desk just inside. Two women and one man are stationed there. All eyes are already on us as we enter.

  “Hey, boss man,” the dark-haired woman greets Evan. “You giving a tour?” The woman’s brows are up near her hairline. The other two just watch us with interest.

  “I’m escorting Ms. Shaw to see Jacob and his sister. Has dinner already started?” He leans his elbow on the desk, an easy sense of familiarity between them.

  “Nah, they don’t open the doors for another fifteen, but half the kids are probably already lined up and waiting.” She gives a slight shrug as if to say kids. “Want me to page them or you going to check to see if they’re still in their rooms?” She places her hand on the phone, waiting for his reply.

  Evan glances over at me. “We’ll take a look around first. Thanks, Mickey.” The woman gives him a playful mock salute and casts her eyes over to me. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Shaw.” Her face is kind, genuine.

  I smile in return. “Quinn, you too, Mickey.” I give her a wave and follow Evan as he pulls open another door, which I assume leads to the rooms.

  “Main floor is for the younger kids,” Evan informs me, as we begin to pass by doors that are spread fairly far apart with communal bathrooms every so often. One door flies open as we pass and I see inside as a short, redheaded girl barrels her way through. I catch a glimpse of a few bunk beds and a cozy woven rug on the floor before my view is cut off by the door snapping closed. “Slow down, Kit,” Evan warns, and the girl’s steps falter, but she grins up at the big man.

  “Sorry, Mr. Winters.” She lisps around several missing front teeth. My heart does a little flip at her utter cuteness. I watch as she looks over her shoulder to see if Evan is still watching, then breaks out into another run. Evan is facing forward, but when I observe him, I note the grin on his lips. He knows exactly what the girl is doing.

  “They bunk together?” I make the assumption as we continue to pass rooms with mostly closed doors.

  “Yeah, in groups of four to eight, until they’re a little older. Then we split them into pairs or quads.” Evan reaches the bottom of an open set of stairs and again motions for me to go ahead of him. “They’re up on the third floor.” I move over to the side so he can keep pace with me. The stairs are empty, so there’s no need for him to follow behind me.

  I keep my steps even, not wanting to rush and be panting by the time we get to the top. Evan nods to a man sitting behind a small desk on the second floor when we pass.

  “Are Riley and Jacob rooming together?” I tuck my hair behind my ear.

  “Yeah, Riley’s only been here a few weeks, so switching up her roommates wasn’t a big deal. We usually try to keep siblings together, unless there’s too large of an age gap. That can be tricky.”

  I look around and make sure no one is around to overhear us. “I noticed you sometimes call Jacob, wolf. Do you always know…” I let the question hang, not wanting to offend him or anyone else by asking what someone is.

  “Yeah, you’ll get a sense for it,” he answers easily. I’m not so confident.

  There’s another small desk when we reach the third floor. This one is empty. Evan leans his head over the counter and hums. “Someone should be here.” He looks around again then pulls his phone from his hip. “Who’s on the third floor?” Evan walks over to a door that has a long glass window on one side and peers in. “Found him.” He ends the call and snatches the door open. “Rand!” Evan barks.

  The sound in the room, though not loud, dies the moment Evan speaks, even the sound from a TV gets lowered quickly.

  “Yeah, yes. I’m here.” Evan pushes the door open and reveals a few couches and a pool table. I can’t see the entire room, but I’m guessing it’s a place for the older kids to hang out.

  “Why aren’t you at the desk?” Evan holds the door open for the man to pass through, and his eyes hit me when he avoids Evan’s gaze.

  “Just a little tiff with the kids. I was handling it.”

  “Next time bring them out here or call someone else to deal with it. You don’t leave the desk unattended.” Evan is a little gruff, but adds, “We’re looking for Jacob and his sister.”

  Rand lowers himself into the chair behind the desk. “Probably still in their room, they weren’t in there.” He hooks his thumb over his shoulder.

  Evan taps his knuckles on the counter twice before saying, “All right, we’ll go check. Anything going on in there I need to know about?” Evan jerks his head to the side, meaning the common room Rand was in.

  “Same ole, same ole. Chloe and Michelle beefing,” Rand answers, sounding as if the issue with these two has been going on for a long time.

  “Might need to separate them again if they keep it up. Bring it up at the next meeting.” With that, Evan places his hand on the small of my back and guides me down a long hall to the left. I watch Rand’s eyes dip to where Evan’s hand is before his lips curl up a tiny bit.

  I purposefully ignore the heat from his palm and keep my focus trained ahead of me. “This is them.” Evan drops his hand from my back and raps on the door.

  I hear some shuffling from the other side, and then I see Jacob’s face through the slit of the cracked door. When he sees Evan, he tugs the door open the rest of the way. “Hey, Jacob. Settling in okay?” I ask.

  “Quinn!” He steps out and grabs my hand, towing me right past Evan and into the room. My head jerks back quickly at the fast movement.

  “Careful,” Evan growls, and tags along behind me.

  “Riley, Quinn is here,” Jacob announces needlessly.

  “I can see that. You can let her go, you know,” she admonishes him with a tilt of her chin. “He’s a little excited if you can’t tell.” Riley already looks different. The slight slope of her shoulders and the shadows in her eyes are lighter. Not gone, because I’m sure this young lady has had more than her own fair share of darkness to endure, but having her brother with her seems to be suiting her nicely.

  Jacob releases my hand and a blush races up his neck. “Sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I crashed when we got back,” I offer without adding the needless details of what happened last night.

  Riley comes a few steps closer. Her eyes roam over my face. “Thank you, Ms. Shaw, I can’t…it means so much to me, to us, what you did for us.”

  I lift my hands. “That was all Gri—Director Stone and Mr. Winters. I was just along for the ride.”

  “But you made it possible,” Riley tells me.

  I reach for her hand and fold mine over top of hers. “You made it possible, Riley. All I did was tell the right people.” I meet her eyes and hope she can see I’m talking about more than just getting her brother to Havenfall. She enabled them to survive out there.

  Riley bites her b
ottom lip and I see a glassy sheen cover her eyes. I keep her hand within mine and grin over a Jacob. If any of my instincts are right about her, she wouldn’t want him to see her upset. “Your big sis is pretty amazing, but you’re really brave too, Jacob. You guys are an awesome team.” Jacob peeks over at Riley and then down at the ground. Seeing I’ve embarrassed him too, I change the subject. “I hear it’s almost time for dinner. Have you seen the cafeteria yet? Talk about delish.” I release Riley’s hand after a little squeeze.

  “He’s been thinking about dinner since lunch.” Riley lets out a watery laugh.

  “There was so much food, I didn’t know what to get.” Jacob’s eyes go a little wide. I’m pretty sure that lean body of his will be filling out in no time. “You wanna eat with us?” he asks, sounding oh so hopeful. His eyes briefly dart to Evan, but return quickly to me.

  “Jacob,” Riley hisses.

  “Heck yeah I do. Thanks for the invite,” I answer before the offer can be rescinded. I know eating on the student side isn’t an issue, some of the teachers do it for lunch, Alice already told me as much.

  “Count me in too.” Evan is leaning back slightly with his hands clasped behind his back. Riley’s eyes get wide, but she doesn’t say anything.

  “Cool.” Jacob grins, I can see a slight hero worship building as he mimics the way Evan is standing. Who could blame him? The way Evan handled Thomas was pretty inspiring, even if a little brutal from a human perspective, but he’s not human. None of them are.

  “We should go then if we want first dibs.” Riley looks at a small digital alarm clock near one of the two beds positioned in the room.

  “I’m ready.” I take one last look around, noting the sparseness of the space, there are no pictures or personal items. I hope that will change now that the two of them are together. But the room seems comfortable. There are two matching desks, one has a small Chromebook and a notebook opened to what looks like homework. The other is empty, but I’m sure it won’t be for long. Jacob will have his own assignments soon enough.


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